CEP Assignmnet Number 2 Network Analysis

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# Section: A & B Name

Department: Electronic Engineering Program: B.S (EE)

Assignment 2– Complex Engineering Problems EE 201 Network Analysis, Spring 2021

Announced Date: 21-12-2021 Due Date:30-01-2022 Total Marks = 40

Marks Obtained =
Teacher Name: Engr. Rakhshan Zulfiqar CLO_2; Cognitive Level C_3

(Applying), PLO_1: Engineering Knowledge.

Complex Engineering Problem

Learning Blooms
Sr.No PLOs Knowledge Profile Complex Problem Solving
Outcomes Taxonomy
in CEP
Use simple
electric circuit PLO1 (WA1) WK2
CLO_2 models to C3 WP1
Engineering (Mathematics)
(Applying) WK3 (Depth of Knowledge Required)
examine the Knowledge
(Theory-based Engineering WP2
behavior of
Fundamentals) (Range of Conflicting Requirements)
(Engineering in Society) (Extent of Stakeholder involvement and
WK8 level of conflicting requirement)
(Research Literature)

Problem Statement: The Industrial Manufacturing Company XYZ made an agreement with
ABC power generating company to fulfill its energy demand. In the agreement both companies
included two important clauses.

Clause 1 from XYZ Company side: The source voltage provided by ABC Company should be
generated from under damped response system.

The Power generating company ABC generate a source voltage with the system has Over-
damped response. The passive elements responsible for the response are: R = 10Ω, L = 5mH &
C = 10µF. Select the value of passive element R carefully to make the system under damped and
Compute v(t) at t = 1sec with initial conditions v(0-) = 0 volt & i(0-) = 10 Ampere. Compute
source voltage (Vrms) of v(t) with phase angle θ =0°, at w= 1000 rad / sec.

Clause 2 from ABC Company side: The ABC Company include a power factor clause in its
rate schedule. Under this clause ABC company make an effort to recoup losses and encourage
XYZ company to operate or maintain the required power factor, a certain utility charges (power
factor penalty) of 1000 Rs. per month per KW/KVAR is made to the XYZ company whenever
the power factor drops below a benchmark value (required value) set by the ABC company.

Reg. # Section: A & B Name

Department: Electronic Engineering Program: B.S (EE)

The XYZ manufacturing company consumes 5000KWh in one month (monthly peak demand)
and operating 3750KW/KVAR inductive load at a lagging power factor of 0.8 with source
voltage generating under the clause 1 at 50Hz. In order to obtain lower electrical rates and avoid
power factor penalty charge, the XYZ manufacturing company must maintain or operate the load
at power factor of 0.9 which is set by ABC Power Company under clause 2. Solve for a suitable
solution or compensation to improve the power factor.

(Hint) Most domestic loads (such as washing machine, air conditioners, and refrigerators)
and industrial loads are inductive and operate at a low lagging power factor. Although the
inductive nature of the load cannot be changed, only can increase its power factor.

Conditions for XYZ Manufacturing Company

i. Power factor increase or improve without altering the voltage or current to the load.
ii. The solution cost does not significantly increase the manufacturing cost of product.

a) Comment on that your solution is suitable for both single phase system and poly phase system?

b) Compute the monthly Electricity bill of the XYZ manufacturing company before install the
solution and after install the solution with the use of own expenditure and comment on the
result. Energy charges are 500 Rs. per KWh for the first 1000KWh, 200 Rs. per KWh for
the remaining energy. Power factor penalty charges are 1000 Rs. per KW/KVAR and
transmission and distribution charges to meet the load requirements for the consumer are
2000Rs. (Hint: study text book and reference book)

c) Using the rate schedule in part (a), compute the annual electricity bill before install the
solution and after install the solution.

d) If the XYZ manufacturing company decide to utilize the compensation which is available
through the ABC utility company instead of expend own expenses on the solution at a cost of
Rs. 2500 per 150KW/KVAR increment and Rs. 3700 per 400KW/KVAR increment.
Demonstrate what is the most cost-effective compensation provided by the ABC utility
company for the XYZ manufacturing company. (Hint: study text book and reference

e) Relate the cost calculated in part (c) with the cost of annual electricity bill after install the
solution with its own expenditure.

Write the following and Submit the solution in the form of report (8-10) pages that must include

1. Introduction
2. Literature review (Power Factor Improvement)
3. Circuit Diagram
4. Calculations
5. Result Discussion
6. References

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