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Honorable Chief Engineer (Civil)

Tarbela Dam Project

Subject: Explanation

Ref: Letter no. TDP/admin/Sub-Eng./2022-11 dated 10-01-22

Venerable Sir,

In this Regard my humble submission is as under:

1. My six years daughter is suffering from congenital heart disease since her birth. During
spell of my casual leave w.e.f 04-02-19 to 15-02-19 I remain engaged for providing her
necessary medical care. However despite my desperate efforts her health condition
remains dissatisfactory till 15-02-19.According to exigency of service I had to extent my
hault at home up to 19-02-2019.
2. Your good self will definitely appreciate that I have deep passion to enhance my
professional skills and abilities in the best interest of authority. Accordingly I sought
permission of competent authority for taking admission in B.E (Civil) classes (Morning
Session) in 2017 at M.U.E.T Jamshoro vide ltr no. GM (P) South/E-9/Admin/4395 dated
3. The third session commenced w.e.f Oct/Nov, 2018 and it was under process I was
transferred to Tarbela dam vide ltr no GM (C&M) W/D(A) W/ ABS-6/Gen/2018/E-
11/2580-84 dated 13-03-18.
4. Now the situation for me had become quite hard and ticklish. I had to either
compromise my academic objectives or professional obligations both option were
inconvenient for me.
5. Under these accidental circumstances I applied for leave without pay w.e.f 02/01/2019
to 31/12/2020 immediately after resumed my duty on 20-02-2019.
6. My application for 2 years for two year without pay was very graciously forwarded by
Chief Engineer TDP vide letter No. TDP/Sub-Eng./2019-561 dated 20-02-2019 GM (C&M)
Water Wapda Lahore. Forwarding my leave to the head office implies that it also carries
recommendation of local administration.
7. To secure my academic loss I proceed to Jamshoro to continue my studies chiefly
because I was sure that my leave will definitely be sanctioned because it carried
recommendation of local administration.
8. The above sequence of events depict that whatever went wrong on my part was just
due to exigency of service. I anticipate that your gracious good self after taking into
consideration my narrative will exonerate me from the allegation raised against me.

I further assure you sir, that in future I shall be more rigilat and careful in discharging my
official obligations.

Yours most complaint,

Wajid Ali Malik

Sub Engineer (Civil),TDMO

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