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CH10- POVERTY AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION Climate and geography- continues to matter greatly for econ

development, alongside w/ the importance of economic and

INTRODUCTION political institutions.
2005- 25% or about 1.4 B people around the world lived in poverty
Asia- host to a majority of world’s poor: (China- 207M India- 455M) STRONG RECOMMENDATION: reintroduction of geographical
-home to more than 911 M whop struggle to meet basic food, considerations into the econometric and theoretical studies of
clothing and housing need or 66% of wold’s poor cross-country econ growth

Sustained growth in income = gap bet rich and poor has grown MEASURING POVERTY AND INEQUALITY
Poverty- broader sense, inability to access for minimal or
per capita income acceptable standard of living. But this loose definition contains
In 1960, (8 times greater) subjective notions- fact that what one needs or finds “acceptable”
Richest 20 economies ----------->------------poorest 20 countries or “minimal” is a very relative matter.

After 35 yrs of record growth In total world income, this income Poverty standards and definitions thus vary across different
differential has more than doubled. countries.

Similar trends: fruits of economic gains over the years have accrued Economic inequality- uneven distribution of income or
ONLY to a select few. expenditure

THE VARIOUS CIRCLE OF POVERTY AND INEQUALITY Income gaps- inevitable consequences of growth and
Core of all development policies (AM): development , and will correct itself in due course.
-alleviation of poverty
-minimization of economic inequality Gov’t intervention- used to avoid or at least minimize the
observed income gaps
Impact of differences is more marked in developing countries where
gov’t faces greater constraints in its ability to provide much needed Measurement of Poverty
assistance to improve the lot of their poor citizens Development economics- poverty as inability to access resources
to enjoy a minimal or acceptable standard of living.
Sacrifice required to send a child to school is substantial even tuition
charges are low. Cost of clothing transpo, books are quite high relative However, minimum needs or acceptable standards of living vary
to income levels of poor. form county to country, indiv to indiv, in accordance with CESC
(cultural, economic, social norms, expectation)
Children raised in poverty- NO peer groups or role model to instill in
them virtues of educ and human capital acquisition. HENCE, THIS DEFINITION IS NOT VERY USEFUL WHEN MEASURING
Drugs and crime (perhaps sport)- only ways out of this low-level trap. COMPARISONS.

Perpetuation of poverty to successive generations, gap bet rich and Poverty- at subsistence level, means identifying the poor based
poor will be perpetuated and get worse - if chain will not be broken mainly on a universally accepted benchmark of PES (physiological,
economic and social) requirements for survival. (this is a standard
Is Climate a factor? - Climate theory of development approach in development economics wc works well to
Temperate climate - provides more conducive environment for econ operationalize poverty concept)
Critical threshold point- minimum “acceptable income or
Almost all successful and modern industrial econ- situated in consumption ”- this def. Will vary, sometimes based on purchasing
temperate zone and colder places of the world power equivalent to buy min. Caloric intake and no more.

Heat causes more rapid rate of soil deterioration and rapid Very poor countries like India- poverty line is calculated by using
deterioration of other natural resources. estimates of expenditures required to guarantee a min.
Consumption of calories. Where caloric estimate=intake to
Warmer countries- heath of workforce is more adversely affected due maintain health and ability to work
to greater frequency of air- and water-borne infections and DISEASES
SPREAD MORE RAPIDLY. Also, working is more taxing on physical body, Wealthier countries- clothing and shelter is often added
hence, labor productivity is lower.
No uniform standard in determining poverty line,there is difficulty
Geographical tropics countries- nearly all poor to make accurate comparisons of poverty across countries or
Mid and higher latitudes- high income countries within countries

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