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In creating a scale, the researchers must utilize the systematic approach to item and scale creation
because it may lead to questioning the validity and reliability of the research results, no matter how
careful the design of the study. It may be on the item generation process; the researchers must decide
what approach should be used in order to have accurate data for the research. The content adequacy
assessment and questionnaire administration, a time-consuming process but this provides support for
construct validity. On the factor analysis, it is the most critical that might cause an error in determining
the viability of the scale. On the internal consistency assessment step, if it has low consistency, the items
are not correlating well with each other which could lead to revising the items or will be disregarded. On
the construct validation, comparing the test to other tests that measure similar qualities but the
weakness of it is that it may have limitations from methodological approach, etc. and lastly on the
replication, replicating large sets of data without following the guide could lead to difficulties such as
having a hard time to interpreting the data results and lack of reliability and validity to the research.

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