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Project Selection Matrix

metric 0 1 3 9
annual financial impact (P&L 0 to 20 to
0 > 50 k€
effective) 20 k€ 50 k€
impact on external customers negative neutral slight positive clear pos. impact

strategic fit no alignment neutral partial aligned

probability of success < 20% 20 to 50% 50 to 90% >90%

project time line > 12 months 7-12 months 4-6 months < 4 months
resources required (FTE) > 6 FTE 4 - 5 FTE 2 - 4 FTE 0,1 - 2 FTE

investment required to none other than the

> 100 k€ 25 k€ to 100 k€ < 25 k€
complete project team's time

not available, not not available but available but available now and is
availability of data (quality &
likely able to be can be produced, questionable, credible, at least
frequency) created annual quarterly monthly

solution already solution identified multiple ideas on no present idea on

solution defined and it is but not broad how to solve but how to solve the
obvious support no consensus problem

project results can be unique project - application or
application or 1 global application
replicated? no replication multiple other
other product


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