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Biochemistry Postgrad Entrance - Previous Questions Analysis


Physical properties of Colloid Can't pass through semipermeable membrane

By dialysis colloid can be separated from crystaloid

Visible under ultramicroscope

Heterogenous (multiphage)

(read further from textbook)


Disaccharide Name disaccharides

[Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose, Isomaltose, Lactulose, Trehalose]

Polysaccharide Following polysaccharides contain glucose only

(see textbook)

Essential fatty acids are Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid

-6 fatty acids are Linoleic acid, Arachidonic acid

Polyunsaturated fatty acid are Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid, Arachidonic acid

Transfatty acid Characteristics of Transfattyacid

[They are unsaturated fatty acid, uncommon in nature,

produced industrially from vegetable fat]

Polyunsaturated fatty acid Substance derived from polyunsaturated fatty acid

[Prostaglandin, Prostacyclin, Thromboxane, Leukotrine, Lipoxins]

Complex lipid: Phospholipid, Glycolipid, Lipoprotein

Phospholipid Following substance are phospholipid

(see textbook)

Lipoprotein TAG rich lipoprotein are [Chilomicron, VLDL]

Cholesterol rich lipoprotein are [LDL, HDL]

Apolipoprotein Functions of apolipoprotein (of specific subclasses)

Steroid & Cholesterol

Following hormones contain steroid nucleus

Steroid found in human body 1. Sterol (cholesterol, ergosterol & coplosterol)

2. Vitamin D

3. Bile acid

4. Adreno cortical hormone

5. Sex hormone (Testosterone, estrogen, progesterone)


Following vitamin derivtives acts as co-enzyme

Thiamine pyrophosphate is an essential co-enzyme for

Causes of raised Alkaline-phosphatase

Causes of raised Serum-amylase

Name the enzymes found in lysosome

Glucose-6 phosphatase found in following condition

Lactate dehydrogenase

Bioenergetics & Metabolism

High-energy phosphates are Phosphoenol pyruvate

1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate

Carbamoyl phosphate

Creatine phosphate


Low-energy phosphats are ADP, Pyrophosphate, Fructose-6 phosphate, Glucose-6 phosphate, Glucose-3 phosphate

Respiratory chain

Name the enzymes of respiratory chain

Name the rate limiting enzyme of respiratory chain

Name the site & component of respiratory chain

Post translational modification

Following are the example of post translational modification

CHO Metabolism

Name the metabolic pathway occurs in mitochondria

[TCA Cycle, -oxidation, Ketogenesis, Part of Urea cycle, Part of gluconeogenesis]

Glycolysis Product of glycolysis

Rate limiting enzyme

Site of anaerobic glycolysis

Products of anaerobic glycolysis


Pyruvte is metabolized by following enzymes

HMP Shunt

Sites of Pentose phosphate pathway : Liver, RBC, Adrenal cortex, lactating mammary gland, Adipose
tissue, gonad, macrophages

Protein metabolism

Positive nitrogen balance occurs in Growing infant

Pregnant woman


Recovery from severe illness

Negative nitrogen balance occurs in post surgical patient, advanced cancer, inadequate dietary
intake of protein (eg. Kwashiorkor or marasmus), wasting disease (eg. Tuberculosis), Cushing
disease, trauma, burn, physiologic stress

Fate of Ketogenic-aminoacid [Acetoacetate, Acetyl co-A or Acetoacetyl co-A]

Following are the source of ammonia

Integrated metabolism

Following tissue use ketone body for the source of energy

Tissue Normal state Fasting state

Brain Glucose Glucose, Ketone body

Skeletal muscle Glucose Fatty acid, Ketone body

Heart Fatty acid Fatty acid, ketone body, Glucose

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