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Submitted by
M. Aqab Babar (318752)
Muhammad Farooq (318726)

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

The requirements for the degree of

Computer science



September, 2021
In our Final year Project, our group would like to implement a Car Racing Game. This Game is
being developed in Unity 3D that can help children to stay home by playing game and avoiding
of getting bored. We have tried to implement a Car racing game based on the professional design
of terrain. The main object of this game is to survive and reach at the destination by getting high
scores in shortest time with efficient speed with avoiding the obstacles on the track. The theme
of our game is to compete with the other opponent cars in a racing environment, the player’s goal
is to get to the destination as soon as possible while trying to avoid bumping to other cars or road
objects, when the total no of laps is completed the final score will be posted according to the
time, position and the number of bumps.
Undergraduate Final Year Project

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Comsats University Islamabad, Vehari Campus......................................
Abstract: .........................................................................................................................
1. Introduction: ............................................................................................................
2. Problem Statement: .................................................................................................
3. Proposed Solution: ..................................................................................................
4. Advantages of Proposed Project: ............................................................................
5. Scope: ......................................................................................................................
6. Modules: .................................................................................................................
6.1 Menu Module: .................................................................................................
6.2 Registration Module: .......................................................................................
6.3 Classification of diseases: ................................................................................
6.4 Taking Photos: .................................................................................................
6.5 OpenCV: ...........................................................................................................
7. System Limitations/Constraints: .............................................................................
8. Software Process Methodology: .............................................................................
8.1 Advantages of Agile model: ............................................................................
9. Tools and Technologies: .........................................................................................
10. Project Stakeholders and Roles: .............................................................................
11. Team Members Individual Task/Work Division: .................................................
12. Concepts: ..............................................................................................................
12.1 Machine Learning: .....................................................................................
12.1.1 Supervised and unsupervised machine learning: ...................................
12.2 Python: .......................................................................................................
13. Gantt chart: ...........................................................................................................
14. Conclusion: ...........................................................................................................
15. References: ............................................................................................................
1. Introduction:
In this section, we must give an introduction of the Final Year Project that we are discussing in
this chapter. The purpose of this project is to develop a game for the those who sometimes need
to stay at home. So, for our Final year Project, our group would like to implement a Terrain Car
Racing Game being developed in Unity 3d that can help to stay home by playing game and
avoiding of being bored and negative impacts of society. We tried to implement a car racing
game based on the professional design of terrain. The main objective of this game is to survive
because the main car is not reached at the destination getting high scores in short time with
efficient speed while avoiding the obstacles on the track. This will increase interest of game. The
main theme of our game is to compete with the other opponents in a racing environment, the
player’s goal is to get to the destination as soon as possible while trying to avoid bumping to
other cars or road objects, the final score will be posted according to the finishing position,
numbers of bumps and the time and also the total laps will be counted when the car will cross a
road completely. An important cause to develop a racing game is that by playing this game
children will also be protected from negative impacts of some games just like a shooting game.
2. Problem Statement:
Games already present are just in desktop version. Desktop version is too much costly and
requires heavy requirements to run this game on PC. We did not have availability of PC with a
heavy requirement to meet the requirements of game. In existing games designs are not better
enough also there are just few laps are found to play games due to which in few days’ peoples
are getting bored from those games and there are just limited cars are available, these games
didn't store the user’s data and there are no resume functionalities found and there are just few
laps are found to play games. So, there is must need of an Android version with more laps and
cars, attractive designing with cheap cost.
3. Proposed Solution:
Due to desktop version of this with heavy requirements there is must need of an Android Version
for peoples to play games at very low cost and with much better environment functionalities. In
such conditions, the suggested version proves to be attractive for new users and also existing
ones. Android version of game, more attractive design environment with much cheap cost makes
it easier as well as for the peoples of our country and also will be affordable for every user. This
will support the desktop.

4. Related System Analysis/Literature Review:

There are many racing games exists in today’s market which have been around for many years.
They range from ultra-realistic which take many factors in focus to make the game as close to
the real things as possible just like:
 Gran Turismo
 Asphalt 8
 Froza horizon 4
The existing products uses larger potential so we identified from all of them that we should make
a simple which will be enhanced in future with many other features because all the
functionalities in this game are independent. Our first priority is to make this game affordable for
every user with minimum cost and specifications.
5. Advantages of Proposed Project:
 Supports desktop
 Ease of use
 Cheaper in price
 Attractive Designing
 Low System Requirements

6. Scope:
Numerous approaches have been designed for the development of this game. With the passage of
time there is a great demand for game developers in local and international markets. Gaming is a
highly competitive sector where professionals are needed who have a good balance of creativity,
fun and technology. So, there must need of a system by which every user can enjoy the game
with a professional and attractive design at very cheap cost and with minimum specifications.

6.1 Goals and features

Our goal is to make our system as valuable product which may be used by maximum users from
our community. Users can play game at very cheap cost and with minimum specifications of

6.2 Task:
Our first step is to launch our system in our city as soon as possible and then we will try to
customize our system more and more.
7. Modules:
Module 1: Main Menu Mode:
In main menu there will be the menu in which some modes would be given for the relevant game
as like play mode, pause mode, Settings and exit mode. User can exit from game also.
 Play
 Settings
 Credits

Module 2: Track Selection Mode:

Track Selection mode will provide the user game to select track and car by clicking on the button
of track selection.
 Mode Selection
 Car Selection

Module 3: Pause Mode:

Pause mode will help the user to pause the game where the user would want to pause at any
position or at any time by clicking on the pause mode.
 Resume
 Play New
 Exit

Module 5: User:
Setting mode will help the user to perform settings like volume control and Brightness control.

8. System Limitations/Constraints:
This game will not work online.

9. Software Process Methodology:

In this project, we used the methodology of rapid and smart SDLC and for that purpose we used
Agile Model in the Software Development Life Cycle for better and quick solution. We used this
model for quick delivery of a working product and so we also considered this model as a very
rational development method. Following Diagram will show a brief software life cycle for our
9.1 Advantages of Agile model:
 Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.
 People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools.
 Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
 Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
 Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
 Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
 Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
 Even late changes in requirements are welcomed.

10.Tools and Technologies:

Here is a list of all the hardware and software tools and technologies with their versions we are
going to use in implementation of our whole project.

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