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Calderon, Dianne Andre R.

1.) Disaster Risk and Reduction Management has four thematic areas; Prevention and
Mitigation, Disaster Response, Preparedness, Rehabilitation, and Recovery. These four
thematic areas have different roles in Disaster Risk and Reduction Management,
Prevention and Mitigation are the steps wherein the management helps the individuals to
prevent the upcoming disaster. Individuals are assembled or informed by management
about what to prepare before a calamity occurs in disaster preparedness. The third one is
Disaster Response, where the management helps individuals during the disaster. The
fourth one is rehabilitation and recovery, the management helps individuals after the
disaster. These four thematic areas of Disaster Risk and reduction management mean a lot
to the people because they are lifesavers even if they bet their lives.
2.) Back when I was a high school student, my classmates and I went to a resort to have fun.
We just enjoyed swimming in the pool, then my friend in the class told me to play and swim
across at the 7th feet of the pool as both of us know how to swim. I played with her because
I was confident that she could swim and I won't worry if she cannot make it. After she
counted to three, we swam across the pool and after I made it, I found her struggling in the
middle as she can't take it anymore. The lifeguard was distracted as there is a cockroach
near the pool where my other classmates are, he was helping them and was not able to
notice that my friend is drowning. So, I build up my courage and swam back to help my
friend that is drowning.
3.) I think that the best characteristic that a First-aider should be observant. Being
observant is an essential as the patient may be experiencing other signs that may lead to a
complicated illness. Being resourceful may also be best but if you as a first-aider you may
miss other signs and may execute a first aid but makes the it complicated as you may
ignore other signs.

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