GirlsDo Funding Proposal Report

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Running Head: GirlsDo Funding Proposal

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal for Project #MulaiDariSaya

Aldo Herman
Aurellia Natasha
Alya Natasha
Eric Jonathan
Santa Lukita
Louise Gauthier

Binus International University

GirlsDo Funding Proposal

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 About our NGO..................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mission & Vision.................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Sexual Harassment....................................................................................................3
2.1 Sexual harassment............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Sexual harassment in Indonesia........................................................................................3
2.3 Cause of Sexual Harassment in Indonesia.........................................................................4
2.4 Impact of Sexual Harassment............................................................................................5
Chapter 3: The Project.................................................................................................................6
3.1 Project Background............................................................................................................6
3.2 Project goals and objectives...............................................................................................6
3.3 Project Plan Description #MulaiDariSaya...........................................................................7
3.3.1 #BisaSajaSaya............................................................................................................7
3.3.2 #SayaDanDia............................................................................................................ 10
3.4 Project Rundown.............................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 4: Project Budget..........................................................................................................13
Chapter 5: SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................14
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Solution...........................................................................................15
Reference.................................................................................................................................. 16
APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................. I
APPENDIX 1: Logbook............................................................................................................ II
APPENDIX 2: TurnItInReport................................................................................................VIII
GirlsDo Funding Proposal

Executive Summary

Our report is written as a proposal for Pundi Perempuan to fund our project. We are focused on

minimizing the alarming rate of sexual harassment in Indonesia. The first chapter centers around

the introduction of GirlsDo!. Our NGO focuses on minimizing sexual harassment in Indonesia

through empowering women and educating the public on sexual health. We further differentiate

ourselves by incorporating a millennial touch to all our campaigns. The second chapter discusses

what sexual harassment is, followed by the issues’ standing in Indonesia, its causes and finally,

its impact. The third chapter focuses on our project background, wherein we elaborated in detail

our goals and the two segments of our project entitled #MulaiDariSaya. #MulaiDariSaya is

broken down into our awareness program called #BisaSajaSaya and our empowerment program

called #SayaDanDia. Our awareness program is consist of activities such as Education Monday,

Girls’ Talk, March or 5K Run and Advertisement. Meanwhile, our empowerment program is

consisting of activities such as Gatherings, Quote of The Day and Challenge and lastly, Hotline

and Line@. The fourth chapter displays our proposed budget and funds for the project, as we

listed all our costs to ensure the success of the project. The sixth chapter displays our SWOT

analysis and lastly, the fifth chapter is our conclusion. We have concluded how this rampant

issue is an urgency that must be solved. We believe that with the implementation of our proposed

project, Indonesia will be a safer place for women.

Word Count: 242

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 About our NGO

Figure 1. Logo 1

GirlsDo!, founded by 6 youths in 2018, is an non-government organization based in

Jakarta, Indonesia. GirlsDo! is a community, focusing on the empowerment of females and the

education of topics on sexual harassment to the public. The establishment of GirlsDo! was

motivated by our belief that existing efforts in minimizing sexual harassment has reached a

plateau. In fact, recently, Indonesia is reported as the second most dangerous place for women in

Asia Pacific according to Heriyanto (2019). We believe that we can change this. Our 6 founders

continue to work hard by holding specific roles in the organization as seen below:

Figure 2. Organizational Structure

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Figure 3: Women Sexual Save Day Poster

Although we have only been operating for a year, we have already introduced small-scale

programs to help our community. In 2018, we held one of our biggest events, called the intimate,

sharing session night. We invited famous female-activist Hannah Al Rashid to sit down with our

participants and share her view on sexual abuse, under the theme of “Woman Sexual Save Day”.

Figure 3 is the poster of our event.

1.2 Mission & Vision


To fight against sexual harassment through education and empowerment, whilst being a

safe haven for survivors to come to.


To become a trusted community that empowers women, spreading awareness on issues of

sexual harassment and breaking the society’s stigma on survivors.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 2: Sexual Harassment

2.1 Sexual harassment

According to Komnas Perempuan (2018), sexual harassment is an act of sexual nuance

delivered through physical or non-physical contact that targets a part of the body or its sexuality.

There can be many forms of sexual harassment and not just rape. It can include actions, phrases,

and any sexual attitudes that are non-consensual. In fact, there are two forms of sexual

harassment: verbal and non-verbal. Most verbal cases would occur in the public, where an

individual would receive lewd and sexist comments about their body. This could include acts

such as catcalling and other, inappropriate sexist expressions. Meanwhile, non-verbal sexual

harassment would include raping, sexual assault and even showing of genitals (Maharani, 2017).

Based on its category, there are 5 types of sexual harassment; degrading sexual behaviors and

statements, offensive sexual behavior, requests for sexual activity or relations with a promise

(bribery), coercive sexual activity with punishments, and sexual violations (Wisnubrata, 2018).

2.2 Sexual harassment in Indonesia

A national survey by the civil society coalition was conducted on 62.224 people from

various backgrounds to know more about sexual harassment in Indonesia. 3 out of 5 women have

experienced abuse in public spaces and only 1 out of 10 men have experienced it. Women have a

tendency to experience sexual harassment 13 times greater than men. The victims claimed to

have experienced various sexual harassment: Verbally such as body comments, flirting,

catcalling (60%), then physically like touching their body, being swiped, being secretly

photographed (24%), and visually as showing vulgar gestures, or genital and masturbation

(, 2019).
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

This survey also revealed that sexual harassment is most common in public spaces:

streets (33%), transportation (19%), and even in school and campuses (Sihombing, 2019).

Interestingly, most of the victims were not even wearing revealing outfits. Instead, they were

wearing long pants (18%), Hijab (17%), long-sleeved shirts (16%), and school uniforms (14%).

This survey also dispelled the myth that sexual harassment happens at night. In fact, it is reported

that sexual harassment occurs most during the day (35%), followed by evening (25%), at night

(21%), and in the morning (16%). Many of the victims have also claimed that a majority and

40% of the witnesses opted to ignore the incidents (BBC News, 2019).

2.3 Cause of Sexual Harassment in Indonesia

Based on the findings of the UN Women Safety audit (2018), there are three factors that

have triggered sexual harassment in Indonesia:

First, the infrastructure and public transportation. There is inadequate lighting and CCTV,

sidewalks in strategic places, and public transportation option, which have made women

vulnerable to harassments. Second, Indonesia’s social behavior and norms (Maharani, 2017).

Hannah Al-Rashid, an Indonesian actress, shared her experience on being sexually harassed and

said, “When I was walking, there were two men on motorbikes, who touched me and

immediately left. I was emotional and crying, and then there were several post guards who asked

what happened. I said that I had just been abused by two men and their reactions were just, oh it

commonly happens”. This revolting behavior is a display that our society has actually

normalized and accepted sexual harassment as our culture (BBC News Indonesia, 2019).

Furthermore, as a society we have grown to stigmatize survivors of sexual harassment. Survivors

are rarely supported, and in the contrary, blamed for wearing sexy clothing or walking alone at
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

night. This wrong view corners the victims and validates the actions of their sexual harassers.

Lastly, due to improper guidance, the perpetrator themselves may have experienced or watched

sexual harassment when he or she was a child. The resulting trauma made them want to

impose to others what they had witnessed or experienced (Maharani, 2017).

2.4 Impact of sexual Harassment

Victims of sexual harassment can be impacted in the short-term or long-term. Feelings of

shame, guilt and fear are amongst the most common emotional effects after sexual harassment

(Joyful Heart Foundation, 2019). Other than that, distressed psychological conditions such as

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were also common in the long-term. Survivors would

face nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts with recurring symptoms of the

trauma. This often leads to depression and suicidal thoughts (Mental Health America, 2019).

Moreover, physical consequences may also include pregnancy, injuries, and sexually transmitted

infections and diseases (Joyful Heart Foundation, 2019). These feelings could also be felt by the

victim’s closest people like family and friends. Ultimately, on a community and community scale,

sexual harassment leads to critical structures that risk developing a climate of fear and violence

(NSVRC, 2016).
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 3: The Project

3.1 Project Background

Introducing our project, called #MulaiDariSaya (Starts with me). The #MulaiDariSaya

name stemmed from the belief that any meaningful change always starts from within. We believe

that we must first change ourselves, before trying to change others. For our project, we have

decided to appeal to the youth of age 12-37. We feel that they are the future of our nation and are

most likely to be more receptive to our campaign efforts. Thus, we made sure to incorporate a

millennial touch in all of our campaigns. Our main medium of choice to target this segment will

be through Instagram. Research conducted by Napoleon Cat (2017) has shown that 80% of

Instagram users in Indonesia range from age 13-34. Similarly, Instagram is also the most popular

platform for Indonesians of age 18-24 (Rizal, 2019).

. #MulaiDariSaya comprises of two main segments: #BisaSajaSaya (It could be me) and

#SayaDanDia (Me and her). Our project will be combing both online and offline efforts. Offline,

we will be localizing all our activities in Jakarta, Indonesia in hopes of generating more

familiarity and recognition by operating in the capital city. Further elaboration for the project

will be described in the later section of the proposal

3.2 Project goals and objectives

The goals and objectives of our project are as follow:

● Observing 10,000 followers after one year in Instagram by December 12 2020.

● Reach a minimum of 500,000 people through our Instagram campaigns and an overall

engagement total of 100,000 people by December 12 2020.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

● Raise awareness and educate Indonesian females through evidence-based communication

on topics of:

○ Sexual education and public health

○ The elaboration on what is sexual abuse, its causes, prevention and available steps

to be taken for survivors

○ The power and responsibility of the community in reducing sexual violence rates.

● Empower survivors by:

○ Obtaining more support from law bodies and community to remove unfavorable

policies for survivors

○ Provide safe-environment and a community to support survivors.

○ Rally the public to provide more support to survivors and break the cultural

stigma set on them.

3.3 Project Plan Description #MulaiDariSaya

3.3.1 #BisaSajaSaya.

Our first segment #BisaSajaSaya (#ItCouldBeMe), has the purpose of raising awareness

and knowledge about sexual harassment in the society, especially for women. The name

#BisaSajaSaya is purposely chosen to help remind women that the girl, being sexually harassed,

could have been you. This is why education and awareness on the issue is very important. This

movement will cover several programs as explained in the next page.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

1. Education Monday.

As Instagram is our main platform to spread messages across Indonesia, Education

Monday is a program where we share information through our posts regarding sexual

harassment, its prevention and sex-related educations.

2. Girls Talk.

Figure 4: Concept Art for Talkshow

Other than using social media, we would also use live sessions to help spread awareness.

These live sessions are usually in collaboration with influencers that has insights about sexual

harassment such as Inez Kristanti (, n.d.). Figure 4 is a concept art of our talk

show with Inez Kristanti under the theme of ‘I am a Woman. Not a Girl’. The influencers would

share their experiences and give out advice to people who are in need, as well as addressing the

stigma on the sexual harassment.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

3. Marching or 5K Run.

Figure 5: Marching and 5K Run Map

Other than spreading awareness to those who are in need of help, we want to show

society that we do not just make efforts digitally. We are doing real, observable progress.

Therefore, we would want to conduct activities such as marching and 5K Run. Both activities

serve as ways for us to tell the world about sexual harassment by incorporating supportive

participants from the public. Added to that, it would provide us with the exposure and added

advertisement for our cause. Our survivors are also likely to feel more empowered and feel like

they have contributed to the community. Figure 5 above shows our planned marching route and

5K run map taking place during Car Free Day. We plan to start in front of Mandarin hotel and

end in the Monas area.

4. Advertisements.

Instagram is indeed our main tool of marketing. However, it may not be enough. Thus,

why we aim to also do partnership with Gojek, Grab, TransJakarta and Bluebird and place our

advertisements in their transportation. We are utilizing the concept of ambush marketing,

wherein we place advertisements in locations where people cannot readily avoid. Figure 5 in the

next page is a concept art of our partnership with Gojek.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Figure 6: Ambush Marketing Concept

Our third advertising strategy is the sales of our merchandises, such as tote-bags and

stickers. We would sell tote-bags with our logo on it and quotes about sexual harassment to raise

both awareness on our NGO and its cause. The quotes on our tote-bags will not be entirely

serious, as we would also incorporate pop-culture reference and spoofs to entice the public. We

target the sale of 200 tote-bags per month. The funding from the sale of our merchandises will be

used to help fulfill the need of the survivors in their road to recovery. A sample design of our tote

bag can be seen below:

Figure 7: Tote Bag Designs

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

3.3.2 #SayaDanDia

#SayaDanDia (#MeAndHer) is the empowerment section of our program. We focus on

empowering survivors who are still struggling with their experience through offline activities

that create engagement between women. The name #SayaDanDia was chosen as it can be

translated to women solidarity and the sisterhood of standing together with other females. The

following programs are enlisted under it:

1. Gatherings.

GirlsDo! welcomes everyone to participate in monthly gathering where everyone can

share about their own experiences and opinions regarding sexual harassment. Our monthly

gathering takes the concept of a campfire session where all the girls can join for fun games, BBQ

night, and sharing session in front of the fireplace. We target at least 16 girls and at most 20 girls.

2. Quote of the day and Challenge.

We actively engage our followers on social media by posting motivational and

empowering quotes daily on Instagram story. We want to make sure that our audiences are

reminded daily about how they are noticed and how much we care for every single one of them.

More, we would use hashtags and hold challenges. Our first challenge is #ImAlwaysLit, where

we encourage girls put on their biggest smile and uploads it on their Instagram, including a

positive caption to empower others.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

3. Hotline and line@.

Figure 8: GirlsDo! Line@

Our NGO strives to be the most safe and reliable hotline for sexual assault. We provide

free one-on-one chat through line@. More, we also provide a 24/7 hotline service that can be

reached by calling 021-808080. Privacy remains one of our main beliefs, and we would

continuously remind the survivors that contacted us how all our conversations will remain

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

3.4 Project Rundown

Figure 9. Project Rundown

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 4: Project Budget

To ensure the success of our project, we would request for the funding from Pundi

Perempuan. We understand that Pundi Perempuan has been actively funding new sexual

harassment organizations and providing them with support (Pundi Perempuan, 2017). Thus, why

we feel our projects would be suited. The following table is the estimated budget of our project:

Figure 10. Budget Proposal

We are proposing a total funding of Rp.1,185,600,000 to Pundi Perempuan to support

our project.
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 5: SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:

Consistency: We always have new content Lack of Reputation: GirlsDo! is a fairly new

every day which strengthens our engagement NGO and may not be trusted by the public

with the public. yet.

Uniqueness: We incorporate the millennial Lack of Employees: In the case of expansion,

touch to our contents and maintain a strong we may need to employ more people.


Opportunities: Threats:

Increase Awareness: The public are still not Sensitive issue: Culture and religion has

yet knowledgeable enough on topics about molded Indonesians to consider topics related

sexual harassment. to sexual health a taboo.

Persuasion: Government has shown support Sexual Survivors stigma: Indonesians

which adds to strong persuasion power continue to stigmatize sexual harassment

through important cause. survivors and blame them instead of their

Pundi Perempuan: Funding from Pundi

Perempuan, will help us gain more attention

through our project and expand.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Solution

Indonesia continues to face widespread issues of female sexual harassment in Indonesia

despite current efforts. To solve this problem, we believe that a newer perspective is required.

We introduced our NGO, GirlsDo!, that is focused in the empowerment and education of sexual

harassment topics to the public, especially for women. We aim to become a trusted committee

that protects and support women, at the same time, breaking down the stigma pinpointed on

survivors. We requested your funding for our anti-sexual harassment project entitled

#MulaiDariSaya. The project exists with dual content, encompassing both the awareness

(#BisaSajaSaya) aspect and empowerment (#SayaDanDia) aspect. Through your funding,

GirlsDo! will be able to contribute more positively in the fight against women sexual

harassment. With this said we hope that you will be willing to join us in our project to help turn

Indonesia a safer and better place.

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

ABC. (2018, March 8). Perempuan Korban Kekerasan Di Indonesia Masih Sulit Akses

Bantuan dan Pemulihan. Retrieved from


BBC News Indonesia. (2019, July 17). Pelecehan seksual di ruang publik: Mayoritas

korban berhijab, bercelana panjang dan terjadi di siang bolong. Retrieved from

Change.Org. (2019). Pernah Jadi Korban Pelechan Di Ruang Publik. Kamu Nggak

Sendirian. Retrieved from


Heriyanto, D. (2019, March 6). Indonesia Ranked Second-Most Dangerous Place For

Women in Asia Pacific: Study. Retrieved from


Joyful Heart Foundation. (2019). Sexual Assault and Rape. Retrieved from


Maharani, D. (2017, November 26). Faktor Pemicu Terjadinya Pelecehan Seksual di

Ruang Publik. Retrieved from

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Mental Health America. (2019). Sexual Assault and Mental Health. Retrieved from

Napolean Cat. (2017). Asisten Pribadi Instagram Anda & Statistik Terbaru Pengguna

Instagram. Retrieved from


National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (2016). Impact of Sexual Violence.

Retrieved from


Pundi Perempuan. (2017). Pundi Perempuan. Retrieved from

ResearchGate. (n.d). Retrieved from

Rizal, A. (2019). Berapa Jumlah Pengguna Facebook Dan Instagram Di Indonesia.

Retrieved from


Sihombing, R. F. (2019, July 17). Survei Pelecehan Seksual: Pakaian Terbuka Bukan

Sebab Perempuan Jadi Korban. Retrieved from



Wardah, F. ( 2019, March 7). Kekerasan Perempuan di Ranah Domestik Tertinggi.

VOA Indonesia. Retrieved from

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Wisnubrata. (2018, January 25). Ada Banyak Jenis Pelecehan Seksual, Apa Sajakah?

Halaman all. Retrieved from

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

APPENDIX 1: Logbook
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

Conversation through Line Group

1 December 2019
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

8 December 2019
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

11 December 2019

16 december 2019
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

5 December 2019

GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

23 december 2019
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

APPENDIX 2: TurnItInReport
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal
GirlsDo! Funding Proposal

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