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Lesson 15 Required under Article 1358:

Section 51. Conveyance and other dealings by registered owner. Specific conveyance that should be in a form of public document.
Exceptions: 1) Acts and contracts which have for their object the creation, transmission, modification, or
1) When this encumbrances or adverse claim is noted in the very title itself (the moment it is noted, the extinguishment of real rights over an immovable property or an interest therein is governed under Article
next holder to that would be binded to whatever inscription there would be. (action - quieting of title) 1403, par 2 of the NCC for that matter.
2) Certificate of Title should not be made as a shield to any fraudulent acts because he COT is not a way of  Any transfer therefore of the real property rights or the right of dominion must always be in a form of
acquiring ownership. The Torrens system protects as a way of exception to the rule if the title property a public document.
although fraudulently acquired, it is transferred to a person who is a considered as an innocent buyer in  A private document executed between 2 parties is binding between the 2, but if to protect the
good faith and for value. The fraudulent title becomes a lawful title. (action - qualify client as an innocent interest of 3rd parties, it is mandated under article 1358 that it must be in a form of public document.
person of good faith and value in order that he can be protected by the Torrens System) any form of transfer voluntarily entered by the parties either by donation, form of sale, barter, must
3) While it may be true that the holder of a certificate of title over a property is not subject to a acquisitive be in a form of a public document in order it be recorded before the register of deeds which
prescription either in good or bad faith, however, if laches is proven. recording would be considered as a constructive notice against the whole world.
 Sort of constructive notice against the whole world.
Laches – inordinate sleeping on one's right (you are mandated by law to enforce your right but for a length of 2) Article 1405 of the New Civil Code
time, you have not ascertained your right) 3) The cession, repudiation or renunciation of hereditary rights or of those of the conjugal partnership of
 Inordinate - unreasonable length of time to alert your right as a holder of a titled property claiming gains;
yourself to be an owner. 4) The power to administer property, or any other power which has for its object an act appearing or which
should appear in a public document, or should prejudice a third person
Article 1356 (requirements to become a valid contract; COC) 5) The cession of actions or rights proceeding from an act appearing in a public document.
 When contracts are considered void? If the object of the contract is contrary to law, good customs, 6) All other contracts where the amount involved exceeds five hundred pesos must appear in writing, even
public order, morals, or public policy. a private one. But sales of goods, chattels or things in action are governed by articles, 1403, No. 2 and
 3 elements to a valid contract: 1405, and 1357.
a) Consent – if it is vitiated, the object may be legal, the consideration may be present but it was not
done in good faith -> the contract becomes defective and it becomes voidable. Case for future practice (Alfredo v. Borras 404, SCRA, p. 145)
b) Object  In case of conflict of area of boundaries, the boundaries prevail over the alleged area in the document.
c) Cause or Consideration – the reason why the property was transferred to a subsequent order (any  In this case, non–payment of the price is called negative resolutory condition. If it is based upon
form of conveyance - it is done voluntarily) suspensive resolutory condition, the buyer does not acquire ownership unless he fully pays the purchase
o Sale are done through conditions price. The seller can only sure for damages but not recovery of the object land.
o 2 kinds of conditional obligations: suspensive and resolutory Case of de Leon v. Ong (611 SCRA 381)
 Suspensive - the validity of the contract only is considered perfect as long as the pre-conditions is
complied with. Modes of Delivery:
o There was no deed of absolute sale that was executed only a conditional deed of sale. (as  Aside of the execution of the document, it is mandated under our law that there should be a proof that
soon as the full amount was paid to the vendor, the vendee has the right to seek specific this property has been sufficiently delivered.
performance for the vendor to execute the deed of absolute sale because of the compliance  Delivery as a mode of transmission is provided under Article 1497 to 1501 which are the different modes
of suspensive conditional obligation being worded in teh conditional sale.) of signifying transfer or possession to a property. Except immovable property because there is an
 Conveyance or recovery of ownership for lack of consideration addendum requirement of execution of public instrument which is considered as an actual delivery and
o Treat the case as the conditional resolutory obligation to the fulfillment of the cause or considered as a prima facie presumption of delivery.
consideration. o It is only when there is delivery that which the elements of ownership of the thing sold or conveyed is
properly proven under our law.
SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION – there is already a title over the land and it is a subject for conveyance voluntary
undertaken by the parties themselves. 2 kinds of delivery: TRADITIONAL and CONSTRUCTIVE
 Article 1358 – Subsequent land registration proceedings done voluntarily before it becomes registrable  Execution of public document of sale is equivalent to delivery and it is deemed negated if the buyer was
before the register of deeds is mandated to be public instruments. not able to take actual physical possession of the land or property.
o It must be acknowledge converting the private document into a public document.
 In the case of Villamar v Mangasil (GR No 18661; 4/11/2012) - the non–delivery of the property was  The deed of sale to portion of these property may meantime be annotated in the memorandum of
sufficiently a fault that would negate ownership because of the non– payment of the balance which would encumbrances or list of encumbrances at the back of the said original title.
be considered required under constructive delivery.  If the sudivision plan has already been approved, only then when the lawyer go back again to the register
of deeds, petitioning in a formal written request that a new certificate of title be issued to teh pruchaser of
Basic principle on sales – caveat emptor a portion of registered land.

Section 52. Constructive notice upon registration. Section 59. Carry over of encumbrances.
Registration of public documents  If, at the time of any transfer, subsisting encumbrances or annotations appear in the registration book,
 The moment these public document is registered under the register of deeds, sec. 52 provides that it they shall be carried over and stated in the new certificate or certificates; except so far as they may be
serves as a constructive notice upon the whole world affecting registered lands and it is effected upon simultaneously released or discharged.
registration filing and recording of the document or conveyance.  It is mandatory and a duty of the register of deeds to carry it over to the stated new certificate of title
 Purpose of registration of said public document is purely to notify the interest of strangers to a given unless said annotation or list of encumbrances has been released or discharged at the instance of
transaction who may be ignorant of said transaction but actual notice is equivalent to registration authorities or the court.
between and among the contracted parties. o Purpose: show that the grantee obtained the land or portion thereof subject to subsisting encumbrances
attached to the title of the grantor.
Section 53. Presentation of owner's duplicate upon entry of new certificate.
 When it is a voluntary conveyance entered into the parties upon execution of teh public document in a If you would be the holder with a lot of annotation on the title and you become a transferee?
form of gesture of delivery of the property.  Your duty under the civil code - mandates to file a petition to quiet your title. (in order that all annotations
 Surrender of the title is enough proof that the property was constructively delivered to the next owner. shall be ruled out if it has no legal cases at all)
 When you try to register public document and you would like to transfer to your name, it is mandated
under Sec. 53 of PD 1529 that the said certificate of title subject of a public document of conveyance or Can register of deeds do that (quieting of title) at their own instance? No.
whatever form of transfer, the surrender of title is necessary to effect the transfer of the title to the next  It is only the court that could discharge release, cancel these annotations.
subsequent transferee. How about adverse claims? It is only the court through a petition of quiet title of said land.
 It is mandated under the voluntary registration of property or when there is a deed of sale and the title is
not delivered. Quieting of Title – to erase all clouds of doubt relative to the ownership and indefeasibility of the said title.
o What is the option of the vendee? He has to file for a specific performance of the title under section
of 107 of PD 1529. Section 60. Mortgage or lease of registered land.
 Land made as a security for the payment of money of fulfillment of existing obligation to answer the
Any document of a result of forgery or falsification convicts no title thereto to the next title. amount of indebtedness should be required under Article 2085 of the Civil Code to be annotated in the
o Exception: when it goes to the hands of an innocent purchaser in good faith and for value. said title.
o Purpose of annotating a contract of mortgage? Because of equitable principle on that matter that these
Lesson 16 land is made a secruity for future payment.
Procedures as provided under Section 58. o Primary contract in mortgages contract? The essence is for the purpose of securing teh promissory note
which is the primary docuemnt that which should be the basis for a real estate mortgage contract
When only portion has been a subject of a transfer or sale, donation, or any form of voluntary conveyance,  This document is a promissory note to pay sum of money.
how would you have it registered?
 1st principle: except of transfer of ownership, all must only be annotated in the list of encumbrances Where should it be registered?
o It should only appear in the list of encumbrances but not a total cancellation of the said title.  If it is a real estate morgage, it should be registered in the books of real property mortgages.
 If it would be a chattel mortgage, it should be registered in the book of chattels.
If there is mere or not a total ownership among the heirs, this land where portion only has to be divided o IT IS COMMON. In fact so long as the chattel has not been release or discharged, it remains to be a lien
among the heirs, it would remain to be annotated in the list of encumbrances. over your personal property.

Section 58. Procedure where conveyance involves portion of land. Article 2085. The following requisites are essential to the contracts of pledge and mortgage:
 Plan of subdivision where there is a respective technical description shall have been verified and approved (1) That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation;
before the DENR technical division of Land Management Bureau Division of the DENR. (2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged;
(3) That the persons constituting the pledge or mortgage have the free disposal of their property, and in the  Extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings required by the SC in case of mortgages that are foreclosed.
absence thereof, that they be legally authorized for the purpose. o It is guided under SC AM 99 -10-05-0 (pointed out to be strictly followed in the case of Fernandez v
Third persons who are not parties to the principal obligation may secure the latter by pledging or mortgaging Espinosa 551 SCRA 136)
their own property. (1857)
What are the remedies of mortgages in case of default of payment? (2 legal options of mortgages)
Pactum Commissorium – it is a stipulation on a contract of mortgage that the ownership of the property would 1) Foreclose the mortgage
be automatically pass through the mortgagee in case no redemption was effective within the stipulated period 2) File an ordinary action to collect debt based on the promissory note.
 Considered as null and void as it enables the mortgagee to acquire ownership of the property without
foreclosure proceedings - - Olea v CA 247 SCRA 274 (void ab initio and this provision of law is contrary to If the mortgagor dies, what are the option?
public policy) a) Waive the mortgage claim in the entire debt from teh state of the mortgagor as an ordinary claim against
the state
What the law provides under Sec. 60 – before the mortgagee could acquire ownership over the property made b) Foreclose the mortgage and prove deficiency as an ordinary claim (most favored one in the actual practice)
as a collateral for payment of a promissory note to pay sum of money. c) Rely exclusively on the mortgage contract but not have a right to claim for deficiency
 There is a mandatory requirement of a foreclosure proceeding either judicial or extrajudicial required o Deficiency claims – claims against the collection of indebtedness (provided by law)
under the law.
o But if it is extrajudicial, there must be authority on the part of the mortgagor to the sheriff to undertake When could these right be exercised?
the proceedings. In relation to Sec 63 of PD 1529, it requires that these options in case of death must be considered an option
within a period of 10 years for that matter (because it is a right of action based on the written document) –
In the absence of any authority of SPA, what is mandated under the law? It is usually judicial foreclosure exercise right to foreclose the property or take the different remedy as discussed.
proceedings under the rules. o Public Auction or consolidation of title before issuance of transfer certificate of title to the mortgage
creditor or to the highest bidder of teh sale if it is done by public auction.
Section 61. Registration. Of mortgage or lease.
 It is required that is should be entered in a memorandum of encumbrances upon presentation of the 13 steps of judicial foreclosure proceedings provided under Sec. 63 of PD 1529
mortgage document. a) Under Section 3, Rule 68 of the Rules of Court, it is the confirmation by the Court of the auction sale that
 What is the effect the moment it is annotated in the list of encumbrances? It becomes now a notice to would divest the mortgagors of their rights to the mortgaged lot and that would vest such rights in the
the whole world. bank as purchaser at the auction sale
o It would be a notice that the said property is now under an obligation or a lien for a payment for a sum of b) The clause “subject to such rights of redemption as may be allowed by law” found in the last part of
money. It is required that it should be a proceeding in rem before it could be considered a trasnfer of Section 3, has no application to a new case where the mortgagor did not exercise his right of redemption
ownership. under Section 78 of the General Banking Law.
 Before this could be considered a valid title to teh registered owner, that mortgage annotation should be c) A foreclosure sale is not complete until it is confirmed, and before said confirmation, the court retains
cancelled or released first otherwise it remains to be a priority lien to a transfer thereof where the law control of the proceedings by exercising a sound discretion in regard to it, either granting or withholding
requires that it should be respected. confirmation as the rights and interests of the parties and the ends of justice may require.
d) In order that a foreclosure sale may be validly confirmed by the court, it is necessary that a hearing be
What would happen if there is a difference between the unrecoded deed of sale prior to the date of real given the interested parties, at which they may have an opportunity to show cause why the sale should not
property and the recorded mortagage thereof? be confirmed
 Under Act 3344, the date of the mortgage contract shall be prefer as ruled out in the case of Reyes v De e) The acceptance of a bid at the foreclosure sale confers no title on the purchaser. Until the sale has been
Leon 20 ESCRA 369. validly confirmed by the Court, he is nothing more than a preferred bidder. Title vests only when the sale
o The moment this mortgage contact to a property based upon a security for future payment of a has been validly confirmed by the Court.
promissory note, it remains to be binding on whoever becomes the holder of this property if it would be f) The confirmation retroacts to the date of the sale. A hearing should be held for the confirmation of the
transferred by the mortgagor. sale. The mortgagor should be notified of the hearing. Lack of notice vitiates the confirmation of the sale.
The mortgagor may still redeem the mortgaged lot after the rendition of the order confirming the sale
Section 62. Discharge or cancellation of mortgage which is void for lack of hearing and notice to the mortgagor.
 Procedure that cancellation or discharge of mortgage shall extinguish only upon full payment of g) Notice and hearing of a motion for confirmation of sale are essential to the validity of the order of
indebtedness based upon the promissory note. confirmation, not only to enable the interested parties to resist the motion but also to inform them of the
 If not fully paid, it would always remain a security to existing loan. time when their right of redemption is cut-off.
h) An order of confirmation, void for lack of notice and hearing, may be set aside anytime  It should be entered into the lease of encumbrances in order that this would be taking a relationship
i) After the foreclosure but before its confirmation, the court may grant the judgment debtor or mortgagor between a trustor and trustee.
an opportunity to pay the proceeds of the sale and thus refrain from confirming it. o Particular entrusts conditions limitations or other equitable interest should not be entered in the
j) If after the foreclosure sale and before the confirmation thereof, the mortgagee, as purchaser at the certificate but only in the memorandum by simple reference to the instrument creating the same.
auction sale, sold the mortgaged property to another person, that subsequent sale does not render the
foreclosure sale more effective. That subsequent sale does not prevent the trial court from granting the 3 parties in a trust:
mortgagor a period within which to redeem the mortgaged lot by paying the judgment debt and the a) trustor (owner of the property)
expenses of the sale and costs. b) trustee (entrusted for a duty or obligation under the law in order to hold and manage the property)
k) Whatever may have been the old rule by all of the modern authorities, it is the policy of the courts to assist c) beneficiary (normally the person who would benefit the contract)
rather than to defeat the right of redemption
l) After the confirmation of the sale, made after hearing and with due notice to the mortgagor, the latter TRUST – fiduciary relationship with respect to property which involves the involvement of equitable duties
cannot redeem anymore the mortgaged lot (unless the mortgagee is a banking institution) imposed upon the holder of the title to the property to deal with for the benefit of another (beneficiary)
m) It is after the confirmation of the sale that the mortgagor loses all interest in the mortgaged property  Agreement or relationship should be annotated on the properties or titles of the trustor.
o What would happen? The trustee would act as if he is the owner of the property.
If considered foreclosure proceeding, there are also legal remedies for its redemption: o What would happen? Considered annotated in the properties of the trustor. The trustee manages.
o Under the Corporation Code of the Philippines, redemption right to foreclose property is only 6 months
but with a natural person who undertaken a mortgage contract, he is given 12 months after the record of Article 1448 - implied trust; when property is sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party but the price is
sale of the property or based upon the certificate of sale issued and registered by the sheriff undertaking paid by another for the purpose of having the beneficial interest of the property. The former is the trustee, while
these foreclosure proceedings. the latter is the beneficiary.

Equity redemption – this a vested right to redeem after default but before the sale or confirmation of sale. LTD Lesson 17
 Same rule applies to 2nd mortgagee where the 2nd mortgagee can undertake equity redemption. Voluntary Land Registration Proceedings

When the borrower normally cannot pay, the 2nd mortgagee would exercise redemption (equity) When only portion has been subject of a transfer or sale, donation, or any form of voluntary conveyance, how
proceedings in order that have the right to the mortgage property that was unpaid. would you like it registered?
These confirmation of sale necissates pronouncement of the court and it needs a hearing if it is a judicial  1st principle: except of transfer of ownership, all must only be annotated in the list of encumbrances. It
foreclosure proceedings. should only appear in the list of encumbrances and not in a total cancellation of the said title.
Rights of those who may be the highest bidder in the highest bidder in the foreclosure proceedings? o Procedure of conveyance involves poriton of lands.
 Right of writ of possession - placing the person in a physical actual possession over the property involved o The law provides that the plan of subdivision with the respective technical description shall be verified
in the public auction. and approved before the DENR Technical Division of the Land Management Bureau Technical Division of
 The issuance is absolute after redemption period and this is a non–litigious matter. Therefore, it is the DENR.
ministerial in nature. If however, the validity of levy is an issue now, it should be heard on merits as rules  2nd: The Deed of Sale to portion of this property may meantime be annotated in the memorandum of
out in the case of Cometa v IAC 151 SCRA 563 encumbrances on the back of the said original title.
 3rd: If the subdivision plan has already been approved, only then the lawyer go back to the Register of
Section 64. Power of attorney. Deeds, petitioning in a formal written request that a new certificate of title be issued to the purchaser of a
 To convey or otherwise deal with registered land to be registered with the register of deeds otherwise the portion of registered land.
sale is void.
 There are times where principal or owners of property is old, if you are interested to sell your property, Section 59. Carry-over of encumbrances.
what are you supposed to do in order for the sale of the interested buyer be implemented legally?  If, at the time of any transfer, subsisting encumbrances or annotations appear in the registration book,
o Issue a special power of attorney authorizing the person whom you have entrusted to sell the land (must they shall be carried over and stated in the new certificate or certificates; except so far as they may be
be annotated in the title itself) simultaneously released or discharged.
o Purpose: show the grantee obtained the land subject to subsisting encumbrances attached to the title of
Section 65. Trusts in registered land. the grantor.
 Must be registered and annotated in this title.
Section 60. Mortgage or lease of registered land.
 Land made as a security for the payment of money or the fulfillment of an existing obligation to answer the o If not fully paid, it remain to be in that particular lien or encumbrances.
amount of indebtedness should be required by Article 2085 of the NCC to be annotated in the said title. o Extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding in case of mortgages that are foreclosed.
o Purpose of annotating a contract of mortgage? Because of equitable principle for that matter that this  Guided under SC AM 99-10-05-0 (pointed out to be strictly followed in the case of Fernndez v
land is made as a security of future payment. Espinosa 551 SCRA 136.
 What is the primary contract in mortgage contract? The essence is for the purpose of securing the
promissory note which is the primary document that which would be the basis of the real estate mortgage Remedies of mortgages in case of defualt of payment? There are 2:
contract. a) Foreclose the mortgage
 Where should it be registered? b) File an ordinary action to collect debt based on promissory note.
o If it is a real estate mortgage it must be registered in the books of real property mortgages.
o If it would be a chattel mortgage it must be registered in the books of chattels. If the mortgagor dies or the owner of the property dies? There are 3:
a) Waive the mortgage claim in the entire debt from the state of mortgagor as an ordinary claim against the
So long as the chattel has not been released or discharged, it remain to be a lien over teh personal property. state
Principle of pactum commissorium – it is a stipulation in the contract of mortgage that the ownership of the b) Foreclose the mortgage and prove deficiency as an ordinary claim (most favored)
property would automatically pass to the mortgagee in case no redemption was effective within the c) Rely exclusively on the contract but without the right to claim for deficiency.
stipulated period. o Deficiency claims – claims against the collection in the indebtedness.
o Considered null and void as it enables the mortgagee to acquire ownership of the property without
foreclosure proceedings. When could this right be exercised? What is the prescriptive period?
o Considered void ab initio and is contrary to public policy (Olea v CA 247 SCRA 274)  In relation to Sec. 53 of PD 1529, it requires that this option must be considered an option within a period
of 10 years for that matter.
The law provides that before the mortgagee could acquire ownership over the property made as a collateral
for payment of a promissory note to pay a sum of money, there is a mandatory requirement of a foreclosure Public Auction or consolidation of title before issuance of transfer certificate of title to the mortgagor or to
proceedings - either judicial or extrajudicial proceedings as required by law. the highest bidder of the auction sale.
o But if that would be extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings, there must be an authority on the mortgagor
to the sheriff to undertake extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings. Legal Remedies for its redemption:
o In the absence of any authority of SPA, judicial foreclosure proceedings is mandated by law.  Corporation Code of the Philippines (only 6 months)
o In a natural person who undertaken a mortgage contract, he is given 12 months of the record of the sale
Section 61. Registration. (of mortgage or lease.) of the property based upon the sale issued and registered by the sherrif undertaking this foreclosure
 It is required that it should be entered in the memorandum of encumbrances in the presentation of proceedings.
mortgage document.  Equity Redemption – vested right to redeem after default but before the sale or confirmation of sale.
 Effect? It becomes now a notice to the whole world. o Same rule applies to 2nd mortgagee where the 2nd mortgagee can undertake equity redemption.
o It should be a proceeding in rem before it could be considered a transfer of ownership. o Banks that are considered as 2nd mortgagee:
 When the borrower normally cannot pay, the 2nd mortgagee would exercise equity redemption
Before considered a valid title to the registered owner, that mortgage annotation should be cancelled or proceedings in order that they would have a right over the mortgage property that was unpaid.
release first otherwise, it remains to be a priority lien to any transfer thereof where the law requires to be o This confirmation of sale necessates pronouncement of the court therefore it needs a hearing for the
respected. foreclosure proceedings.
What would happen if there is a difference between the unrecorded deed of sale prior to the date of the
real property and the recorded mortgage thereof? Under Act 3344, the date of the mortgage contract shall What are the rights of those who may be the highest bidder in the foreclosure proceedings?
be preferred as ruled out in the case of Reyes v De Leon 20 SCRA 369.  Right of writ of possession – placing the person to actual, physical possession over the property involved in
The moment the mortgage contract to a property based upon a security for future payment of a promissory the public auction.
note or sum of money, it reamins to be binding of whoever becomes the hold of this property if it would be o The issuance of writ of possession is absolute after the redemption period and it is a non – litigious
transferred. matter. (ministerial in nature)
Foreclosure proceedings should always follow to public auction and it goes always to the highest bidder.
Section 62. Discharge or cancellation. If the validity of levy is an issue, it should be heard on merits as ruled out in Cometa v IAC 151 SCRA 563
 Shall extinguish only upon full payment of the indebtedness based upon the promissory note. If not fully
paid, it will always remain as a security to an existing loan. Section 64. Power of attorney.
 To convey or otherwise deal with registered land to be registered to the Registered of Deeds, otherwise Entered before the entry of judgment for the purpose of the following causes of action
the sale is void. a) In an action to recover possession of property unjustly or fraudulently taken, detained, or converted
 If the owners of property are already old. which shall property has been concealed, removed, disposed of to prevent being found or taken by the
o If you are interested to buy, you must: applicant or an authorized person
 Issue a special power of attorney authorizing the person whom you have entrusted to sell the land. b) In an action against a party who has been guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt or incurring the
(must be annotated in the very title itself) obligation upon which the action is brought, or in the performance thereof
Section 65. Trusts in registered land. c) In an action against a party who has removed or disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with intent
 Trust contract must be registered and annotated in this title. to defraud his creditors
 It should be entered into in the list of encumbrances in order that this would be taking as a relationship
between a trustor and trustee. Preliminary attachment can be applied for the purpose of securing the interest of the person, victim of
fraudulent manipulation.
Particulars of the trust, condition, limitation or other equitable interest shall not be entered on the o May be done ex parte before the defendant is summoned by the court since the phrase at the
certificate; but only a memorandum thereof shall be entered by the words "in trust", or "upon condition", or commencement of the action refers to the date of the filing of complaint or before the summons is
other apt words, and by a reference by number to the instrument authorizing or creating the same. served for him to answer.
3 parties in the trust o The ROD must make an attachment filed under the section in the name of the applicant, the adverse
a) Trustor – owner of the property party or the person by whom the property is held in whose name stands on record (but with proper
b) Trustee – person whom the property is entrusted to identification or number relative that it would be considered an encumbrance on the attached property)
c) Beneficiary – who would benefit from the contract
If property has been subjected to a lot of equitable interest on different parties, who should be given
TRUST – fiduciary relationship with respect to property which involves the involvement of equitable duty preference in the treatment? Jurisprudence speaks first to register rule applies on attachment. An attachment to
imposed upon the holder of the title to the property to deal with for the benefit of another. be discharged upon giving a counter bond on the ground that the same was improperly or irregularly issued or
enforced or that the attachment bond is sufficient to discharge said attachment.
Article 1448 – implied trust  Once the charge, the property is free from any encumbrances and is not liable for the result of the
 When property is sold and the legal state is granted to the party but the price is paid by another for the proceeding in which it was attached.
purpose of having beneficial interest of the property, the former is considered is a trustee while the latter
is the beneficiary. Section 70. Adverse claim.
When can this be annotated as an involuntary land registration proceeding?
LTD Lesson 18  Whoever claims any part or interest in registered land adverse to the registered owner, arising
Involuntary Land Registration Dealings subsequent to the date of the original registration, may, if no other provision is made in this Decree for
registering the same, make a statement in writing setting forth fully his alleged right or interest, and how
Unless it would be a transfer of possession and ownership and total cancellation of the title, no new or under whom acquired, a reference to the number of the certificate of title of the registered owner, the
certificate of title would be issued as a matter of policy or law under PD 1529 and all equitable interest in a name of the registered owner, and a description of the land in which the right or interest is claimed.
form of conveyances, court order or any of those that which would not transfer total ownership of a title  Effective as an adverse claim for 30 days and may be cancelled upon filing of a verified petition at the
property is mandated under PD 1529 to only be annotated in the memorandum of said title by the register of party whose interest has been affected.
deeds.  Purpose: preserve and protect the right of an adverse claimant during the pendency of the controversy
o Notice to 3rd parties but does not interrupt the right of possession. It is designed to protect the
PD 1529 mandates to be only annotated as involuntary dealings of land registration? interest of a person over a piece of property
2 parts of adverse claim:
Section 69. Attachments a) Registration
 Writ or order or process issued by the court intended to create or preserve in the lien, status right or b) Petition for Cancellation of such claim before the court
attachment upon a registered land which shall be filed in the Registry of Deeds which the land lies and to
contain reference to the number of certificate of title. Some adverse claims that are not registered: Claims based on acquisitive prescription of the claimant
 A restraining order, injunction or mandamus issued by the court shall be entered and registered on the (because one's titled, the property is imprescriptible)
certificate of title affected, free of charge. Title properties cannot entertain on the principle of acquisitive prescription.
o Provided under Rule 57 Sec 1 of the Rules of Court
CLAIMS ON PRIOR LIENS BEFORE THE LAND HAS BEEN TITLED Section 75. Application for new certificate upon expiration of redemption period.
Not raised during the land registration proceedings are considered waive  When sold on execution for the enforcement of the lien except mortgage which has not yet been relieved
CLAIMS to forestall the transfer of property to the vendee when the sale was already registered – considered and the purchase may petition the court for an issuance of a new title in his favor.
as an annotated claim o Compliance of mortgages that there should always be foreclosure proceedings, otherwise it becomes
pactum commissorium which is considered void ab initio and it could not be a basis for transfer.
Legal effect of adverse claim when annotated?
 It is a constructive notice of an existing claim over the property. (Adverse claim is not an automatic way of Section 76. Notice of lis pendens.
dispossessing or transferring property because the law mandates that the adverse claimant should file a  There is a proceeding relative to the property which is pending in a court.
formal case to dispossess or claim his ownership rights) o May serve as a notice that any transferee may to do so at their peril and subject their result in the
o The court, once the petition is filed to cancel the adverse claim because it was fivulous, fictitious, it has litigation
no legal basis, and the court upon hearing on the said petition may cancel the said adverse claim o Putting the court into the same power until the litigation is over.
 Requisites of adverse claim  In this particular involuntary dealings, annotation to the copy of the holder of said title is not
a) Must be in writing necessary.
b) Must allege the rights of the interest and how under whom such allege right or interest has required, the
description of the land, and the number of the title (statement must be signed and sworn to before the 4 actions which could be appropriate with a notice of lis pendens:
notary public a) Action to recover possession of real estate
c) Must be sent through the residence of the owner of said title b) Action to quiet title
c) Action to remove clouds
Non–compliance - may be a ground for non - registration by the Registry of Deeds because Sec. 70 requires d) Action for partition and any further proceedings affecting the title to the land and use an occupation
this so. thereof or any building thereof.

Section 71. Surrender of certificate in involuntary dealings. As a matter of general principle, lis pendens cannot be cancelled if the case is still pending, except in cases
 For the purpose of formalities, the adverse claimant may petition the court or the ROD to communicate to provided by law upon:
the holder of said title for the surrender in order for this adverse claim may be annotated in his owner's a) Lawful order of the court
duplicate certificate of title b) Action of the Registry of Deeds
o Provided as a matter of procedure under Sec. 71 c) Action of a party who caused the registration of lis pendens.

If by initiative of the Registry of Deeds, the holder of the title would not heed to the request of the Registry of CHAPTER VI
Deeds, what should the adverse claimant do? Must exercise the provision of Sec. 71 by filing a petition for REGISTRATION OF JUDGMENTS; ORDERS; PARTITIONS
specific performance to surrender the owner's duplicate of title. Principles on Partition or Judgment
 RTC would have that power to do so.
Section 78. Judgment for Plaintiff.
Section 72. Dissolution, etc. of attachments, etc.  Whenever in any action to recover possession or ownership of real estate or any interest therein affecting
 May be denied by the Registy of Deeds any attachment thereof when the title of the property is not in the registered land judgment is entered for the plaintiff, such judgment shall be entitled to registration on
name of the judgment debtor but in another person's name and no evidence that such adverse claimant presentation of a certificate of the entry thereof from the clerk of court where the action is pending to the
has no interest in the property. Register of Deeds for the province or city where the land lies, who shall enter a memorandum upon the
certificate of title of the land to which such judgment relates.
Section 73. Registration of orders of court, etc.  If only a portion of the land was subject to particular court procieedings, the clerk of court shall contain the
 Should be registered in the said title description of that portion involve and that would only be the one covered by such annotation
 If whole property and the judgment was adversed to the holder, then a new title may be issued as provided
Section 74. Enforcement of liens on registered land. under Sec. 78, 79, and 80. and the old one is to be cancelled upon the order of the court.
 Under the National Tax Reform Law, there could be a sale in your property if you do not pay taxes.
 Tax Delinquency Proceedings – this could be annotated at the instance of any treasury office who may Section 81. Judgment of partition.
undertake delinquency proceedings to non–payment of real property tax.  Order of separation, division, and assignment of the thing held in common among those to whom they
 It may be real or personal property, putting an end of its division among the co-heirs may either be in a LTD Lesson 19 (Repeated Lecture)
form of a compromise agreement or any other form of transaction Attachment – writ order or process issued by the Court intended to create, preserve any lien, status. right, or
 This partition may be done judicially or extrajudicially which is recommended under our rules (as attachment on registered land and it is required that other issues like TRO, injunction, and mandamus issued by
recommended) the court shall be entered and registered in the certificate itself - which is free of charge.

Section 82. Registration of prior registered mortgaged or lease on partitioned property. What is attachment? legal process of seizing another property in accordance with the writ or judicial order for
 Must be carried over because it remains to be a lien to the property that was made the object of security the purpose of securing satisfaction of a judgment yet to be render.
for future payment of a document of promissory note.  Used primarily to seize the debtor's property in order to secure the debt or claim of a creditor in event that
 Co–heirs must be binded by what the original owner may have undertaken because this mortgages would a judgment be rendered.
always be carried over to nay portion of property in which co-heirs may claim.
Ground in filing involuntary registration on the title?
Section 83. Notice of insolvency. and settlement Sec. 1 of Rule 57 of Rules of Court
 Considered by law as a proceedings in rem which is binding upon the whole world.  At any time before commencement of any action, a plaintiff or any proper party may have the property of
the adverse party attached as security for the satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered in the
Section 84. Judgment or order vacating insolvency proceedings. following cases:
 Must be a certified copy of the judgment or order that must be registered. (a) In an action to recover the possession of property unjustly or fraudulently taken, detained or
converted, when the property, or any part thereof, has been concealed, removed, or disposed of to prevent its
Section 85. Land taken by eminent domain. being found or taken by the applicant or an authorized person;
Eminent domain – private land which was taken by the government for public use upon payment of just (b) In an action against a party who has been guilty of a fraud in contracting the debt or incurring the
compensation obligation upon which the action is brought, or in the performance thereof;
o Limitation of the state power (just compensation) (c) In an action against a party who has removed or disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with
o Ruling of the court would be recorded in the Registry of Deeds and likewise in the title intent to defraud his creditors; or
o Title would be replaced by the Republic of the Philippines.
What should a party do? File a petition for preliminary attachment which could be granted ex parte before the
Section 86. Extrajudicial settlement of estate. defendant is summoned since may be validly applied for or granted before the commencement of action or at
Covers a 2 year lien. This lien would go to any debts that should be payable to any party who may be the commencement of the action refers to the date of filing of the complaint before summon is served.
reiterated (not included in the partition by among the interested parties)  The Registry of Deeds must have an index attachment filed under this section in the name of the applicant,
o Most important creditor? The state because on the inheritance taxes. the adverse party, or the person by whom the property is stands on record. The proper identification of the
land so that attachment levied on real estate not duly recorded in the Registry of Deeds is not an
Section 87. Filing of letters of administration and will. encumbrance of the attached property.
Will cannot be enforced unless probated  Jurisprudence: register rule applies.
Executor must be duly given letters of an approval of being an executor o Attachment can be discharged upon giving a counter bond or on ground on the same was improperly or
o If there is no assigned person, the letters of administration would be necessary in order that this irregularly issued enforced or that the attachment bond is insufficient. Once discharged, the property is
particular partition may be undertaken by the parties. free from any encumbrances thereof and is not liable for the result of the proceedings which it was
Section 88. Dealings by administering subject to court approval.
Section 89. Land devised to executor. Section 70.
Section 90. When executor empowered by will to sell, etc. Filing of an adverse claim? if your client has a valid claim of interest in any registered land, may make a sworn
Section 91. Transfer in anticipation of final distribution. statement in a form of an affidavit fully alleging his right or interest and how and under whom acquired to that
Section 92. Registration of final distribution of estate. matter.
 Purpose: preserve and protect the right of the adverse claimaint during the pendency of the controversy.
All sales, encumbrances, or any other encumbrance of the state of the decedent shall be approved by the o Serve as a notice of 3rd party but it does not interrupt the right of possession. It is designed to protect
court and must be registered with the ROD under Sec. 4 of Rule 90 of the ROC provided that the certified the interest of a person over a piece of property.
copy of the final order and judgment of the court relating to real state or the partition thereof shall be 2 parts of an adverse claim:
recorded in the ROD where the property is located. a) Filing of registration
b) Petition for each discharge  Could be annotated in the title and it would serve as a valid transfer to others relative to the said title
and a new certificate as provided under Sec. 75 after sale on execution on that particular property, it
When adverse claim is denied by the Registry of Deeds? can be transferred to others.
a) If the claim of property interest is based upon acquisitive prescription
b) Prior possession of more than 30 years NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS
Lis pendens – pending resolution before the court.
What should the adverse party do? Should file for its cancellation because that once the land is titled,  Notice of Lis pendens is a notice that any transferee do so at their peril subject to the result of the
prescription would not lie as a cause of action. Because the titled property cannot be acquired anymore by litigation.
prescription. o The court is also put on the same power until the litigation is over.
o In involuntary proceedings, it need not be inscribed or annotated in the owner's duplicate certificate of
When the allegation and affidavit alleges acquisitive prescription on the part of the adverse claimant, the title.
lawyer should file petition for cancellation of adverse claim. Notice of lis pendens is appropriate only to the following cases:
Claims on lien prior to the issuance of original certificate of title a) Action to recover possession of real property
 If this claims or liens is already litigated already in the issuance of an original certificate of title, that cannot b) Action to quiet title
be revived by mere filing of an adverse claim c) Action to remove clouds
 Because it is already settled issuing the original certificate of title. d) Action for partition
Any proceeding affecting title to the land or use or occupation thereof on that matter.
This adverse claim is purely to forestall the transfer of property to the vendee which the sale has already
been previously registered. Lis pendens cannot be cancelled while the case in pending except in cases provided forth by law.
o And that is only with order by the court and upon action of the Registry of Deeds or (exception to the
What is the legal effect of adverse claim when annotated? exception) when it was the registrant who withdraw the same.
 It serve as a contractive notice of subsisting claim on the property
o Mere annotation does not mean automatic claim or validity of claim of said property because it can CHAPTER VI
Sec. 78-80
Grounds in order that the adverse claim be cancelled  provisions on a judgment for the plaintiff in an action to recover possession or ownership affecting
 Raise that it is purely frivolous or fictitious so that adverse claim is not permanent or to continue to remain. registered land shall be entitled for registration upon presentation of the certification of final entry of
o Can be cancelled unilaterally. judgment form the clerk of court and furnishing the register of deeds who shall enter into the
memorandum upon a certificate of title covering the subject property described in the decision.
Requisites of adverse claim  If only a portion of the land described in the certificate is affected, the certificate of the clerk of court shall
a) Must be subscribed and sworn in the form of affidavit contain the description of that portion involved.
b) Must be fully described the land in which the land is claimed  Registration to judgment is important for the 3rd person to know the status affecting the land per
c) Number of tax transfer certificate of title judgment.
d) Should be in his name and disclose of his residence of the adverse party to whom he is giving notice.
Non – compliance to the requirements renders the adverse claim non – regisitable or not effective. NOTE: despite notice of ROD to have this annotation be entered in the owner's certificate of title, if not
surrendered, the party may petition the court to specific performance to the holder of the title in order for him
DISSOLUTION OF ANY ATTACHMENT OR ANY ANNOTATIONS THEREOF to surrender to the ROD for its annotation in the memorandum.
 If adverse claim not in the name of the described property and in whose name it was registered, if not in
congruence with each other, the solutions may be undertaken by the court.  If it is a ruling for the recovery of possession of ownership to the whole of the registerd land, a new
certificate of title may be issued and the old one may be cancelled in accordance to the judgment of the
Registry of Deeds relative to the execution of tax delinquency.
o When you do not pay your taxes, the treasurer of the city/municipality/province may undertake public Section 81. Judgment of partition.
auction on the delinquency of taxes being a real property owner.  Order of separation division and assignment of a thing held in common among those to whom it may
belong, it may be real or personal property and it is a way of putting the state to end in its in division.
o A right among co-heirs which wither be in a form of compromise agreement or only in a form of a LTD Lesson 20
transaction Assurance Fund – fund where the law set aside from every title holder, 1/4 of 1% of the assessed value of the
titled property the moment it would register it to the ROD
There are 2 kinds of partition: extrajudicial (one that which it is enties by the law or court to co - owners)  1/4 of th1 1% of the current assessed value of the property that was titled that which this amount is set
 If the co-heirs cannot go on its acceptable terms, the court would come in to partition to property in aside for the purpose of building up of a pulled resources with the national treasury.
accordance with the law.
o It is always better if this co-heirs would be able to come up in a compromise agreement. Why is there a need to build up a pulled resources of 1/4 of 1% of the assessed value of all titled land holders?
 Purpose: to fund any legitimate claim of any legitimate owner that was deprived of their right because of
Section 82. Registration of prior registered mortgaged or lease on partitioned property. the principles on Torrens system in our country.
 If the property subject for partition has been mortgaged before or under a lease contract, would that
subsist even if the parties would now divide the party among themselves? Yes. That would still subsist Principle of indefeasibility of title:
because it still remains to be a lien on the whole of the property.  Despite the fraudulent title that was issued out of this misrepresentation and is transferred to an honest
o Must be carried over to the property subject of partition purchaser in good faith and for value, the legitimate owner would be deprived of such claim. (because the
principle of Torrens System protects the interest of legitimate purchaser in good faith and for value.
Section 83. Notice of insolvency. and settlement  What would happen to their legitimate rights? Claims against the assurance fund.
 Insolvency and settlement of the sudden state are both proceedings in rem which is binding to the whole
world. How would we now raise funds for this payment to properties deprived because of our Torrens System? Sec.
o All are equally bound in the said proceedings. 93

Section 84. Judgment or order vacating insolvency proceedings. Section 93. Contribution to Assurance Fund.
 Judgment or order vacating insolvency proceedings, it should be certified by the judgment or the order  Claims over titled land coming or as a result of fraud or error, a person who is not the owner acquires title
may be registered. over the property, compensation is addressed not as a matter of legal remedy to the assurance fund.
 How to raise such funds? Every order of titled property contributes 1/4 of 1% of the total assessed value of
Section 85. Land taken by eminent domain. the current assessed value of every titled property based on the last assessment and pulled together on
 Involuntary dealings with the police power of the state. the account of the national treasury of our Government.
 Ruling or judgment when expropriated must be annotated in the title and voluntary surrender may not be  Who would take custody of the funds? The Registry of Deeds will take custody.
necessary anymore because it may be cancelled.
NOTE: The assurance fund was not intended to block any right which a person might have against another for
Section 86. Extrajudicial settlement of estate. the loss of the land. This damages or compensatory claims against the assurance fund should not be charged
 If the parties come into an agreement, the law mandates under the rules to always establish a 2 year lien against such fund when it could still be recovered against a person who caused the fraud.
on that agreement
 Lien – to protect those that has not been included as compulsory heirs. Purpose of the fund: relieve an innocent person from the harshness of our Torrens System that a certificate of
title is conclusive evidence of an indefeasible title to the land.
What if the property has a lot of indebtedness?  Innocent purchasers in good faith acquires title from the prior owner who fraudulently acquired it and the
 There should be first an action for administration where executor would be assigned by the court to see to Torrens System protects the right of an innocent purchaser in good faith and for value that could deprive the
it that all indebtedness has to be settled first and the residue would only be considered to be shared in a legitimate owner form claiming back his property because of the principle of our Torrens System.
form of partition by among the heirs.  What would be the recourse? Would be the claim against the assurance fund.
o No will would be validated by the court and binding in accordance to that either holographic or notarial  Who handles this fund? Sec. 95
will without payment of all of its indebtedness first.
Section 95. Action for compensation from funds.
Sections 88 – 92  Purpose and the rationale of this raising of the assurance fund.
 All sales encumbrances, mortgages of the decedent shall all be approved by the court and shall be o Any person who sustains loss or damage or is deprived of any state or interest in land in consequence of
registered in the ROD under Sec 4 of Rule 90 of the rules of court which provides that certified copy of final the Torrens System without negligence on his part may bring an action for recovery of compensation or
order and judgment of court relating to real state or the partition thereof shall be recorded in the ROD damages paid by the assurance fund provided that the following requisites must be strictly established:
where the property is located. a) That the claimant sustains loss or damage or is deprived of any state or interest of his land
b) On account of brining the land under operation of the Torrens System arising from the original
registration proceedings. (property has been titled and all issues were raised and the court has ruled Any transfer of any property that was acquired through its nullity of acquisition or void contract, the holder
it out in favor of the petitioning party - all claims were settled as one except the fact that the person of the property is merely considered a party (implied – provided by law)
who was the owner was not able to prove his case because of some technicalities)
o What technicality that he was deprived with? Sec. 96 If there is a trust agreement and there was some loss or damage and deprivation caused on the occasion on
c) Section 96 of PD 1529 the breach of trust by the trustee, the assurance fund should not be made liable.
o If there is a trustor trustee relationship, this relationship of deprivation of one's title would not be an
Section 96. Against whom action filed. object of a claim against the assurance fund.
 Thru fraud, error, omission, mistake, or misdeclaration or misdiscription in the certificate of title or entry in
the memorandum in the registration book and it covers likewise by mortgages that was cancelled or Section 102. Limitation of Action.
mistake, or fraud, negligence, omission, mistake or misfeasance of court personnel, ROD, or his deputy or  Up to when should the claim of the assurance fund be feasible? Claims should be done within 6 years from
other its employees the time the right of action accrues.
 Because of this mistake, it has gone to the purchaser in good faith and for value who relied merely on what o If there is any written contract, it would be considered within the 10 year prescription period provided in
was described in the title. (You have to file for claim for compensation of damages against the assurance the Civil Code.
 Cancellation of the lien on mortgages committed by the Registry of Deeds, any court personnel through Lesson 21
fraud, negligence, omission, mistake or misfeasance Registration of Land that were acquired by Government either by power of eminent domain – under agrarian
reform program, the urban land reform program, and as well as the powers exercied by the Government in
d) There should be no negligence of the part of the petitioner against the assurance fund. eminent domain.
o You should prove that you have not been negligent on establishing your right Private lands are taken for public use and the title now would be transferred to the Government part of its
e) That he is barred from bringing an action for the recovery of such land or state or interest therein by one among the 3 powers of any government, which are the power of taxation, police power, and the power
virtue of the principle of Torrens System of eminent domain.

However, jurisprudence, when there is no deprivation of the land or interest, if the person petitioning against the CHAPTER VIII
assurance fund is proving not to be the lawful owner of the land, then the petition to claim for compensation REGISTRATION OF PATENTS
would be denied.
Krivenko Ruling or Principle – that all lands in the Philippines is considered to be owner by the State except
What if the assurance fund has run out of their pulled resources, it could still be answerable by the national when the State itself through the Torrens System excludes that to be a part of the property of the State.
treasurer on that matter? Remember Sec. 100
Public Land Acquisition
Section 100. Register of Deeds as party in interest.  So called legalization, administrative legalization of free patents (issuance by the state of the so called the
 Any payment made by the national treasurer goes with it the principle of subrogation (just like in an free patents - based on the principle of long possession of that portion of public property utilized for
insurance company) agricultural purposes or residential purposes.
 If they pay damages out of the coverage of the insurance, the company is put on the interest or rights of  Free legalization and issuance of free patents ended up this December 2020 and it’s up now for the House of
the insured party where they could claim that against to the party who caused the damage. Congress to extend these provision on legalization of free patents.
o The right into the issues of the claimant would be the vested right of the national treasury (could seek
reimbursement of what they had paid to the petitioners. 2 principles on acquisitive prescription
 10 year period and the 30 year period (learned in Public Land Law or on Law on Natural Resources that the
Section 101. Losses not recoverable. applicant should file his application with the DENR and prove some documents to prove that he has been in
 The Assurance Fund shall not be liable for any loss, damage or deprivation caused or occasioned by a an actual, physical, uninterrupted possession either in good faith or bad faith within the 10 year or the 30
breach of trust, whether express, implied or constructive or by any mistake in the resurveyed or year period.)
subdivision of registered land resulting in the expansion of area in the certificate of title. o If he has undertaken that to the exclusion of others, then that would be a vested right upon him to file an
Who is the party who makes representation? it is the trustee (because in a trust agreement, the trustor application with the DENR for this free legalization under a claim of ownership based on prescription.
entrusted the properties to the trustee and the trustee is given an obligation by law or by contract (express) to  The moment the property is titled on one's name, it cannot be acquired through prescription.
give the benefit later to the beneficiary.)
Section 103. Certificates of title pursuant to patents.  Exisiting because it iwas enacted on November 7, 1936
 Whenever public land is by the Government alienated, granted or conveyed to any person, the same shall be  In this particular Act, public lands alienated to private persons under this law are now brought under the
brought forthwith under the operation of this Decree. It shall be the duty of the official issuing the Torrens System under our country and reintroduce again and adopted by PD 1529
instrument of alienation, grant, patent or conveyance in behalf of the Government to cause such instrument
to be filed with the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land lies, and to be there registered How would you differentiate this PD 1529 from the Public Land Act?
like other deeds and conveyance, whereupon a certificate of title shall be entered as in other cases of 1) Under PD 1529, there exist already a title which is to be confirmed by the Court, while the CA 141, the
registered land, and an owner's duplicate issued to the grantee. The deed, grant, patent or instrument of presumption is always that the land applied for pertains to the State and that the occupants and possessor
conveyance from the Government to the grantee shall not take effect as a conveyance or bind the land but claims and interest only in the same by virtue of their imperfect tile (acquisitive prescription)
shall operate only as a contract between the Government and the grantee and as evidence of authority to o Basis: of his continuous, open, notorious, and uninterrupted possession over a land for this 10 and 30
the Register of Deeds to make registration. It is the act of registration that shall be the operative act to affect year period of time.
and convey the land, and in all cases under this Decree, registration shall be made in the office of the o NOTE: under this law, it is now the DENR that has the full control of the implementation of the public
Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land lies. The fees for registration shall be paid by the land act.
grantee. After due registration and issuance of the certificate of title, such land shall be deemed to be 2) Under PD 1529, the Court may dismiss the application of the applicant with or without prejudice to the
registered land to all intents and purposes under this Decree. right to file a new application for the registration of the same land, while under CA 141, the Court has
jurisdiction or power to adjudicate land in favor of any conflicting claimants
Premise here that it is the Government who was the prior owner, under the Krivenki Ruling, all lands that are  Confirmation of imperfect tile goes along 2 jurisdiction:
not registered are presumed to be public lands. a. Under registration Court where it is filed in the original registration procedure or proceeding
If your title is a free patent title, what is the legal presumption? it is considered to be owned by the State b. Under the Public Land Law.
and granted to you as a mere grantee under the public land law and those other laws appertaining to land 3) Under PD 1529, the only risk that an applicant runs to have his application denied, under CA 141 the
redistribution under our agrarian reform law program, urban land reform program, and the execution of the application runs risk losing the land applied for because it would be converted into a public land.
power of eminent domain, 4) While the goal of which the 2 laws finally arrive is the same, namely a Torrens Title which aims to complete
extinguishment, that once and for all of a right adverse to the record of the title, one law contains certain
In this provisions, it is the State is the prior owner. (If you apply for a free patent title, you are admitting itself advantage not found in other law. The similarity certain disadvantage the 2 laws provide different routes to
that this property whom you are applying has been owned by the State as a public land. travel to reach the ultimate goal.
If it is a forest or mineral land, no matter how long you have stay thereat with any purpose like turning to  If one is denied in the public land law provision on transfer of property, could that person a case before
into an agricultural land that will not suffice to be a grantee of this free patent title. the original land registration under our PD 1529? YES.
This term of alienated or granted or conveyed is a way of transferring ownership not documents of lease,
transferring mere possession. This directs the issuance of the grantee and the owner's duplicate certificate of Public land act applies only to lands under public land.
title. After due registration and issuance of certificate of title, the land shall be deemed registered land for all  It is provided therein that the Secretary of DENR is the executive officer charged with carrying out with
intents and purposes under the property registration decree (PD 1529) the provisions of the Act through the Director of Lands who acts under his immediate control.
In the case of Lajora v Dayang-Hirang where disposable public land patent like homestead, sale, or free  Subject to the control of the Secretary of DENR, the Director of Lands shall have executive control of the
patent, the patent is recorded and the corresponding certificate of title is issued to the grantee thereafter survey, classification, lease, sale or any other form of concession or disposition and management of the
the land is automatically brought under the operation of property registration decree to all the safeguards of lands of the public domain, and his decisions as to the questions of fact shall be conclusive when
veritable Torrens Title. approved by the Secretary of DENR.
o Upon expiration of 1 year of the issuance of Torrens Title, the certificate of title should be irrevocable  Land Management Bureau under EO 192 has been tasked for this purpose.
and indefeasible like any other certificate of title issued under the PD 1529.
o It would appear as if as it is considered to be a land registration proceedings under the law. Functions of Land Management Bureau
a) Recommend policies and programs for the efficient and effective administration, surveys, management
NOTE: in the case of Los Angeles v Santos, the RD of the DENR thru its Land Management Bureau Division has and disposition of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain and other lands outside the
exclusive jurisdiction and control only over lands of public domain and not to lands already of private ownership. responsibilities of other government agencies; such as reclaimed areas and other areas not needed for or
are not being utilized for the purposes for which they have been established.
Commonwealth Act 141 (Public Land Act) b) Advise the Regional Offices on the efficient and effective implementation of policies, programs and
 Has long been amended projects for more effective public land management
 1919, Act 926 was superseded by Act 2874, the 2nd public land act. The new law was passed under the c) Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of land surveys, management and disposition of lands to ensure
Jones Law. efficiency and effectiveness thereof
d) Issue standards, guidelines, regulations and orders to enforce policies for the maximization of land use
e) Develop operating standards and procedures to enhance the Bureau’s objectives and functions a) Homestead Settlement
f) Assist the Secretary of Executive Officer charged with carrying out the provisions of CA 141, who shall b) Miscellaneous Sales
have direct executive control of the survey, classification, lease, sale, or any other forms of concession or c) By Lease – public land which cannot be acquired by ownership because they may be not alienable.
disposition and management of the lands of the public domain d) Confirmation of Imperfect of Incomplete Title (by judicial legalization - original application for a title, or by
g) Perform other functions as may be assigned by the Secretary and/or provided by law administrative legalization for a free patent which just ended this month of December 2020.

Down the line under DENR AO 20-05/30/1988 Alienation or disposition or concession means that any of the methods authorized by the act, for the
 The PENRO or CENRO undertakes issuance on certification of alienability. acquisition, lease, use or benefit of the lands of the public land other than timber and mineral lands.
 Before your application is processed accordingly, the CENRO or PENRO that undertakes the termination
whether the land you applied is alienable, disposable public land. TYPE OF PUBLIC LAND DISPOSITION
o CA 141, no public land can be acquired except by grant of the State. 1) HOMESTEAD SETTLEMENT
 One of the most by which public lands suitable for agricultural purposes and disposed of.
DIFFERENT MODES OF DISPOSITON UNDER CA 141  Object: provide a home for a citizen of the State where its families may shelter and live beyond the reach
a) Homestead Settlement of financial misfortune and to inculcate individuals those feelings of independence which are essential to
b) Miscellaneous Sales the maintenance of free institution.
c) By Lease - public land which cannot be acquired by ownership because they may be not alienable. Chapter 4 of the Public Land Act governs this position of alienable public lands through homestead.
d) Confirmation of Imperfect of Incomplete Title (by judicial legalization - original application for a title, or by  Requirement before you can avail? MUST BE PROVEN FIRST
adversative legalization for a free patent which just ended this month of December 2020. a) Any citizen of the Philippines over the age of 18 or a head of the family may enter a homestrad of not
exceeding 12 hectares of agricultural land
Land for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes are now embodied with the definition of alienable, b) Must have cultivated and improved his 1/5 of the 12 hectares applied for continuously since the
disposable land. approval of the application
Lands reclaimed by the Government cannot be acquired for lease purposes. c) Resided for at least 1 year in the municipality in which the land is located or in a municipality adjacent
to the same
LESSON 22 d) Payment of the required fee shall be entitled to the party.
 Premise on land registration to properties owned by the State can be transferred provided they belong to  Acquisition of public agricultural land may purchase and governed under Chapter 5
the category of alienable and disposable public land.  Qualifications:
 The moment that the public land in the classification of alienable and disposable land, it cannot be a) Any citizen of the Philippines of lawful head or head of the family may purchase any tract of public
transferred to any person by virtue of the strict provision of our Constitution. agricultural land not exceeding 12 hectares which are sold through sealed biddings
 Most important: determine whether the land that which you are working allegedly with vested right of b) Land shall be awarded to the highest bidder but the applicant may equal the highest bid
another, under the principle of acquisitive prescription must always be an alienable disposable public land. c) Purchase price may be paid full upon making of the award for in not more than 10 equal annual
o Only land where it could be transferred to a qualified individual. installment from the date of the award
d) Purchaser should not have less than 1/5 of the land cultivated within 5 years from the date of the award
Only alienable disposable public lands may be the subject of land disposition to any qualified applicant for e) He must show actual occupancy cultivation and improvement of at least 1/5 of teh land until the date of
such grant. final payment
 Only those land should be declared open for disposition or concession which have been officially delimited f) Approval of the said application merely authorizes the applicant to take possession of the land so that he
and classified and when practicable survey and which has not been reserved for public or quasi-public use, could comply with the requirements prescribed by law before a final patent should be issued in his favor.
nor appropriated by the Government nor in any manner become private property nor those on which a
private right authorized and recognized by the act or any valid law may be claimed or which having been Disposed a condition that you cannot be given a homestead or sale without complying these 3 conditions
reserved or appropriated have ben ceased to be solved. (actual occupancy and cultivation of at least 1/5 of the land)
 In the absence of such classification the land remains as unclassified land until it is released therefrom and 3) LANDS FOR RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, OR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES
rendered open for disposition. In any occupation thereof in the concept of an owner, no matter how long  Disposition of lands in public domain which are intended for residential, commercial, or industiral purposes
cannot ripen into ownership and be register. is governed under Section 9.
 Specific lands which could be utilized for acquisition? Lands reclaimed by Government by means of filling  The Department of Agrarian reform shall pursuant to P.D. No. 27 issue in duplicate, a Certificate of Land
or other means. Transfer for every land brought under "Operation Land Transfer", the original of which shall be kept by the
o Typical example? Mandaue Port and Cebu Port tenant-farmer and the duplicate, in the Registry of Deeds.
4) DIRECT SALE OF LANDS OF RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES  After the tenant-farmer shall have fully complied with the requirements for a grant of title under P.D. No.
 Lands within military reservations likewise that is no longer needed for military purposes. 27, an Emancipation Patent which may cover previously titled or untitled property shall be issued by the
o Typical example? Ormoc City (property of the military) Department of Agrarian Reform.
5) LANDS FOR EDUCATION, CHARITABLE AND OTHER SIMILAR PURPOSES  The Register of Deeds shall complete the entries on the aforementioned Emancipation Patent and shall
6) FREE PATENT assign an original certificate of title number in case of unregistered land, and in case of registered property,
7) SPECIAL PATENT shall issue the corresponding transfer certificate of title without requiring the surrender of the owner's
 A patent to grant, cede, and convey full ownership of alienable and disposable lands formerly covered by a duplicate of the title to be canceled.
reservation of lands of the public domain.  In case of death of the grantee, the Department of Agrarian Reform shall determine his heirs or successors-
 IMPORTANT: grant by law of a property of the Republic for full ownership of the grantee while the in-interest and shall notify the Register of Deeds accordingly.
classification of the land is not at all decisive in such description since the special law or act of Congress or  If land owner would not surrender his title by virtue of the implementation of teh agrarian reform law, the
Executive Order may classify the subject land differently. DAR will issue a title, and the ROD would cancel the prior certificate of title of the registered owner.
o This presupposes that the land has been covered under this compulsory land distribution by virtue of PD
What is operative to the conveyance of title to any public land would be the registration of patent when already 27 where it was declared by Pres. Marcos that all rice and corn lands to be under Land Distribution to
approved by the Director of the DENR thru the Land Management Bureau more than the limits provided forth by law upon children and land owners.

ACTION TO RECOVER, REVERSION, AND CANCELLATION? it is only initiated by the office of the SG.  In case of death of the grantee, the Department of Agrarian Reform shall determine his heirs or successors-
NOTE: there is a five year moratorium of transfer of lands that was issued with titles. in-interest and shall notify the Register of Deeds accordingly.
 Prohibits alienation or encumbrance of parcels of lands acquired under free patent or homestead within 5  In case of subsequent transfer of property covered by an Emancipation Patent or a Certificate of Title
years from grant of such matter. emanating from an Emancipation Patent, the Register of Deeds shall affect the transfer only upon receipt
o Needs approval of the secretary when you would be transferring but it is purely directory of the supporting papers from the Department of Agrarian Reform.
 No fee, premium, of tax of any kind shall be charged or imposed in connection with the issuance of an
Section 119. Postage exemption. original Emancipation Patent and for the registration or related documents.
 Any conveyance of land acquired under free patent when proper shall be subject to repurchase by the
applicant, his widow, or legal heirs within a period of 5 years within the period of conveyance. PD 27 (during Martial Law Days issued by President Marcos), at present, this concept of land distribution
o Repurchased would be barred from prescription. compulsory land registration of agriculutral lands to people has been founded under the new law (CARP Law)
 Main purpose of this agrarian land reform program is to emancipate tenants for the bondage of the soil
Lesson 23 that it is founded on 1 basic principle under our law. The slogan the land for the landless which before
CHAPTER IX implemented by President Marcos
CERTIFICATE OF LAND TRANSFER, EMANCIPATION PATENT, AFFIDAVIT OF NON-TENANCY o This slogan undertaken by our Prior President Magsaysay where Mindanao was the subject for the
implementation of the public land law.
Issuance of CLOA – Certificate of Land Transfer to bona fide tenants as issued by the DAR
What is the basis for agrarian reform program?
Section 104. Provisional Register of Documents  Based upon the wordings of the Constitution under Sec 4 thereof where it provides that the State shall by
 The Department of Agrarian Reform shall prepare by automate data processing a special registry book to law undertake an agrarian reform program funded on the right of farmers and regular farmworkers who
be known as the "Provisional Register of Documents issued under PD-27" which shall be kept and are landless to own directly or collectively the lands they till or in case of other farmworkers to receive a
maintained in every Registry of Deeds throughout the country. Said Registry Book shall be a register of: just share of the fruits thereof. TO this end, the state shall encourage and undertake the just distribution of
a) All Certificates of Land Transfer (CLT) issued pursuant to P.D. No. 27; and all agricultural lands subject to such priorities and reasonable retention limits as congress may prescribe.
b) All subsequent transactions affecting Certificates of Land Transfer such as adjustments, transfer, o Taking into account, ecological developmental equity and consideration subject to the payment of just
duplication and cancellations of erroneous Certificates of Land Transfer. compensation.
o In determining retention limits, the state shall respect the right of small landowners and the state shall
Section 105. Certificates of Land Transfer Emancipation Patents. further provide incentives for voluntary land sharing.
RA 3844 (Prior Agrarian Reform Laws), congress has passed this old law of agricultural land reform. During c) All other lands owned by the government suitable for agricultural
the presidency of Diosdado Macapagal d) All private lands devoted to or suitable for agricultural regardless of agricultural products raised or that
o Implemented to that of Pres. Marcos under PD 27 on 10/21/1972 can be raised thereon
Corazon Aquino who later succeeded the overthrow of President Marcos likewise became interested in Land previously converted by Government agency to non-agricultural land prior to the effectivity of RA 6657 are
pursuing the program of the Government of Land Distribution and this was enacted on 7/17/1987 under EO outside the coverage
228 declaring full land ownership in favor of beneficiaries under PD 27 and providing for valuation of still and
valued land covered by the decree as well as manner of payment. Exemptions and exclusions
Followed again by Proclamation 131 instituting CARP under CARP under EO 229 providing the mechanics for  Sec. 10 of RA 6657 as amended by RA 7881 dated 2/20/1995 exempted or exclude the following from the
its implementation. CARP
1) Lands actually directly and exclusively used for parks, wildlife, forest reserves, reforestation, fish
Article 14 Sec 12 of 1973 Constitution and reiterated under Art 8 Sec 4 of 1987 Constitution sanctuary, and breeding grounds, watersheds, and mangroves
SECTION 4. The State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian reform program founded on the right of farmers and 2) Private lands actually directly and exclusively used for prawn farms and fish ponds provided that said
regular farmworkers, who are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands they till or, in the case of other prawn farms and fish pond have not been distributed and a certificate of land ownership to an agrarian
farmworkers, to receive a just share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the State shall encourage and undertake reform beneficiary under the CARP subject further to the condition prescribed in the law.
the just distribution of all agricultural lands, subject to such priorities and reasonable retention limits as the 3) Land actually directly and exclusively sued and found to be necessary for:
Congress may prescribe, taking into account ecological, developmental, or equity considerations, and subject to a) National defense, or training grounds of the AFP, school sites and campuses including experimental
the payment of just compensation. In determining retention limits, the State shall respect the right of small farm stationed operated by private or public schools for educational purposes, seed and seedling
landowners. The State shall further provide incentives for voluntary land-sharing. research and pilot production center
o Exercise of Government by Eminent Domain b) Churches, sites and convents appurtenant thereto, Mosque sites and Islamic Centers appurtenant
thereto, communal burial grounds and cemeteries
Agricultural lands which should be subdivided for the landless has been put under the strong power of the c) Penal colonies and penal farms actually work by the inmates
State under Eminent Domain. d) Government and private research and quarantine centers
Under PD 27, it laid down a system for the purchase of small farmers of lands they are tilling. e) All lands with 18% slope and over except those already developed.
o While it is being cased and condemned by the state, the state pays the owner of just compensation in the
form of cash or LBP bonds. but the beneficiary are required for the value of the property where the state BENEFECIARIES
pays the land owner for just compensation where this land is condemned. Beneficiaries to these programs of land distribution on agricultural lands shall be distributed as much as possible
PD 27 - 10/21/1972, decreeing the emancipation of tenants for the bondage of the soil transferring of the to landless residents of the same barangay or in the absence thereof, landless residents of the same municipality
ownership of the land they till and it was implemented all over the country. in the following order of priority:
o Because of this drastic move under PD 27 and CARP Law, it was raised as an issue relative the a) Agricultural leases and share tenants
constitutionality or validity of the PD and CARP. b) Regular farmworkers
 the court said that this was a valid exercise of police power and eminent domain (a revolutionary kind c) Seasonal farmworkers
of expropriation) d) Other farmworkers
e) Actual tillers or occupants of public lands
Salient feature of RA 6657 as amended by RA 9700 dated 8/7/2009 f) Collectives or cooperative of above beneficiaries
Coverage of lands to be under CARP Law. g) Others directly working on the land
 Regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodity produce, all private and public agricultural lands  Children of landowners who are qualified under Sec. 6 of the act shall be given preference in the distribution
provided under Proclamation No. 131 of EO 229 including lands of public domain suitable for agricultural. of land of their parents however actual tenant tillers should not be rejected or removed therefrom.
However, land holdings of land owners with total area of 5 hectares or below shall not be covered for o If the owner has lot of children, he has the right for retention limits up to 3 hectares each, and the
acquisition and distribution to qualified beneficiaries. landowner would have 5 hectares each but while it may be true they may be exempt from land
 More specifically, the following lands are covered: distribution program, their present tenants or land laborers cannot be ejected for reason of that right.
a) All alienable and disposable lands of public domain devoted to agriculture. No reclassification of forest or  Retention limits always make the basic issue of litigation.
mere agricultural lands shall be undertaken after the approval of the act until congress taken into
account the ecological, developmental and equitable consideration shall be determined by law the RETENTION LIMITS
specific lands of the public domain  Except as otherwise provided by the act, no person may own or retain directly or indirectly any public or
b) All lands of public domain excess of its specific limits as determined by congress private agricultural land the size of which shall vary according to factors governing a viable family size farm
such as commodity, produce, terrain, infrastructure, and soil fertility to be determined by the provincial made by the government assessors, and 70% of the zonal valuation of teh BIR, translated to a basic formula
agricultural reform council but no case shall retention of the landowner exceed 5 hectares, 3 hectares may by the SAR shall be considered, subject to the final decision of teh proper court. the social and economic
be awarded to each child of the land owner subject to the following qualification: benefits.. (page 580)
a) He is at least 15 years of age and  Who normally be considered as the financial backer in the implementation of payment of just
b) He is actually tilling the land directly managing the farm compensation?
CARP this provision of law on retention limits is so clear that it is within the bracket of 5 hectares for o The Land Bank of the Philippines shall compensate the landowner in such amounts as may be agreed
landowners and 3 hectares each child provided they will personally till the land that which has been retained upon the landowner and the DAR and the LBP, in accordance to the criteria provided in Section 16 and
by them. 17, and other pertinent provisions hereof, or as may be finally determined by the court, as just
compensation of the land.
 Landowners whose land has been covered by PD 27 shall be allowed to keep the areas originally retain by  If landowner believes that the valuation of his land was unfair and unjust because our Constitution says
them thereunder the right to choose the area to be retained which shall be compact and contigious shall that no private land shall be taken for any public use in the implementation of the agrarian reform program
pertain to the land owner. In case the area selected for retention by the landowner is tenanted, the tenant seems inequitable
shall have the option to retain, remain therein, or be a beneficiary in the same or another agricutlural land o What should you do? File a case before the court for determination of just compensation
which similar or comparable features. o Q; is it your right? YES OF COURSE.
 In case the tenant chooses to remain in the retained area, he shall be considered a lease holder and shall
loose his right to be a beneficiary under his act. MANNER OF PAYMENT BY BENEFECIARIES
 In case the tenant chooses to be beneficiary to another agricultural land, he loses his right to be a lease  Lands awarded shall be paid for by the beneficiaries of the LBP in 30 annual amortizations at 6 percent (6%)
holder of the land retained by the landowner. The tenant must exercise his option within the period of 1 year interest per annum. The payment for the first three (3) years after the award may be at reduced amounts
from the time the landowner manifest his choice of the area for retention. as established by the PARC. The first five annual payments may not be more than 5 percent (5%) of the
 By way of exception the retention limits, the city or LGU acquiring private agricultural lands by expropriation value of the gross annual production as established by the DAR. Should the scheduled annual payments
or other modes of acquisition to be used for actual, direct, and exclusive public purposes such as roads or after the fifth year exceed 10% of the annual gross production and failure to produce accordingly is not due
bridges, public market, school site, recreational sites, local government facilities, public parks and barangay, to the beneficiaries fault, the LBP may reduce the interest rate or reduce the principal obligations to make
plazas and squares consistent with the approval of local comprehensive land use shall not be subject to the 5 repayment affordable
hectare retention limit. In the principle of transferability of awarded lands covered by emancipation patent and CLOA, lands acquired
 LGU has preference to the exercise of eminent domain for public purpose. by beneficiary under this act or their agrarian reform law should not be sold, transferred, or conveyed except
thru hereditary succession or to the Government to the LBP or to other land beneficiaries under the DAR
DISPOSITION OR SALE OF RETAINED LAND BY LANDOWNER within the period of 10 years. However the children or the spouse shall have a right to repurchase the land
 The sale or disposition of agricultural lands retained by landowner shall be valid as long as the total from the government by the LBP within the period of 2 years.
landholding that shall be owned by the transferee thereof inclusive of the land to be acquired shall not It is transferrable to any 3rd party bit thru hereditary succession unless it has gone 10 years form the
exceed land holding ceilings provided in this act awarding or issuance of the CLOA or EP at the instance of the DAR.
 Any sale, disposition of agricultural lands after effectivity of the act found to be contrary to the provisions
thereof shall be null and void. Lesson 24
 Transferee of agricultural lands shall furnish the appropriate ROD and the BARC an affidavit attesting that Registration of Land that are imposed by private and public land for agricultural land distribution under the
his total landholdings as a result of the acquisition if the said acquisition do not exceed the landholding CARL.
o Landholding ceiling – goes into the limits provided forth by law (not more than 5 hectares) Transferability of Awards of Agricultural Lands
o Homestead patent law – the law allows 12 hectares but then the agrarian reform law 5 hectares.  Awarded lands to agricultural beneficiaries would only be transferred through hereditary succession
 Beneficiaries shall be awarded an area not exceeding 3 hectares, which may cover a contiguous tract of  And has also the right to repurchase if it has been transferred validly to others within a period of 2 years by
land or several parcels of land cumulated up to the prescribed award limits. The determination of the size the heirs for its repurchase
of the land for distribution shall consider crop type, soil type, weather patterns and other pertinent  If not yet fully paid by the beneficiaries, the rights to be land can be transferred or conveyed with prior
variables of factors which are deemed critical for the success of the beneficiaries. approval of the DAR to any heir of the beneficiary or any other beneficiary who has a condition for such
transfer or conveyance shall cultivate himself or herself personally
DETERMINATION OF JUST COMPENSATION  Failing to comply therewith, the land shall be transferred to the LBP which shall give due notice of the
 The cost of acquisition of the land, the value of the standing crop, the current power of like properties, its availability of the land in the manner specified in the preceding paragraph
nature, actual use and income, the sworn valuation by the owner, the tax declaration, the assessment
 Ownership of lands granted to tenant farmers under PD 27 may not be transferred or conveyed to any 3rd NOTE: free registration of patents and titles, all register deeds shall register free from payment of all other fees
parties except by hereditary succession or the Government and charges any patent titles and documents required in the implementation of the CARP Law
 Sales or transfer of land made in violation of PD 27 and EO 228 in favor of persons other than the
Government are null and void. The title of the land awarded must indicate that it is an emancipation patent Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
or a certificate of land ownership otherwise it may be called as CLOA and subsequent transfer of title must  Only agricultural lands are subject to the CARP
indicate that it is an emancipation patent or a CLOA (Certificate of Land Ownership Award)  What are those lands? They are those that are private or public lands that are alienable, disposable public
lands. It cannot apply to mineral and forest lands
Voluntary Land Transfer o Presuppose that this land is purely suitable for agricultural purposes
 Land owners of agricultural land subject to acquisition may enter into voluntary arrangement of direct
transfer of the lands to qualified beneficiaries subject to the guidelines set by the law. Agrarian Reform – redistribution of lands regardless of crops or fruits produced to farmers and regular
 It need not be through coercive process of the law but the land owner is willing enough to part that land to farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement to include the totality of factors and
agricultural beneficiaries. support services designed to life the economic status of the beneficiary and all other arrangement alternative
to the physical redistribution of lands.
Benefits of this Voluntary Land Transfer Scope: Only agricultural lands are subject to agrarian reform coverage
 Direct payment in cash or the kind made by the farmer beneficiary to the land owner under the terms to Agricultural Land – land devoted to agricultural activity as defined in this act and not classified as mineral,
be mutually agreed upon by both parties which shall be binding upon them shall be considered given forest, residential, commercial, or industrial land
unless due notice of this approval is received by the farmer beneficiary within 30 days from the date of Agricultural Activity - cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of fruit trees, raising of live stocks,
registration. poultry or fish including the harvesting of such farm products and other forms of agricultural or farm
 In the event that they do not agree of the price of the land, the procedure for compulsory acquisition as activities undertaken by a farmer
provided under Sec. 16 of CARP Law shall apply. The LBP shall extend financing to the beneficiaries for Land converted to non – agricultural uses like subdivisions already prior to the effective of the Agrarian
purposes of acquiring the land. Reform Law?
o Within the landowner and the beneficiary or the tenant of the said land that which would now transfer of o In the case of Natalia, it was ruled out by the SC that this would not be covered by this agrarian reform law.
the land by and among themselves.
What others cannot be covered?
Priorities for land distribution under the CARP a) Farm used by raising livestock, swine, and poultry
 Who normally initiate this? It is the DAR in coordination with the Provincial Agrarian Reform Council b) Agricultural lands classified by LGU into residential, commercial, or industrial uses under their zoning
(PARC) shall plan and program the final acquisition and distribution of all remaining unacquired or ordinance.
undistributed agricultural lands from the effectivity until 6/30/2013 of the CARP Law but was extended c) Lands used for academic or educational purposes
under the CARL Law. d) Homestead
NOTE: Under the Homestead Law or the Public Land Law, the coverage there of the homestead grant may go to
What are those to be given priority for land conversion? 12 hectares. But under the CARP Law, 5 hectares to landowners and 3 hectares to the heirs’ of the land owner.
 After the lapse of 5 years from the award, where the land ceased to be economically feasible and sound for  Homestead Patent could it be covered under the Agrarian Reform Law to reduce its ownership? NO.
agricultural purposes or the locality has been urbanized and the land will have a greater economic value for Because Homestead Patents are excluded from the coverage of the CARP Law.
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes.
 The DARAB application of the beneficiary with due notice of the affected parties shall subject the existing Jurisdiction of the DAR
laws may authorized shall subject the landowner with due notice to affected parties and subject to existing Under Sec. 4 of EO 129 - A, DAR Jurisdiction cover these areas:
laws may authorized the reclassification or conversion of land and its disposition provided by the a) Adjudication of all matters involving implementation of agrarian reform
beneficiary shall have fully paid the obligation. b) Resolution of agrarian conflicts and land tenure related problems
 This lands that were awarded may be reclassified now to become residential, commerical, or industrial c) Approval or disapproval or conversion restructuring or readjustment of agricultural lands into residential,
purposes commercial, and industrial and other non - agricultural uses
NOTE: anybody who may be outside the jurisdiction of the DAR may petition for acts and praying for the
What other scheme is available under the law? exclusion of their landholding from agrarian coverage.
 LGU may reclassify the lands under the Municipalities ZOning Ordinance. o This is part of the powers of the DAR relative implementation of the CARP Law.
o Zoning meaning? LGU and Cities are required to submit to the DILG to submit their municipal or city
zoning ordinance
Was this reiterated in the new law? Yes. Under Sec. 22 of the New CARL Law enumerates who are qualified Any decision, award or ruling of the DAR or any agrarian dispute on any matter pertaining to the application,
beneficiaries, this involves the administrative implementation of the program reiterating the secretary of the implementatio, enforcement or interpretation to the act and reltaed issuances of agrarian reform may be
DAR may identify and select qualified beneficiaries in the determination shall be inferred from the Courts unless brought by the CA by certiorari within 15 days from receipt of the copy thereof.
there is a clear showing of grave abuse of discretion.
We have also another quasi - judicial body which we called DARAB
All controversies on the implementation of the CARP and the CARL Law is exclusively under the jurisdiction of  DAR thru its adjudication arm, the DARAB, and the regional and provincial adjudication board exercised
the DAR. quasi - judicial functions and jurisdiction of all matters pertaining to agrarian disputes or controversies and
All doubt shall be resolved in favor of the DAR since the law was granted its special and original authority to the implementation of the agrarian reform laws. This has been brought under the DARAB revised rules and
hear and adjudicate agrarian matters. procedures which has the primary and exclusive jurisdiction over original and appellate to determine the
adjudication or agrarian dispute involving implementation of the CARP Law.
Reclassification and Conversion
 If a petitioner would like to exempt his property from the coverage of the CARL, he has to file a petition DARAB Jurisdiction
with the Office of the DAR. (It should be the DAR that has the power and the quasi – judicial powers to  Cannot be deemed to disappear the moment the certificate of title is issued for such certificates are not
adjudicate agrarian reform matters. mode of transfer of property but merely as an evidence of such transfer. There can be no valid transfer of
title should the CLOA on which it is based on null and void. The same holds thru in the case of a certificate
EO 229 which took effect on 8/29/1987 which provides for mechanism for the implementation of the CARP of title issued by virtue of the void, emancipation patient. The DARAB has jurisdiction over cases involving
Law. correction, partition, cancellation, 2nd and subsequent issuances of CLOAs and EP which are registered
 Section of the Said Law clearly provides the quasi – judicial power of the DAR. under the PD 1529.
 The DAR is hereby vested with quasi – judicial powers to determine and adjudicate agrarian reform matters  The doctrine of preliminary jurisdiction precludes the courts from resolving a controversy over which
and shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters involving implementation of agrarian reform jurisdiction has initially been lodged with the administrative body of special competence like the DARAB or
except those falling under the exclusive jurisdiction of the DENR, DA. the DAR.
 The decision of the DAR may in proper cases be appealed to the RTC but shall be immediately executory
not withstanding such appeal Specific Details of the Jurisdicton of the DARAB.
 The DAR Jurisdiction is sustained in the passage of RA 6657 (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law which The DARAB has jurisdiction where there is tenant relationships between the parties
took effect on 6/15/1986) In order for a tenancy agreement to take place over the dispute, it is essential that the following requisites or
 All therefor, agrarian dispute shall always be covered as with respect to implementation of the CARP in elements are present:
land distribution is actually the primary jurisdiction of teh DAR. a) That the parties are the land owner and the tenant or agricultural lessee that
b) Subject matter of the relationship is an agricultural land
What others should you consider? The cancellation of titles under the jurisdiction with the DAR Secretary. c) There is consent between the parties to the relationship that the purpose of the relationship is to bring
 Under Sec. 24 of RA 6657, all cases involving cancellation of registered emancipation patent, CLOA about agricultural production that there is personal cultivation on the part of the tenant on the agricultural
(Certificate of Land Ownership Award), and other titles issued under the agrarian reform program are with lessee.
the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the Secretary of DAR. d) That the harvest is shared between the land owner and the tenant or agricultural lessee.

As a Special Law, Could the Court Restraining Order relative to the implementation of this law? NO. It is only When there is a complaint filed in court, and issue of tenancy is raised, what should the court? The court
the SC that can issue a restraining order and below the line from the CA up to the Municipal or RTC has no should refer the case immediately to the DAR.
jurisdiction to issue any restraining order or writ or preliminary injunction against the provincial agrarian How would you consider the distinction of the jurisdiction of the DAR and DARAB?
reform council (PARC) o Prior to the registration of Register of Deeds, cases involving issuance report or cancellation of CLOAs or
The DAR or any of its duly authorized or designated agencies in any case, relative dispute or controversy the EP are with end the jurisdiction of the DAR.
arising or necessary to or in connection to the application and implementation and enforcement or o Cases involving the issuance correction and cancellation of CLOA or EP which have been registered to the
interpretation of this CARL is exclusive to the DAR. Register of Deeds are with and now the jurisdiction of the DAR,
Proceedings of the DAR are summary in nature and the Department is not bound to the technical rules and The DAR Secretary is vested with the administrative authority to collect and recall CLOAs issued under Sec.
evidence when they would resolve the dispute of agrarian law relative to the implementation of the agrarian 24 of RA 6657. He has the authority to approve and release CLOAs pursuant to the corresponding transfer
reform law certificate of title.
If you consider the existing law before the title is released by the Register of Deeds or is still on the process, it
is the DAR that has the jurisdiction to cancel or recall the said title.
If it is registered, it would presuppose that it would not considered the jurisdiction of the DARAB. WAIVER
 If under Sec 7 of the DAR AO No. 5, the following acts constitutes waiver of the landowners right of rention
Termination of just compensation a) Executing an affidavit or any other document duly attested by the MARO, PARO, or RD
 The SC shall designate at least a branch of the RTC within its province to act as special agrarian judge b) Signing of landowners production agreement and farmers undertaking
 The Court may designate more branches to constitute additional RTC which shall be having a special c) Application for purchase and farmers undertaking for that matter
jurisdiction for that matter d) Entering into voluntary land transfer or direct payment scheme or any agreement as evidence of the deed
What is the jurisdiction of these RTC which are considered as special agrarian courts? of transfer offering the subject landholding under voluntary scheme
 All petitions for the termination of just compensation e) Signing submission of other documents indicating consent to have his entire property cover such form
 The prosecution of all criminal offenses violating RA 6657 f) Performing acts which constitute estoppel and laches and doing such acts that would amount to a valid
waiver in accordance with applicable laws and jurisprudence.
The Rules of Court shall apply to all types of proceedings because it provides a criminal prosecution. Policy or ancestral lands (Public Land Law) is protected likewise to indigenous people. The CARP ensures the
protection of rights of these indigenous people as with respect to their ancestral land to ensure their
APPEALS economic, social, and cultural well-being system
 Appeals of the special agrarian reform court shall be taken for review with the CA within 15 days from the o It must be therefore be respected on that matter.
receiver of notice of decision. o Undertakes also these right of indigenous people
 There is distinctive features between EP under PD 27 and the implementation of RA 6657
 In the operation land transfer covers tenanted rice and corn lands. It is within emancipation patents under Lesson 26
the law CHAPTER X
PD 27 grants its tenant of covered land a 5 hectare lot or each case of land if irrigated and 3 hectare land PETITIONS AND ACTIONS AFTER ORIGINAL REGISTRATION
constituting a family size farm
o However, said law allows covered land owners to retain to retain more than 7 hectares of his land if he is Section 107. Surrender of withhold duplicate certificates.
aggregate land holding does not exceed 24 hectares. Otherwise the entire land holding is considered to it  Authorizes the court to order for the submission of the original certificate of title on cases of specific
without him being entitled to any retention rights. performance when these defendant refuses to surrender the title for a valid transfer of title for a valid
o Consequently, a land owner may keep his entire property landholding if its aggregate land does not transfer of title
exceed the retention limit of 7 hectares. In effect, his land will not be covered by the OLT Program  Principle of land registration that titles would only be one that must exist in the hands of a legitimate owner
although requisites of coverage were present. thereof.
 When there is a ruling of the court that in deed this title must be surrendered or cancelled with the Registy
LOI on these aspect under PD 27 of Deeds, the answer is Sec. 107
 LOI under 474 clarified the effective coverage of operation land transfer to include tenanted other
agricultural land of more than 7 hectares. The tem others agricultural refers to lands other than the Section 108. Amendment and alteration of certificates.
tenanted rice or corn lands from the landowner derives adequate income to support his family.  Once a title has been issued, No erasure, alteration, or amendment shall be made upon the registration
 In PD 1527, it brought into the provision of exemption from this coverage. Exception from coverage of the book after the entry of a certificate of title or of a memorandum thereon and the attestation of the same
operation land transfer under PD 27, land is not devoted to rice and corn crops even if it is tenanted. be Register of Deeds, except by order of the proper Court of First Instance.
o Land is untenanted even though it is devoted to rice and corn crops. o It must be an omission or error in entering into the certificate or any memorandum and the registered
 Because of this, the land owner may have right of retention under RA 6657. Land must be devoted to rice interest of any description, whether vested contingent or expectant to in quite appearing to the
or corn, there must be a system of shared crops and lease tenancy obtaining therefrom and the size of the certificate have been terminated or erased that a new interest have been terminated or erased that new
land holding must not exceed 24 hectares or it could be more than 24 hectares provided at least 7 hectares interest that appearing upon certificate have arisen or has been created.
thereof are covered land and more than 7 hectares consists of other agricultural lands. o You have to prove this on the Court.
 Rights of retention under PD 27 are provided under RA 6657. All rights acquired by tenant farmer under PD  All these must be founded on 1 common purpose: to correct any error on that matter.
27 has been recognized under EO 228 are retained by him even now under RA 6657. This should
counterbalance the express provision of Sec. 6 of said law. Section 109. Notice and replacement of lost duplicate certificate.
 In case of area selected by the landowner or awarded for the retention of the DAR is tenanted, the tenant  It can only be legally feasible upon filing of a petition of registered owner of other persons in interest for
has 2 options: that matter for the issuance of certificate of title that was lost or destroyed.
a) To remain as a lessee if it could be within the retention limits.  Take into an account that this should be based on legal grounds relative to loss of said title.
b) Be a beneficiary to same or another agricultural land with similar and comparable features.
MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR A LAYWER: issue an affidavit of los to be inscribed into the records of Registry of Where will you file your reconstitution of title? If will now fall into the exceptions laid down on the new law,
Deeds (1st thing) o If it is administrative, it is with the LRA or ROD
o Civil Code: there should be an element of effort to retrieve or find the lost item o If the rest, it must be filed before the court
 Allege in the affidavit that despite efforts to be the same, the same was in vain. If it is filed before the court, what would be the contents of the petition?
a) That the owner’s duplicate of the certificate of title had been lost or destroyed
Certificate of title that was lost must always proceed to a proceeding in rem b) That no co – owner’s mortgagee’s, or lessee’s duplicate of the certificate had been issued, or, if any had
 There must always be a publication but now it could already be considered mere posting by the sheriff in been issued, the same had been lost or destroyed
conceptual places to the land where the barangay where the land is situated (no need for expensive c) The location, area and boundaries of the property
payment for publication) d) The nature and description of the building or improvements, if any, which do not belong to the owner of
o Notice should be made to the office of the SG the land, and the names and addresses of the owners of such buildings or improvements
e) The names and addresses of the occupant or persons in possession of the property, of the owners of the
Section 110. Reconstitution of lost or destroyed original of Torrens title. adjoining properties and all persons who may have any interest in the property
 When it is now the copy of the ROD that was lost and destroyed f) A detailed description of the encumbrances, if any, affecting the property
 Original copies of certificate of title lost or destroyed in the office of the ROD. It is not on the possession of g) A statement that no deeds or other instruments affecting the property have been presented for
the owners on that matter registration, or, if there be any, the registration thereof has not been accomplished, yet.
a) If it is an owner's duplicate certificate of title, the procedure would be Sec. 109 Being a judicial reconstitution under RA 26 and under PD 1529, it is considered an action in rem because it is
b) If it would be the copy that is lost in the office of the ROD, the procedure would be Sec. 110 an action in rem, it requires publication before the official gazette, the posting and mailing jurisdiction
o 110 provides for judicial proceeding for reconstitution of lost or destroyed title. (important requirement and it is mandatory)
Notices must be considered to adjoining owners and it must be part of the jurisdiction on which the lawyer
RECONSTITUTION DENOTES RESTORATION OF THE LOST TITLE IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM AND CONDITION needs to prove before they present. It is a special proceeding that the proof of compliance must be made
 The reconstitution of a certificate of title denotes the restoration in its original form and condition of a lost before the evidence proper is presented.
or destroyed original or transfer certificate of title on file in the office of the Register of Deeds.
o Purpose is to have the title reproduced in exactly the same way it was at the time of its loss or IMPORTANT DECISIONS IN THE SC:
destruction. o Where the reconstituted title is nullity, the order of reconstitution may attack at any time
 Exception to this procedure under RA 26 in relation to Sec. 110, it is RA 6732 o Where there exist a previously issued title which is allegedly fraudulent the remedy is to first directly assail
o 7/17/1989, RA 6732 allowed administrative type of reconstitution of title. The act here, this exception is: the validity of said title before the proper court and not in a form of reconstitution
“An act allowing administrative reconstitution of original copies of certificates of titles lost or destroyed o Reconstitution is improper where purported sources are dubious
due to fire, flood, and other force majure, amending for the purpose section 110 of PD 1527 and RA 26. o Petitioner not without remedy where petition is denied
o Sec. 110 and RA 26 mandates all judicial proceeding and the exception now which was enacted to amend o Reconstitution can only be feasible if it would be the petitioner himself who would be the petitioner in this
such procedure is RA 6732 which only was enacted and approved on 7/17/1989 lost or destroyed title.
o Petition for reconstitution may be barred on laches
BASIS FOR THE PETITION IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: o Writ of possession is not proper in reconstitution proceedings
b) The co – owner’s mortgagee’s, or lessee’s duplicate of the certificate of title
c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, previously issued by the register of deeds or by a legal custodian SUMMARY OF PRINCIPLES IN RECONSTITUTION PROCEEDINGS
thereof a) A Torrens title can be cancelled only in a proceeding directly attacking the title’s validity before the proper
d) An authenticated copy of the decree of registration or patent, as the case may be, pursuant to which the regional trial court. This is the bedrock principle that provides enduring stability of Torrens title.
original certificate of title was issued b) A Reconstitution of Torrens title, whether judicial or administrative, cannot proceed once it is shown that
e) A document, on file in the registry of deeds, by which the property, the description of which is given n said another Torrens Title has already been issued to another person over the same property. The
document, is mortgaged, lease or encumbered, or an authenticated copy of said document showing that its reconstituting body or court has no jurisdiction to issue another Torrens Title over the same property of
original had been registered the petitioner. The existence of a prior title ipso facto nullifies the reconstitution proceedings. The proper
f) Any other document which, in the judgment of the court, is sufficient and proper basis for reconstituting recourse is to assail directly in a proceeding before the regional trial court the validity of the Torrens Title
the lost or destroyed certificate of title. already issued to the other person.
Only judicial except when it falls into the exception laid down in the administrative reconstitution
c) The reconstituting officer or court has no jurisdiction to decide the issue of ownership over the property or
the validity of the title. The purpose of reconstitution is solely to replace a certificate of title that was lost Section 116. Fees for chattel mortgages, etc.
or destroyed in the same legal status it existed at the time of loss or destruction. The validity of the Torrens
title, reconstituted or not, is a separate issue from the reconstitution of title. CHAPTER XV
d) The absence of any document, private of official, mentioning the number of the certificate of title and the CONSULTAS
date when the certificate of title was issued, does not warrant the granting of a petition for reconstitution. When is there a consulta?
e) The absence of opposition form government agencies is of no controlling significance because the State  It is as if a reconsideration on the denial of the register of deeds
cannot be estopped by the omission, mistake, or error of the officials or agents. Neither is the Republic  Recourse: file a petition for consulta to somehow reconsider the decision of the Register of Deeds as
barred from assailing the decision granting the petition for reconstitution if, on the basis of the law and the provided under Sec. 117
evidence on record, such petition has no merit.  5 days after filing, you have to raise that to the LRA
 When you believe that the grounds is invalid, frivolous or intended to harass then you would note that you
CHAPTER XII have to raise that on consulta
FORMS USED IN LAND REGISTRATION AND CONVEYANCING o Decision of the LRA could be appealed by the CA not in a certiorari but on Rule 43 of Rules of Court.

Section 112. Forms in conveyancing. REPUBLIC ACT 4726

 All forms of registrable documents or instruments whether it would be registered or unregistered land AN ACT TO DEFINE CONDOMINIUM, ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR ITS CRITERION, AND GOVERN ITS
should be in a form of public instrument and it should be registrable INCIDENTS
Sec. 2
CHAPTER XIII  When you speak of condominium. it is a high rise building with a common lot but with several units that
DEALINGS WITH UNREGISTERED LANDS (pure tax declaration and no titles) are part with that building
 You may have a condominium title to that particular portion of the building only but would only be
Section 113. Recording of instruments relating to unregistered lands. considered as co-owners to common areas like staircase, playground, garage to mention.
 NOTE: recording, registration of said document Section 5.
o Purpose of registration affecting unregistered land covered by an unrecorded contract may be valid and  Any transfer or conveyance of a unit or an apartment, office or store or other space therein, shall include
binding on the parties themselves, but no on third parties. In case of third parties, it is necessary for the the transfer or conveyance of the undivided interests in the common areas or, in a proper case, the
contract to be registered. membership or shareholdings in the condominium corporation: Provided, however, That where the
Recordings shall be without prejudice to a third party with better right common areas in the condominium project are owned by the owners of separate units as co-owners
o The mere registration of sale in one’s favor does not give him any right over the land if the vendor was not thereof, no condominium unit therein shall be conveyed or transferred to persons other than Filipino
anymore the owner of the land having previously sold the same to somebody else even if the earlier sale citizens, or corporations at least sixty percent of the capital stock of which belong to Filipino citizens,
was unrecorded. except in cases of hereditary succession. Where the common areas in a condominium project are held by a
o Article 1608 of the New Civil Code states that “The vendor may bring his action against every possessor corporation, no transfer or conveyance of a unit shall be valid if the concomitant transfer of the
whose right is derived from the vendee, even if in the second contract no mention should have been appurtenant membership or stockholding in the corporation will cause the alien interest in such
made of the right to repurchase, without prejudice to the provisions of the Mortgage Law and the Land corporation to exceed the limits imposed by existing laws.
Registration Law with respect to third persons.”
Can foreigners have a chance to own Philippine real estate through purchase of condominium unit? YES.
CHAPTER XIV Annotated lien on a condominium unit not subject to extrajudicial foreclosure sans special authority.
REGISTRATION OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES (because it is a common ownership among all)
Section 114. Recording of chattel mortgages.
 A chattel mortgage shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the PD 957
mortgagor resides as well as where the property is situated or ordinarily kept. REGULATING THE SALE OF SUBDIVISION LOTS AND CONDOMINIUMS, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS
o There should be a primary entry book of registration as required in Sec. 115 THEREOF
As with respect to the protection of condominium buyers
Section 115. Manner of recording chattel mortgages. IMPORTANT DEFINITION OF TERMS:
 If there is a chattel mortgage that was entered, the same shall also be recorded with the LRA as provided o (e) Subdivision lot. "Subdivision lot" shall mean any of the lots, whether residential, commercial, industrial,
under the law. or recreational, in a subdivision project.
o (g) Condominium project. "Condominium project" shall mean the entire parcel of real property divided or
to be divided primarily for residential purposes into condominium units, including all structures thereon.
o (h) Condominium unit. "Condominium unit" shall mean a part of the condominium project intended for any
type of independent use or ownership, including one or more rooms or spaces located in one or more
floors (or part of parts of floors) in a building or buildings and such accessories as may be appended
o (i) Owner. "Owner" shall refer to the registered owner of the land subject of a subdivision or a
condominium project.

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