Developing Chinese Elementary Comprehensive I

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“4 B « BSSAE “+—-h” PRAMM AH TINIE KE Bt Developing : i etc etay Goins rei orion MRES (1) bs ae GI 6 Contents ABE) ~ Which Country Are You from PUT ABS ~ What's Your Name RED RIEE Do You Study French RRALOA~ How Many People Are There in Your Family BRZDR—F ~ How Much Is Half'a Kilogram of Bananas BRIT EEE IL ~~~ = ee 62 Where Is the Bank of China SRLS “75 What's the Date Today RRA ARH ~ ‘What's Your Plan for Today PEM RRL Are You Busy This Sunday PERAGOSRHARR (DHT) Table of Combinations of Initials and Finals in Putonghua REFEREE I Eat at the School Canteen © WEAR A ME What Would You Like, Tea or Coffee oS RESRRT I Have Moved to a New Place RET-HER~ I Bought a Sweater Gay ARENT Can College Students Have Part-time Jobs RAMA (—) ti) Summary of Language Points (I) —Interrogative Sentences AAA [Want to Give Him a Gift ROBART —~ ‘T’'m Good at both Speaking and Listening RLTOVMRAA I’ve Been on the Internet for Four Hours 19) BIBRA ee ‘The Central Heating Has Not Been Fixed Yet @ RET AARS Fast Food Can Be Delivered Home Rav (=) — BAA ~ Summary of Language Points (I) — Common Sentence Patterns ® RAF RERFLT 1 Pat the Bag on the Table a RMATEAAEM - My Bike Is Red SERRERT ‘The Winter Is Getting Colder This Year BRARERTAD My Mom Has Sent Me a Gift BOTA ATLAS 1Don’t Understand What They Said BR Md (=) —Saohial Summary of Language Points (IIL) — Auxiliaries ERAT ~ Christmas Is About to Come RELARME I'm Watching TV KM) FI ETERE ~ ‘The Great Wall Is More Than 8,850 Kilometres Long RSI BAE AI The Party Is a Real Success RYU SI ~ 1 Used to Be an English Teacher WB Ma (I) — 4a Summary of Language Points (IV ) — Complements SWBR ~ Vocabulary Ce ‘Map of China @ Lae 2. PH (1) 8h (1) 3. Fa 1. BH (2) FoR (2) 2. Be 1 #43) 2. #5 (3) y SAA (1) SEEALR (2) 1 5AM GB) 2" HEA 1. 3532 (4) 2G PEER (5) PRES | RFHERES (1) RFRA (1) Si: BA), AURA Se" “gy JP eRe 4, PORE): 100K A She “a Le Bae: 5.3: 20) 1 SiaagiEA 2. Bsr 3S? a AGAR) 2 5 EO), € oh : 2AIEE(0, )+ V0; 3. APTS. RFHRALZS (2) REMRAZI (2) RFHRALS (3) RPGR AEM) | REHRALS (4) RFRA (4) REORASS (5) F574 (1) RFHEAZS (6) RBH (2) REHRALS, (7) | BGA 3) RFHRALS (8) SERA) RPMeF (1) REA (1) F I 5 | i f i i ; I f | i } k i | E f | | i t | © 6 6 © 6 8 6 6 1 BSHEA 2. EBSA) (2) Se ie 4.2L) 138, 2. Me 3. RH IRIB-$o0b, RARER 4 Saad 5. RA Ea 1 aa, x 270) 3-24) 4.540) 1 227A 3. SINR 4£4(2) REPRE (2) FMS (2) Rae (3) RFAS (3) Ree (4) RFS (4) BPs (5) RFAE(5) RFlex (6) RRS (6) REF (7) RES (7) RFF (8) REM (8) REF (9) RPat (9) RBS (10) | © FES (10) E k 4A BRE Ramo t SSSR ¥ cs Ree (11) | ey REMs (11) i BED: VA, Vek Ve. i TLV +AR VS VE t LAB i TIME): Vesve e. © s%4-(12) | | RFS (12) ® | i oe | EASE) BAAR Ge) B— F485 (13) f @ FRE > Rey (13) E 278 “ape oI i a Mer eq (1) oS I 8" FM sUR@s (14) | ms Hs RFA (14) & @ [ =e : Pee 5) f ® Rae (15) : I i : : sess (16) | De RMAF (16) i a 342A) g : E smears ~ 2 e224 (2) 2 eer ae CE). we OB). REMA(19) é £220) Res (17) f E 25) 2 TRE RFs (17) ~ RaMas (18) @ RES (18) | 2aag (19) t © FAY BA AB 1” it RERF (20) ® a RFA (20) E | 3. a)38, & } | 4, ' L RF (21) , t @ % RFS (21) E i 3.5 f f LAdj/V+ RT RFF (22) i f @ 2VE RPS (22) f AMR he: 8, AAR A ‘Yamada: male, a student from Japan AH: 3, AMeSS A’ming: male, a student from Thailand ST: 3, O0R2 Martin: male, a student from the United States RA: Kk, PERSE Zhu Yun: female, a Chinese university student i RA kk, ROSE Linna: female, a student from France Ae: 3, HOURS Cui Hao: male, a student from South Korea FR: 3, RibE Li Yimin: male, a teacher of Chinese language Grammar Terms in Chinese eae elena Oats okG nieve tects Granimar Terms in pinyin minget Grammar Terms in English Abbreviations ne dongef ional auxilisny Gaseetorodicta | ~ xingrénget | adietve fe net -chénayt ~-dongbi sSabu --dngbifiégbu donge’ duényt = xingréngel dusnyi enennitdmenninninonen = Listen, read and discriminate the sounds. (i bu— pu bei — pei bao — pao ban — pan f—h fa—ha fu — hu fei — hei fan — han fou — hou o—u bo — bu po— pu mo — mu fo — fu B-BS BDBS Part One — Phonetics | Phonetic Exercises d—t da—ta dan — tan dou — tou ding — ting dong — tong n—! ni li nu—lu nei — lei nin —lin nang — lang an — ang pan — pang tan — tang gan — gang kan — kang gk ge —ke gu—ku gai — kai geng — keng gang — kang o—e mo — me bo — ge fo—he po — ke en—eng ben — beng men — meng nen — neng ken — keng : a HAH 1 Serer Conger Case | 2. ASA 2NS Practice the four tones. T= m7 on oto li li i n hdo héo ho ho ge gS gS gts ma md = mi ma lou bud mo md md mo fen fén fn fn pu pd pl—Sops péng péng ping pang bai bai bait héng héng héng hong a 13) Listen, read and discriminate the tones. (2% ni — nit min — min ming — ming ké—ké wt héo — héo ding — ding t6—ta na —na yi—yi ma — m& bu — ba Alin lin &r—er lala md—mé 4, UTSREFSI Listen and add the tone marks. [29% ma tong lu bai po feng gu ni ka pei han ding $018) | Phonetic Notes Syllables TUES — Ab, BLADER, FONITSLOONEEP, MPS TRETRBE Wa. ZEB “IT oh, I" PR, i" I," aT DLA, PABA, Glin “8” , Apinyin syllable is usually composed of an initial, a final and a tone, The consonant that starts a syllable 4s called the initial, and the part after the initial is the final. For example, in “ti”, “I” is the initial, “i” is the final, and “" js the tone mark. Some syllables do not have initials. A final and a tone can also make a syllable, such as “6”. HB initial | 9 Finl | Hi8 Tone | BW syllable | Pry: yp: ft 1 Bec 7] ba n in 7 fen h | | . | ho F u . fu e ' L é = ALG Initials and finals PSHE (1) Initials (1) ca b[p] p[p'] m(m] f[f] a(t] t [t*] a [a] Hot) glk] k(k‘] h [x] #8 (1) Finals (1) oss ala] olo] ely] iCil ulul uly] er [or] ai Cai] ei lei] ao [au] oufou] anfan] en[on] in Cin] ang lan] engley] ing lig] —_ong Lun] » WAR, BATE DAERAH. ARMS, “-" dee, 2 Bo, "ORB S, <." RRO, tn: ma, ma, ma, ma, WSiEERT Fi bw. Chinese is # tone language. Different tones may result in different meanings. There are four basic tones in Chinese. They are marked as “-” (the Ist tone), “*” (the 2nd tone), “*” (the 3rd tone) and “\” (the 4th tone) respectively. For example, ma, mé, m&, ma.Tones are marked above the main vowel of the pinyin syllable. J8V9B Figure of the tones 5 —F8 ma Bo més R= ma AD mo the Ist tone the 2nd tone the 3rd tone the 4th tone 168-2 1 emery Corgan Core | BBD Part Two WRX — Kewényi Text one a) 1 nt pron. 2 ho adj, 22 a 1 BT Mading 2 eR Linna RX BT: tht Méding: Ni héo! 4 HOB. th 3 Linn’. “Ni ho! 7 WRX = Kewéner text Two ee Bcd nin ron. eae 1 S-Bk Li Yimin 2 PR Aming DIRK Texts you (singular) 00d, fine, nice Martin, name of an American student Linna, name of a French student you (polite singular) Li Yimin, name of a Chinese teacher A’ming, name of a Thai student | ae 4 Hello SR: tke! LYimin: NT héo! Baya a! Aming: Nin héol Kewén san Text Three a 1 ling num, 7 zero 2—- yi num, one 3 es er num, two 4B wit num, five 5A ba num. eight (25CF Numbers ) z - = & x ling yt er wit ba Ovv ve BAER ) | Comprehensive Notes “iB” 22 “U6” HORE, ALDER, ERAS bo, HU ARRAEWA, # TAB. “SS” is a more polite form of “#5” . I is usually used for seniors or people of an older generation or a higher rank. It can also be used for people of the same age in order to sound more formal and polite. BIBLE A | Plmartary Compronensve Course | AEFEIAIR Sunplementary Vocabulary. >» mo 1 Heiy nimén. pron. you (plural) 2 EIR Woshi n teacher WRSAS) | In-Class Activity AA SET OBERT. —P ARTES, BTA BUR Work in pairs to practice spelling the syllables with the initials and finals, One student provides an initial and a final, and the other spells out the complete syllable and reads it aloud. flim: E.g. b do—bao bpm f | fe o e fi ua ] jd t nt gi ei ao ou san en | g kh ie eng ing ong | SERS) Comprehensive Exercises SPEBAGATTIBR How do you greet them? 2.A: BIE! L&oshi héo! 3.A: 35! 4A: ! } Nin hol B: 43! an Bee ! Ni ho! FBS KBEQK Part Three Writing Chinese Characters il F Examples hipecerete ne topaies | BE héng ropu soy Faasicteel FP is mea cen nt | RFRSASZIA (1) Stroke order (1) | HAM) Rules IF Examples | listoke onder | RE | “héng” precedes “shi” + j— + Jentete DA “pié” precedes “na” [A yO WEAR Classroom Expressions Gxt 1 ERR! Class begins. Shing ket 2. FR! Class is over, Xia kel Ley Kee A Which Country Are You from —t dN yr Ot Snub. xf yl yin BBA RIB ~ open Part One — Phonetics lad WeaS3) Phonetic Exey “= Listen, read and discriminate the sounds. (9 F bith ores, yree dat z—c z—2h zhe — che zu—cu ze — zhe zhui — chui zai — cai zu — zhu zhuo — chuo zui — cui zai — zhai Numbers’) ve & + tu 2 i I SaEE FBR? “SHE” AAMAS. filin. “ERE” is used to ask a person’s surname in a polite way. For example, HHH? HEHE? BEE NOTE: (1) BUERIZRRERL “Beg, To answer this question, you can NOT say “83#/HE----" (2) TLR EAT RE: Hedeth A? ‘You may also ask someone's surname by saying “fRitk{}4?” ) | Comprehensive Notes ‘Supplementary Vocabulary > watg DU chisna DodaB mR a 7 "FEEL FEE Common Chinese surnames FU. EZ Wang aR Zhang LG 2X Zhto % Ma & Chén 4 Sin HR Husng =H Gio WEG) | In-Class Activities Hla) -S2 sR SHMSHRED TAR TEMES, BPN AG RAR Work in pairs to practice spelling the syllables with the initials and finals. One student provides an ‘initial and a final, and the other spells out the complete syllable and reads it aloud, ide: Bg. EE j ia>jia an Ta - : {i i ia ie igo jou(iu) ian in iang ing iong | a | ute tan un faiaae 9 What's Your Nae | | BSs2 ae RBMeMSe Ask each other's surnames and given names, A: WIE A? Ar MPA LEI | Ni xing shénme? Ni jito shénme mingzi? Be dees o W6 xings+++, | <> | ER eieaeinesemZ speak out their surnames and given names. ii, Chéng Léng RZ Zhao Xidolén BL Yé0 Ming HRA Chén Xigngméi BP Li Ning Al Gong Li HERR — Zhang Yimou RRB Dang Lijan fee, He (she) ieee eee ee Ta xing Ta xing jito BRST) Comprehensive Ruerczes EAS FoR SHH Write down the Pinyin syllables of the following characters. BE * He a or eee Bc Fy # g san —— — aonneee a KK * MR a EB AQxi5 complete the folloning dialogues. LA: at! Ni hao! W6 xing Wéng 23 ip es 2A: 4. 2. (#4) Nt ___? (ehénme) B: MPA, 2 (9) W6 jito Aming. __ 2? (ne) A: RYDT. URGRE. Wé jito Mading. Rénshi ni hén gdoxing BAe, (ee) Renshi ni _ —- (8) RRA SLA? TAM ATION Se Do you know any Chinese people? Tell the class their surnames and given names, PUN Killin the grid with numbers. TEP NT HABABE. 2.3. 4. 5.6.7. 8, 9, SFE OARAT | EF, MAE—NEREOATH ERATE, FORDE SALIH Ae, 3 Pick a number from I to 9 to fill in each box. Make sure each horizontal or vertical tie contains all of the nine numbers and each nine-box grid also contains the nine numbers, Share your | answer with the class. f Zz 2 4 11s 6 } 5 1 | 3 2 6 3 7 2 B 4 8 5 t samt ee Whats YouNane BSBG AEF Part Three Writing Chinese Characters Basic strokes (3) BK Names: 4) Examiples 7 BRA hénggdu R mai " buy 1 "24 shigou wh xo smal ] BH wangdu L 6 4 shiwangou « t f Stroke order (3) Se #2R Rules ‘IF Examples Ell Stroke order Hine SCHR ‘b i 2 your first middle, then two sides doa A yue moon,month |) J) fl A SSPEIA from outside to inside Write the following Chinese characters in the workbook. + 4 FHM -L | Blemertary Comprehensive Course | REALE Classroom Expressions si 1, AALS? ‘Do you have any questions? You wenti ma? 2B Aik, Please say / read it again. Qing zai shud / niin yi bith Te 26 RSs Do You Study French BBD RDS Part One Phonetics Phonetic Exercises ED Listen and read the following syllables. (= b—p d—t g—k bianpao daiti guankan plibian tt gongké péibtn t&dign kdogit pdobu tiaoddng keéguan "" Puta “J” after each syllable you hear, (221 xué ( yb ¢ d y& ( ) bu ( ) xué ( > ya ( > ye ( ) ba ( ) il xi ( 2, RBS ) xi() hin( fC) tH) tong +) ying) han ( ) fa ( ) tdi ( ) tong ( ) ying ( ) Read the following words aloud, (38% loshi Fagué Méigué Fay ni hbo nimen zBoshang Spelling rules (1) i uy UHM RRer at, Ze “i” “u" AORN “y” , Ze “u" AOR Ww", BB a When “i”, “u” or “u” makes a syllable by itself, “y” is added in front of “i” and “u", and “Ww” is ‘added in front of “u”. The syllables are written as follows: isyi usyu us wu J Third-tone sandhi ACSA ape, BSS, olin, When a third-tone syllable is followed by another third-tone syllable, the third tone in the first syllable is pronounced as the second tone. For example, ni hdo BEE nf hdo Foyt BERK Foyt: 3. “78” GYZEI Tone sandhi of HK” “AR” (bin) ACESS DURE, “OR” ESB PS, pe Fa NITES, FARA; Ze 1 SPE HTA, BIBN AS. i; F “A (bu) ” is a fourth-tone syllable by itself. The tone doesn’t change when “2 (bis) ” is followed by # first-tone, second-tone or third-tone syllable, but it becomes the second tone when “K (bi) ” is followed by a fourth-tone syllable. For example, IE ai [thao | shi Rou BABS BIRR Part Two Texts WRX — Kewényi Text One a “4B 1 @Fe lidxuéshéng n. student studying abroad 2 ta pron. she, her 3 FF xuéxi » learn, study 4 Hetil tamen pron, they, them AY 5 I 6 ER | 7 syllable | Ea? 1 #B 2 Re 3 48 Be } 28 ER, P| shang ke, Res 1% 2K | Se 1 Pa 2 RA Ik RMR BRL, [ Lindy shi Fagus licxuéshéng, 6 xuéx! Hanyés men suf, yigt adr, shang ke x shud ¥ Fégué Hanyu Taigué HR UL GE, yigh shud Hanyi, Kewén er Text Two (8 ma Part. bu adv, Zhénggus Zha Yen FIR, AH { Aming | 2.4 DHX? eeceltiel 4 Do You Stay French used to form a plural number when ‘added to a personal pronoun or a noun together attend class, go to class, have class speak, say, talk France Chinese (language) ‘Thailand © aa wen ° 1 AME MBA? Linna shi ni gué rén? Linn’ xuéxf shénme? OF2, ety as, em —se | 3. Lamm A f STBious ouéshéng, ta y8 xuéx! Henyd. Tamen Vial Aming shi nd gué rén? 4 APD A? Aming xuéxi shénme? used at the end of a question not, no China Zhu Yun, name of a Chinese college student 2a | ire eertary Comprehensive Couss | : 3 RS Yingyti English (language) 4 ee Fayii French (language) WE \ ° ia Wenti ° \ 1 REAM BA? Zhi Yan shi nd gué rén? | 2RRHaHZ? I Zhi Yon xuéx! shénme? RE: HH! RR PH A, RH} Zhi Yén: Ni héo! Wé shi Zhénggué rén, wo jido 3. RAED EG? $ Zha Yin xuéxi Fayii ma? : RBH HA BFP | Zhii Yin, ni jo shénme mingzi? PRE: BP] HH, Linn’s: We jidto Linnd. RE: HLM BAL Nishi nd gué rén? AO: RR RBA, Wé shi Fagué rén. RB: MEA AA? Ni xuéxi shénme? HB: RPT GB, th ve? W6 xuéxi Hany. Nine? RE: REQ RIE, ; W xuéxi Yingyi RE: RK EA EB, Wo bu xuéx! Foyé seam 4 Doveataly Pct RX = Kewénsan Text Three 1 if shéi (shui) pron. who, whom 2 We ‘téngxué n fellow student, schoolmate, classmate ° (3% Went ° 1, ARGH ERAT Linn’ de téngxué shi nd gué rén? | 2 Mee FRB? se Ta y8 xuéxi Hanyti ma ? KM, th Rh? Be 2nd Yon: Linnd, ta shi shéi? Linna: Ta sh) wa tongxué. RA: th BRA? Ta shi n& gus rén? | WH: & 2 ABA, Ta shi Taigué rén. RE: teks FA GH]? Ta y8_ xuéxi Hanyis ma? | WB: ek Fy ide, Ta yé xuéxi Hanyd. Comprehensive Notes L ARERR, a | SRE E. siveo , The word order of a sentence with a verbal predicate is mostly $+V+0. at eae? , Bi MaeAAA. Ina sentence with a verbal predicate, the adverb is usually put in front of the verb. 2. RBS “PRED ENG? ” ARSENY. Bilan: y “ee DETENG? ” is a “yes-no” question. It is formed by adding the modal particle “®3” to the end off a statement. For example, ‘Statements | eaten | 2 Oa EA RA ANISTE_ Supplementary Vocabulary 2» ete aie Riyt Japanese (language) His Hényti Korean (language) iE Déyii German (language) ‘ EAA Yidaliyt: Italian (language) “\ BT Xibanydyts Spanish (language) sees Do You Say Freak JES) Question-and-answer drills 1 4lde: Bg, A: ee A: Bo IRREZ yin! Wé bir xud NI shud-----yii mo? B: Po /RRUDGR Wé rénshi V\ Weng lac joshi. / We bi rénshi 22%. Wing Wéosti. 33 FINI sc: nn meno A: 12? A: Tane? B: tee RR, Ta y& bi rénshi. 4. #ldeo: Eg. BAPBA, HULAP RA BSS Comprehensive Exercises EB 8G rivin the form. r Pa PRA ] RGB Zhonggus . Zhonggué rén { Hanyit | | HRA | | Héngué rén ABA Taigué rén I 45 I Migué | | & MERE MEAS Choose the proper words to, fill in the blanks. S RB +R RB ma ne shénme nh EE LAPT, (+)? S.Her} (BR? WO xuéxi Hanyt ni ( 2 Ta jito ( ) mingzi? ARTE) 6HLBAA( +)? Ni xuéxi Fayil ( )? Ni shi Ribén rén ( 2 3. +)? 7.) R#RA? I Ta shi ( ? ( ) shi Héngué rén? E 4H (-) AD BET ye t Ni shi ( ) gué rén? NI xuéxt ( 2 b 34 i Coeriey Do You Study Peach Benes, emiaracaee Rewrite the following statements into negative sentences after the example. | fie: Eg. REPRA, | Wo shi Zhénggué rén. f > RFAPHA, I ‘Wé6 bi shi Zhdnggué rén. a OP Laatste, 4.447, _ WO xuéxi Yingyti Ta jito Mading. I 5. RPE, Ta shi wé téngxué Wé shuo Fayé. 3 ULSBA, f TG shi Héngué rén. I _ | Ath" RS TRNE Rewrite the following sentences with “tt”, ss | ble: Eg AEPHA, WEPRA, W6 shi Zhénggué rén, ta shi ZhOnggué rén. _— I SRAPAA, HELE PRA, I Wo shi Zhénggus rén, 4 y8 shi Zhonggué rén { | Law, Reka E, 4 AURGE, ILE, E Unni xuéx Yingyd, Zhai Yin xuéxi Yingyt W6 shud Hanyii, ta shud Hanyéi | URRABA, BEABA, 5. RURHM, RUDRA, f Wé shi Taigus rén. t& shi Taigué rén. Wé rénshi Linnd. wé rénshi Zhi Yan. | 3. PARI, bed ake, W6 jito Lina, ta jiao Linn Hao 2 [)3¢)% Make questions with “3” and then answer the questions, | te: Bg RR PRA,, { W6 shi Zhénggué rén. A: HE BAD? Ni sh) Zhénggué rén ma? 35 B: ALPHA, /AFAPBA, Wé shi Zhonggué rén / Wo bi shi Zhdnggué rén. ie PUBLEL | Semertay Comprehensive Course | | 1 RED RB, 4. AAAS, Wo xuéxi Yingyt Wé shi ta téngxué. RARE, 5. RUG, W6 jito Zhé Yuin. Wé shud Hanyé. 3. RAHA, Wo shi Ribén rén. EQ SAIS Complete the following dialogues. 3.A: MAXBAG? Ni shi Méigué rén ma? B&R) W6 xuéxi Yingyi. Wo ( bu) A: HF Hom? A: MR? NI xuéxi Féyii ma? Ni shi whem Be&w B: AREA, Wyo Wé shi Fagué rén. 2A: EDA? 4A: fe? (if) NI xuéxf shénme?- Ta_ -? (shéi ). B&F, B: HARE, Wan ity Ta shi wa téngxué. Ar 2? (®) a4iT__-, (—#8) —_____? (ne) Women (igi) B: #39 Hi, Ta xuéxt Riyi ER EAS) dialogue practice 1. HEWES tldo: Eg. A: HRP HA? Ni shi na gué rén? Ask each other the nationality. BREA AG Wé shir. A: 1%? Tane? Ask your classmate if he/she studies a certain language. __ BB? Nixuéxf_ yt ma? B: AFF Lo /BRED WO xuéxf = V0 Ot sulex| Se WA, RUAN SE, JRIUE RE BR Look up in the dictionary for the Chinese names of all the languages you know, and then write down the names in pinyin, | ido: Eg. Riyii | | = f BABS BER E Part Three — Writing Chinese Characters &) | | _ BEPAIIR | About Chinese Charaéters poe | f f FURAZH (4) Basic strokes (4) EH Strokes Fi Names | oes | < Rei 3g i | + 3E4R shit? # yi clothes f [ + BRAKE héngzhéti I é | aR pitditn 37 ne... PATEASI (4) Stroke order (4) UM Rule BIS Examples IR Stroke order | BS, HO ee) I NAAR Aa ew the stroke inside precedes the sealing stroke | [i naa . : | SMF) | Character Writing | Write the following Chinese characters in the workbook. 2] be fe] Ge | i ‘ t | ' i : REHR Classroom Expressions wit Lhe Th? : Are you ready? Zhiinbaihio le ma? 3 LWA, BAZTR. Open your book and turn to Page 10. Qing d&kai sho, fandao di shé ye. =} B RAAILOX How Many People Are There in Your Family BBS RIBS Part One Phonetics z—zh ¢—ch zanzhis cdichén zudzhé cichéng zongzhi chacud zhizud cho cdi 2h a lGoshit lOshr eee REA lidxuéshéng daxuéshéng Had th HE niimen jid zud shénme nimen woémen gége xuésheng ) |Phonetic Notes J TM (2) Spetting rutes (2) Di FREE AREAL, BR “in” Listen and read the syllables. (i s—sh sishe sishf shans& shdusud Read the words and phrases aloud. (= RH zhiyudn LRA iT kOu rén Ba dudshao ge Read the words with the neutral tone. 3% baba dudshao nih réniei l&ngré Ned aR déu shi BAT BE women ban mama shénme “ing” iti “y" 5h, SeAMBIE “I” Sa “y” 39 $038.45 & | Elementary Comprehensive Course | al When “i” starts a syllable, itis written as the beginning. ia —»ya ion —» yon ido —» yoo iou —> you ie —»ye in —>yin ing —>ying FES aT, “u" Bite “w", When “u” starts a syllable, itis written as ua —> wa uai —» wai ugn —> wan uo —> wo Du" FARA MEAT, “u" ROTI “y’ When “U” starts a syllable, “y” is added in front of it and is written as “u' Ue —+ yue un —» yun don —» yuan BaD Part Two Texts RX — Kewényi Text One 2a 1 & jia n. family, home 2 you have, possess, there be 3 0 kou m. a measure word 4 €€ baba a father, dad 5 4B mama n. mother, mom 6 HF gége nh elder brother 7 fe hé conj. and 8 RH zhfyudn 1. office worker, staff member 9 aR dou adv. all, both 10 APA daxuéshéng n college or university student 40 “y" except in “in” and “ing”, where “y” is wed uang —» wang jang —» yang jong —> yong uei_ —> wei uen —» wen » eM “U” ERA. i i RX SB Linnas RE Zho Yan AH AAL Linna jié you shénme rén? AREER A THe aE? Linn’ de baba zud shénme géngzud? Mama ne? Kewénér Text Two Ju tw Ke zud i" gongzud 4E IB Ishi Bz yishéng KERALA? NY ji® yOu jf kou rén? RERZTA, WO jig you san kbu rén RRM, RRM HHA, Wo jido Linn’, w& shi Fagué lidxuéshéng,: WE jid yous) kéu rén: bobo, (TR. REEA RE, BRAG, Tb fe RAR ABA, gegehé w5. WO baba shi zhfyudn, méma shi Boshi . | | how many do, engage in Job, work, task lawyer, attomey doctor, medical practitioner oo i Wentt LRARALBAD Zhai Yiin ji you ji ku rén? 2. RERAHLAL Zhi Yin ji you shénme rén? sr, How Many Pope Are Trin Your Fan REAIOAL BE. a, mama, gége_hé wé dou shi daxuéshéng 3. RAWEBMAH ATE? III? Zhi Yin de bibs 2ud shénme gongzud? Mama ne? a FUBSES | Clementary Comprehensive Course | WH: tk RA HA AD Ni Jia ydu shénme rén? RE: REA CE, Wi Ho R, W6 jie you baba, mama hé wa. A: KES, WIA HK ote? Ni baba, —méma zud shénme gongzud? RE: REE RD, WIR Re, W6 baba shi liishi, mama shi yishéng WRAXE= _Kewén son Text Three al e 1 Rit nimen pron. you (plural) 2 SE ban 2 class, group, team 3 oy dudshao pron, how much, how many r used before nouns without a special ye se ™ classifier of their own 5 FA xuésheng n student 6 a4 women pron, we, us 7 ling nun, two RL i p ee i) WG wenti @ co 7 | La Spam Linn de bein yu duéshao xuéshong? ARS, HA BEA BN RAR Linn’, nimen ban yéu dudshao ge fnnis de ban you ji ge Fagué rén? a? xuésheng? OEE TET 8 iaRANOA, How Many People Are Tarn Your Fety ta. Shilit_ ge. 2 AAD BE A IU EBA? Nimen ban you jf ge Fagué rén? #1 A RA RBA, Wémen ban you ting ge Fagué rén. tei] 3 AHA Aa? Nimen ban yu Héngué rén ma? Fo You. AIL HED A? You jt ge Héngué rén? AWN BE A, You si. ge Héngus rén. Comprehensive Notes “11” here is a measure word used for the number of people in a family. 2. RRAINLOA? UME SDR? “SL” Al “Bee” Fei, “IL ATAU sc, FUL ABD” Festa, itn “JU and “2-46” ‘are used to ask about a quantity or an amount. “JL” ig used when the number is “O” , aba, APSA cee. | E | | ‘expected to be less than 10, while “4°25” is used ifthe expected number is above 10, For example, Dae LAA? ————- &kqa0K, @ ha ABH? ————- RAE, OwMRAS INE? —_. Ringe tae 5 L call 3. BAER PNEBLA, DEPREABAZE, aA TARA A. “7S PRL, ‘isa: Im modern Chinese, there is usually a measure word between @ numeraltand a noun or between # | ”, Arp en B: RATES, W6 ydu shisiin ge téngxué. Apo __? B: MMNHAATAEA, Wémen ban yéu érshf ge xuésheng. 2? (AF& shénme ) a7 III ee scone 3.A: HRMRBA? Ni shi nd gué rén? B: as A: 369%? Ta ne? B: o (bys) As (Aine AG? Nimen dou shi xuésheng ma? Po aR dU Bissy=, «a Fill in each blank with a character to make a word. ( oF CT) # ( ) Ct ESC) BSB ABR Part Three — Writing Chinese Characters _ REPAIR 7) About Chinese Characters 5 1. Basic strokes (5) 272 Strokes #5 Names IF Examples —_ #149 xéyou a | . | ah45 wogou Te oan tee | : I / B44 héngzhégou | : U BE héngzhéwangou we i 48 a SRALDA How Many People Are Tein Your Fanily : F549 (1) Character structures (1) T T 7 : cara BIE | ER ‘Types of structures | Examples Illustrations | per & | | Single-element K | | | Sea . |B pin article, goods | | sit-shaped Write the following Chinese characters in the workbook. i “REGR Chawoon Expressions LRAaT. Tsee / understand. We mingbai le. 2 a | 2 BRE I don’t understand, W6 bir dong: 49 50 WEAR.) Phonetic Notes BEZDR—F How Much Is Half a Kilogram of Bananas R—ne BBS Part One Phonetics | Phonetic Exercises 8aS5) Listen and read the following syllables, me - jmzh q—ch x—sh s—x jidnzht giichéing xiGngshf sdnxin zhéingjit qiche xidoshou sixia zhéngjié chéogi xinshéing sudxitio zhénjiti chiigu shangxin xist 2. OVER EG AOS Listen and choose the correct pinyin syllables, (c= (1) A. xiangjiéo B, xiGingjido (5) A.mitnbio —_B, mitnbao (2) A.pinggud —_B. pinggué (6) A. yingyayudn B. yingyéyudn (3) A.xiyéo —_B. xiyto (7) A. zh’ zhdng _B. 2hé zhéng (4) A.cididn B. cfdién (8) A.nazhdng B.n& zhdng 3. EAN “yi” RL Add tone marks.t0 the following +i”. =e yi bai kafai yi bu shdujr yi ge léoshi yi bén cfdigin yi tdi ditnn&o yi ping pijit yi jin pinggudé yi zing guangpén yijin cioméi ) Spelling rutes (3) UBC LL UTP AOI |. og. x ADHORTR, ome u nA, BB iu qu. np WES que, Xue, juan, quan. xuan, jun. qu, xung Hn, LARDRAOBHR, u_b an egm ge E sheer 6 How Mach I Half Kogan of Bassas " or a final beginning with “U” spells with “i”, “q” or “x”, “i is writen as “u” Uke in ” or “I”, “U” does not When “Puiu, jue, que, Xue, juan. quan, xuan, jun, qun. xun” . When spelling with “n thange. For example, nu, IU, Ide, nue. 2. )*—' Va Tone sandhi of <—” - 8“ — (yi) ” AMA, BUNT, Ro, B= pay, eS"; "Ree oupt,

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