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26/01/2022, 18:25 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator

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Fantasy Town Generator

Town Name: Peno

Town Size: Small Town Normalize? Walled?

Environment: Grassland Coastal? River?

Race: Any Race Culture: Default Culture

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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 18:25 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1800; primarily human, some elf.


Peno is governed by an order of knights and warriors, who are secretly backed by a dragon named Azzad.

Notable Places:

The Guildhall:
A large stone-walled building, once a minor temple.
It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local
merchant guilds.
The Shrine of Ikhael:
A stone niche enshrining the holy symbol of Ikhael, Lady of Shields, said to reveal visions to those who leave an offering.
Byne's Pewter: A large pewtersmith's workshop, built within what was once the feast hall of a long-ruined castle.

A few NPCs:

Ancis Woodye: Male Human Ranger, Neutral. Ancis has braided red hair and soft blue eyes, and an unusual mark on his face. He wears studded leather and wields a
battle axe. Ancis is serious and analytical.
Wulfa: Male Human Cleric, Good. Wulfa has grey hair and brown eyes, and a round nose. He wears banded mail and wields a mace. Wulfa is covetous, and always has
his eye on something he wants.
Gilsi: Male Human Peasant, Good. Gilsi is youthful in appearance, with short silver hair and blue eyes. He wears worn clothing and a yellow cloak. Gilsi dislikes having
people behind him.
Theny: Male Human Entertainer, Evil. Theny has curly golden hair and blue eyes. He wears modest garments and silk gloves. Theny is hard-hearted but perceptive.
Wena: Female Human Peasant, Neutral. Wena is tall, with auburn hair and soft brown eyes. She wears travel-stained clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Wena is blind
in her left eye.

Fantasy Town Generator

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