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Make Money From Youtube

We continue to search for additional job opportunities and ways to earn

money online, special for those who are looking for additional work at home,
what can I do .

Are you dreaming of the future money by making a few videos, uploading
them to YouTube, right?

You are right too. Over the past few years, a British family shared a 57-
second video about their child and earned exactly $ 150,000 thanks to that
video alone. Why do you watch these gains? Whether you consider it as an
additional job or a hobby… You can also get a steady stream of revenue from

The logic of the business is as follows: If you meet certain conditions, you
can add Google ads to your videos and Google pays a certain percentage of
the revenue generated by the viewers clicking on these ads to your bank
account. On average, you can earn between 1 and 5 TL per 1,000 views.

However, if you think the money will flow into your account after uploading
the video, you are wrong. Because it doesn't work exactly like that. The
money you make will depend on how much effort and time you put into
developing your YouTube channel.

If you're willing to work hard to earn money from YouTube, stay somewhere.
We'll show you step by step how to be successful on YouTube . Let's take a
look at how to build your target audience, monetize clicks and generate a
considerable revenue from YouTube.

How to Make Money on YouTube in 2021?

Many people will tell you that there are more important things than money in
the world. Do you know what is the most important thing? Love.

But if you love money , YouTube is the medium for you!

With a channel where you constantly stream videos and a clever video
strategy, you can make unimaginable money from YouTube.

Once you reach a certain audience and become a YouTube star, you can
experience great excitement. Not only can you deliver the message you can
convey to people, but you can also be part of a system where money comes

Personally, I made a great income from 41 million viewers on another

channel. So I am experienced in how to make money from YouTube.

If you're ready, sit back and listen carefully to my advice:

Tip # 1 Drawing a Roadmap:

Want to know how to make money from YouTube? So my first piece of

advice is don't focus on monetizing YouTube.

When you first open your channel, you don't want to pay much attention to
monetization because there is no way to make money from YouTube quickly.
You can't just upload a few videos and expect any of them to go viral.

First, you have to lay the foundation for being a follow-up YouTuber. You
should upload high quality content to your channel and look for ways to grow
your channel. Only then can you start earning money from your channel. I'm
serious about this, YouTube won't allow them to make money until channel
owners prove their commitment.

My first piece of advice on making money on YouTube is to draw a roadmap

for yourself. There are three things you should do about this:

Prepare the environment

You don't need the best or the most expensive equipment to open a YouTube
channel. It doesn't matter what camera you have, either. What matters is what
you can do with the camera in your hand to reflect the content of your brand.
You can even use your smartphone if the other options do not suit you.

What you have to do here is to prepare the appropriate environment where

you can shoot quality videos. The two most important foundations that will
create your quality are:

Image balance - Nobody wants to watch shaky, unclear images. You can get
a tripod or if you want to shoot video with a handheld camera then you
should choose larger lenses or lenses with optical image balance. Audio -
Never throw the sound into the background. Your audience wants to hear you
clearly. You should take precautions for sounds that will affect the sound
quality. You should try to reduce the background noise and get a microphone
so that the sound can be heard clearly if you need it. You can upgrade to
better equipment over time, but if you want to start a lucrative career online
and make money from YouTube, you need to get everything you need to
make videos that your followers can enjoy.

Be sure to read: Equipment Required to Capture Youtube Videos

Plan your process well

I'll talk about a word I mentioned earlier, consistency. To grow your

YouTube channel, you will need to constantly upload videos and stay in
touch with your followers. Whether you upload videos every day, a few times
a week or every two weeks, your viewers need to know when to upload a
new video.

As time goes by , you'll improve yourself in the video creation process. For
now, you should pay attention to how you progress from the moment you
start creating your video in your mind to the moment it's ready to upload to
the channel.

Observe how much time you spend researching, scripting, filming and
editing, optimizing and sharing. Planning each step will help you improve the
video making process.

You will also see how many videos you can shoot this way. If your ideas are
going to run out in a week, don't get into the business of sharing a video
every day. Remember, everything you do should be more than just making
money, you should enjoy it too.

Know and create your brand

Consistency matters on YouTube. You have to be consistent not only on your
video upload frequency but also on the content.

Every video you shoot should have a unique side, yes, but when looking at
the whole, they should all have a certain line. The foundation of your brand
should not change.

Adopting your brand thoroughly allows you to produce more realistic,

sincere, interesting content.

If you are new to this business, building the foundation of your brand and
adopting it is an important stage. Sometimes even established institutions
need to sit down and think about their brand.

Sit down and ask yourself questions about your brand's identity. What are
you doing? What are you producing content on? Who do you want to reach?
What do you want to achieve with your brand? You don't adopt your own
brand, your followers never do.

Practical tips:

Start a website to broadcast your videos and interact more with your

Design a beautiful logo and use it anywhere.

Use it in watermark with your logo on your videos.

Consider a professional intro for your videos.

Customize your Youtube channel to make it look more professional.

Make sure your content does not contain copyrighted material.

One of the most important factors that can cause your application to be
rejected is copyright infringement. Therefore, your videos should not contain
copyrighted material.

This includes images, graphics, logos, video clips, and audio. For example,
even background music that you use without permission can result in

Be sure to read: What Kind of Channel Can I Open on Youtube?

Tip # 2 Produce Quality Content:

Quality content is crucial to both your channel's growth and your potential

So what do I mean when I say "quality" content?

In fact, quality content is videos that appeal to your viewers' emotions. You
can produce quality content on YouTube in different ways.

Let's say you want to teach your audience something. Then people need to
learn how to do things from your content.

Or you want to make your audience laugh. In this case, your channel is as
good as it entertains people and gives them an escape from the real world.

You may be giving examples of recipes and exercises, you may be showing
your viewers handcrafts that they can do on their own, you may be making
videos about life coaching, or you may be producing other content. The key
is to make a difference in the lives of your audience .

If your viewers are bored every time they watch your videos, if they're
listening to what they've heard hundreds of times before, or if they're feeling
bad, I'm sure they won't watch another video.

Before you shoot the next video that you will post on your YouTube channel,
think about this: Does this video make a difference to the viewer's life?

Produce quality content that will make your viewers feel the emotions they
have never felt before.

Ultimately, your substantial income will depend on making good videos. If

you really want to make money from YouTube, you don't want to be second
in the rankings.
Be sure to read: How to Increase Youtube Views?

Recommendation # 3 Build Your Audience:

If nobody watches your videos, you won't be able to make money from
YouTube. The loyal and closely related audience keeps successful YouTube
channels alive. So how do you get people to discover and follow you?

Explore your passions

If you want to create a channel where you can make money, follow your

I know a lot of people who have done everything to reach hundreds of

subscribers. They want to be famous, make money on YouTube, and
eventually forget that they have a message they want to share with the world.

People who produce content that will appeal to their target audience are
usually successful on YouTube. Show your wealth, be sharp about emotions,
and create fun videos while shooting. Showing your enthusiasm sincerely is
important for building a loyal target audience.

Be sure to read: How To Find Your Passion

Check the insights

The menu tab of your channel contains analytics made by YouTube. Here
you can see your followers age, gender, location and watch duration. You can
see how many people watch each video and how your viewers reach your
videos. You can also calculate the estimated revenue you will earn from your
video after you start monetizing the channel.

These will help you see which of your videos appeal to your viewers and
which doesn't. When you realize that the content you produce is not reaching
the right viewers or anyone, it becomes easier for you to make the necessary
changes and organize your channel.

Get together with your followers

If you want to be successful and make money, you should communicate with
your followers one-on-one. So you have to create a community among
yourself and be close to them.

YouTube star Lilly Sangh says the relationship between the content creator
and the YouTube viewer is "a deeper, more active, closer relationship than a
normal relationship" based on support and trust.

Engaging with your followers shouldn't seem complicated or take your time.
You can follow these simple steps:

Interact— If you are new, you can comment on any comment you receive. Or
even if you like the comment your follower makes, it allows you to establish
a close relationship between you. Ask questions - Invite your viewers to chat.
Ask them to write down what they liked about the videos and what they
would like to watch in other videos. Be an active user - Watch , like and
comment on videos of other YouTubers and be close to them too. That way,
you can gain other followers and show your audience more about yourself.

Advice # 4 Be patient

Producing content to make money on YouTube is a bit like investing. You

take the time, energy and energy to make these videos, and most likely the
first videos you made will not achieve the success you want.

In fact, YouTube won't recognize you until you have about twenty videos
uploaded. I've seen a lot of people fail at this because they didn't want to deal
with it. They wanted immediate success and gave up when they saw what
they had to sacrifice to make money on YouTube.

If you want to learn something from this post, listen to what I have to say

You must be willing to invest in your channel . K analysis I need to start

when I was almost 60 videos for upload each month to reach 500,000 to 1
million viewers.

If you're starting from scratch, make sure to post videos at least once a week.
You may not feel your channel growing until your 30th video is live. It
doesn't matter, the important thing here is to be patient and upload a lot of

If you upload a video a week, you can start making money after about 6-8
months. This applies to all types of business and is an important criterion for

However, I do not recommend uploading 20 videos at a time. This will not

gain you anything.

Systematically upload videos and make sure there is no time between videos.
Identify what works and what doesn't every time you upload a video. Connect
with viewers and find out what they like and don't like. Use this information
while creating your other video. Proceed this way every time. You'll be
professional when you get to your 30th video. Your content will hit the target
at exactly twelve and you will experience an audience explosion on your

Don't expect to make a lot of money in the first 6 months, but keep in mind
the fact that if you spend time and energy, follow the advice in this post, and
be patient, you will be successful.

Remember, what separates the winners from the losers is the willingness to

Tip # 5 Apply for other marketing methods

Don't just rely on YouTube to market your videos. The more people your
content gets, the more views it gets, the more money you will earn.

Apart from YouTube, the two best ways to deliver your videos to more
people are via e-mail and social media accounts.

Create mailing list

Mailing list is the easiest way to communicate with your followers.

I've worked with some YouTubers who haven't had mailing lists before,
which seems very strange to me! Even if you have millions of subscribers,
mail-based marketing will give you the opportunity to communicate one-on-
one and directly with your followers.

Use your videos to advertise a simple website where you can collect your
followers' e-mail addresses.

It might be a good idea to get someone closer to people who sign up for your
mailing list. You can play games with them, gift e-books and post special
videos for those on the mailing list.

After persuading your followers to sign up for the mailing list, email them
when you upload a new video. You may be surprised to see your followers
who are unaware that you are publishing new content, so creating a mailing
list can be the most important step you can take in making money from

Be sure to read: What is E-Mail Marketing? How is it done?

Advertising on social media

It is very important for your brand to be involved in social media. Open an

account for your channel on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and
other channels where your followers hang out. Notify your followers here
when you upload a new video.

Don't forget to include a YouTube link in your post.

You can also advertise your video on places like bookmark sites
StumbleUpon and PearlTrees. Such sites provide plus social cues for your

Be sure to read: How to Advertise on Social Media?

Tip # 6 Search Engine Optimization on YouTube:

We encounter many people who want to be successful on YouTube but do

not know much about natural search optimization.
Before you shoot a video, you should choose keywords and phrases that will
summarize your content.

My keywords here were "How to make money from YouTube". You will see
that this sentence is included in the title, description and labels.

YouTube Search Engine Optimization ensures that your first video is

watched and the viewership of subsequent videos increases.

Be sure to read: What is Youtube Seo? How is it done?

Edit your videos in the best way

Editing your videos in the best way makes it easier for you to find potential
followers to watch your content. Make sure you do everything you write on
the to-do list:

Write an engaging title — Your video titles should be short (no more than 70
characters), creative, and informative. Give viewers tips about the content.
Followers who know what to watch will likely watch the video until the end.
Add attention-grabbing thumbnails - Adding thumbnails about each of your
videos will make your content look more professional. Since more than half
of your followers use phones, choose images and posts that they can easily
access. Add descriptions below your video - YouTube's search and discovery
system depends on the sentences you wrote in the video description. Try to
summarize your content in a few sentences. Google Trends can help you find
useful phrases here. Add link - Do not forget to include the link of your
website, blog, social media accounts or newsletter from the channel in the
statement you will write under your video.

Be sure to read: How to Increase Youtube Views?

Take advantage of the AdWords Service

There are many channels that shoot videos, produce rich content but do not
allocate a budget for advertising.

If you want your channel or brand to make money from YouTube, you
should invest in the right advertising strategies. An effective advertising
strategy allows your channel to grow rapidly and gain followers.

With Google AdWords, you can advertise your channel to YouTube viewers.
So you earn money every time viewers click on your page.

What you need to do is link your YouTube channel to your AdWords page,
prepare an advertisement, set your budget, and determine the audience you
want to reach. You can also put ads in your video, you can also create ads on
the video or from the searched page. If you want to know more about this, I
know another article where you can learn all about reaching more followers
through AdWords.

Tip # 7 Ways To Make Money From Youtube:

Whether you want to create an outlet where you can earn additional income
or make YouTube your full-time business like mine, there are many things
you can do.

The six tips I've given so far have been about setting up your YouTube
channel. If you want to be successful and make money from YouTube and be
successful, you shouldn't ignore these steps.

However, when your followers increase and you're getting around 100,000 to
1,000,000 clicks each month, you'll likely want to look for ways to monetize
your YouTube channel.

In my seventh and final piece of advice, I will talk about the different ways
you can earn money from your channel.

YouTube Monetization Terms and How to Turn On Monetization (

Activation )

Before getting into details, you need to enable monetization on your

YouTube channel. In this way, you can start making money by including ads
in your videos.

How to make money from YouTube:

1. Open your own channel on YouTube.
2. Click Settings on the account button in the upper right corner .
3. Then click the Creator Studio button on the account button in the upper
right corner again .
4. Select Channel> Status and features from the left-hand menu .
5. Enable monetization feature .
6. Accept YouTube's terms by following the steps that come up.

After doing this, you need to create a Google AdSense account to join
Google's advertising network. Anyone who uploads videos to YouTube can
sign up for AdSense after reaching 1000 followers and 4000 hours in the past
year .

Now that you have done all of these, you can start adding ads to your videos.
So Google pays you every time people watch these ads.

Earning money from advertising can be an easy way to make money.

However, if you consider the other concepts in this post, you will find that
this will constitute a tiny fraction of your income.

Be sure to read: How To Make Money From Youtube?

Selling brand products

As your channel grows and gains followers, you will find that people are
interested in buying products related to your brand.

I have been a relationship coach for many years. The reason I opened my
own channel was to increase my visibility on the internet. I can give free
advice from the virtual world through my channel, which both engages my
followers and they expect more from me.

When I opened my own website, my followers discovered there were many

products they could buy. In addition to these products, I also offered them
online training, downloadable content and course options. The courses can
give you an incredible profit, and even my business survives thanks to them.

YouTube is a huge opportunity for this kind of sales. For example, in one of
my videos, I mentioned three messages that will help my followers increase
their salaries in their business life. In another video I talked about those three
messages in depth, but I did not forget to include the link to my e-book,
which I prepared as a guide on the subject.

In this way, I attract the attention of the followers with the videos that I do
not put ads in, and then I update the information on my website and sell it to

Of course, you can sell other things than written content and courses. There
are great opportunities for YouTube entrepreneurs. Stickers, clothes, toys,
stationery, coffee cups or other items increase your brand's visibility and
make money on YouTube.

If you can't decide where to start, I recommend Shopify, an e-commerce

platform that can help you create an online store.

Make your own book

Another great way to make money on YouTube is by writing your own book
and advertising it.

People who subscribe to your YouTube channel have already shown that they
are interested in what you do. They will also be willing to learn more about

If you are using YouTube for entertainment (videos where you comment on
something funny or something) or to provide information (tutorial videos,
videos about certain industries, recipes or tips), it would be a good decision to
write a book that your followers will be interested in.

Sometimes what you need to do is deliver your content to your followers in

different ways.

Believe it or not, writing a book can be easier than you think. If you are not a
good writer, you can find freelance writers on sites such as Bionluk, Fiverr,
Upwork or ProBlogger and print your book for them.
You don't need such a cool publishing house. You can publish your book
yourself on online platforms or on your website.

I recommend people to write books about the topics they love from the heart.
This way, you earn money from every book sold and continue to grow your

Must read: Make Money by Writing an Ebook

Produce sponsored content

For the last four years, I have been receiving mails from institutions that want
to sponsor the videos on my Youtube channel. I recently decided to accept
one of these sponsorship offers.

I was careful in doing this because my brand was unique to me. But
sponsorship is undoubtedly one of the best ways to grow your channel and
earn money. Also, when you become a sponsor, you do not have to give
YouTube a share of the revenue you earn.

As your channel grows, you start receiving sponsorship offers. But if no one
has knocked on your door with the offer yet, you can use influencer
marketing agencies. Such platforms are a suitable option for small channels.
You can research and collaborate with companies that want to produce
content for them on YouTube, Instagram, and other platforms.

Consider affiliate marketing

One of the easy ways to make money on YouTube is through affiliate

marketing. So how does affiliate business work?

Let's say you follow a food channel on YouTube. They give incredibly
beautiful recipes for chicken broth soup. They put the ingredients in a pot and
cook for a long time. Then the person who cooks the dish says, “This pot is
incredible. I bought it from Amazon a few days ago, it is a very suitable pot
for this recipe. I added the link below the video. You can click on the link if
you want to look. You will not regret."
This is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an amazing way to make a profit on YouTube. In fact,

according to a recent study, after watching a video, the rate of people who
bought the product in the video reached 64%. You advertise a product and
add the link below the video. In this way, you earn income from every sale
you make.

There are many programs with which you will establish affiliate marketing.
Amazon Associates is one of the most famous and is expected to be active in
our country very soon. You can also try many other companies.

When your channel is big enough, you can redefine the concept of affiliate
marketing and use it for advertising instead of earning revenue. I even have
an affiliate program for my channel. People advertise my channel and I pay
them in return.

You can apply for affiliate marketing if you are shooting videos where you
choose the best, comment on products, or create content about a particular
product. Thanks to affiliate marketing, you can earn thousands of dollars each
month in almost no effort.

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