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26/01/2022, 19:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator

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Fantasy Town Generator

Town Name: Askertklif

Town Size: Small Town Normalize? Walled?

Environment: Grassland Coastal? River?

Race: Any Race Culture: Default Culture

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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 19:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1000; mostly dwarf, some human.


Askertklif is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female human named Agnyg.

Notable Places:

Veigga's Smithy: A neglected blacksmith's workshop, built atop an outcrop of volcanic rock.
The Guildhall:
An ornate stone-walled building, decorated with brightly dyed pennons.
It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst
several local merchant guilds.
Frimi's Masonry: The workshop of a male dwarf stonemason named Frimi, known for his weirdly specific knowledge of giants.

A few NPCs:

Heru: Female Human Soldier, Good. Heru has a round face, with tangled copper hair and bright amber eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a halberd. Heru is easily
distracted by magic.
Jorgga Herlidotr: Female Dwarf Wizard, Evil. Jorgga has a square face, with black hair and light grey eyes. She wears topaz robes and wields a quarterstaff and sling.
Jorgga is a terrible liar.
Raga Arundrdotr: Female Dwarf Aristocrat, Evil. Raga has a long face, with black hair and dark hazel eyes. She wears fine raiment and jewelry. Raga is greedy and bold.
Weone: Male Human Artist, Evil. Weone has white hair and dark green eyes, and a thin mouth. He wears expensive clothing and several pouches hang from his belt.
Weone seeks to discover where he came from, and who his real family is.

Fantasy Town Generator

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