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Site Mapping
A site map helps to identify the structure of Mobile/Website applications. They show hierarchies and connections that
allow our audience to gain an understanding of how users navigate and locate content. A collaborated the task flow of all
the features with content inventory of all possible screens and created a site map for the application.

In this project we are focused to help the patients for the compliance of their medication and their regular tracking of
health monitoring, so that they lead a healthy and safe life style and less prone to illness.
Informative Architecture
Thinking about the highlights, site map was made envisioning how a client would utilize the application. The following is
the Information Architecture made dependent on the element list.

Once after site map was made, it was the ideal opportunity for my undisputed top choice errand — Paper portrays. An
outlined wireframes is formed utilizing pencil and paper. It was an extraordinary activity to contemplate the formats,
buttons and pictures and so on a portion of the paper outlines are displayed underneath.
According to Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, “They show us down to speed us up. By taking time to prototype our ideas, we
avoid costly mistake such as becoming too complex too early and sticking with a weak idea for too long”
Prototyping is a test cycle where configuration groups carry out thoughts into unmistakable structures from paper to
advance. Groups construct models of changing levels of loyalty to catch plan ideas and test on clients. With models, you
can refine and approve your plans so your image can deliver the right items.
An interactive High Fidelity prototype of this app created using Figma
Constancy alludes to the degree of detail and usefulness you remember for your model. Typically, this will rely upon item’s
advancement stage. One can develop one that gives a broad perspective of the whole framework or subsystem ﴾called a
level model – e.g., a whole site﴿ or one that gives a definite perspective on only one component ﴾an upward model – e.g., a
checkout interaction﴿. The degree of loyalty pick ought to be suitable for introducing to clients in client testing so they can
give centred input.
After site mapping there is low fidelity that involves personal task of sketching of paper sketching. Pencil and paper is used
to sketch. It is great to think about the buttons, layouts and imaging in designing etc. Few sketches are listed below.
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After pencil sketch on papers, there is Medium Fidelity on ‘Figma’. There are some improves involved at this step and also
to view perspective and presentation to the viewers or users.
Following given the medium‐ fidelity for the setup of profile and add details to the required fields.

Above screen is the setup page for the application to load.

Page for enter the details of medicines for record.

In this screen there is input for the medicines and their respective times and alarm.

Final page for adding medicine for icon to add medicine or option to add manually with respective fields

This pop up message, we can jump to next level or save the page

Details for adding medicines in depth to avoid messed up.

At this step whole template was created also considering the brand colour, icons, Buttons and Fonts so that a standardized
look and view can be added to the application.
On completion of basic of wire framing, there is work started on the user interface designing. In this phase there are
introduction of improvements to the design for better user experiences. In this phase there are also few mandatory
changes in the architecture leads to improvement of overall user experiences.

Home Screen and Menu

My Medicine and Medicine Reminder Details
Add Medicine
Medicine Tracker
Medicine Reports
Medicine Remarks
To decide the degree of productivity of plan and convenience inside the UI of the intelligent model, different directed and
immoderate ease of use testing’s were led. The test plan was conceived were to comprehend client inclination, memory
and recognize potential route issues inside the assignment stream. From the test outcomes, plan enhancements were
taken sent and done the required changes.

The refreshed model is tried with the objective section for revealing mistakes and potential upgrades in convenience and
cooperation. The result was without any mistakes.

Taking everything into account, we can say that we have created model of health care application dependent on the
personas and situations. In the given situations, they confronted circumstance like not ready to use when disconnected, not
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capable to select some features when web speed is low. This portable application gives highlights like straightforward UI to
so anybody can comprehend the application, it shows less promotions, basic in rationale so anybody can use it, it tends to
be used when disconnected. The rationale of the app is additionally basic, so even senior residents likewise can use the app
very conveniently.
Coordinating and organizing plan standards is similarly just about as significant as making them in any case. Keep finding
ways of bettering construction the plan standards we made working, and picture them so everybody can get a decent
comprehension of it across the association.



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Title:Design thinking & Knowledge Management ‐ EA Voices
Dec 1, 2016 — Using a real world, current 'problem' to solve, the course allowed us, as a team, to discover and define, using
some really useful ...

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