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26/01/2022, 19:21 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator

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Fantasy Town Generator

Town Name: Baramunz

Town Size: Small Town Normalize? Walled?

Environment: Grassland Coastal? River?

Race: Any Race Culture: Default Culture

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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 19:21 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1500; mostly human, some dwarf.


Baramunz is governed by a council of elders, known as the Synod of Nine.

Notable Places:

Walda's Masonry: The workshop of a male human stonemason named Walda, known for his vast knowledge of dwarven runes and glyphs.
The Marut:
An ancient stone colossus of unweathered stone, where local
merchants come to make contracts. It is said that anyone who
breaks an oath sworn upon the
Marut will be slain before the next

A few NPCs:

Mery Garay: Female Human Aristocrat, Evil. Mery is rough in appearance, with auburn hair and large grey eyes. She wears fine raiment and a feathered hat. Mery is a
skilled singer.

Ausan: Female Human Fighter, Good. Ausan has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a warhammer and heavy crossbow. Ausan is pleasant
and serious.

Fantasy Town Generator

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