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Name: Atem Manyok Atem

Aim: investigating an experiment to determine the density of an irregular solid

object such as a stone.

Background to Experiment: the experimental task is to determine the density of an

irregular solid object. Since the volume of an irregular object cannot be determined
directly, indirect means such as the displacement method (measuring cylinder method)
is used.

Density is the mass of a substance per unit volume. It’s calculated by;

density= mass/volume

❖ Measuring cylinder
❖ Lever balance
❖ Water
❖ Irregular solid object(stone for this experiment) whose density is to be


★ Using a lever balance, the mass,m, of the object is measured and recorded in
★ The water is poured into a graduated measuring cylinder about a third of its
depth. The volume, V1, of water in the graduated cylinder is recorded in millilitres
★ The object(stone) is attached to a piece of thread and lowered gently into the
cylinder, avoiding the splashing of water. The volume, V2, of the water and the
solid object is recorded in millilitres.
★ The contents of the cylinder are emptied and the same procedure is repeated
using different values of V1.
★ The results of the experiment are tabulated as shown below.

V1(mL) V2(mL) (V2-V1)(mL)

1st recording

2nd recording

3rd recording

Therefore the average value of (V2-V1)mL=..............mL

The volume of the displaced water=the volume of the solid object= (V 2-V1)mL
Mass of the solid=.........(g)

The density of an irregular object=mass of solid(g)/average value of (V2-V1)mL

Remember 1mL=1cm3

Conclusion: the density of the Unit)

Reflection on the experiment: In the place of a measuring cylinder, a eureka can is

used in the determination of the density of an irregularly shaped object.

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