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Analysis of Different CSRR Structures

on MicrostripTransmission Lines
Ms. Ambika.A Ms. C.Tharini K. Roashna
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent
Institute of Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Institute of Science and
Chennai. Technology, Chennai. Technology, Chennai.
R. Pon Sujitha J. Rasitha Begam
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent
Institute of Science and Institute of Science and
Technology, Chennai. Technology, Chennai.

Abstract - This paper presents the analysis of three with splits in them at opposite are called split ring
shapes of complementary split ring resonators resonators (SRRs) and their dual counterpart that is
(CSRR) defected ground structure (DGS) microstrip those etched on the ground plane are called
filters namely square, circle and novel D shape. The complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs).
structure was designed and simulated using 3D full These structures also have a specific area of
wave EM solver Ansys HFSS. Various
utilization with required scope of frequencies. The
characteristics of microstrip filters such as return
loss, roll off rate, gain and bandwidth have been typical properties exhibited by CSRR over SRR
studied for all the three CSRR-DGS and a loaded transmission line are harmonic suppression,
comparative study has been done among all these. notch band characteristics, and circuit
Furthermore, the number of elements has been miniaturization and delay lines.
changed from one to four in successive order for all
three CSRRs and the improvement in return loss II. MICRO STRIPLINE WITHOUT USING CSRR
has been proved. Based on these studies, optimized
microstrip filters have been designed for circle, Initially a 50-ohm microstrip transmission
square and novel D shape and the same have been line is designed on a FR4 substrate with relative
realized. dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness of 0.8mm,
which operates at the range of 500MHz to 12GHz. It is
Keywords - microstrip transmission line, D-shape CSRR- backed by a ground plane with same dimension as that
DGS, stop band. of the substrate. Its layout is shown in Fig.1This
microstrip transmission line without CSRR is
I.INTRODUCTION simulated using HFSS and the simulation results are
shown in Fig 2. In the graph, The S11 parameter
The introduction of the artificial
shows the return loss and S21 parameter shows the gain
transmission media like left handed transmission
value. The return loss obtained is 60 dB and the gain is
line that exhibits the properties of periodic
also noted. It also shows that it supports a wide range
structures have a deep impact in controlling the
of bandwidth from 500MHz to 10GHz.
electrical properties of the transmission media. The
unusual properties like negative permittivity and
permeability, reversal of Doppler effect, negative
phase velocity etc. shown by the left-handed
transmission line can be effectively tapped for
efficient design of microwave circuits. The stop-
band characteristics exhibited by the Left-Handed
media offers noise suppression and miniaturization
of various electronic circuits. The left hand nature
can be achieved by loading a transmission line with
sub-wavelength resonators like split ring resonator
(SRR) or complementary split ring resonator
(CSRR). Structures with the pair of enclosed loops

978-1-5386-4310-5/18/$31.00 2018
c IEEE 120

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Fig 1 Layout of microstrip transmission line without CSRR medium that equivalently replaces the air and
dielectric regions of the microstrip line. Given the
dimensions of the microstrip line, the
characteristic impedance can be calculated as:

͸Ͳ ͺ݀ ‫ݓ‬
‫ۓ‬ Ž ൬ ൅ ൰Ǣ ݂‫ݓݎ݋‬Ȁ݀ ൑ ͳ
ۖ ඥए௘ ‫ ݓ‬Ͷ݀
ൌ ͳʹͲߨ
‫۔‬ Ǣ ݂‫ݓݎ݋‬Ȁ݀ ൒ ͳ
ۖ ௪
‫ ە‬ඥए௘ ቂ‫ݓ‬Ȁ݀ ൅ ͳǤ͵ͻ͵ ൅ ͲǤ͸͸͹ Ž ቀ ൅ ͳǤͶͶͶቁቃ ௗ

Fig 2 Simulation results of microstrip line without using For given characteristic impedance Z0 and
dielectric constantए௘ , the W/d ratio can be found
A transmission line when loaded with
CSRR exhibits stop band characteristics at ͺ݁ ஺ ‫ݓ‬
‫ۓ‬ Ǣ ݂‫ ݎ݋‬൏ ʹ
resonant frequency. The dimensions of the ۖ ݁ ଶ஺െʹ ݀
CSRR can be adjusted so as to shift the stop ൌ ʹ
݀ ‫ ۔‬൤‫ ܤ‬െ ͳ െ Žሺʹ‫ ܤ‬െ ͳሻ ൅ ए௥ െ ͳ ൜Žሺ‫ ܤ‬െ ͳሻ ൅ ͲǤ͵ͻ െ ͲǤ͸ͳൠ൨
band characteristics to desired frequency. ۖߨ ʹए௥ ए௥
Initially the ground plane of the transmission line ‫ە‬ Ǣ ݂‫ݓݎ݋‬Ȁ݀ ൐ ʹ
is loaded with a square and circle CSRR as shown
in Fig. 3 (b) and (c). Then a novel D shaped where 
CSRR is also etched on ground plane. ܼ଴ ए௥ ൅ ͳ ए௥ െ ͳ ͲǤͳͳ
‫ܣ‬ൌ ඨ ൅ ൬ͲǤʹ͵ ൅ ൰
͸Ͳ ʹ ए௥ ൅ ͳ ए௥

ʹܼ଴ ඥए௥

Substituting the values in the above equations, we

get the design specifications as follows:
(a) (b) (c)
• Operating frequency = 4 GHz
Fig 3 Layout of (a) Reference Transmission Line without
• Substrate used and relative permittivity (İr)
CSRR (b) Transmission line loaded with Square CSRR and
(c) Circular CSRR = FR4 and İr = 4.4
• Thickness of the substrate = 0.8mm
IV. DESIGN OF MICROSTRIP LINE AND CSRR • Effective dielectric constant = 3.329
• Characteristic impedance = 50 ohm

All the CSRR shapes have been etched in the

ground plane of 50ȍ, quarter wavelength (Ȝ/4)
microstrip line at 4 GHz. The width and length of
the transmission line are 6.324 mm and 10.2174
Fig 4 Design parameters of microstrip transmission line mm. Design parameters of reference transmission
line are marked in Fig 4.
CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE AND W/d RATIO The analysis is done by using three types of
CSRR i.e., square, circle and Novel D and the
The effective dielectric constant of a microstrip results are compared using HFSS software. The
line is given approximately by: analysis is based on the gain and the return loss
ࣟೝ ିଵ
ए௥ ൅ ͳ ଶǤଵ
ए௘ ൌ ൅
ʹ ଵଶௗ
ටͳ ൅

The effective dielectric constant can be interpreted
as the dielectric constant of a homogeneous A. Square shaped CSRR

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Fig 8 shows the layout of a microstrip line loaded
with 2 square type CSRR and Fig 19 shows the
simulation results which explains the return loss
and gain of the double square type CSRR. It also
exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with an improved
return loss of -32 dB.But we can see that the gain
decreases when compared with the single square
type CSRR.
Fig 5 Dimensions of a square CSRR

Fig 5 shows the dimensions of a square CSRR

designed for 4 GHz.The resonant frequency varies
depending upon the dimensions and the distance
between the rings. When such a design is etched
on ground plane of a transmission line, it will
exhibit its stop band properties based on which
the gain and return loss is observed and analyzed.
Now let us extend our analysis by increasing the
number of elements.


TYPE CSRR Fig 1.9 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 2 type
square showing S11 and S21 parameters.



Fig 6 Micro stripline loaded with 1 square type CSRR

Fig 6 shows the layout of a microstrip line loaded

with 1 square type CSRR and Fig 7 shows the Fig 1.10 Micro stripline loaded with 3 square type CSRR.
simulation results. It exhibits a stop band at 4
GHz with a return loss of -22 dB. Fig 10 shows the layout of a microstrip line
loaded with 3 square type CSRR and Fig 1.11
shows the simulation results which explains the
return loss and gain of the 3 square type CSRR. It
also exhibits a stop band frequency around 4 GHz
with an improved return loss of -45 dB.

Fig 7 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with1 square

type showing S11 and S21 parameters.



Fig 11 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 3 type

square showing S11 and S21 parameters
Fig 1.8 Micro stripline loaded with 2 square type CSRR.

122 2018 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC).

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Fig 1.15 Dimensions of a Circular CSRR.

Fig 12 Micro stripline loaded with 4 square type CSRR.
Fig 15 shows the dimensions of a circular CSRR
Fig 12 shows the layout of a microstrip line designed for 4GHz. The resonant frequency varies
loaded with 4 square type CSRR and Fig 1.13 depending upon the dimensions and the distance
shows the simulation results which explains the between the rings. When such a design is etched on
return loss and gain of the 4 square type CSRR. It ground plane of a transmission line, it will exhibit its
also exhibits a stop band around 4 GHz with an stop band properties based on which the gain and
improved return loss of -66.875 dB. It can be seen return loss is observed and analyzed. Now let us
that in 4 square type CSRR, the gain decreases extend our analysis by increasing the number of
gradually and the return loss is found to be having elements.
more frequency notching.

Fig 16 Micro stripline loaded with 1 circular type CSRR.

Fig 16 shows the layout of a microstrip line loaded

with 1 circular type CSRR and Fig 17 shows the
simulation results. It exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz
with a return loss of -18.125 dB.

Fig 13 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with4 type

square showing S11 and S21 parameters.

All these simulations have been carried out

keeping the resonant frequency constant at 4GHz.
In all the cases the resonant frequency is constant
with a little variation in 3-dB cutoff frequencies.

A comparative performance of the above

microstrip band stop filters with varying number
of square shaped CSRR-DGS structures shows
that microstrip line loaded with 2 square type
CSRR is the optimized one with lower insertion
loss. The fabricated model of the optimized 2 Fig 1.17 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 1
square type CSRR loaded transmission line is circular type showing S11 and S21 parameters.
shown in Fig 14.

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Fig 18 Micro stripline loaded with 2 circular type CSRR.

Fig 18 shows the layout of a microstrip line

loaded with 2 circular type CSRR and Fig 19
shows the simulation results which explains the
return loss and gain of the double circular type
CSRR. It also exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with
an improved return loss of -31 dB.But we can see
that the gain decreases when compared with the
single circular type CSRR.
Fig 21 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 3
circular type showing S11 and S21 parameters.



Fig 22 Micro stripline loaded with 4 circular type CSRR.

Fig 22 shows the layout of a microstrip line

loaded with 4 circular type CSRR and Fig 1.23
shows the simulation results which explains the
return loss and gain of the 4 circular type CSRR.
It also exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with an
Fig 19 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 2
improved return loss of -66 dB.
circular type showing S11 and S21 parameters.



Fig 20 Micro stripline loaded with 3 circular type CSRR.

Fig 20 shows the layout of a microstrip line

loaded with 3 circular type CSRR and Fig 1.21
shows the simulation results which explains the
Fig 23 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with 4
return loss and gain of the 3 circular type CSRR. circular type showing S11 and S21 parameters.
It also exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with an
improved return loss of -45 dB. All these simulations have been carried out
keeping the resonant frequency constant at 4GHz.
In all the cases the resonant frequency is constant
with a little variation in 3-dB cutoff frequencies.

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A comparative performance of the above

microstrip band stop filters with varying number
of circular shaped CSRR-DGS structures shows
that microstrip line loaded with 2 circular type
CSRR is the optimized one with lower insertion
loss. The fabricated model of the optimized 2
circular type CSRR loaded transmission line is
shown in Fig 24. Fig 26 Dimensions of a D-Shape CSRR designed for 4GHz

FABRICATED MODEL OF THE STRUCTURE GIVING Fig 26 shows the dimensions of a D shaped CSRR
OPTIMIZED RESULTS: designed for 4GHz. The resonant frequency varies
depending upon the dimensions and the distance
between the rings. When such a design is etched on
ground plane of a transmission line, it will exhibit its
stop band properties based on which the gain and
return loss is observed and analyzed. Now let us
extend our analysis by increasing the number of
Fig 24 Photograph of fabricated microstrip line loaded with 2
The following are the results obtained when the
types circular CSRR.
CSRR is kept at different positions as single and
After the fabrication, the frequency response of the array.
fabricated design was measured in the VNA. The CASE 1: MICRO STRIP LINE LOADED WITH 1D-SHAPE
measured results are shown in Fig 25. In
measurement the insertion loss is 0.14 dB which is
less as compared to a simulated one whereas the
resonant frequency is almost the same. The 3-dB
bandwidth of the filter is almost 500MHz. The
simulated results are in fairly close agreement with Fig 27 Microstrip line loaded with 1D-shape CSRR
the measured results, hence confirming the practical
viability of the proposed design. Fig 27 shows the layout of a microstrip line loaded
with 1 D-shape CSRR and Fig 28 shows the
simulation results. It exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz
with a return loss of -25 dB.

Fig 25 Measured results of the microstrip line loaded with 2 Fig 28 Simulation results of micro stripline loaded with novel
circular types CSRR. 1D shape CSRR showing S11 and S21



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Fig 29 Microstrip line loaded with 2 D-shape CSRR Fig .33 Layout of microstrip line loaded with 4D-Shape CSRR

Fig 29 shows the layout of a microstrip line Fig 33 shows the layout of a microstrip line loaded
loaded with 2 D-shape CSRR and Fig 1.31 shows with 4D-shape CSRR and Fig 35 shows the
the simulation results which explains the return simulation results which explains the return loss and
loss and gain of the 2 D-shape CSRR. It also gain of the 4 D-shape CSRR. It also exhibits a stop
exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with a reduced band at 4 GHz with an improved return loss of -46
return loss of -24 dB.But we can see that the gain dB.
decreases when compared with the single D-shape

Fig 34 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with novel

4D-shape CSRR showing S11 and S21
Fig 30 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with novel
2D- shape CSRR showing S11 and S21 All these simulations have been carried out
keeping the resonant frequency constant at 4GHz.
CASE 3: MICRO STRIPLINE LOADED WITH 3D-SHAPE In all the cases the resonant frequency is constant
CSRR with a little variation in 3-dB cutoff frequencies.


A comparative performance of the above

Fig 31 Microstrip line loaded with 3D-Shape CSRR microstrip band stop filters with varying number
of D shape CSRR-DGS structures shows that
Fig 31 shows the layout of a microstrip line microstrip line loaded with 3 D shape CSRR is the
loaded with 3 D-shape CSRR and Fig 1.32 shows optimized one with lower insertion loss. The
the simulation results which explains the return fabricated model of the optimized 3 D shape
loss and gain of the 3 D-shape CSRR. It also CSRR loaded transmission line is shown in Fig
exhibits a stop band at 4 GHz with an improved 35.
return loss of -45 dB.

Fig 35 Photograph of the fabricated micro stripline loaded with

3D-shaped CSRR

After the fabrication, the frequency response of

the fabricated design was measured in the VNA.
The measured results are shown in Fig .36. In
Fig 1.32 Simulation results of microstrip line loaded with measurement the insertion loss is -0.97 dB which
novel 3D-Shape CSRR showing S11 and S21 is approximately same as compared to a simulated
one whereas the resonant frequency is almost the
same. The simulated results are in fairly close

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agreement with the measured results, hence Effective Material Parameters in Metamaterials, “Universitat
Paderbom, January2008.
confirming the practical viability of the proposed

Fig 36 Measured results of the microstrip line loaded with

novel 3D-shape CSRR showing S11 and S21


Various CSRR shapes like square, circle and novel

D shape have been analyzed and compared with
reference transmission line in this paper. To increase
the operational bandwidth, the number of elements
has been increased to two, three and four and the
optimized design is found out in each case. Thus,
the microstrip line loaded with 2 circular type
CSRR, 2 square type CSRR and 3 D- shape CSRR
is found to be the optimized one. This D shape
CSRR is better suited for C-band applications. The
future scope of this work is that since all the main
parameters of the 3 CSRR shapes have been found
out till four elements in this paper, it reduces the
computational work for future enhancement. This
proposed design can be used for miniaturization
,sensor applications which is the latest trend in
electronics hub.

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