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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Borongan City Division
Borongan City


Name: Maricar A. baria Score/Mark:______________________

Grade&Section:_STEM-E Date:_MAY 7, 2021

Activity Title: Formulating a Research Question

Learning Target: To formulate research question/s

References: (Author, Title, Pages)

1. M.C. Fabella, CVIF Learning Activities

2. George Mason University Writing Center. (2008). How to write a research research
question. Retrieved from question on 14 March
3. J.L.A. Soria, CVIF Learning Activities

Researches based on the science, technology, engineering and mathematics

(STEM) track are conducted primarily to
➢ produce new scientific knowledge;
➢ come up with new and innovative technological products, devices, and
processes; ➢ create cost-effective designs and structures and;
➢ solve real-world problems using engineering tests.
Application of research
The conduct of research can be categorized according to the following:
➢ intended applications of the results of the study
➢ approaches adapted in the study ➢ purpose or goal of the study
Pure/Basic Research Applied Research

To develop new knowledge from a To address a specific problem resulting

tested hypothesis to a new device or a new process

Note: The goal of a basic research is to gain new knowledge or new understanding of a
previously examined hypothesis, and applied research aims to develop a new process or a
new economical design based on the scientific principles used.

Basically a typical research is pursued for any of the following reasons:

1. to describe a current state or condition of a specific problem;
2. to explain the occurrence of a natural phenomena;
3. to explore subjects or issues with limited information; and
4. to correlate various factors to be able to account for a cause-effect relationship and an;
5. underlying mechanism among others.

Look at the pictures

• Can you derive a research topic from these photos?
• What do you think are the possible research topics that we can develop from
the photos? The first picture the possible research topic is “ The effect of plastic
Bottles on the Environment” and the second picture the possible research topic is
“How plants help the environment”

You have learned in your Practical Research 2 the characteristics of a good research
idea based on the F-I-N-E-R mnemonic: Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, and Relevant.
Upon framing a general research topic or maybe research title, the next step is to formulate
your research questions.
A research question is the question around which you center your research. Research
questions will provide you direction through the research and writing process. A research
question should be:
1. Clear. It provides enough specifics that one’s audience can easily understand its purpose
without needing additional explanation.

2. Focused. It is narrow enough that it can be answered thoroughly in the space and time
the writing task allows.

3. Complex: It is not answerable with a simple “yes” or “no”, but rather requires analysis
and synthesis of ideas and data before reaching an answer.

4. Concise. It is expressed in the fewest possible words.

Exercise 1:
Consider the four elements of a research question described above. Start asking
yourself questions (maximum 3) about your approved research topic from your Practical
Research 2. You may write open-ended questions using “what”, “how”, or “why”.
You may write your research questions from Practical Research 2, if they have been
previously approved.

Question 1: What is your biggest barrier in effectively learning from home? Question 2: How do
you feel overall about the online distance education? Question 3: How difficult or easy is it to
use the distance learning technology (computer, tablet, zoom calls, learning applications and

Exercise 2:

Fill-out the three research plans below with three different topics. Each question will guide you
in completing your research plan.

(What is your research problem?)
- The Significance of Pi to Mathematics
(Why do you have to conduct this study?)
- Some people may already know that Pi is used in different Mathematical formulas
but how does Pi help in study of Mathematics.? This study will be conducted to
understand and to find the significance of Pi to Mathematics.

(Why is it important to be conducted?)
- Pi with its known symbol π, is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Pi is easy to observe, but hard to compute accurately by hand. Methods to estimate Pi
demonstrate several significant advances in Mathematics and computing Pi
demonstrated advances in computing. And Pi shows up everywhere that circles do.

(What is your goal to achieve in this study?)
- The goal of this study is to determine the significance of Pi to Mathematics.


(Is it a quantitative or a qualitative data?) (Who or what will be the source
of your data?)
Quantitative Research Design - Researcher will conduct a
(Document Analysis) data gathering
where in the researcher
(STEM Students) will use the
online survey questioner.

(How many respondents
does your study needs?)
- Minimum of 30 respondents.
(How will you choose your
respondents or source of
data? - Random Sampling.

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