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Surviving Carson

B.K. Leigh
My name is Everett Rivers, and I’m a runner. Not the kind that
crosses the finish line either. No, I run from anything and anyone.
It’s what I know, what I was raised to do. Like mother like daughter,
right? So what happens when Mommy Dearest up and leaves
without me, leaving me with nowhere else to run to? I have all but
three choices,

1. Foster Care.

2. Juvenile Detention.

3. My long and not so lost brother on the East Coast.

The choice was simple. So I packed what little things I owned and
ran right into the devil himself. Carson Andrews, my newest
neighbor, classmate, and tormentor all wrapped in one. But I didn’t
run this time, I stood my ground, no matter how badly I wanted to
flee. I can handle a lot of things, but who knew the shattering of my
heart wasn’t one of them?

*Warning, this is a bully romance that contains triggers and

situations that may be uncomfortable for readers.
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