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STANDARD: ACI 211.1 – 91

The purpose of this job is to select suitable ingredient of concrete and to determine their
relative amount with the objective of producing a concrete of required strength,
durability & workability as economically as possible.
Related Theory:
Concrete: A composite mixture of a Binder and aggregates mixed with water is known
as concrete.

Types of Concrete:

Based on binder:
Lime Concrete
Cement Concrete

Based on function:
 P.C.C
 R.C.C

 cement
 Strength
 density
 resistance

Uses of concrete:
 It is a durable and cost-effective material which is a necessity for underground
 It is budget friendly to use everywhere. It is easy to repair & energy efficient.
 Concrete gives a longer service life.
 High-performance concrete is used to build bridges.

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 It is used as aggregate in roadbeds or as granular materials while making new
A binding material which is when mixed with water alone or in combination with
sandstone or similar material has property of combining slowly and forming a solid
Types of cement:
 Type 1 (ordinary Portland cement)
 Type 2 (medium heat cement)
 Type 3 (high early strength cement)
 Type 4 (low heat cement)
 Type 5 (sulphate resistant cement)

Preparation of cement:

Cement is typically made from limestone and clay or shale. These raw materials are
extracted from the quarry crushed to a very fine powder and then blended in the correct
proportions. Then cement mill grinds the clinker to a fine powder. This is a brief process
how cement is manufactured.


Inert materials mixed with a binding material (cement, lime, mud) for the preparations of
mortar or concrete.

Coarse aggregates:

 these are the particles that are 4.75mm - 7.5 mm in size.

 It increases the crushing strength of concrete.
 Makes concrete solid hard mass
 Reduces cost of concrete by occupying major volume in concrete

Fine aggregates:
 these are the particle that is less than 4.75mm in size.
 It is used as a filler material
 Sand provides bulk to the concrete
 It helps to increase the workability of concrete.
 It also helps to increase the strength of concrete.
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Water cement ratio:
It is the ratio of weight of water to the weight of cement. If water cement ratio is
decreases then strength and workability will increase and durability will decrease.
Slump measures the consistency of concrete before its sets.
Types of slumps:
The concrete slump can be classified according to the nature of concrete fall. There are
3 types of the slump given as follows.
 True slump
 Shear slump
 Collapse slump

Figure 1.2: types of slumps

Parameter for mix design:

 Specified compressive strength

 Required slump/workability
 Maximum aggregate size
 Fineness modulus
 Specific gravity of fine/coarse aggregates
 Bulk density of coarse aggregates
 Absorption capacity of fine/coarse aggregate
 Exposure conditions

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Concrete Mix Design and Material Calculation:

Given Data:

 Specified Compressive Strength = 36 MPa

 Targeted Compressive Strength = 40 MPa
 Slump Size = 50mm
 Coarse aggregate Specific Gravity = 2.68
 Water Absorption = 0.5%
 Fineness Modulus = 2.75
 Fine Aggregate Specific Gravity = 2.67
 Water Absorption = 0.7%
Step 01: (Slump Value)

The size of a slump is defined by the designer and the contractor is required to get the
strength for the project defined by the designer.

Size of Slump = 50mm

Step 02:(Maximum Aggregate Size)

Maximum Aggregate Size = 12.5mm

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Step 03:(Mixing Water)

Mixing Water = 199 (From ACI Table)

Step 04:(Water Cement Ratio)

Water Cement Ratio = 0.46 (From ACI Document)

Step 05:(Cement Content)

Cement Content =w / c

=199 kg / 0.46

=432 m3

Step 06:(Coarse Aggregate Content)

Coarse Aggregate Content = 0.55 of coarse aggregate per meter cube.

Bulk Density = 1532 kg

P= rn / V

p = 1532 x 0.55 = 842.6kg of coarse aggregate.

Step 07:(Fine Aggregate Content)

Fine Aggregate Content

(a)By Weight Method

Fine Aggregate = 2310 -(199+432+843) = 846

(b)By Absolute Volume Method

Water Volume =1000-0.199m3 Estimated Entrapped Air = 2.5 %

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Water Volume =199/1000 =-0.199m3

Estimated Entrapped Air = 2.5 %

Cement =432 / 3.15X 1000 =0.137m 4x21.06

Coarse Aggregate =842.6 / 2.68x1000 0.314 m3

Entrapped Air = 2.5 / 1000 x 1 = 0.025 m3

Total = 0.199+0.137+0.314 = 0.675 m3


Fine Aggregate Volume = 1 - 0.675 = 0.325 m3

Fine Aggregate = 2.68 x 1000x0.325 = 871

Step 08:(Adjustment of Aggregate Moisture)

Total Water to be Added = Net Mixing water + Adjustment for Moisture Condition of

Coarse Aggregate = W0 - W.A = 843 x 0.5 / 100= 4.215 kg

Fine Aggregate = 836 x 0.7 / 100 = 5.85 kg

Additional Water to be Added = 4.215 + 5.85 = 10.065 kg

Water Absorption (Coarse Aggregate) = 0.8% (W.A - 0.1%) = 0.8(0.5-0.1) % = 0.32%

Water Absorbed =843 x 0.32 / 100= 2.71 kg

Water Absorption (Fine Aggregate) = 0.4%

Water Absorbed = 836 x 0.4 / 100=3.34kg

Water Absorbed =843 x 100 = 2.71 kg

Total Water to be Added = 199+3.34+2.71=205kg

So, For 0.02m3 of Concrete

Water = 4.1kg

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Cement = 432x0.02=8.64kg

Coarse Aggregate=843x0.02=16.86kg


Total weight Of Concrete: = 4.1kg +8.64kg+16.86kg+16.72kg = 46.32 kg of concrete


For 0.02m3 of Concrete

Water = 4.1kg Cement = 432x0.02=8.64kg

Coarse Aggregate=843x0.02=16.86kg


Ours specified compressive strength of concrete is 36MPa but we will mix concrete with
a target compressive strength of 40MPa.Because if we mix concrete with a target of
36MPa there is a high chance of under concrete mixing which may cause lowering the
strength due to many factors.

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ASTM C805/C805M- 97


Testing of surface hardness by rebound hammer method. It is one of the oldest non-
destructive tests and is still widely used. It was devised in 1948 by Earnest Schmidt.
The hardness determined in this test is of metals which involve indention.

Significance and Use:

This test method may be used to assess the in-place uniformity of concrete, to delineate
regions in a structure of poor quality or deteriorated concrete, and to estimate in-place
strength development. To use this test method to estimate strength requires
establishing a relationship between strength and rebound number. The relationship
shall be established for a given concrete mixture and given apparatus. The relationship
shall be established over the range of concrete strength that is of interest. To estimate
strength during construction, establish the relationship by performing rebound number
tests on moulded specimens and measuring the strength of the same or companion
molded specimens. To estimate strength in an existing structure, establish the
relationship by correlating rebound numbers measured on the structure with the
strengths of cores taken from corresponding locations.


Rebound Hammer:

It consists of a spring-loaded steel hammer which when released strikes a steel plunger
in contact with the concrete surface. The spring-loaded hammer must travel with a
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consistent and reproducible velocity. The rebound distance of the steel hammer from
the steel plunger is measured on a linear scale attached to the frame of the instrument.

Test Area Selection of Test Surface:

Concrete members to be tested shall be at least 100 mm (4 in.) thick and fixed within a
structure. Smaller specimens must be rigidly supported. Areas exhibiting
honeycombing, scaling, or high porosity should be avoided. Do not compare test results
if the form material against which the concrete was placed is not similar. Trowelled
surfaces generally exhibit higher rebound numbers than screeded or formed finishes. If
possible, test structural slabs from the underside to avoid finished surfaces.

Preparation of Test Surface:

A test area shall be at least 150 mm (6 in.) in diameter. Heavily textured, soft, or
surfaces with loose mortar shall be ground smooth with the abrasive stone described in
5.2. Smooth-formed or trowelled surfaces do not have to be ground prior to testing. Do
not compare results from ground and unground surfaces. Do not test on frozen
concrete. Moist Concrete at 0°C (32°F) or less may exhibit very high rebound values.
Concrete should be tested only after it has thawed. The temperature of rebound
hammer itself may affect the rebound number. Rebound hammers at -18 oC may exhibit
rebound numbers reduced by as much as 2 or 3. For readings to be compared, the
direction of compact, horizontal, downward, upward, or at another angle, must be the
same or established correction factors shall be applied to the readings.

Do not conduct test directly reinforcing bars with cover less than 20mm [0.75 in.].
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 Hold the instrument firmly so that the plunger is perpendicular to the test surface.
 Gradually push the instrument toward the test surface until the hammer impacts.
 After impact, maintain pressure on the instrument and, if necessary, depress the
button on the side of the instrument to lock the plunger in its retracted position.
 Estimate the rebound number on the scale to the nearest whole number and
record the rebound number.
 Take ten readings from each test area. No two impact tests shall be closer
together than 25 mm (1 in.).
 Examine the impression made on the surface after impact, and if the impact
crushes or breaks through a near-surface air void disregard the reading and take
another reading.


Discard readings differing from the average of 10 readings by more than 6 units and
determine the average of the remaining readings. If more than 2 readings differ from the
average by 6 units, discard the entire set of readings and determine rebound numbers
at 10 new locations within the test area.

Table 5.1 Rebound Number and Corresponding Probable Strengths.

Test No Rebound Value deviation

01 26 0.5
02 27 0.5
03 29 2.5
04 21 5.5
05 26 0.5
06 26 0.5
07 29 2.5
08 26 0.5
09 25 1.5
10 30 3.5

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R, Average

Table 5.2: Average Rebound Number and Quality of Concrete

Average Rebound Number Quality of Concrete

>40 Very good hard layer

30 to 40 Good layer

20 to 30 Fair

<20 Poor concrete

0 Delaminated

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 Calibration of instrument must be checked prior to working.

 Area exhibiting honey combing, scaling, rough texture or high porosity should be

 Concrete member to be tested shall be at least 100mm thick and fixed with in a

 Do not conduct tests directly over reinforcing bars with cover less than 20mm.

 No two impact tests shall be closer together than 25mm.

 After using Schmidt hammer the test area must be marked each time.

 Do not test frozen concrete.

 Discard readings differing from the average of 10 readings by more than 7 units
and determine the average of remaining reading.

 If more than two readings differ from the average by 7 units, discard the entire set
of readings.
 Moist of the test area must be taken in account before using Schmidt hammer.

 Temperature of Schmidt hammer itself also checked before applying test.

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This test method covers the determination of the propagation velocity of longitudinal
stress wave pulses through concrete. This test method does not apply to the
propagation of other types of stress waves through concrete.
Most popular UPV equipment – PUNDIT (Portable Ultra-sonic Non-destructive Digital
Indicating Tester)
Within the equipment, special circuitry takes the mean of 10 or 20 repeated readings
before displaying the value.

UPV test apparatus:

• transducers (transmitter and receiver)

• a pulse generator with a frequency between 10 - 150 Hz

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 an amplifier
 a time measuring circuit is A digital display of the time taken
by the pulse to travel between the transducers placed on the surface of a concrete
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Test

Principal Applications

 To evaluate uniformity and general condition of concrete in structure

 To study surface and sub-surface deterioration, cracking, location of large voids
 To assess the strength of concrete

Particularly useful in

Detecting the existence and extent of internal cracks. Most popular UPV equipment –
PUNDIT (Portable Ultra-sonic Non-destructive Digital Indicating Tester)

For best results, locate the transducers directly ON each other. Turn on the equipment
and pass the note down the time and calculate the velocity
Important points to study are

 Factors that may affect the speed of waves

 Reliability of ultrasonic pulse velocity test

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Observations and calculation:

d = 0.625 m
t = 112.9
d/t = v
0.625 / 112.9*1000
V = 5.5 km/s

Result: The measured value of ultrasonic pulse velocity is 5.5Km./s

If the speed is high, then the material is high denser and the specimen has high


 Non-destructive
 Ultrasonic pulse travels through the entire thickness of concrete (using direct
transmission), hence quality of concrete over the entire thickness is assessed
 Particularly valuable in uniformity investigation of hardened concrete
 No damage is done to the concrete at the test locations so that core samples can
be taken at these points to establish correlation curves
 Carbonated layer does not significantly affect the pulse velocity as the ultrasonic
pulse travels through the entire thickness


 Measured velocity may be affected by surface texture, moisture content, specimen

size, reinforcement and state of stress.
 Need to have access to both surfaces of a member for direct transmission.
 Interpretation of ultrasonic test results based on published graphs and tables can
be misleading. It is necessary to have specially prepared correlation curves
including influencing factors for the concrete used for in-situ strength estimations.

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For determining insitu concrete compressive strength using concrete core drilling and
testing we will follow ASTM C42/C42M - 13. Similar code is also available in British
standards/Euro Standards with designation BS EN 12504-1:2009 (Testing concrete in
structures. Cored specimens. Taking, examining, and testing in compression
This test method covers obtaining, preparing, and testing cores drilled from concrete for
length or compressive strength or splitting tensile strength determinations. This test
method is not applicable to cores from shotcrete. Test Method Cl 604/C 1604M is
applicable for obtaining, preparing, and testing cores from shotcrete.
This test method provides standardized procedures for obtaining and testing specimens
to determine the compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength of in-place
Concrete specimens should not be taken unless concrete has fully hardened. The
specimens should be free of embedded reinforcement or other metal. If it is not possible
to avoid
• Core Drill (Figure 1, Figure 2)
• Balance
• Capping equipment
• Compression testing machine

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such metals then core testing can be performed but the results are modified according to engineering judgement.
Core should be drilled perpendicular to concrete surface and at least 150mm away from joints and edges.

Figure 1: Concrete Core Drill

Cores for determining the thickness of pavements, slabs, walls or other structural
elements shall have a diameter of at least 94 mm [3.70 in.] when the lengths of such
cores are stipulated to be measured in accordance with Test Method C174/C174M.
When core length for determining the thickness of a member is not required to be
measured in accordance with Test Method C174/C174M, core diameter shall be as
directed by specifier of tests.
For cores that are not intended for determining structural dimensions, measure the
longest and shortest lengths on the cut surface along lines parallel to the core axis.
Record the average length to the nearest 5 mm [1/4 in.]. The diameter of core should be
at least 94mm unless it is not possible to drill this value where smaller diameter core is
allowed by keeping L/D of at least 1. t 1.0. L/D ratio of cores in general should be lesser
than 2.1. If L/D ratio is lesser than 1.75 then corrections are required (7.9.1
Test the cores in compression testing machine and repot the results as required by
C39/C39M specifications.
Important points to study are.
 What are the general factors that can affect core strength?
 What is the effect of steel on core strength (Hz of Vt)
 Why is the core moisture content preserved?

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