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1.Why is post colonialism important?

Philippines had been conquered by foreign country such as Spaniards, Japanese and Americans. Like for
Americans, they taught us about having education makes you a better person by having advantages
when it comes to applying a job. Post colonialism symbolizes the culture of different country where
they exchange thoughts in which giving knowledge that could influence each country to be a good

2. What were the most important "virtues" that Magellan showed?

Magellan showed courage because even the situation is difficult, he confront it without fear. Being
courage is close to ambitious because you don’t scared to try things like how Magellan fight against
Filipinos independently. The intelligent that he had makes the Philippines conquered by Spaniards. He
became courage through his exploring and discover so many things that became a contribution in

3. What was the significance of Magellan's voyage?

Magellan’s voyage presents the establishment of Christianity throughout the World where it shows the
influence that he had as a contribution to have religion in different countries. Magellan was an explorer
so he’s the one who discovered how people from east to west could exchange or being connected. It
opened the sense of people by giving them ideas how the World looks like.

4. What is the relevance of the document Kartilya ng Katipunan to the past and present society?

Kartilya ng Katipunan has purpose which is to unite the Filipino people and independence for the
country. It consists of heroes that Filipinos encounter from the past for showing courage against
Spaniards. Knowing those facts could raise awareness to avoid to repeat the mistakes that Filipinos have
done before. It could give realization to the Filipinos that unity could make the situation better.

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