CHAPTER 1 Analysis and Design of Biasing Circuits

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Dr. K. P. Zacharia

The heart of any electronic circuit, whether it is analogue or

digital, is an amplifier. An amplifier has three regions of operation, namely, cutoff region,
saturation region and a linear region. See, for example, Fig.1.09. The linear region lies
between the cutoff and saturation regions. An analogue amplifier is usually constrained
or “ biased ’’ to operate in the linear region so that the input signal gets amplified without
serious distortion, i.e., the output signal emerges as a reasonably good replica of the input
signal. In digital circuits the normal operating regions are the saturation region (level 0)
and the cutoff region (level 1). Switching occurs when the operating point shifts from
level 0 to level 1, or vice versa, through the linear range. Switching action in a digital
circuit can take place only if the circuit behaves like a good amplifier in the linear range.
Important performance parameters of a digital circuit, such as switching speed, maximum
frequency of switching, etc. are controlled to a large extent, by its behaviour as an
amplifier in the linear range. Detailed study of amplifiers is, therefore, essential to
understand the operation and limitations of analogue as well as digital circuits.

Amplifiers can be constructed using any of the amplifying

devices such as vacuum tubes or solid state devices. Vacuum devices like triodes,
tetrodes, pentodes, etc. are currently obsolete. One vacuum device still popular as an
amplifier is the traveling wave tube (TWT) used in satellite communication. Solid state
devices have lower operating voltages, superior performance, lower power consumption,
ease of manufacture, lower cost, etc. compared to vacuum devices. Solid state devices
have, therefore, replaced vacuum devices in almost all applications and the process is

Solid state devices most commonly used for amplification are

Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT’s), Field Effect Transistors (FET’s) and Metal Oxide
Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET’s). Since BJT’s are more linear and
less expensive, they are preferred in most applications. FET’s and MOSFET’s are used in
applications with special requirements such as high input impedance, frequency response
extending to several tens of GHz, etc.


Building a BJT Amplifier

The amplifying behaviour of a BJT can be characterized by the


IC = hFE IB + ( 1+hFE ) ICBO ………(1.01)

where, IC is the dc collector current, hFE the dc current gain, IB the dc base current and
ICBO the reverse saturation current of the collector junction with emitter terminal open.

The first term on the right hand side of eq.(1.01) represents a part
of the output current IC proportional to the input current IB , where the proportionality
factor hFE is a large dimensionless number. This term, therefore, represents the amplifying
property of the transistor. The second term on the right hand side represents a dc current
controlled by ICBO and hFE. It does not contribute anything to the amplifying process.
Moreover, since ICBO is very sensitive to temperature, the second term on the right hand
side of eq.(1.01) can become comparable to the first term under certain circumstances,
resulting in operating point instability in an amplifying circuit. It is, therefore, desirable
in amplifier design, in the interest of operating point stability, to make the second term in
eq.(1.01) negligible compared to the first term so that IC will not vary appreciably even if
ICBO changes due to variation in temperature. It is shown in section 1.xx that for low
power transistors the maximum value that the term (1 + h FE) ICBO can assume is
of the order of a few tens of microamperes. Hence the choice of a collector current of the
order of a milliampere or more will make the second term in eq.(1.01) negligible
compared to the first term, thereby ensuring operating point stability against variations in
ICBO. Assuming that the collector current is chosen to be large enough to
make IC ≈ hFE IB >> (1 + hFE) ICBO , eq.(1.01) can be approximated as

IC ≈ hFE IB …………..(1.02)

Note that eq.(1.02) is the equation characterizing an ideal current amplifier for which I B
is the input current and IC the output current with hFE representing the current gain.
Since hFE is typically larger than 100, the BJT offers good current amplification. So it
should be possible to construct an amplifier using this device to amplify any given signal.

RS ° º

+ Signal Amplifier Load

VS source RL

° º

Fig.1.01. Interposing an amplifier between source and load for amplification.

Suppose a signal source, represented as a Thevenin source in

Fig.1.01, is available. If the signal VS from this source is weak, it will have to be
amplified to the required amplitude before it is applied to the load R L and to do this, an
amplifier will have to be interposed between the signal source and the load as shown in

Since it is the base current that is amplified in a BJT, the first

step in building an amplifier using a BJT is to interconnect the signal source and the
transistor in such a way that the signal source sends a current proportional to VS into the
base of the BJT. A logical way of doing this is to connect the signal source between the
base and emitter of the BJT as shown in Fig.1.02(a). It is of course understood that the
BJT does not generate current and to obtain a collector current according to eq.(1.02) a
dc source will have to be connected to the BJT. A possible way of connecting the dc
supply VCC is shown in Fig.1.02(b).

An output voltage proportional to IC can be obtained by connecting

a resistance RC in the collector circuit as shown in Fig.1.02(c). Note that the signal
voltage VAB across the resistance RC will be the same as the voltage VAC = Vo
between the collector and emitter. This is because the dc battery VCC behaves like a
short circuit for signal frequencies. This conclusion arises from the fact that there cannot
be any signal voltage variation across the dc battery It is desirable to obtain the output
voltage between the collector and emitter as shown since the input signal voltage, the dc
battery and the output voltage will have a common reference terminal. This makes
cascading of amplifiers for higher gain easy.

- 3–

+ Signal
VS source

(a) Connecting signal source to BJT to obtain IB proportional to VS.



. (b) Connecting a dc battery to obtain IC proportional to IB .


+ VO
− −

(c). Connecting RC to obtain Vo proportional to IC. This circuit amplifies
only one half of the signal waveform.

Fig.1.02. Building a BJT amplifier

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Need for Biasing

The amplifier circuit shown in Fig.1.02(c), unfortunately,

amplifies only the positive half cycle of the signal waveform VS. The reason for this is
not far to seek. If a sine wave is assumed for VS , it can be drawn as shown in Fig.1.03(a).
During the positive half cycle, the source voltage will have a polarity shown in
Fig.1.02(c). Current tends to flow in the clock-wise direction in the base loop. Since this
is in the forward direction of the base-emitter junction of the BJT, a base current I B in the
form of a half sinusoid, as shown in Fig.1.03(b), will flow into the base of the transistor.
This conclusion of half sinusoidal waveform for base current IB is based on the
assumption that the base-emitter junction behaves like an ideal diode having
characteristics as shown in Fig.1.08 with forward current flowing as soon as the signal
voltage goes positive. During the negative half cycle of the signal voltage its polarity will
be opposite to that shown in Fig.1.02(c). Current tends to flow in the anti-clockwise
direction in the base loop. Since this will be in the reverse direction for the base-emitter
junction, base current will not flow during the negative half cycle. The waveform of IB
for the full cycle will be as shown in Fig.1.03(b). Since I C is proportional to IB, the
waveform of IC will be the same as that of IB but with increased magnitude. The
output voltage Vo = VCE , obtained using the relation VCE = VCC − IC RC , is shown
graphically in Fig.1.03(c). It is seen that the amplifier circuit shown in Fig.1.02(c) suffers
from the defect that it reproduces only the positive half cycle of the signal. It is also
noticed that the positive half cycle of the signal appears inverted at the output. This phase
inversion is a characteristic of the common-emitter amplifier and is of no serious
consequence in amplifier design.

The fact that the amplifier circuit of Fig.1.02(c) reproduces only

the positive half cycle of the input waveform is a serious defect and it has to be rectified.
The fault lies in the fact that the base-emitter junction does not allow signal current to
flow in the anti-clockwise direction in the base loop of the circuit shown in Fig.1.02(c).
In other words, base current will not flow for negative values in the graphical
representation of IB shown in Fig.1.03(b). The logical remedy will be to raise the full
waveform of the signal current, positive as well as the negative half cycles, above the
horizontal axis in Fig.1.03(b). This can be done by adding a dc “bias” current, flowing in
the clockwise direction, to the signal current flowing in the base circuit. This will make
the base current unidirectional for the full cycle of the signal waveform provided the dc
bias current is larger than the peak value of the signal current. The base current and
collector current waveforms in such a case will be as shown in Fig.1.04(b). The
corresponding output voltage waveform is shown in Fig.1.04(c). It can be seen that the
full cycle of the signal is reflected in the waveforms of Fig.1.04. Note that the bias
applied in order to avoid distortion of the output waveform, is a current bias. This is to be
expected since the BJT is a current controlled device.


(a) Signal voltage waveform


(b) Base and collector current waveforms



(c) Output voltage waveform

Fig.1.03. Waveforms for the circuit of Fig.1.02(c).



(a) Signal voltage waveform

IBdc, ICdc


(b) Base and collector current waveforms.




(c) Output voltage waveform.

Fig.1.04. Waveforms with bias current applied.

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Fixed Bias circuit

Fig.1.04 shows that the full cycle of the signal waveform can be
amplified without distortion if a dc bias current larger than the peak value of the signal
current is injected into the base terminal along with the signal current. Two different
methods of supplying the required bias current to the circuit of Fig.1.02(c) are shown in
Fig.1.05(a) and (b). In the circuit of Fig.1.05(a) the bias source VBB and a resistance RB


C C2

+ + VCC

− −

(a) Series connection of bias source (b) Shunt connection of bias source

Fig.1.05. Two methods of applying bias current to the circuit of Fig.1.02(c).

are connected in series with the signal source VS . The resistance RB is inserted in the
circuit so that its magnitude can be adjusted to obtain the required bias current in the base
loop. The capacitor C is used to block the dc component of the output voltage
waveform so that only the amplified signal voltage is allowed to reach the load connected
to the output terminals of the amplifier. In the circuit of Fig.1.05(b) the bias source VBB
in series with the resistance RB is connected in parallel with the signal source VS .
Resistance RB can be used to adjust the magnitude of the bias current. The capacitor C1
prevents the bias battery VBB from sending a dc current through the signal source
unnecessarily. The capacitor C2 blocks the dc component of the output voltage.

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The biasing circuit of Fig.1.05(a) has several drawbacks. The dc

bias current has to flow through the signal source and in most cases this is undesirable.
Moreover, the signal source may not have a dc path through it for the bias current to
flow. There is no common ground connection for the signal source VS, the bias battery
VBB and the collector supply battery VCC. A common ground terminal for the signal and
power sources is highly desirable from a practical point of view for ease of cascading
amplifier stages. The bias battery connection shown in Fig.1.05(a) is such that for
amplifiers in cascade each stage will require a separate bias battery.

All the drawbacks listed above for the circuit of Fig.1.05(a) are
absent in the biasing circuit shown in Fig.1.05(b). Since the bias battery VBB as well as
the collector supply battery VCC in Fig.1.05(b) provide positive voltages with respect to
the ground terminal, it should be possible to use a single battery for both purposes. If this
modification is incorporated in Fig.1.05(b), the circuit shown in Fig.1.06 is obtained.
Note that Fig.1.06 is the same as Fig.1.05(b) with the nomenclature VBB changed to VCC.
The circuit shown in Fig.1.06 is a proper amplifier capable of amplifying signals fed to it
without serious distortion and is known as the “fixed bias” amplifier circuit.


is RS i s ib
C2 +

+ C1

− −

Fig.1.06. The fixed bias amplifier circuit which can amplify the full cycle of the
signal waveform

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A Different Look at Biasing Using the Transfer Characteristics of the Amplifier

A different perspective on biasing can be obtained by plotting the

static or dc voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics of the amplifier circuit developed in
Fig.1.02(c). The same circuit, redrawn as shown in Fig.1.07, indicates how the transfer
characteristics are obtained. Static or dc voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics of any
circuit is a plot of dc output voltage as a function of dc input voltage. For the circuit
shown in Fig.1.07 it is a plot of Vo against Vin. A variable dc source connected between
base and emitter as shown in Fig.1.07 provides a variable input voltage to plot the
characteristics. The static voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics of the circuit, shown
in Fig.1.07, can be drawn with the help of the current-voltage characteristics of the base-
emitter junction of the transistor.



Vin = VBE Vo = VCE
− −

Fig.1.07. Circuit for drawing voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics

If the base-emitter junction of the transistor acts like an ideal

diode it will behave like a short circuit or zero resistance when forward biased and like an
open circuit when reverse biased. The current-voltage characteristics of an ideal diode,
which behaves like a short circuit or zero resistance when forward biased, can be
represented by a straight line such as OB lying on the current axis as shown in Fig.1.08.
Similarly, the characteristics of the ideal diode which behaves like an open circuit under
reverse bias can be represented by a straight line such as AO lying on the voltage axis as
shown in Fig.1.08.

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B Transistor saturation point S

Ideal diode
characteristics Silicon diode characteristics Q

0.5v 0.6v 0.7v

Fig.1.08. Characteristics of an ideal and an actual silicon base-emitter junction

The current-voltage characteristics of the base-emitter junction of

a silicon transistor is represented graphically by the curve AOCD in Fig.1.08. The
reverse bias characteristics of both ideal and an actual silicon base-emitter junction can
be represented by the same straight line AO since both behave like open circuits under
reverse bias. The forward characteristics of the base-emitter junction of an actual
transistor, shown by the curve OCD in Fig.1.08, differ significantly from the forward
characteristics of the ideal diode represented by the straight line OB in the same figure.
The ideal diode allows current to pass freely even with the smallest amount of forward
bias. A typical silicon diode, on the other hand, allows significant amount of current to
pass through only when the forward bias exceeds approximately 0.5 volts as shown by
the curve OCD in Fig.1.08. For this reason V BEon, which is the base emitter voltage at
which a silicon transistor begins to conduct noticeably, is assumed to be about 0.5 volts.
To simplify the discussion it is assumed that the forward as well as reverse characteristics
of the base-emitter junction of a silicon transistor, represented by the curve AOCSD, can
be approximated by two straight lines AE and ED without significant error.

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If the straight line approximation consisting of the straight lines

AOE and ED is assumed for the base-emitter junction characteristics of the transistor, it
is seen that no base current IB and, correspondingly, no collector current IC will flow
through the transistor for all values of reverse bias voltages and for forward bias voltages
less than 0.5 volts. So throughout this range, where VBE = Vin , the collector current IC
being zero in the circuit of Fig.1.07, Vo = VCE = VCC − IC RC = VCC. This is represented
graphically as AOE, the cut off region of the transistor, in the linearised voltage-to-
voltage transfer characteristics shown in Fig.1.09.
Cut off point Linear region or
VCC Active region

Cut off region Saturation

Small-signal gain Av = dVin

Q ( Desirable location for

operating point )
Vo = VCE

Saturation point
S D VCEsat = 0.2v


Vin = VBE 0.5v 0.6v 0.7v

Fig.1.09. Linearised voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics of the circuit of


When the base-emitter junction of the transistor is forward

biased beyond 0.5v base current IB begins to flow, collector current IC becomes
noticeable and the output voltage Vo = VCE = VCC − IC RC begins to fall. This process
continues as forward bias increases beyond 0.5v. This fall of V CE with increasing VBE is
represented by the line ES in Fig.1.09. This region, where IC is proportional to IB is
known as the active region of the transistor and is shown as such in Fig.1.09. Small-
signal gain Av in this region will be equal to dVo ⁄ dVin .

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At point S the transistor goes into saturation ( see section 1.xx ).

Beyond this point the collector current IC saturates and does not increase even if VBE and,
correspondingly, IB is increased. In this region known as the “saturation region” , shown
as SD in Fig.1.09, VCE remains constant at around 0.2v . Note that points A,O,E,Q,S and
D in Figs.1.09 and 1.10 corresponds to points A,O,E,Q,S and D respectively in Fig.1.08.

Voutac A O C
signal No output No output No output E

VCC Voutac

Vo Q



No output


−0.2v 0v 0,2v 0.5v 0.6v 0.7v 1.0v

Fig.1.10. Output waveforms for the circuit of Fig 2.01 for various input waveforms

The process of amplification of ac signals using the unbiased

circuit of Fig.1.07 and the problems connected with it can be understood with the help of
its voltage-to-voltage transfer characteristics shown in Fig.1.10 along with various input
and output ac signal waveforms. If a signal as shown at O ( below the axis ) is applied to

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the input of the circuit, there will be no output since for this range of input voltage the
output voltage remains constant at VCC. This is shown as Voutac at O in the figure. An
input waveform, such as that shown at A is obtained by superimposing the signal voltage
on a dc bias voltage equal to −0.2 volts. For this waveform as well as the waveform
shown at C the output remains zero for all time since the output voltage does not vary
within this range of input voltage. For the input waveform shown at E the output voltage
does not vary for all negative values of the ac signal. Positive values of the input signal
causes the output voltage to drop giving rise to the output wave form shown at E. Note
that only the positive half cycles of the input waveform is amplified. The half-waveform
is also inverted at the output. The input voltage waveform shown at Q keeps the full
waveform in the linear range and, correspondingly, the full waveform appears at the
output with reasonable amplification. Such operation makes it a good amplifier and the
0.6 volts dc on which the input signal is superimposed is known as the bias voltage. In
well designed linear amplifiers the dc or quiescent bias voltage will be around 0.6v. The
case of the input voltage shown at F is similar to that of E, except that in this case only
the negative half cycles of the ac signal waveform are amplified with phase inversion.
For the input signal waveform shown at D there will be no output since the transistor
remains in saturation at VCEsat = 0.2v throughout the full period of the ac signal.

It is seen that the circuit of Fig.1.07 operates as a linear amplifier

only if the operation is confined to the linear range of its voltage-to-voltage transfer
characteristics for the full cycle of the input signal. It is also seen that the portion of the
signal waveform lying outside the linear range is not amplified at all and will produce
zero output. Therefore, if maximum peak-to-peak undistorted output is required from the
circuit, it should be biased to operate at the center of its linear range. Note that biasing is
used to ensure that the full cycle of the signal waveform is reproduced.

Fig.1.08 shows that for a silicon transistor in the active region,

i.e., for VBE ≈ 0.6v, base current IB varies rapidly for small changes in VBE. Therefore, in
amplifier circuits, better control of bias point is obtained if a current bias, which will
automatically control the bias voltage, is used. Such a dc bias current IBO for biasing the
transistor, can be obtained by connecting a resistor from the base terminal of the
transistor to VCC . Connection of this bias resistor to the circuit of Fig.1.07 converts it into
the fixed bias amplifier circuit shown in Fig.1.06.

Operating CMOS logic gate as a linear amplifier

Logic gates, TTL as well as CMOS, has a logic level “one” at a

high voltage and a logic level “zero” at a voltage level close to zero. During switching the
voltage varies from one level to the other through a linear region. The foregoing
discussion suggests that if logic gates are biased to operate in the linear range of their
transfer characteristics they will behave like linear amplifiers. The general shape of the
transfer characteristics of CMOS gates is as shown in Fig.1.11(a). If the gates are biased
to operate at the center of the transfer characteristics they will behave like good linear

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Vo = Vin
2 Q R1

+ V=0 −
Vo IDC = 0

Vin Vo = Vin
Vin 2

(a) Typical transfer characteristics of CMOS gates (b) Linear amplifier

Fig.1.11. Connecting CMOS gate as a linear amplifier

amplifiers. It is easy to bias the logic gate to operate at Q, the center of its transfer
characteristics. A CMOS gate, draws no input current since it is constructed using
MOSFETs which have their input gate terminal insulated from the rest of the device by
an oxide layer. Therefore, if a resistance R1 is connected between the input and output
terminals of the logic gate, as shown in Fig.1.11(b), no dc current will flow through R 1
and there will be no voltage across it. This forces the voltage Vo to be equal to Vin. This
constraint Vo = Vin is shown graphically as the dotted straight line in Fig.1.11(a). Since
the quiescent or dc operating point must obey this constraint it must lie on this line. The
quiescent point must also necessarily lie on the transfer characteristics. It follows that the
quiescent point lies at Q, the intersection of the dotted line and the transfer characteristics
as shown in Fig.2.05(a). Therefore, a resistance connected between the input and output
of a CMOS gate forces the quiescent point Q to lie at the center of the transfer
characteristics, as required, and makes Vo = Vin = Vcc / 2 . Note that the magnitude of
resistance of R1 is immaterial as far as biasing is concerned since no current flows
through it. However, the input resistance of the amplifier being dependent on it, low
values are avoided. Typical values for R1 rage between 100K and 20M. A similar
method is used to bias TTL logic gates to operate them in the linear range.

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Analysis of amplifier circuits


The purpose of analysis, in the present context, is to determine

all the dc and ac voltages and currents pertaining to a given amplifier circuit to assess its
behaviour as an amplifier. An amplifier can amplify properly only if the operation is
restricted to its linear range. DC analysis of the circuit will verify whether the quiescent
point lies within the linear range or whether it lies in the cutoff or saturation region. If the
quiescent point lies well within the linear range, a reasonable magnitude of undistorted
output can be expected from the circuit. In such cases analysis can be extended to signal
or ac analysis to determine its performance as an amplifier. If, on the other hand, the
quiescent point is found to lie in the cutoff or saturation region ac or signal analysis is
meaningless since only a distorted output can be expected from the circuit.

Several methods are available for analyzing amplifier circuits to

assess its performance. One method is graphical analysis using device characteristics and
circuit parameters. Graphical method provides a good insight into the operation of the
circuit. However, it is a time consuming process with limited accuracy. It is also not very
suitable when repeated calculations have to be carried out with new circuit parameters.

Another method uses techniques of linear circuit analysis,

substituting equivalent circuit models for active devices. This method is comparatively
fast and convenient when repeated calculations are required. The accuracy of this method
depends, to a large extent, on the accuracy of device models. This method is also very
much suitable for computer aided analysis. Several softwares such as PSPICE,
MATLAB, etc. are available commercially for this purpose. Since device modeling is
reasonably accurate in such softwares, computer aided analysis is capable of providing
accurate results. Because of all these advantages, circuit analysis method is the most
popular and preferred method for electronic circuit analysis.

DC analysis of the fixed bias amplifier circuit

The techniques of dc analysis of amplifier circuits can be

understood by applying it to the fixed bias amplifier circuit shown in Fig.1.06. For dc
voltages and currents capacitors behave like open circuits. So for the dc analysis of
Fig.1.06, capacitors C1 and C2 can be treated as open circuits. If this is done, it is seen that
the signal source represented by Vs and Rs as well as C1 and C2 will not appear in the
circuit used for dc analysis. Therefore, the circuit used for the dc analysis of Fig.1.06 can
be drawn as shown in Fig.1.12. The technique of dc analysis of the fixed bias circuit of
Fig.1.06 can be understood by analyzing the circuit shown in Fig.1.12 for which all
relevant circuit and device parameters have been specified.

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RB = 1M RC = 4.7K

VCC = 20v

hFE = 100

Fig.1.12. Circuit suitable for dc analysis of fixed bias amplifier of Fig.1.06
with circuit and device parameters specified.

DC analysis of amplifier circuits also can be carried out using

either (a) graphical method or (b) circuit analysis technique. It will be very useful,
however, to define a few terms before the analysis is carried out.

Quiescent point
Whenever the dc supply voltage VCC is switched on for the fixed
bias circuit shown in Fig.1.12, voltages and currents settle down to steady state or dc or
quiescent values almost immediately. The steady state dc collector current IC and the
corresponding collector-to-emitter dc voltage VCE across the transistor represent what is
known as the quiescent operating point, or more concisely, the “quiescent point” of the

Load line
The quiescent values of IC and VCE are not independent, but are
related through the circuit equation

VCE = VCC − IC RC ……(1.03)

Note that eq.(1.03) represents KVL applied around the collector loop in Fig.1.12.
Eq(1.03), known as the load line equation with variables I C and VCE , represents a
straight line, referred to as the collector circuit load line or more commonly “load line”.
This straight line is known as load line because it can be drawn once the load resistance
RC and VCC are known. The easiest way of drawing the load line is to determine the y-
axis and x-axis intercepts named A and B respectively. The y-axis intercept A can

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be obtained by reducing VCE to zero in eq.(1.03) which yields I C = VCC / RC . The

x-axis intercept B can be obtained by reducing I C to zero in eq(1.03) which gives VCE
= VCC . If A is located on the y-axis at I C = VCC / RC and B is located on the x-axis
at VCE = VCC and if A and B are connected by a straight line, as shown in Fig.1.13, the
graphical representation of load line is obtained.

VCC A (Saturation point)

Load line


B (Cutoff point)


Fig.1.13. Graphical representation of eq.(1.03), i.e., load line.

Note that the load line equation, eq.(1.03), being a circuit

equation, can be written in exactly the same form for any type of active device, if the
variables IC and VCE are replaced by the corresponding device current ID and device
voltage VD respectively. Obviously, the load line of Fig.1.03 can be drawn in exactly
the same way without reference to the device, with only symbolic changes in the device
variables, i.e., replacing the y-axis variable IC with ID and the x-axis variable VCE with

(a) Graphical analysis of fixed bias amplifier circuit

The first phase of the graphical analysis of the fixed bias circuit
of Fig.1.12 deals with the problem of locating the quiescent point or dc operating point of
the device on the device characteristics. For this the first step is to draw the collector
circuit load line as explained in connection with Fig.1.13, using numerical values of the

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circuit parameters specified in Fig.1.12. For the parameters defined for this circuit, A, the
intercept on the y-axis will be located at IC = VCC / RC = 20 / 4.7K = 4.25 mA and B, the
x-axis intercept will be at VCE = VCC = 20v. If A and B are located on the respective axes
and joined by a straight line the load line is obtained. This is shown in Fig.1.14.

The quiescent point ( V CEO , ICO ) must necessarily lie on the load
line since VCEO and ICO must satisfy eq.(1.03), the load line equation. The exact location
of the quiescent point on the load line is decided by the second constraint imposed by the
device. The device constrains the quiescent point to lie on the device characteristic it is
forced to operate by the circuit. Since the quiescent point must lie on the load line and
also on a particular device characteristic, the intersection of these two lines will specify
the location of the quiescent point. It is necessary to draw these two lines on the same
graph to locate their point of intersection. Because of this it will be very convenient to
draw the load line in step 1 on the common emitter output characteristics as shown in
Fig.1.14 since both graphs have the same variables on the axes.

Saturation line
IB = 50µ A
5mA IB = 40µ A
IB ≈ 42µ A
Saturation point S
A = 4.25mA
IB = 30µ A

X Xop X 23µ A
IB = 20µ A
3 2mA 1
Y Yop Y 17µ A
IC IB = 10µ A
Cutoff point B
IB = 0

0 VCE 10v20v
X 2

Fig.1.14. Load line drawn on transistor output characteristics.

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The second step in the analysis is to locate the characteristics on

which the transistor is constrained to operate by circuit . Each of the transistor
characteristics shown in Fig.1.14 is plotted for a specific value of dc base current IB . If
the dc base current of the transistor in Fig.1.12 is determined it will be possible to locate
the characteristic in Fig.1.14 on which the quiescent point lies. The dc base current IBO
can be obtained graphically using the loop equation for the loop formed by R B , base-
emitter junction and VCC . The loop equation can be written as

Or VBE = VCC − IB RB ……….(1.04)
It is observed that eq.(1.04) has the same form as eq.(1.03), if VBE and IB are taken to be
the variables similar to VCE and IC in eq.(1.03). Eq.1.04 can, therefore, be considered as
the base circuit load line equation represented graphically in Fig.1.15

Base circuit load line [ eq.(1.04) ]
DC operating point


To meet
Base-emitter junction VBE axis at VCC
IB characteristics


Fig.1.15. Base circuit load line and determination of

dc operating point for base-emitter junction.

The dc operating point (VBEO, IBO) of the base-emitter junction must lie on the base load
line since the point (VBEO, IBO) must satisfy eq.(1.04). It must also lie on the base-emitter
characteristics. Therefore the dc operating point of the base-emitter junction will be P, the
intersection of base load line and the base-emitter characteristics as shown in Fig.1.15.

− 20 −
In reasonably well designed amplifiers the operating point VBEO
is designed to be near the center of the linear range. Typical values of VBEO is found to lie
between 0.55v and 0.65v, i.e., 0.6v ± 50mv for silicon transistors. Therefore,
in circuit analysis nominal value of base emitter dc voltage can be
assumed to be 0.6v with little error since most of the commonly used transistors
at present are silicon transistors. For example, if VBE is assumed to be 0.6v in eq.(3.02)
and the numerical values of VCC and RB as given in Fig.1.12 are used IB is obtained as
19.4µ A ≈ 20µ A. It is expected that the graphical method shown in Fig.1.15 will yield a
value for VBEO close to 0.6v and a value for IBO close to 20µ A. This means that the
quiescent operating point must lie on the output characteristics corresponding to IB =
20µ A. Since the quiescent point must also lie on the load line, the intersection of load
line and the characteristics for IB = 20µ A, i.e., the point marked Q in Fig.1.14 will be the
quiescent point. At the quiescent point Q, the collector-to-emitter voltage VCE = VCEO will
be around 11 volts and the collector current IC = ICO will be around 2.2mA as seen from

Graphical Analysis for ac signals

The process of amplification of ac signals using, the circuit of

Fig.1.06 with the parameter values specified in Fig.1.12, can be understood from the
waveforms shown in Fig.1.14. When the supply voltage VCC = 20v is applied to the
amplifier circuit shown in Fig.1.06 a dc base current I BO = 20µ A flows into the base
terminal of the transistor. When a signal is applied to the circuit as shown in Fig.1.06 a
signal current is also flows into the base along with the dc or quiescent base current of
20µ A. The total base current ib, according to superposition principle, will be the sum of
the quiescent base current IBO and the signal current is and can be written as

Total base current ib = IBO + is = 20µ A + is ……(1.05)

The peak value of the signal current is in the base loop is

assumed, arbitrarily, to be 3µ A. It must be realized, however, that a signal voltage Vs,
typically of the order of a few millivolts, will be sufficient to send a current of the order
of 3µ A in the base loop. According to eq.(1.05), this signal current added to the dc base
current IBO equal to 20µ A will make the total base current reach a maximum of 23µ A at
the positive peaks of the signal and a minimum of 17µ A at the negative peaks. This base
current waveform for the full cycle is shown graphically as waveform “1” in Fig.1.14.

At the beginning of a cycle of signal voltage waveform is = 0 and

the total base current ib will have a magnitude equal to its quiescent value of 20µ A as
shown in waveform “1” of Fig.1.14. Since the operating point at that instant of time is at
the intersection of the device characteristics for ib = IBO = 20µ A and the load line, it will
be located at the quiescent point Q with VCE ≈ 11v and IC ≈ 2.2mA. This will correspond
to the beginning point of the collector-to-emitter voltage waveform shown as waveform
“2” in Fig.1.14 and the beginning point of the collector current waveform shown as
waveform “3” in the same figure.
− 21 −

When the signal voltage reaches the positive peak, the signal
current is in the base loop will reach a positive peak equal to 3µ A and the total base
current ib will be equal to 23µ A. This will correspond to the point marked X in
waveform “1” shown in Fig.1.14.The operating point at this ib will lie at the intersection
of the device characteristics for 23µ A and the load line, i.e., at the point marked Xop on
the load line in Fig.1.14. Corresponding to this VCE will drop to around 9v indicated by
the point X in waveform “2” and IC will increase to around 2.6mA as shown by the point
X in waveform “3”.

At the end of the positive half cycle, the signal voltage will
reduce to zero and the base current will drop to its quiescent value. The operating point
will return back to the point Q on the load line with corresponding quiescent values of
VCE and IC.

When the signal voltage V s reaches its negative peak, the signal
current is will reach a negative peak of −3µ A, the total base current ib will be equal to
17µ A. The operating point will shift to the point marked Yop on the load line in Fig.1.14.
VCE, correspondingly, will increase to 13v and IC will drop to 1.8mA.

At the end of the full cycle, the signal voltage will again reduce
to zero and the base current will drop to its quiescent value. The operating point will
again return back to the point Q on the load line with V CE and IC attaining quiescent
values once more.

The maximum variation of around 2 volts in V CE during the full

cycle of the signal waveform, from a minimum of 9v to a maximum of 13v, represent the
peak-to-peak voltage of the output signal. Since a peak-to-peak input voltage of the order
of millivolts is sufficient to provide this peak-to-peak output of 2 volts, signal
amplification is achieved. It is interesting to note that the output voltage reaches a
negative peak, as indicated by the point X in waveform “2”, when the input voltage
reaches a positive peak, as indicated by the point X in waveform “1”. This means that
amplification is obtained along with phase inversion for this amplifier circuit. This is not
a serious problem in most applications.

(b) Circuit analysis technique for dc analysis of fixed bias amplifier circuit

Circuit analysis technique means using methods of circuit

analysis to analyse the amplifier circuit, replacing active devices by circuit models which
will behave in exactly the same manner as the device. DC analysis means determination
of dc voltages and currents at various points in the amplifier circuit when all the dc
voltage and current sources connected with the circuit are activated. For dc analysis the
device must be represented by a dc circuit model which will behave exactly as the device
for dc voltages and currents. A different circuit model is to used for ac or signal analysis.

− 22 −
DC equivalent circuits or dc circuit models for bipolar junction transistors

It has been mentioned already that the forward voltage drop

across the base-emitter junction of a silicon transistor operating in the linear region will
be around 0.6v ± 50mv. Neglecting 50mv in comparison with 0.6v will, in general,
cause negligible error in most dc analysis. For example, eq.(1.04) represents KVL applied
to the base loop. From this equation IB can be written as

(VCC − V BE )
IB = …...
In the numerator of eq.(1.06) it will make very little difference whether V BE is taken as
0.6v or 0.6v ± 50mv, since VCC is usually quite large. So in most dc analysis VBE is
taken to be a fixed voltage equal to 0.6v assuming the transistors to be made of silicon
material. This fixed voltage of 0.6v between base and emitter can be represented by a
0.6v dc battery connected between base and emitter in the circuit model of the transistor,
as shown in Fig.1.16(a).

For a bipolar junction transistor operating in the active or linear

region, assuming eq.(1.02) to be applicable, IC can be related to IB by the relation

IC = hFE IB …..(1.07)

This linear relation between collector current and base current can be represented by a
current controlled current source connected between collector and emitter in the circuit
model of the BJT, as shown in Fig.1.16(a).

Base Collector

VBE = 0.6v hFE IB

Emitter Emitter

(a) BJT in the active region

− 23 −

Base Collector Base Collector

VBEsat VCEsat
≈ 0.7v ≈ 0.2v

Emitter Emitter Emitter

(b) BJT in saturation (c) BJT in cutoff region

Fig.1.16. DC equivalent circuits or dc circuit models for BJT.

If the base current for the transistor shown in Fig.1.14 is

increased to around 42µ A the operating point will shift to saturation point S. Even if the
base current IB is increased to 50µ A the operating point will remain at S since the
intersection of load line and the device characteristics for IB = 50µ A occurs at point S.
Note that the operating point will remain at S for all values of base current above 42µ A.
Hence for all these values of base current, the transistor is said to be in saturation with
both emitter and collector junctions forward biased. The magnitude of V CE at this point,
often known as VCEsat, will be typically around 0.1v to 0.2v. It is common practice to
assume VCEsat to be a constant voltage equal to 0.2v. This will correspond to a V BEsat equal
to 0.7v as shown in Fig.1.08. Thus for a transistor in saturation, VCE = 0.2v and VBE =
0.7v. These fixed voltages can be represented by two batteries, one of 0.7 volts connected
between base and emitter and another of 0.2 volts connected between collector and
emitter, as shown in Fig.1.16(b), to form the dc equivalent circuit or the dc circuit model
of the transistor in saturation. It can be seen from Fig.1.16(b) that the collector-to-base
junction is forward biased by a voltage equal to 0.5v for the transistor in saturation.

The collector current ICsat at S in Fig.1.14, where the transistor

just enters saturation, and the y-intercept of load line at I C = A = VCC / RC differ by a
negligible amount. So it is usual to equate these two and write I Csat = VCC / RC and
express the base current at the point of saturation IBsat = ICsat / hFE = VCC / hFE RC. Another
way of obtaining the expression for ICsat is to write IC = (VCC − VCE) / RC from eq.(1.03)
and to modify it as ICsat = (VCC − VCEsat) / RC at saturation. Since VCEsat of the order of 0.1v
to 0.2v is negligible compared to VCC, collector current at saturation can be approximated
as ICsat = VCC / RC.

A transistor in the cutoff region will have both collector and

emitter junctions reverse biased with collector current as well as base current equal to
zero. Therefore, if all the three terminals are left open as shown in Fig.1.16(c), it will
form the dc equivalent circuit or dc circuit model of the transistor in the cutoff region.

− 24 −

Procedure for dc analysis of amplifier circuits using dc equivalent circuits

1. Assume (1 + hFE) ICBO << hFE IB. The approximation IC = hFE IB is then valid.
2. Draw the amplifier circuit modified for dc analysis. (See, for example, Fig.1.12)
3. Assuming the transistor to be in the active region, replace the transistor symbol by
its dc equivalent circuit for active region shown in Fig.1.16(a).
4. Analyse the circuit to find out IB , IC and all the relevant voltages and currents.
5. Verify the validity of the two assumptions made in step 1 and step 3.

Sometimes the analysis might give odd results, such as a voltage

drop across RC larger than VCC, which is not possible. This is usually an indication that
the transistor might be in saturation. In such cases the analysis already done will have to
be discarded and steps 3 and 4 will have to be repeated using dc equivalent circuit for the
transistor in saturation shown in Fig.1.16(b).

Limitations of Practical Fixed Bias Amplifier Circuits

The main limitation on the performance of the fixed bias circuit

arises from the fact that the manufacturers specify one of the widest tolerance ever for the
hFE of the transistors they manufacture. The tolerance is so wide that instead of specifying
it in terms of a percentage it is specified in terms of a minimum value, a typical value and
a maximum value. In most cases the ratio of maximum value to minimum value of hFE is
around 3, in some cases it increases to 5 or more and in a few cases it is limited to 2. The
data sheets of the transistor BC 107, given in Appendix X, shows that for this transistor
hFEmin = 110, hFEtyp = 180 and hFEmax = 220. Anyone attempting amplifier circuit design
must make allowance for the fact that for any transistor that is selected for the circuit the
hFE can lie anywhere between hFEmin and hFEmax .In contrast, shift in hFE due to temperature
variations in low power amplifiers is much less. It has been shown that an amplifier will
be able to give maximum peak-to-peak output without distortion if it is biased to operate
with the quiescent point at the center of the load line. This objective will be attained only
so long as the quiescent point remains at the center of the load line permanently. Since
the hFE of the particular transistor used in the circuit can lie anywhere within
manufacturer’s tolerance, it is necessary to verify how far this shift in hFE , when
changing the transistor in the circuit to another of the same type from the same
manufacturer, will affect the location of quiescent point. If the quiescent point shifts
beyond tolerable limits for change in hFE within manufacturer’s tolerance, a different
type of biasing circuit should be used to guard against this.

A specific example of fixed bias circuit design will clarify the

problem. Assume that the transistor selected to be used in the fixed bias circuit, shown in
Fig.1.17(a), has hFE specified as hFEmin = 100, hFEtyp = 200 and hFEmax = 300. To make the
collector current IC independent of variations in ICB0 it is chosen to be 1mA so that
IC >> ( 1 + hFE ) ICB0 and the expression for collector current IC , given in

− 25 −

VCC = 20v
2mA IB = 20µ A

RB Q (10v, 1mA)
(1.94M) RC (10K)
IC IB = 10µ A
IC = 1mA

hFE = 100
IB 0 10v 20v


(a) Fixed Bias Circuit (b) Quiescent point for hFE = 100

IB = 10µ A

Q (0v, 2mA)
Saturation point Q (0v, 2mA)
2mA 2mA Saturation point
IB = 10µ A

0 20v 0 20v

(c) Quiescent point for hFE = 200 (d) Quiescent point for hFE = 300

Fig.1.17. Shift of quiescent point with change in hFE for a fixed bias circuit.

− 26 −

eq.(1.01), can be approximated as IC ≈ hFE IB . To dramatise the problem it is assumed

that the design is carried out using h FE = hFEmin = 100. This choice of h FE makes IB
= IC ⁄ hFE = 10µ A. With IB = 10µ A and VCC given as 20 volts, RB = 1.94 MΩ from eq.
(1.04), assuming a nominal value of 0.6 volts for VBE since most of the currently
available transistors are made of silicon. Maximum undistorted peak-to-peak output
voltage is obtained when the quiescent point Q is located at the center of the load line,
i.e., when Q is located at ( 10v , 1mA ) as shown in Fig.1.17(b). Since quiescent V CE is
to be 10 volts, voltage drop across RC will also be 10 volts, the supply voltage being 20
volts. The quiescent voltage drop of 10 volts across R C and the choice of collector current
as 1mA will make RC = 10K. This completes the design of the circuit. The completed
design is shown in Fig.1.17(a). With RC and VCC known, the load line can be drawn as
shown in Fig.1.17(b). The intersection of load line and the device characteristics for
quiescent base current IB = 10µ A locates the quiescent point Q shown in Fig.1.17(b).
The output voltage waveform at the lower part of the figure shows that an undistorted
output voltage of 20 volts peak-to-peak can be obtained from the circuit designed.

Assume that the transistor used in the circuit of Fig.1.17(a) and

for the graph shown in Fig.1.17(b) worked well in the circuit for some time and became
defective thereafter. The remedy is to replace the defective transistor with another having
the same type number and from the same manufacturer. It is also stipulated that the new
transistor used as a replacement for the old transistor has hFE = 200. Note that this hFE is
well within the manufacturer’s tolerance. The quiescent base current for the new
transistor also will be 10µ A, the same as the base current for the old transistor. The base
current does not vary because IB = ( VCC − VBE ) ⁄ RB from eq.(1.04) and VBE depends
only on the material used for making the transistor and not on the type or make of the
transistor. Since quiescent value of IB , which is the bias current, is a constant
independent of the transistor used, the circuit is called the ‘‘fixed bias circuit’’. The
device characteristics for IB = 10µ A for the new transistor is shown in Fig.1.17(c). The
intersection of this characteristic and the load line locates the quiescent point Q as shown
in Fig.1.17(c). Note that the quiescent point is just at the point of saturation and,
correspondingly, only one half of the input waveform is amplified as explained in
connection with Fig.1.10. If the new transistor used as replacement for the original
transistor has hFE = 300, the upper limit of manufacturer’s tolerance, the bias current I B
will still remain at 10µ A and the quiescent point Q will be located at the point shown in
Fig.1.17(d). As can be seen from the figure the quiescent point Q has gone well into
saturation and, therefore, the circuit will amplify only less than half a cycle of the
waveform. This shows that the circuit design is not satisfactory because it can cause
defective operation when transistors are replaced.

− 27 −

hFE = 100 hFE = 200 hFE = 300

2mA 2mA 2mA
1.5mA Q (5v, 1.5mA)
1mA Q (10v, 1mA)
0.5mA Q (15v, 0.5mA)

0 15v 20v 0 10v 20v 0 5v 20v

V0 V0 V0

10v 15v 20v 0v 10v 20v 0v 5v 10v

(a) If hFE shifts to 100 (b) For hFE = 200 (c) If hFE shifts to 300

Fig.1.18. Performance of optimal design of fixed bias circuit using hFE = hFEtyp = 200

A sensible way of overcoming this problem to some extent is to

design the circuit with the typical value of hFE rather than the minimum or maximum
value. If typical value of hFE = hFEtyp = 200 is used for the design, I C being 1 mA,
IB = IC ⁄ hFE = 5µ A and consequently RB = 3.88MΩ . RC remains the same as before
because the quiescent point is to be at the center of the load line with V CE = 10v. The load
line, the device characteristics for IB = 5µ A and the quiescent point at the
intersection of these two are shown in Fig.1.18(b). The waveform of the output voltage
V0 , shown at the bottom of the figure, indicates that the circuit is able to provide an
undistorted peak-to-peak output of 20 volts, the maximum possible from the circuit.

If the transistor in the circuit is replaced with another one having

hFE = 100, the lower limit specified by the manufacturer, the quiescent point Q will shift
to the point shown in Fig.1.18(a). The maximum undistorted output will be only 10 volts
peak-to-peak in this case as shown in the figure. If the input is increased beyond this, the
positive peaks of the waveform will be clipped at VCE = 20v since VCE cannot increase
beyond VCC . Similarly if the transistor is changed to another with hFE = 300, the upper
limit specified by the manufacturer, the quiescent point Q will shift to the point shown in
Fig.1.18(c). In this case also the maximum undistorted output will be 10 volts peak-to-
peak as shown in the figure. If the input is increased beyond this, the negative peaks of
the waveform will be clipped at VCE = 0 since VCE cannot reduce below 0 volts.

− 28 −

It is clear that if typical value of h FE is used for the design of a

fixed bias circuit, the designer will be able to guarantee an undistorted peak-to-peak
output voltage of the order of one half the supply voltage VCC for all values of hFE within
the manufacturer’s tolerance. Because of this and the fact that only one extra resistance is
required for biasing, the fixed bias circuit is very popular in amplifiers required to
provide reasonably low values of output voltage. Front end amplifiers or initial stages of
multistage high-gain amplifiers will be required to handle only very low values of signal
voltages and in such cases the fixed bias circuit is very popular.

The h FE of a transistor can vary not only due to production

tolerances but also due to temperature variations. Temperature variations in a transistor
can be attributed in part to ambient temperature variations and in part to power
dissipation in a transistor during operation. Assuming an ambient temperature variation
of ± 25oC around an average temperature of 25oC and approximately 5oC rise in
temperature above ambient due to power dissipation as explained in chapter X, the total
temperature variation can be taken to be between 5oC and 55oC, i.e., ± 25oC around an
average level of 30oC. The graph of hFE plotted against IC , shown in Fig.1.19, indicates
that a variation in temperature of the order of ± 30oC around 30oC causes only around
20% variation in hFE . This indicates that the shift in magnitude of hFE in a circuit is
mainly due to variation within manufacturer’s tolerance when transistors are replaced and
not due to temperature variation.



hFE 150oC

50 0oC

− 55oC

0 5 IC 10 15

Fig.1.19. Variation of hFE with IC for different temperatures.

− 29 −

Analysis and Design of Biasing Circuits Most Frequently Used

In fixed bias circuits the quiescent or dc base current which

represents the bias current, is independent of the transistor used. This is evident from eq.
(1.06) in which the only parameter pertaining to the transistor pertains, strictly speaking,
to the material of the transistor rather than the type of transistor used. For all silicon
transistors, the most common type, VBE can be assumed to be 0.6 volts. IB being ‘fixed’
by the circuit parameters and material of the transistor, the quiescent current I C ( IC =
hFE IB) and, consequently, the location of the quiescent point, varies in direct proportion to
hFE . This is reflected in the position of the quiescent point in the three graphs of Fig.1.18.
Because of this the circuit designer will be able to guarantee an undistorted peak-to-peak
output voltage less than half the supply voltage. When output voltages comparable to the
supply voltage VCC is required, fixed bias circuit will not be able to guarantee it. To
overcome this problem other types of biasing circuits are used. In all the biasing circuits
used, the primary purpose is, of course, to provide the bias current required so that the
full waveform of the signal is reproduced properly. The secondary purpose is to stabilize,
as far as possible, the quiescent collector current and, in turn, the quiescent point. The
collector current IC in such circuits is a function of h FE , VBE and ICB0 , i.e., IC = f (hFE , VBE
, ICB0). The purpose of present analysis is to obtain expressions for collector current in
terms of these variables. Using these expressions for IC , a logical approach to the design
of biasing circuits is suggested.

It has been explained in connection with Fig.1.05(b) that a bias

current for the transistor can be obtained by connecting a bias resistor between the base
of the transistor and a point where there is a reasonably high positive dc voltage such as
the + VCC dc supply bus. If the bias resistor is connected between the base of the
transistor and the dc supply, the resulting circuit will be the fixed bias circuit shown in
Fig.T.1.1.01 of Table.1.1. The bias resistor can also be connected between the base and
the collector terminal since the dc voltage at the collector is expected to be around half
the supply voltage. If the bias resistor is connected between the base and the collector, the
collector-to-base bias circuit shown in Fig.T.1.1.02 of Table.1.1 is obtained. If a resistor
is connected between the emitter terminal and ground in a fixed bias circuit some amount
of negative feedback is introduced which will stabilize collector current to some extent.
This type of bias is known as emitter bias shown in Fig.T.1.1.03 of Table.1.1. If the base
resistor in an emitter bias circuit is connected to the collector instead of the + VCC supply
as shown in Fig.T.1.1.04 of Table.1.1, the resulting circuit will be a combination of
collector-to-base bias and emitter bias named collector-to-base cum emitter bias. If the
base of the transistor is connected to the center of a voltage divider across the + V CC
supply and a resistor connected from emitter terminal to ground, the resulting circuit is
the voltage divider bias circuit shown in Fig.T.1.1.05 of Table.1.1. The biasing circuit
termed VBE multiplier bias, shown in Fig.T.1.1.06 of Table.1.1 uses the transistor to
simulate a zener diode for stabilizing the quiescent point. Note that in collector-to-base
bias, collector-to-base cum emitter bias and VBE multiplier bias circuits the transistor will
not go into saturation even if the resistor between collector and base is reduced to zero
because in such a case VCE = VBE = 0.6v , which is larger than VCEsat ≈ 0.2v.
− 30 −

Table.1.1. Most Frequently Used Biasing Circuits

Biasing circuit Expression for collector current

1. Fixed bias


hFE ( VCC − VBE 0 ± ∆VBE )
IC IC = + ( 1 + hFE ) I CB 0


Fig.T.1.1.01. Fixed bias circuit

2. Collector-to-base bias



hFE ( VCC − V BE 0 ± ∆ V BE ) ( 1 + hFE ) I CB 0

IC = +
RB IC + IB R B + ( 1 + hFE ) RC h R 
1 +  FE C 
 RC + R B 


Fig.T.1.1.02. Collector-to-base bias circuit

− 31 −

3. Emitter bias



hFE ( VCC − VBE 0 ± ∆ VBE ) ( 1 + hFE ) I CB 0
IC = +
IB RB + ( 1 + hFE ) RE h R 
1 +  FE E 
 RB + RE 


Fig.T.1.1.03. Emitter bias circuit

4. Collector-to-base cum emitter bias





hFE ( VCC − VBE 0 ± ∆ VBE ) ( 1 + hFE ) I CB 0

IC = +
IB RB + ( 1 + hFE ) ( RC + RE )  h ( R + RE ) 
1 +  FE C 
 RC + RB + RE 


Fig.T.1.1.04. Collector-to-base cum emitter bias
− 32 −

5. Voltage divider bias



hFE ( ETH − VBE 0 ± ∆VBE ) ( 1 + hFE ) I CB 0
IC = +
RTH + ( 1 + hFE ) RE  h R 
1 +  FE E 
 RTH + RE 
where, RTH = R1 ⁄ ⁄ R2 and ETH =
R1 + R 2

6. VBE multiplier bias



I + IC

 R + RC 
hFE VCC − (1 + 1 ) (VBE 0 ± ∆VBE ) 
IC =  R2  + (1 + hFE ) I CB 0
R2 +
R1 + (1 + hFE ) RC  hFE RC 
1+  
 R1 + RC 

Fig.T.1.1.06. VBE multiplier bias circuit

− 33 −

All the six biasing circuits shown in Table.1.1 can provide the
bias current required. The fixed bias circuit provides no stability for the quiescent point
as explained earlier. The collector-to-base bias, the emitter bias and the collector-to-base
cum emitter bias provide varying degrees of stability for the collector current and the
quiescent point. The voltage divider bias and the VBE multiplier bias can provide
reasonably good stability for the collector current and the quiescent point through careful

The first step in the design of biasing circuits is to obtain

expressions for collector current IC in terms of the variables hFE , VBE and ICB0 . For the
fixed bias circuit, the base current is given by eq.(1.06) which substituted in eq.(1.01)
gives the required expression for IC given in Table.1.1. One way to analyse the biasing
circuits of Fig.T.1.1.02 collector-to-base bias, Fig.T.1.1.03 emitter bias and Fig.T.1.1.04
collector-to-base cum emitter bias shown in Table.1.1 is to write the loop equation for the
loop containing the base-emitter voltage and the VCC supply. The loop equation for such a
loop in the case of emitter bias of Fig.T.1.1.03, for example, is given by

IB RB + VBE + ( IB + IC ) RE = VCC ……..(1.08)

Eliminating IB between eq.(1.08) and eq.(1.01), the expression for IC given in Table.1.1 is

The analysis of the voltage divider bias circuit shown in

Fig.T.1.1.05 of Table.1.1 will be simpler if a different approach is used. The first step in
the analysis is to redraw the circuit as shown in Fig.1.20(a). Note that this circuit which is



R1+ R2 RE

(a) Fig.T.1.1.05 redrawn (b) Modification of (a) using Thevenin’s theorem

Fig.1.20. Modification of voltage divider bias circuit of Fig.T.1.1.05 for analysis

− 34 −

drawn with slight modification of the voltage divider bias circuit, will have the same
voltage and current at all points as the original circuit. This is due to the fact that in the
redrawn circuit also the upper end of both resistors R1 and RC has the same voltage VCC as
the original circuit. The second step is to replace the circuit to the left of the dotted line
by its Thevenin equivalent as shown in part (b) of the figure. Thevenin voltage E TH of the
equivalent circuit will be [VCC R2] ⁄ [R1 + R2] and Thevenin resistance RTH will be [R1
⁄ ⁄ R2] = [R1 R2] ⁄ [R1 + R2]. The loop equation for the base loop can be written as

ETH = IB RTH + VBE + (IB + IC) RE ……..(!.09)

Eliminating IB between eqs.(1.09) and (1.01) the expression for collector current IC for the
voltage divider bias circuit, given in Table.1.1, is obtained.
The V BE multiplier bias circuit uses the transistor to simulate a
zener diode. A good understanding of this type of bias can be obtained by an analysis of
the BJT circuit which simulates a zener diode.

VBE multiplier : Use of BJT as a zener diode


I = IR1 + IC


IR1 = IR2 + IB R 1 + R2
IR2 = VBE ⁄ R2



(a) BJT connected as a VBE multiplier (b) Equivalent zener diode

− 35 −

O VAB VBE (R1 + R2)
(c) Current – Voltage relation of the VBE multiplier

Fig.1.21. A BJT circuit which simulates a zener diode

If a BJT is connected as shown in Fig.1.21(a), the circuit will

behave like a zener diode shown in part (b) of the figure. This can be demonstrated as
follows. If VAB is increased slowly from zero, initially the voltage will be too small for
the base-emitter junction to conduct, the transistor will be cut off and only a resistance
equal to (R1 + R2) will appear between terminals A and B. In this range the current I will
vary with voltage VAB as shown by the straight line OP in Fig.1.21(c). When VAB is large
enough for the base-emitter junction to conduct and bring the transistor to the edge of the
active region,

VAB = ( IR2 + IB ) R1 + IR2 R2 = IR2 ( R1 + R2 ) + IB R1 ……..(1.10)

If, by design, IB << IR2 , i.e., ( IC ⁄ hFE ) << ( VBE ⁄ R2 ) ,

VAB ≈ IR2 ( R1 + R2) = VBE ( R1+ R2 ) = VZ ……..(1.11)


Eq.(1.11) shows that once the transistor enters the active region VAB tends to remain
constant at VBE ( R1 + R2 ) ⁄ R2 . Any attempt to increase VAB above this value will result

− 36 −

in abnormally high values of current and, unless this current is limited to safe values by
an external series resistance, it will cause destruction of the transistor. In the active region
of the transistor, where VAB remains constant, the current-voltage relation of the circuit
can be represented by the vertical straight line PQ shown in Fig.1.21(c).

Since the transition from cutoff to conduction for a transistor

takes place by a gradual rather than an abrupt increase in current when VBE is increased,
the current-voltage relation for a practical VBE multiplier circuit will exhibit a rounded
knee as shown by the dotted line in Fig.1.21(c) rather than the sharp corner formed by the
firm lines OP and PQ. Moreover, for a transistor operating in the active region, there is a
small increase in VBE with increasing current and this manifests itself as a tilt in the
characteristics above the knee as shown by the dotted line in Fig.1.21(c). In this region
the slope or dynamic resistance of the VBE multiplier, defined as ∆ VAB ⁄ ∆ I , is
typically of the order of 5 to 10Ω . This is lower than that of a zener diode for which the
dynamic resistance is around 10 to 15Ω . Note that VZ , the ‘‘breakdown voltage’’ of the
VBE multiplier circuit exhibits a temperature coefficient equal to the temperature
coefficient of VBE multiplied by (R1 + R2) ⁄ R2 as per eq.(1.11), i.e., − 2.5 (R1 + R2) ⁄ R2
mV ⁄ oC. The nominal value of VBE being 0.6v, this will represent a temperature
coefficient of − 50mV ⁄ oC if VZ = 12v. VZ for this circuit corresponds to the
quiescent voltage for the amplifier circuit. A 25oC temperature shift from the average
value will cause a 1.25v shift in the quiescent voltage. This order of shift in quiescent
voltage can be accommodated easily, if necessary, while designing the circuit.

The lowest breakdown voltage VZ attainable with this circuit is

VBE ≈ 0.6v when R1 is zero and R2 is infinite. The maximum value of VZ is restricted to
the collector-to-emitter breakdown voltage of the transistor. In all cases the power
dissipation in the transistor, given by the product VAB . IC , must be restricted to the
maximum power dissipation rating of the transistor.





Fig.1.22. A VBE multiplier with variable breakdown voltage VZ

− 37 −

The breakdown voltage V Z of the VBE multiplier circuit can be

made variable using the arrangement shown in Fig.1.22. In this circuit R1 = RA + RB and
R2 = RC + RD . The knee of the characteristics shown in Fig.1.21(c) can be made sharper
and the slope resistance in the breakdown or active region decreased for the VBE
multiplier circuit by using a Darlington pair or complementary Darlington pair of
transistors instead of a single transistor.

Simplified Analysis of the VBE multiplier Bias Circuit

In V BE multiplier bias circuit the collector-to-emitter voltage VCE

and, consequently, the quiescent point can be designed to be stable against variations in
hFE and ICB0 but not against variations in VBE. This can be demonstrated as follows. For
the circuit shown in Fig.T.1.1.06,

VCE = VCC − ( I + IC ) RC ……..(1.12)

and also VCE = VBE + I R1 ……..(1.13)

Equating eqs.(1.12) and (1.13)

I ( RC + R1 ) + IC RC = VCC − VBE ……..(1.14)

From Fig.T.1.1.06

IB = I − VBE ……..(1.15)

Using the approximate relation, IC ≈ hFE IB and using eq.(1.15) for IB

IC ≈ hFE IB = hFE I − hFE VBE ……..(1.16)


Substituting eq.(1.16) in eq.(1.14),

[ VCC − VBE + hFE VBE ( RC ⁄ R2 ) ] ……..(1.17)

I =
R1 + (1 + hFE ) RC

Substituting eq.(1.17) in eq.(1.13),


(1 + hFE) (1 + hFE) R2
VCE = ……..(1.18)
RC + [ R1 ⁄ (1 + hFE) ]

− 38 −

In eq.(1.18) [ h FE ⁄ (1 + hFE) ] can be approximated to unity with

little error and if [ R1 ⁄ (1 + hFE) ] is designed to be small compared to RC , eq.(1.18) can
be written as

VCE ≈ VCC R1 1 + VBE 1 + R1 ……..(1.19)

(1 + hFE) RC R2

Designing [ R1 ⁄ (1 + hFE) ] << RC , which implies [ R1 ⁄ (1 + hFE) RC ] << 1 , the first

term on the right hand side of eq.(1.19) can be neglected. Then

VCE ≈ VBE R1 + R2 ……..(1.20)

Note that eq.(1.20) is the same as eq,(1.11). Eq.(1.20) shows that VCE is equal to VBE
multiplied by a factor equal to [ ( R1 + R2 ) ⁄ R2 ] for this circuit and this bias circuit is
named accordingly. However, the temperature coefficient of VCE will be equal to the
temperature coefficient of VBE ( which is − 2.5 mV⁄ oC ) multiplied by [ ( R1 + R2 ) ⁄
R2 ]. Normally the quiescent voltage VCE will be designed to be of the order of VCC ⁄ 2
and, correspondingly, [ ( R1 + R2 ) ⁄ R2 ] will be of the order of 20 and the temperature
coefficient of VCE will be around − 50 mV ⁄ oC. This will result in a ± 1.25 volt shift in
quiescent voltage when temperature changes by ± 25oC. This order of variation is not
very significant and can be easily accommodated in the design if necessary.

The analysis carried out for the V BE multiplier circuit as well as

the VBE multiplier bias circuit assumes that IC >> (1 + hFEmax) ICB0max , the terms involving
ICB0 are neglected and the approximation IC ≈ hFE IB is used. ICB0 terms do not appear,
therefore, in the expressions for IC and VCE and the effects of ICB0 variations on IC and VCE
cannot be assessed using these expressions. The full expression for IC involving hFE , VBE
and ICB0 for the VBE multiplier bias, given in Table.1.1, can be obtained from eqs.(1.01),
(1.14) and (1.15) by eliminating IB and I between these three equations.

It is essential to note the in deriving the equations given in

Table.1.1 the exact expression given in eq.(1.01) has to be used. The approximate
expression given in eq.(1.02) should not be used at all for this analysis.

− 39 −

Design of Biasing Circuits for Single Transistor Amplifiers

The Primary purpose of biasing is to provide a biasing current to

the transistor so that the full waveform of the signal is reproduced properly. The
secondary purpose of biasing circuits is to provide stability of quiescent point to the
extent possible. The quiescent voltage and current are related to each other through the
load line equation so that stabilizing one will automatically stabilize the other. The
attempt in the design will be to stabilize the quiescent collector current IC of each circuit
as much as possible.

The biasing circuits and expressions for collector current given in

Table.1.1 is the starting point of the design. The collector current is, in general, a
function of hFE , VBE and ICB0 as shown by the expressions for IC given in Table.1.1. The
design should attempt to stabilize IC against variations in each of these three parameters.

Stabilisation of IC Against Variations in ICB0

In all the six equations for I C given in Table.1.1 only the last term
involves ICB0 . Since ICB0 is quite sensitive to temperature a satisfactory method of
stabilizing IC against variations in ICB0 is to make the last term in each equation negligibly
small compared to IC . In other words, stabilisation of IC against variations in ICB0 can be
achieved by designing IC to be large compared to the last term in each equation. To do
this the largest possible value of the last term in each case has to be evaluated. The
equations indicate that the last term can be evaluated only if the circuit parameters are
known, i.e., after the design is completed. This difficulty can be resolved as follows. Note
that the last term in each of these equations is of the form (1 + hFE) ICB0 ⁄ (1 + K) , where
K is a positive real quantity equal to or larger than zero. This means that the denominator
of the last term in all the equations is a quantity equal to or larger than unity. Among the
six equations the largest value for the last term is for the fixed bias circuit for which K =
0 and the last term equal to (1 + h FE) ICB0 . If the largest possible value of this expression
is determined and IC chosen to be large compared to it, IC will be large compared to the
last term for all the six equations. Largest value of (1 + hFE) ICB0 corresponds to the
largest value of both hFE and ICB0 . The maximum value of hFE can be obtained from the
data sheets of the transistor supplied by the manufacturer. The maximum value of ICB0
can be evaluated as follows.

ICB0 , the reverse saturation current of the collector-to-base

junction of the transistor with emitter open, doubles for every 10oC rise in temperature.
An expression for ICB0 as a function of collector junction temperature Tj can be written as

 T j − Tjref 
I CB 0 (Tj ) = ICB0ref 
 10

 ……..(1.21)

− 40 −

where, ICB0 (Tj) is the magnitude of ICB0 at any arbitrary collector junction temperature
Tj and ICB0ref is the magnitude of ICB0 at a reference collector junction temperature Tjref
specified by the manufacturer. The data sheets of the transistor BC 107, given in
Appendix X, specifies ICB0 to be less than 15µ A at 150oC so that for this transistor
ICB0ref = 15µ A and Tjref = 150oC. If a maximum ambient temperature of 55oC is
assumed and a further increase of 5oC in collector junction temperature due to power
dissipation in the transistor is estimated, the maximum possible junction temperature can
be taken to be 60oC. Corresponding to a maximum junction temperature of 60oC and
the specifications of the transistor indicated above, ICB0max the maximum value of the
collector junction reverse saturation current for BC 107, calculated using eq.(1.21), will
be 29.3nA. hFEmax for BC 107A is specified as 220 in the data sheets. Using this value of
hFEmax the maximum value of (1 + hFEmax) ICB0max is calculated as 6.45µ A. The data sheets
also shows that the BC 107B and BC 107C has hFEmax equal to 450 and 800 respectively.
For hFEmax equal to 450 and 800 the maximum value of (1 + hFEmax) ICB0max is obtained as
13.2µ A and 23.4µ A respectively. If IC is chosen to be greater than about 0.5mA it
will make IC >> (1 + hFEmax) ICB0max and variations in ICB0 will have negligible effect on IC .
Conclusion :

• A choice of IC ≥ 0.5mA will stabilize IC against variations in ICB0 for all the six
biasing circuits shown in Table.1.1.

Stabilisation of IC Against Variation in hFE

The h FE of the transistor, inserted into the circuit after the design
is completed, can take any value between hFEmin and hFEmax specified by the manufacturer.
For most transistors hFEmin and hFEmax are separated by a ratio 1:3. In many cases the ratio
is larger and in a few cases it is smaller. The main reason for variation in hFE of the
transistor used in any circuit is the wide tolerance specified by the manufacturer. The
change in hFE due to ambient temperature variation and temperature variation due to
power dissipation in the transistor in low power circuits is less significant.

The effect of h FE variation on IC is assessed assuming that the

first part of the design has been completed and IC has been stabilized against variation in
ICB0 by rendering the last term negligible by design in all the six equations for IC given in
Table.1.1. If the last term in the expression for IC is rendered negligible the expression for
collector current IC for the fixed bias circuit becomes directly proportional to hFE . This
means that the fixed bias circuit cannot be stabilized against variations in hFE. However,
the circuit can be used to good effect if the design is carried out using the typical value of
hFE and possible shifts in quiescent point corresponding to shift in hFE within
manufacturer’s tolerance is accepted.

− 41 −
The expressions for I C for collector-to-base bias, emitter bias and
collector-to-base cum emitter bias circuits show that hFE occurs in the numerator as well
as the denominator of the first term. This means that these circuits provide varying
degrees of stability of IC with respect to hFE variations and are better than the fixed bias
circuit in this respect. A satisfactory way of designing these circuits is to use the typical
value of hFE for their design, as was recommended for the fixed bias circuit, and accept
any possible shifts in the quiescent point due to variations in hFE .

The voltage divider bias circuit can be designed to provide very

good stability for IC with respect to hFE variations as shown below. The expression for
collector current IC for the voltage divider bias circuit, given in Table.1.1, with the last
term rendered negligible by design, can be written as

hFE ( ETH − VBE 0 ± ∆VBE )

IC = ……..(1.22)
RTH + ( 1 + hFE ) RE
VCC R2 R1 R2
where, ETH = and RTH = . If RTH is designed to be
R1 + R2 R1 + R2
small compared to (1 + hFE)RE , the denominator of eq.(1.22) can be approximated to
(1 + hFE)RE and the equation can be written as

hFE ( ETH − VBE 0 ± ∆VBE )

IC = ……..(1.23)
( 1 + hFE ) RE

hFE is usually larger than 100 and hFE ⁄ (1 + hFE) can be approximated to unity with less
than 1% error. With this approximation eq.(1.23) reduces to

ETH − VBE 0 ± ∆VBE

IC = ……..(1.24)

The expression given in eq.(1.24) for IC is independent of hFE . This shows that making
RTH << (1 + hFE)RE stabilizes IC against variations in hFE for voltage divider bias circuits.
This condition for stability has to be satisfied even for the lowest value of h FE . So the
stability condition is usually written as RTH << (1 + hFEmin)RE . Once the stability
condition is satisfied the voltage drop across RTH becomes negligible and, as seen from
Fig.1.20(b), the voltage drop between the base terminal and ground can be approximated
to ETH . This means that for normally expected variations in base current the voltage at
the base terminal remains constant at ETH , the voltage across R2 . Fig.1.20(a) shows that
the voltage across R2 remains constant at ETH = [VCC R2] ⁄ [R1 + R2] for all values of IB
only if IBmax is negligible compared to the current through R1 and R2 . A different way of
expressing the stability condition is to specify IBmax << IR1 ≈ IR2 . Stability condition
expressed this way is very often more useful for designing certain types of circuits.

− 42 −
The expression for IC , given in table.1.1, for VBE multiplier bias
shows that, with the last term rendered negligible by design, the first term will be
independent of hFE if R1 << (1 + hFE)RC . Eq.(1.20) shows that the same condition will
make the quiescent voltage VCE independent of hFE . Obviously, this condition for
stability has to be satisfied even for the minimum value of hFE . So the stability condition
is usually expressed as R1 << (1 + hFEmin)RC

Conclusion :

• The collector current of fixed bias, collector-to-base bias, emitter bias and
collector-to-base cum emitter bias circuits cannot be stabilized against variations
in hFE . A satisfactory way of designing them will be to complete the design using
typical value of hFE .
• The collector current of voltage divider bias circuit can be stabilized against
variations in hFE by making RTH << (1 + hFEmin)RE or RTH = (1⁄ K) (1 + hFEmin)RE ,
where, a value of K equal to or larger than 10 is usually satisfactory.
• For the VBE multiplier bias circuit the collector current can be stabilized against
variations in hFE by making R1 << (1 + hFEmin)RC .

Stabilisation of IC Against Variations in VBE

The base-emitter junction voltage changes with temperature at

the rate of − 2.5mV⁄ C. If the ambient temperature variation is assumed to be 25 o ±

25oC and a further temperature rise of 5oC above ambient is assumed for the collector
junction due to power dissipation in the transistor, the collector junction temperature Tj
can be expressed as 30o ± 25oC. Corresponding to this the base-emitter voltage can be
expressed as VBE0 ± ∆ VBE , where VBE0 is the base-emitter voltage at the average
temperature and ± ∆ VBE is the change in base-emitter voltage corresponding to ±
25 C temperature variation. A nominal value of 0.6v is assumed for VBE0 in the case of
silicon transistors and ± ∆ VBE corresponds to ± 62.5mV for a temperature variation
of ± 25oC.

For the first four biasing circuits of Table.1.1 the expression for
IC contains ∆ VBE in the form (VCC − VBE0 ± ∆ VBE). Since VCC − VBE0 is usually of the
order of 10 volts or more and ∆ VBE has been estimated to be 62.5mV , the term (VCC −
VBE0 ± ∆ VBE) will show negligible variation corresponding to a change in base-emitter
voltage ∆ VBE of the order of 62.5mV. This means that the quiescent point of the first
four circuits in Table.1.1 are inherently stable against variations in VBE .

The expression for collector current I C for the voltage divider

bias circuit, after stabilization with respect to ICB0 and VBE , is given by eq.(1.24). This
expression can be stabilized against ∆ VBE , the change in base-emitter voltage, by
making ∆ VBE << (ETH − VBE0). Stabilisation with respect to hFE variations makes base-

− 43 −
voltage approximately equal to ETH as indicated earlier. Fig.1.20 shows that (ETH − VBE0)
represents the voltage drop VRE across the emitter resistance RE at the average
temperature. The stability condition for IC against variations in VBE can be expressed as
∆ VBE << VRE . The change in base-emitter voltage ∆ VBE has been estimated as
62.5mV. Therefore, if VRE >> 62.5mV the voltage divider bias circuit will be stabilized
against variations in VBE . A choice of VRE of the order of 0.6v to 2v is usually
satisfactory. A higher VRE will provide better stability, but it will reduce the peak-to-peak
undistorted output available from the circuit. If eq.(1.24) is stabilized with respect to VBE
by making its variable part ∆ VBE << ( ETH − VBE0 ) it reduces to

E TH − V BE 0
IC = ……..
IC given by eq.(1.25) is independent of variations in ICB0 , hFE and VBE as required.
Eqs.(1.11) and (1.20) show that the quiescent voltage V CE for the
VBE multiplier bias circuit is given by the expression

 R + R2 
VCE = VBE  1  ……..
 R1 
Eq.(1.26) shows that the quiescent voltage VCE will have a temperature coefficient equal
to the temperature coefficient of VBE multiplied by [(R1 + R2) ⁄ R2] . For a temperature
variation of ± 25oC the quiescent voltage will vary by ± 62.5 mV multiplied by
[(R1 + R2) ⁄ R2] . This variation is typically of the order of ± 1.25 volts if VCE is
designed to be around 12v. This order of variation is not very serious in amplifier

Conclusion :

• The collector current IC for fixed bias, collector-to-base bias, emitter bias and
collector-to-base cum emitter bias circuits are inherently stable against variations
in VBE .
• The collector current IC for the voltage divider bias circuit can be stabilized
against variations in base-emitter voltage if VRE >> ∆ VBE ( ≈ 62.5mV ). A value
of VRE between 0.5v and 2v is usually satisfactory.
• The VBE multiplier circuit is reasonably stable against variations in VBE .

Steps for Designing the Biasing Circuits

The steps for designing the six biasing circuits given in Table.1.1
can be written in three different sets. The first set of steps is a common set suitable for
designing the first four biasing circuits given in Table.1.1, namely, the fixed bias,
collector-to-base bias, emitter bias and collector-to-base cum emitter bias circuits. The
second set of steps is specifically written for the voltage divider bias circuit and a third
set specifically for the VBE multiplier bias circuit.

− 44 −

Steps for designing fixed bias, collector-to-base bias, emitter bias and collector-to-
base cum emitter bias circuits.

1. Select IC to be larger than or equal to 0.5mA. [This will stabilize IC against

variations in ICB0]
2. If emitter resistance RE is present in the circuit, select VRE , the voltage across it to
be around 0.5 to 2 volts. [Larger values of VRE will improve quiescent point
stability and increase input resistance. However, higher values of VRE will tend to
reduce the amplitude of undistorted output available from the circuit].
3. Once VRE and IC is known, RE can be calculated as RE = VRE ⁄ IE ≈ VRE ⁄ IC for
circuits for which RE is present.
4. Choose the quiescent voltage VCE to be VCC ⁄ 2 .
5. Calculate VRC , the voltage across RC as (VCC − VCE − VRE)
6. Calculate RC = VRC ⁄ IC .
7. Calculate RB to provide the value of IC chosen in step 1. For this calculation the
first term in the expressions for IC given in Table.1.1 is used in which typical
value of hFE is inserted, VBE0 is assumed to be 0.6 volts and ∆ VBE is neglected.

Steps for designing the voltage divider bias circuit

1. Select IC to be larger than or equal to 0.5mA. [This will stabilize I C against

variations in ICB0].
2. Choose VRE , the voltage across the emitter resistance to be around 0.5 to 2 volts.
[Larger values of VRE will improve quiescent point stability and increase input
resistance. However, larger values of VRE will tend to reduce the amplitude of
undistorted output available from the circuit].
3. Once VRE and IC is known, RE can be calculated as RE = VRE ⁄ IE ≈ VRE ⁄ IC .
4. Choose quiescent voltage VCE to be VCC ⁄ 2 .
5. Calculate VRC , the voltage across RC as (VCC − VCE − VRE).
6. Calculate RC = VRC ⁄ IC .
7. Calculate ETH ≈ (VRE + VBE0) = (VRE + 0.6v).
8. Calculate R1 and R2 from the two equations

V R  R1 R2 1
ETH =  CC 2  and RTH << (1 + hFE min ) or = (1 + hFE min ) RE
 R1 + R2  R1 + R2 K

where, K is a large number. A choice of K ≥ 10 is usually satisfactory for

design. Higher values of K provides better stability for quiescent point with
respect to hFE variations. However, the lower values of input resistance resulting
from higher values of K is a drawback.

− 45 −

Steps for designing the VBE multiplier bias

1. Select IC to be larger than or equal to 0.5mA. [This will stabilize I C against

variations in ICB0].
2. Choose quiescent voltage VCE to be VCC ⁄ 2.
3. Calculate VRC , the voltage across RC as (VCC − VCE) = VCC ⁄ 2.
4. Calculate RC = VRC ⁄ IC = VCC ⁄ 2 IC .
5. Select R1 << (1 + hFEmin) RC . Low value of R1 reduces input resistance.
6. Choose quiescent voltage VCE = VCC ⁄ 2.
7. Calculate R2 from eq.(1.26)
VCC  R + R2 
VCE = = VBE  1 
2  R2 
VBE is assumed to have a nominal value equal to 0.6 volts.

Choosing the collector current

The minimum collector current of about 1mA suggested in all

these designs will normally provide a frequency response extending to a few MHz . A
collector current of around 1mA will keep the current drain from the power supply to a
low value and is satisfactory for all low frequency applications. If the frequency response
is to be extended further the collector current will have to be increased and the increased
current drain from the power supply accepted. Corresponding to this increase in I C there
will be a decrease in the magnitude of resistances in the circuits. This will make the
charging and discharging of device and wiring capacitances in the circuit faster due to
reduced time constants and result in improvement of frequency response to the limit set
by the device. A current of the order of 10mA is very often used in high frequency
amplifier circuits. A higher collector current of this order will also improve the high
frequency performance of the BJT.

Voltage divider bias circuit as a constant current circuit

Eq.1.25 shows that for a voltage divider bias circuit the collector
current IC can be designed to be a constant, independent of variations in ICB0 , hFE and
VBE . Since ETH = [(VCC R2) ⁄ (R1 + R2)] the collector current is seen to be independent
of RC also. Even if the collector resistance is replaced by a short circuit so that RC = 0,
the collector current remains the same with VCE = VCC . When RC is increased from zero
to finite values IC remains constant and VCE decreases below VCC . As RC is increased
continuously IC stays constant and VCE decreases steadily till the transistor is saturated,
beyond which eq.(1.25) is no longer valid. This shows that as far as the collector load
resistance is concerned the voltage divider bias circuit behaves like a constant current
circuit so long as the transistor remains in the active region. Voltage divider bias circuit
as a constant current circuit finds many uses such as differential amplifier circuits,
analogue dc voltage regulators, emitter-coupled multivibrators, etc.

− 46 −

Building a JFET Amplifier

The amplifying behaviour of the JFET can be characterized by

its voltage-to-current transfer characteristics expressed as
 VGS 
I DS = I DSS 1 −  ……..(1.27)
 VP 

where, IDS is the drain current, IDSS the saturation drain current with VGS = 0, VGS the gate-
to-source voltage and VP the pinch off voltage of the JFET. The parameters IDSS and VP
for the FET s are specified by the manufacturer.

Since the input voltage V GS of the JFET controls its output

current IDS , it should be possible to construct an amplifier using this transistor. The first
step in constructing an amplifier using a JFET is to interconnect the signal source,
represented as a Thevenin source, and the transistor in such a way that a voltage VGS
proportional to the source voltage VS appears between the gate and source terminals of
the JFET. A logical way of doing this is to connect the signal source between the gate and
source terminals of the transistor as shown in Fig.1.23(a).

+ + +
VGS − +
VS −
− −

• •

(a) Connecting signal source to JFET (b) Connecting RD and VDD to obtain Vo
to obtain VGS proportional to VS Amplifies waveform with distortion

Fig.1.23. Building a JFET amplifier

− 47 −

A drain resistance RD and a dc supply VDD is connected as shown

in Fig.1.23(b) to obtain output voltage Vo . which is, hopefully, proportional to VS . The
relation between IDS and VGS being nonlinear according to eq.(1.27) linearity between Vo
and VS will be good only for small signal magnitudes as shown in Fig.1.24. This figure is
drawn assuming IDSS = 10mA and VP = − 8v. If an input signal, having a peak-to-peak
amplitude of 2v, is applied between the gate and source terminals along with a bias
voltage of −3v, the gate-to-source voltage will vary as shown by waveform A drawn
below the VGS axis in the figure. Corresponding to this the output current will vary as
shown by waveform A drawn to the right of the IDS axis. The output current is seen to be
a reasonably good replica of the input waveform because the transfer characteristics
within the operating range between P and M is reasonably straight. This is not true for the
input and output waveforms shown as B in the figure, where the positive half of the
output waveform has a larger amplitude than the negative half. This is because the
transfer characteristics within the operating range between R and S is not a straight line.
Smaller signal amplitudes will, obviously, exhibit better linearity between input and

Manufacturer specifies IDSS and VP IDSS = 10mA

Transfer characteristics of JFET IDS

IDS = IDSS [ 1 − (VGS ⁄ VP)] 2

Pinch off voltage VP = − 8v
S Output signals

− 8v − 6v − 4v − 2v 0 VGS

Input signals


Fig.1.24. Transfer characteristics of JFET showing effects of nonlinearity.

− 48 −

JFET amplifiers have high input impedance and because of this

they are often used as input stages. In such applications they are expected to handle only
small magnitudes of signal voltages and, therefore, the distortion components generated
in the amplifier due to nonlinearities might be well within tolerable limits. Nonlinear
distortion components produced can be reduced further, if necessary, by the application
of negative feedback. There is, however, a major defect in the amplifier circuit shown in
Fig.1.23(b) apart from nonlinear operation. The defect is that the circuit cannot amplify
any signal without serious distortion. The reason for this can be understood from the
waveforms, shown in Fig.1.25, pertaining to the circuit



(a) Input signal voltage waveform


(b) Gate-to-source voltage waveform

Fig,1.25. Waveforms for the circuit shown in Fig.1.23(b)

For the circuit shown in Fig.1.23(b) the signal is assumed to be a

sine wave as shown in Fig.1.25(a). During positive half cycles of the signal waveform the
polarity VS will be as shown in the figure and the current tends to flow in the clockwise
direction in the gate loop. This is the forward direction for the gate-to-source junction and
current will flow in the loop. There will be a voltage drop VRS across the resistance RS
and gate-to-source voltage will be VGS = ( VS − VRS). Gate-to-source voltage will be less
than VS and this is indicated by a low amplitude sine wave for positive half cycles in
Fig.1.25(b). During negative half cycles of the signal waveform the polarity of V S will be
such as to send a current in the anticlockwise direction in the gate loop. Since this is the
reverse direction for the gate-to-source junction current will not flow. There will be no
voltage drop across RS and gate-to-source voltage VGS will be equal to VS . This shows
that the signal waveform gets distorted right at the input point of the amplifier and the
output cannot be expected to be any better.

− 49 −


(a)With forward bias equal to VGS0


− VGS0

(b) With reverse bias equal to − VGS0

Fig.1.26. Gate-to-source voltage waveform with bias applied


The remedy for this problem of distortion at the input is similar

to that suggested for the BJT circuit and that is to apply bias. Since JFET is a voltage
controlled device a voltage bias is applied. For JFET circuits there are two options for
biasing. One is to raise the complete VGS waveform above the time axis by applying a
positive voltage bias VGS0 as shown in Fig.1.26(a) and the other is to lower the complete
VGS waveform below the time axis by applying a negative voltage bias −VGS0 as shown in
Fig.1.26(b). For positive bias the gate-source junction will be conducting for the full
cycle of the signal waveform, VGS will be much less than VS ,as shown in Fig.1.26(a),
and power will be drawn from the signal source. For negative bias the gate-source
junction will be reverse biased for the full cycle of the signal waveform with no current in
the gate loop, VGS will be equal to VS , as shown in Fig.1.26(b), and no power is drawn
from the signal source. This shows that negative bias is the better of the two options
available for biasing the n-channel JFET.

There are different ways of applying the negative bias required to

the JFET. The most obvious method is to apply a negative voltage to the gate terminal
with the source terminal grounded as shown in Fig.1.27. Fig.1.27(a) shows the bias
applied in series with VS and Fig.1.27(b) shows the bias applied in parallel with V S .
Since the bias battery VGG supplies a negative voltage with respect to ground, the drain
supply + VDD which supplies a positive voltage with respect to ground cannot be utilised
for biasing. This means that each stage of JFET circuit will require a separate battery for

−50 −



+ +
− −

• •
(a) Bias applied in series with VS (b) Bias applied in parallel with VS

Fig.1.27. Two methods of applying negative bias to JFET circuits : both inconvenient.

biasing if bias is applied in series with VS or a single battery with connections to each
stage if bias is applied in parallel with VS . Both methods are inconvenient since extra
batteries are required for biasing.

A more convenient way of biasing without the need for extra

batteries is shown in Fig.1.28. Assume that the JFET selected for use in the amplifier has
transfer characteristics shown in Fig.1.24 with IDSS = 10mA and VP = − 8 volts. If the
quiescent point Q is chosen as shown in Fig.1.24, quiescent drain current IDS0 = 4mA
and quiescent gate-to-source voltage VGS0 = − 3 volts. If a resistance equal to 750Ω is


IDS = 4mA

+ + +
− −

Fig.1.28. JFET amplifier with self bias

− 51 −

connected from the source terminal of the JFET to ground, the 4mA quiescent current
passing through it will develop 3 volts across it, as shown in the figure. If the gate-to-
ground voltage is negligibly small VGS = − IDS RSO = − 3 volts and the quiescent point
will be located at the point chosen. With RG absent, the voltage between gate and ground
is, by and large, indeterminate. RG is connected to fix the voltage between these two
points. With RG connected the dc current through it will be the reverse saturation current
ISG of the gate-channel junction which is usually around 10nA. If RG is restricted to
10MΩ , VRG the voltage drop across it will be of the order of 100mV, which is
negligible compared to the 3 volts across RSO so that VGS = VRG − IDS RSO ≈ − 3 volts as
required. In JFET amplifiers the resistance RG is required and its value should be
restricted to a maximum of around 10MΩ to make VRG the voltage across it negligible
compared to the bias voltage VGS0 developed across RSO . If this is not done the reverse
saturation current ISG , which is temperature sensitive, will cause VRG and, consequently,
the quiescent bias voltage to vary with temperature. This circuit is known as the ‘‘self
bias’’ circuit because the current through the device itself is used for developing the
voltage required for biasing.

DC analysis of the JFET self bias circuit

DC analysis of the self bias circuit is to find out the quiescent

values of IDS and VGS . This can be done either (a) mathematically or (b) graphically.

(a) Mathematical analysis of JFET self bias circuit

The quiescent point or dc operating point (V GS0 , IDS0) must lie on

the transfer characteristics of the device. This means that VGS0 and IDS0 must satisfy the
equation for the transfer characteristics given by
 VGS 
I DS = I DSS 1 −  ……..(1.28)
 VP 

It is seen from Fig.1.28 that the gate-to-source voltage VGS of the JFET is given by


Assuming that VRG is made negligible by choosing RG smaller than 10MΩ

VGS ≈ − IDS RSO ……..(1.29)

VGS0 and IDS0 must satisfy eq.(1.29) also. Substituting VGS0 for VGS and IDS0 for IDS in eqs.
(1.28) and (1.29) and solving, the quiescent parameters VGS0 and IDS0 can be evaluated.

− 52 −

(b) Graphical analysis of the JFET self bias circuit

Transfer characteristics
IDS = IDSS [ 1 − (VGS ⁄ VP)] 2
IDSS = 10mA

Bias line
IDS0 = 4mA

Pinch off voltage

VP = − 8v
VGS0 = − 3v

− 8v − 6v − 4v − 2v 0 VGS

Fig.1.29. Quiescent point as intersection of bias line and transfer characteristics

The first step in the graphical analysis of the JFET self bias
circuit is to draw the transfer characteristics of the JFET defined by eq.1.28, as shown in
Fig.1.29. The quiescent point lies on this curve. The quiescent point must also satisfy eq.
(1.29) which represents a straight line known as the ‘‘bias line’’. The second step in the
graphical analysis is to draw the bias line as shown in Fig.1.29. The point of intersection
of transfer characteristics and bias line represents the quiescent point indicated as Q in the

The parameter I DSS of the JFET shows a manufacturer’s tolerance

as wide as that of the hFE of the BJT. The manufacturer specifies IDSS in terms of a
minimum value IDSSmin and a maximum value IDSSmax . The ratio IDSSmin : IDSSmax is usually
around 1 : 3 . If IDSSmax is 10mA, IDSSmin will be around 3.3mA. The transfer
characteristics corresponding to these two values of IDSS are as shown in Fig.1.30. The
transfer characteristics for typical value of IDSS , i.e., IDSStyp = 6mA is also shown in the
figure. It is seen that the quiescent current IDS0 is 4mA, 3.3mA and 1.2mA corresponding
to IDSSmax , IDSStyp and IDSSmin respectively for the bias line shown. The quiescent current I DS0
can take any value between 4mA and 1.2mA due to IDSS variation within manufacturer’s
tolerance. If this order of variation for IDS0 cannot be tolerated different methods of
biasing will have to be used.

− 53 −

Transfer characteristics
IDS = IDSS [ 1 − (VGS ⁄ VP)] 2
IDSSmax = 10mA


Bias line
VGS = − IDS RSO IDSStyp = 6mA

Q1 IDS0max = 4mA
Q2 IDSSmin = 3.3mA
Q3 IDS0min = 1.2mA

− 8v − 6v − 4v − 2v 0 VGS

Fig.1.30. Shift in quiescent point due to manufacturer’s tolerance in IDSS

Constant current bias for the JFET

One way of stabilizing the drain current I DS is to connect a
constant current generator, simulated by a voltage divider bias constant current circuit, to
the source terminal as shown in Fig.1.31(a). This will hold IDS constant in spite of IDSS
variations, at I0 the value set by the voltage divider bias circuit. The quiescent points
corresponding to IDS = I0 will be located at Q1 , Q and Q3 as shown in Fig.1.32 This
method of stabilizing IDS requires an extra transistor and a few resistors.




R 1 + R2

(a)Constant current bias (b) Voltage divider bias

Fig.1.31.Methods of stabilizing drain current in JFET amplifiers

− 54 −
Voltage divider bias for the JFET
A simpler, less expensive though slightly less effective way of
stabilising the drain current is the voltage divider bias shown in Fig.1.31(b). For this
circuit the gate-source junction will be reverse biased and no current flows into the gate
and, therefore, the voltage at the junction of R1 and R2 , designated VGG , is given by

VGG = ……..(1.30)
R1 + R2

The gate-to-source voltage VGS of the JFET is given by

VGS = VGG − IDS RSO ……..(1.31)

Eq.(1.31) is represented graphically as the bias line in Fig.1.32. The quiescent points
corresponding to this bias line will be located at QA , Q and QB. Note that the location of
the quiescent point lies between QA and QB . This variation is less than that seen in
Fig.1.30 for the self bias circuit which means that voltage divider bias circuit gives better
stability for IDS than self bias circuit. Obviously, larger values of VGG gives better
stability of IDS in voltage divider bias circuit. This type of biasing is, therefore, suitable in
cases where the supply voltage VCC is large so that VGG , derived from VCC , can be made
large to obtain better stability for IDS . This will automatically mean a large voltage
between source terminal and ground since VGS is likely to be around 1 to 4 volts only.
This type of biasing is very much suitable for common drain amplifiers, i.e., source


Bias line (Voltage divider bias) IDSStyp


Q Q3 IDSSmin IDS = I0
Bias line (Constant current bias)

− 8v − 6v − 4v − 2v 0 VGS

Fig.1.32. Bias lines for constant current and voltage divider bias circuits

− 55 −

A logical way of designing the voltage divider bias circuit will be

to locate the quiescent point Q on the typical characteristics and fix acceptable shifts QA
and QB on the maximum and minimum IDSS characteristics respectively. Joining QA and
QB by a straight line and extending it to meet the VGS axis will determine the value of VGG
. The slope of this bias line will indicate the value of RSO . Eq.(1.31), the bias line
equation, and the restriction that the current through R1 and R2 should be large compared
to the reverse saturation current of the gate-channel junction of the JFET will fix R 1 and
R2 . The reverse saturation current of the gate-channel junction being of the order of
nanoamperes, this condition can be satisfied even if the resistances R1 and R2 are of the
order of megohms. Amplifier constructed using FETs are, therefore, capable of providing
high input resistance without any special circuitry.


MOSFETs are by far the most significant and widely used

electronic device currently, especially in the design of integrated circuits. BJTs and
MOSFETs offer unique features and areas of application. MOSFETs can be made very
small on the IC chip compared to BJTs so that these devices can be packed more densely.
The manufacturing process of MOSFETs is relatively simple. MOSFET circuits require
comparatively little power for operation. Since resistors occupy large chip area
substantial saving in chip area can be achieved by using MOSFETs connected as active
loads in place of resistors. Use of active loads in place of resistors will also result in much
higher voltage gain. MOSFET integrated circuits operating at 3 to 5 GHz are now quite
common. Careful design, proper choice of material and physical structure have pushed
the upper frequency limit of MOSFETs and its variations such as MESFETs and high
electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to several tens of GHz whereas for BJTs the upper
frequency limit is only a few GHz at best. Ingenious methods have been found to
implement analog and digital functions in the same IC chip utilizing MOSFETs almost
exclusively with very few or no resistors in what is known as mixed signal design. All of
these properties have made it possible to pack more than 200 million MOSFETs on a
single IC chip to implement very sophisticated very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits
such as those for memories and microprocessors. These developments have paved the
way for the design of powerful desktop computers, hand-held calculators, cell phones,
etc. Although discrete MOS transistors exist, most of the applications of MOSFETs are in
integrated circuit design. Even though JFETs were developed before MOSFETs,
applications and uses of MOSFETs have far surpassed those of JFET.

− 56 −

Biasing Circuits for MOSFETs

(i) Enhancement-mode MOSFET

Enhancement-mode MOSFETs are the most widely used field-

effect transistor. The very popular CMOS family of digital circuits also uses
enhancement-mode MOSFETs. Biasing circuits for n-channel enhancement-mode
MOSFETs can be designed using the voltage-to-current transfer characteristics of the
device shown in Fig.1.33 and defined by the equation

IDS = K ( VGS − Vth )2 ……..(1.32)

where, Vth is the threshold voltage of the transistor and K a constant. Note that eq.(1.32)
is valid for the region where VGS > Vth . The manufacturer specifies Vth and the value of
IDSon corresponding to a specified value of VGSon . The constant K appearing in eq.(1.32)
can be evaluated using this data. Expressing K in terms IDSon , VGSon and Vth , eq.(1.32) can
be written as

 V 
I DSon  1 − GS 
 Vth 
I DS = 2 ……..(1.33)
 V 
 1 − GSon 
 Vth 

Constant voltage bias line

Constant current bias line



A practical bias line

(Voltage divider bias)

Vth VGSon

Fig.1.33. Transfer characteristics of the n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET

− 57 −

The firm curve shown in Fig.1.33 represents a typical transfer

characteristics of an n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET. The dashed curves
represent the limits of tolerance specified by the manufacturer for the transfer
characteristics. A positive bias voltage VGS is required to locate the quiescent point at a
suitable position on the transfer characteristics of the MOSFET. A positive bias voltage
can be easily derived from the VDD supply voltage by using the circuit shown in
Fig.1.34(a). The bias voltage VGSO for such a biasing circuit will be given by
V GG = V GSO = V DD ……..
R1 + R2

The bias voltage VGSO is a constant independent of the transistor used. Such an
arrangement constitutes a constant voltage bias represented by a vertical bias line parallel
to IDS axis as shown in Fig.1.33. For such an arrangement IDSO , the quiescent drain
current varies very widely from IDSO1 to IDSO3 for the three characteristics shown for the
same transistor. Such a biasing arrangement is to be avoided in the interest of a stable
quiescent point.




(a) Constant voltage bias with poor (b) Voltage divider bias with acceptable
stability for quiescent point stability of quiescent point

Fig.1.34. Biasing methods for n-channel enhancement-mode MOSFETs

− 58 −

An ideal solution for obtaining a very stable quiescent point will

be to use a constant current circuit in an arrangement similar to that shown in Fig.1.31(a).
This will result in a circuit shown in Fig.1.34(b) with RSO replaced by a constant current
circuit using a BJT voltage divider bias circuit. This will require an extra transistor and
associated resistors. A more practical solution will be a voltage divider bias circuit shown
in Fig1.34(b). The bias line for such an arrangement is shown in Fig.1.33. The design of
voltage divider bias circuits for MOSFETs follows the same pattern discussed in
connection with the design of voltage divider bias circuits for JFETs.
(ii) Depletion-mode MOSFET

Biasing circuits for n-channel depletion-mode MOSFETs can be

designed using the voltage-to-current transfer characteristics of the device shown in
Fig.1.35 and defined by the equation
 VGS 
1 − V 
 ……..
 th 

where, Vth is the threshold voltage of the transistor and IDSS the value of IDS when VGS is
zero. Eq.(1.35) is valid for the region where VGS > Vth . The manufacturer specifies Vth
and IDSS for the transistor. Vth in this case can be thought of as the pinch-off voltage of the
transistor similar to that of the JFET.



IDSS Bias line for

voltage divider bias


− Vth VGS

Fig.1.35. Transfer characteristics of the n-channel depletion-mode MOSFET

− 59 −

The firm curve shown in Fig.1.35 represents a typical transfer

characteristics of an n-channel depletion-mode MOSFET. The dashed curves represent
the limits of tolerance specified by the manufacturer for the transfer characteristics. The
gate current is zero for all MOSFETs because of the insulating silicon dioxide layer
between the gate terminal and the channel. The device can, therefore, be operated
successfully with positive or negative values of gate-to-source voltage V GS without any
noticeable difference and no bias voltage is necessary for operating the depletion-mode
MOSFET. However, variation of transfer characteristics of the device within
manufacturer’s tolerance causes the quiescent current to vary between IDSS1 and IDSS2 as
shown in Fig.1.35 for zero bias. The ideal solution to this problem is to use a constant
current bias in a circuit arrangement shown in Fig.1.36(a). A simpler solution which can
overcome this problem to a large extent will be to use a voltage divider bias as shown in
Fig.1.36(b). The bias line for the voltage divider bias circuit is indicated in Fig.1.35.

R3 R1


• •

(a) Constant current bias (b) Voltage divider bias

Fig.1.36. Biasing methods for n-channel depletion-mode MOSFETs

− 60 −

Circuit techniques particularly useful in integrated circuits

Current Mirrors

Current mirrors are basically constant current circuits which can

be implemented very easily in integrated circuits. The operating principle of this circuit is
based on the fact that all the transistors manufactured to the same dimensional
specifications in a given IC chip will have identical electrical characteristics.

(a) Current mirror using BJTs



Iref IC1 Iref

ICref Q1 Q2 Qn
Qref Q1 Qref

• •
(a) Two-transistor (b) Multi-transistor

Fig.1.37. BJT current mirrors

The BJT two-transistor current mirror shown in Fig.1.37(a) is the

basic building block for the design of constant current circuits in ICs. For this circuit

( VCC −V BE ) ( VCC −0.6 )

Iref = = = ICref + IBref + IB1 ……..

The two transistors in Fig.1.37(a) have the same base-emitter voltage. Assuming Qref and
Q1 to have identical characteristics because they are on the same IC chip and because
they have the same base-emitter voltage, ICref = IC1 and IBref = IB1. Substituting these values
in eq.(1.36),

− 61 −

( VCC −0.6 ) I C1  2 
Iref = = IC1 + IB1 + IB1 = IC1 + 2 = IC1 1 +  ……
R hFE  hFE 
I ref ( VCC −0.6 )
IC1 =  2  =  2  ……..
1 +  R 1 + 
 hFE   hFE 
Note that IC1 given by eq.(1.38) is a constant current with the collector voltage of Q1 free
to swing with the signal. Using the same approach it can be easily shown that for the
multi-transistor circuit shown in Fig.1.37(b)

I ref ( VCC −0.6 )

IC1 = IC2 = …….= ICn =  ( 1 +n )  =  ( 1 +n ) 
1 +  R 1 + 
 hFE   hFE 

Eq.(1.39) shows that each of the transistors Q1 to Qn behaves like a constant current
device and can be used at a different place in an IC.

(b) Current mirror using MOSFETs

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