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26/01/2022, 19:14 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator

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Fantasy Town Generator

Town Name: Eithlon

Town Size: Small Town Normalize? Walled?

Environment: Grassland Coastal? River?

Race: Any Race Culture: Default Culture

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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 19:14 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1800; primarily human, some elf.


Reegate is governed by a consortium of guildmasters, led by a male human named Wulfa.

Notable Places:

The Crossed Swords: A modest commoner's inn, built atop an outcrop of obsidian.
Andrer's Carvings: The workshop of a male human woodcarver named Piersym Andrer, who also brews potions and elixirs.

A few NPCs:

Brotsve: Female Human Peasant, Good. Brotsve has black hair and soft amber eyes, and large ears. She wears modest garments and a wooden holy symbol. Brotsve is
undisciplined and flirtatious.
Collo: Male Elf Paladin, Good. Collo has black hair and amber eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a short sword and shield. Collo is faithful and protective.
Aloth: Female Elf Peasant, Neutral. Aloth is tall, with white hair and large blue eyes. She wears sturdy clothing and carries a long knife. Aloth is hunting the warlord who
murdered her family.
Tyne: Male Human Ranger, Neutral. Tyne is common in appearance, with silver hair and hazel eyes. He wears scale mail and wields a long sword. Tyne seeks revenge
against the sister who betrayed him.

Fantasy Town Generator

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