API - Pengertian, Jenis, Cara Kerja, Arsitektur, Dan 5 Contohnya Inlges

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12/15/21, 11:25 AM API: Definition, types, how it works, architecture and 5 examples


Home Media Expert's Corner API: Definition, Types, How it Works, Architecture, and 5 Examples

21 October 2021

Expert's Corner

API: Definition, types, how it works, architecture

and 5 examples
Nur Rosita Dewi

API stands for Application Programming Interface or Application Programming Interface in Indonesian.
The API is an intermediary between the server and the application. To find out more about the API,
here are the definitions and examples.

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Pengertian API (Application Programming Interface)

API helps products connect with other services - EKRUT

Maybe you're wondering, what is an API. In fact, every time you use an application like
Facebook, send a message, or check the weather on your smartphone, you are definitely
using an API. An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating
software applications. In short, API is software development and innovation that enables
various applications to exchange data and functionality easily and securely.

API is a concept that is everywhere, from command line tools to enterprise Java code
to web applications. An API is a way to programmatically interact with a separate software
component or resource. The existence of an API makes the product or service you use
connect with other products and services without having to know how to implement it. This
convenience can simplify application development, saving time, even money.

Whether you're designing new tools and products or managing existing ones, APIs
provide ease of design simplification, flexibility, administration, deployment, and opportunities
to innovate.

How the API works

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Process how the API works (Source: tray.io)

How the API works I can imagine with you as a customer in an ice cream shop. There are three
important aspects in the API, namely the user or you, the server (API), and the kitchen (web server).
As a customer, you will tell the service about your order of ice cream. Then the waiter (API) will
ask him to the kitchen. After that, the waiter (API) will deliver the ice cream according to your order.

The API acts as an intermediary between the user and the web server. API is also an abstraction or
basic concept in software engineering which aims to simplify complex mechanisms by focusing only on
important details. With the API, the customer or user does not need to know how the web server
operates to get what he wants.

In general, APIs work as door-openers to web-based software or data .

The API unlocks all of that in a controlled and secure way for the program.
The entered encoding will send a request to the receiving software, and then the data can be returned.
Calls made by the API for a set of data will be displayed for the end user to consume.

Also read: Things Developers and Programmers Need to Know

4 API Types

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API allows for third-party payments (Source: EKRUT)

As a processor of user requests on web-based data, APIs are divided into several types
which include the following,

1. Public API

A public API is a type of open API available for use by developers or external businesses.
Companies that develop business strategies by engaging various applications and data with
other businesses will develop and offer APIs to the public.
This type of API generally involves moderate authentication and authorization. Enterprises
can also seek to monetize the API by charging a fee per access call that the public uses to
take advantage of the API.

2. Private API

Private API or often also referred to as internal API is an API that is used in a company
exclusively to connect systems and data in business.
For example, this internal API is used to connect the payroll system and
organize human resources.

Private APIs in particular can provide weak or even no security and authentication. This
is because the internal API is intended for internal use only and assumes a weaker
security policy. But lately, the internal API also now has some demands related to the company's
strategy which makes it added with more security policies.

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3. API partners

API partners are APIs from third parties or partners that facilitate B2B (business to
business) activities specifically through certain agreements. The use of APIs from
external parties is done selectively in some businesses that want to share data with
other companies specifically. Partners have rights and licenses to access APIs with a
combination of stronger authentication, authorization and security. Companies also
generally don't monetize those APIs directly. On the other hand, partners are paid for
their services rather than through the use of the API itself.

4. Composite API

Composite API is generally a combination of two or more APIs to arrange a sequence of

operations that are related or interdependent on each other. Composite APIs can be
useful for dealing with complex or closely related API behavior and can sometimes increase
speed and performance over individual APIs.

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API Architecture

API architecture supports synergies between two app services in one tap (Source: Pexels)

API architecture refers to the process of developing software interfaces that

expose back end data and application functionality for use in new applications.

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In general, there are three API architectures used by software developers in application
development. As for some API architecture these are as follows,

1. RPC

RPC is a Remote Procedure Call which is an architectural style for distributed API systems.
RPC has existed since 1980 with the central concept of procedure. Procedures do not need to be
run on local or internal machines, but can be run on remote machines in a distributed system. The
RPC architecture in the API is in charge of calling remote procedures simply as in the process of
calling local procedures.


SOAP or Simple Object Access Protocol is an XML (extensible markup language)-dependent

architecture and runs with a very strongly typed API message framework defining schema. Each
SOAP-provided operation explicitly uses an XML structure to respond to API operations. Each
SOAP input parameter is defined and tied in the same way to a specific type, whether it's an
integer, string, or other complex object. In other words, SOAP allows all existing data to be
stored in a particular document.


REST or Representational State Transfer is an API architecture that can quickly become the
preferred design model for the public. The reason is that this type of API architecture relies on
stateless communication protocols, as well as HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol). In general,
REST organizes data not only in XML, but also in YAML (yet another markup language) or other
machine-readable formats such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). REST follows the object-
oriented programming paradigm of nouns and verbs.
Compared to SOAP, REST relies heavily on certain functions or coding.

Also read: 6 Ways to become an App Developer in a startup company

Examples of API usage

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Payment processing with third-party is one example of using API - EKRUT

APIs have become a valuable aspect for modern businesses as they allow enterprises to
open access to their resources while maintaining security and control. Here are some
examples of popular APIs that you can easily come across.

1. Universal login
An example of the most popular API that you can come across at any time is the
ease of logging into the site using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google profile details.
This feature is very handy as it makes any site take advantage of the API to
quickly authenticate users. This feature also saves time because we don't have to
bother filling out a new profile for each new site service or membership.
2. Third -party payment processing
Another example of using APIs is in processing payments to third parties, such
as PayPal. Now we can freely pay for products online without having to disclose
personal data or give access to unauthorized individuals.

3. Comparing travel bookings Through the

API, users can now compare the cheapest options for each date and destination
across various travel booking services. You can also access availability from hotels
and airlines. Very time-saving, right?
4. Google Maps
One of the most common examples of API is Google Maps. In addition to APIs
displaying static or interactive maps, apps use APIs and other features to provide
users with directions or points of interest.
5. Twitter
Each Tweet contains various kinds of info, from author, unique ID, message,
time of posting, to place.
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Also read: 9 meeting tips for developers that you need to try

That was an example of using the API and how to explain the API in general. You can learn about APIs
if you are interested in learning to be a software developer. If you want a career as a Software Developer
and are looking for a suitable company, then EKRUT can help you. You only need to register via EKRUT
to be found and meet the company of your dreams who are looking for candidates according to your

Application of SEO techniques on Instagram

Last update: 21ÿOctoberÿ2021


How do APIs work? An in-depth guide
What are the types of APIs and their differences?
API Styles: SOAP, REST, RPC, GraphQL and more – API-University


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