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January 2022


Project supervisor



Today, based on the fast rate of strategic planning/IT innovation our security systems are
expected to evolve at the same pace. The need for home security systems nowadays is a serious
demand. Automated security systems are a useful addition to today’s home where safety is an
important issue. Home security system is a set of interconnected sensors to secure our properties,
providing control from the smartphone to elements within the house. From previous research, a
lot of effort has been put into digital security such as smart homes, and other IoT systems. Our
knowledge of microcontrollers (Arduinos) and programming knowledge will be instrumental to
achieve this particular task with the likes of motion sensors, gas sensors, IP cameras, and by
deploying our technical skills this will be achieved. This project offers an integrated system to
protects lives and properties, also enhances the knowledge in security.
I hereby declare that this project was done by me ANTHONIA FREDRICK. Under the
supervision of Engr. Talatu Adamu, Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering, Air Force
Institute of Technology Kaduna. Authors whose work has been referred to in this project are duly

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Name of student
This Project titled “Home Security System” meets the regulations governing the award of

Higher National Diploma of Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, and is approved for its

contribution to knowledge and literary presentation.

----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Project Supervisor Signature/Date

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Project Coordinator Signature/Date

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HOD, Department of Electrical Signature/Date
and Electronics Engineering
This project work is dedicated to the Almighty God who sustained me through this program and
to my families that always go on their knees praying for me all through this journey to God Be
the Glory.
1.1 Background study
The first thing you desire when you look at your family and your home is their safety.
And thus, the idea of advanced home security system comes into picture. The concept of
home automation and its safety has been around since late 1970s. But during the course
of time with the advancement of technology, our expectation from home has changed a
lot and so have the idea of home automation and its security systems. If we look at
different home automation systems over time, they have always tried to provide efficient,
convenient and safe ways for home inhabitants to access their homes.
Although user’s expectations have changed and technology is advanced but the role of a
home security system has remained the same. And if your family members are safe and
secure, you can live in tranquility. But is this really happening in current scenario where
the crime rates are ever rising? Most of us often overlook and ignore the importance of
home security. The Police Service takes burglary very seriously.
We understand that it can be both financially costly and emotionally devastating for
victims and their families. Proper timely precautions can save you with all such
consequences. And installing a smart security system and turning your home into smart
home can be the solution to all these problems; providing such security system
is hassle-free and user-friendly. Smart home can be also known as automated home or
intelligent home which indicates the automation of daily tasks with electrical appliances
used in homes. By intelligent remote monitoring, the user can have remote access to the
home. And in case if any trespasser tries to enter the home, the user will be immediately
intimated with this unusual activity by the system. These advanced home security
systems will work as “Virtual Watch Guard” of your home. It has many advantages; e.g.,
it will protect your home from trespasser, help you to monitor your home remotely. You
can also keep watch on kids or elderly people left at home which gives the sense of
security and peace of mind. This feeling of having a safe home will itself help you to be
more productive and focused.
Our main aim is to develop a socially intelligent robot which will classify and recognize
the human robot interaction (HRI) in real time for the smart home system and enhance
the home security to next level.
1.2 Statement of Problems
A home security system is one line of defense a home can provide against intruders. Such
systems can also help protect a home from fire by bringing a home's smoke detectors
under its control. Please model a system that exhibits the following behavior. A system
can be off, armed while residents are home, and armed while residents are away. The
difference between the latter two states is that while residents are away all monitors are
active, including window and door monitors and internal motion detectors. While
residents are home, the monitors remain active while the motion detectors are deactivated
to allow residents free movement within the home.
It was proposed in the combining the knowledge of digital communication and real time
data collection using wireless model as our tool for transmitting data from the Home
security System to receiver. Hopping the design is not only limited to the field of digital
communication, and that can find a place in various hobbies that could make used of this
added level immersion.
1.1 Aims and Objectives
The aim and objectives of this project is to design, implement and test the Home Security
System that will detect any intrusion in the house and monitor leakage of gas and detect
This project is designed to have following objectives;
1. To improve the quality of life and convenience in the home
2. To monitor all the entrance in the building
3. To design and construct the system power supply
4. To develop the system source code using Arduino IDE
1.2 Methodology
In order to successfully complete the task of operating the Home Security System, the
hardware and software programming has to be done carefully. The focus will be main on
structure of the system i.e. Hardware and Software programming. This involves the
modeling of the Home Security System and electronics components. The hardware
electronics components include: The Modeling, Motion sensor, IP camera, Servo motor
and Battery. After the hardware implementation, a full understanding of embedded
system programming is vital to the completion of this project work. Arduino IDE will be
chosen for interfacing of software functionality with the hardware parts. This is to ensure
the working features and functionality of the Home Security System
1.3 Scope of the Study
The scope of this project is to design, implement and test a Home Security System having
the following features: Intruder Detection and record footage using IP camera, Fire
Alarm and Gas Leakage detection these features are require to give the system necessary
capabilities to work in a standard manner.
2.1 Introduction to Literature Review
In order to achieve and run a Home Security System, several theories and techniques are
needed to be reviewed through some past related research work. The review includes the
technology development and control method used.
2.2 Review of the related work
Some researchers proposed an idea of robust IoT home security system where a fault in
of one component in the system does not lead to the failure of the whole system. The idea
of using multiple devices which may or may not be directly compatible with each other
but can be made to work in such a way that they can replace an existing component of the
system in case of a fault. In tandem to this, the model has the ability to use overlap
between various devices which would result in preserving energy thus making the model
more efficient. An example provided of the said model would use temperature sensor,
Wi-Fi module and a door sensor to replace a faulty camera. The authors are successful in
an effort to demonstrate the given example. However, such systems are useful for people
with energy efficiency in mind and for those who need a high degree of robustness with
their security systems and are willing to expend more money than usual (1).
SMS based system using GSM was proposed by Karri and Daniel (2005) to use
internet services to send messages or alert to the house owner instead of the conventional
SMS (2). Jayashri and Arvind (2013) have implemented a fingerprint-based
system to unlock a door. This system helps users by only allowing the users whose
fingerprint is authorized by the owner of the house. This system can also be used to
who all have used the sensor to gained entry into the house. The system is coupled with a
few more home protection features such as gas leakage and fire accidents. Although a
system, fingerprint sensors are expensive and complex (as they need increased sensor
resolution) to integrate into an IoT setup (3). Some experts also argue that only relying on
a fingerprint sensor is not wise as it is relatively easy to lift someone’s fingerprints and
replicate them, which is why it is always advised to use fingerprint scanners in a two
authentication systems where an additional layer of security is available in the form of
passcode, voice recognition, etc.
Design and Implementation of Security for Smart Home based on GSM technology was
discussed by Govinda et al. (2014) that provides two methods to implement home
using IoT. One is using web cameras such that whenever there is any motion detected by
the camera, it sounds an alarm and sends a mail to the owner. This method of detecting
intrusion is quite good, albeit somewhat expensive due to the cost of the cameras
involved in the process. The cameras need to be of good quality which means it should
have a wide range and the picture quality should be high enough to detect movement.
Also, if you go for movable cameras such as dome cameras they will cost even more than
the fixed ones(4).
Laser rays and LDR sensor are used to detect intrusion using their movement was
proposed in 2016. The way the system works is that a laser is focused towards a LDR
sensor and the moment that the contact of laser to LDR sensor breaks, the alarm
connected to the sensor goes off alerting the neighbor’s and sends a SMS to the owner.
This system solves the problem of covering the places which are out of range from the
fixed cameras but faces the same difficulties which are faced with systems consisting of
GSM modules to send text messages, which is that the delivery of message is dependent
on network coverage. Also due to the nature of lasers being a straight beam, it can be
avoided by intruders who know about the system and are capable of dodging the lasers,
rendering the whole system useless.
A novel way to design an electronic lock using Morse code and IoT technology [6]. The
authors claim that this as an original idea which have not been tried before and is the first
of its kind “optical Morse code-based electronic locking system”. This system uses
LED‟s (Light emitting diodes) as an encrypting medium to send signals. To make it more
accessible to general public, the LED in smart phones has been used. On the receiver’s
side is a photosensitive resistor as well as a microcontroller such as Arduino processor
which has the ability to decrypt the optical signal after receiving them from the LED.
Upon decoding the signal, it can than upload the current condition of the lock to a cloud
from where the owner can monitor the system. The authors have experimented the system
in real time and it has proved to work under different illumination environments with all
the functions working as they were intended to. The authors also claim to have an easy
and user-friendly interface. The IoT system developed here works very well and can be
used by anyone and is very convenient due to the use of mobile phones as LED, which
also makes it a cost expensive alternative [7]. Anitha et al (2016) proposed a home
automation system using artificial intelligence and also proposed a model for cyber
security systems [9].
2.3 Present Research Work
A model of Home Security System is prepared using low cost materials like acrylic,
plywood etc., having sufficient strength to test the prototype of developed system. It
consists of various sensors like PIR, temperature sensor, gas sensors, light sensor etc.
The proposed system is controlled by an Atmega8p microcontroller. It collects
information from the sensors, makes a decision and sends SMS to a corresponding
number by using a GSM modem.
Secure Mode
This mode should be selected, when owners want to completely secure their home i.e.,
they are leaving home or while sleeping at night.
If the Secure Mode is selected, the project should follow the following security protocols:
 Intruder Detection Alarm: It should detect the presence of any human being in the
occupied premises and rotate the IP Camera to the intrusion zone and start
 Windows Security Alarm: If someone tries to break through the windows, the
project should sound an alarm to alert everyone.
 Door Security Alarm: If any intruder tries to break through the main door, it
should again sound the alarm to alert everyone.
Normal Mode
 This mode should be selected, when owners are at home and just want to take the
basic security measures.
 In this mode, only the Fire Alarm & Gas leakage Alarm will work, while all other
alarms will remain on standby.

2.4 Comparative Analysis

From the analysis above the short comings of the previous related project were
highlighted and eliminated, the construction has higher efficiency, time saving hence it is
less expensive as was found from the project.
This project has features of Dual Mode function compare to the previous constructed
project. These project features improve the system and guarantee a better operational
2.5 Advantage
The Advantages associated with this project include the following:
i. Real Time Alert: the system will send you alert real time alert
ii. Smart Alarms & Locks: Giving your property secure parameter of protection can
help you rest easy at night or while you are away on vocation
iii. Offer peace of mind to Vulnerable people and their caregivers
2.6 Areas of Application
Home security System finds it application in the following areas:
i. In offices
ii. In Home Spaces
iii. In Warehouses
2.7 Conclusion
The Home Security System project required extensive research into previous related
works. By reviewing others work, this insight was used to develop our system. To this
end, research papers from various Home Security System were used as guides in the
development of this work.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the conceptual process followed in the design of the Home
Security System, the actual design by analytical approach which led to the determination
of some components used in the project was reviewed
3.2 Design Specification
It is necessary at this juncture to thoroughly examine the necessary steps required in the
design process. As good practice in any system design, it is often best to follow
methodical steps in designing all system components individually, and when it has been
ascertained that the various components work as envisaged, the entire components is
integrated as the final product. This is the Approach employed during the design phase of
this Home Security System.
3.2.1 ESP32 Camera
The ES32-CAM is a small size, low power consumption camera module based on
ESP32. It comes with an OV3640 camera and provides onboard TF card slot. The
ESP32-CAM can be widely used in inteligence IoT applications such as wireless
video monitoring, WiFi image upload, QR identification and so on.

Figure 3.1: ESP32-CAM

3.2.2 Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor
Passive infrared (PIR) sensor used a apir of pyroelectric sensor to detect heat
energy in the sourounding eneviroment. These two sensors sit beside each other,
and when the signal differntial between the two sensor changes (if a person enters
room, for example), the sensor will engage . that maybe turns on a floodlight. IR
radiation focuses on each of the two pyroelectric sesnsor using a series of leneses
contructed as the sensor’s housing . these lenses widen the device’s sensing area.
While the lense setup and sensor electronics are sophisticated technology, these
units are easy to use in a practical application. You only need power and groung
for the sensor module to a discreet output that’s strong enough for a
microcontroller to use. Typical adjustment include adding the potentiometer for
sensitivity and tweaking how long PIR stays engaged once its triggered. You can
also toggle the sensor between
1. Staying On for a set amount of time after detecting movement
2. Pulsing on and Off in a “non-retriggering” mode

Figure 3.2: PIR sensor

3.2.3 Gas Sensor (MQ-6)
Is a device which detects the presence or concentration of gases in the
atmosphere. Based on the concentartion of the gas the sensor produces a
corresponding poteintial difference by changing the resistance of the material
inside the sensor, which can be measured as output voltgae. Based on this voltage
value the type and concentration of the gas can be estimated. The type of gas the
sensor could detect depend on the sensing material present inside the sensor.
Normally the sensor is available as module with comparator as shown below.
These comparators can be set for a particular threshold the digital pin goes high.
The analog pin can be used to measure the concentartion of the gas

Figure 3.3: Gas Sensor (MQ-6)

3.2.4 Liquid Crystal Display (16x4 LCD)
16x4 LCD display is an alphanumeric display. It is based on the HD44780 display
controller, and ready to interface with most microcontrollers. It works on 5V and
has a Blue Backlight which can be switched on and off as desired. The contrast of
the screen can also be controlled by varying the voltage at the contrast control pin
(Pin 3).
 16 Characters x 4 Lines
 5 x 8 Dots with Cursor
 Built in Controller
 +5v Power Supply (Also Available for +3V)
 1/16 Duty Circle
Figure 3.4: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

3.2.4 Atmega328p
The ATMEGA328P-PN is a popular microcontroller due to it being a major
component in the Arduino board products. The ATMEGA328P-PN is the 8-bit
RISC heart of the Arduino Uno and Nano, with a maximum clock frequency of
20MHz, 32KB program FLASH, and 2KB of RAM. The ATMEGA328P-PN
contains many on-board peripherals, including UART, SPI, timers, ADC,
comparators, and a watchdog, and is housed in a 28-DIP package which enables
designers to easily prototype their designs before committing to surface mount
technology. With a temperature range of -40°C to 105°C and voltage range of
1.8V to 5.5V, the ATMEGA328 truly is a versatile, cost-effective

Figure 3.5: Atmega328p Microcontroller

3.2.5 Temperature Sensor (DHT11)
The DHT11 is a basic, ultra-low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It
uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air,
and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). It’s
fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data. You can get new data
from it once every 2 seconds, so when using the library from Adafruit, sensor
readings can be up to 2 seconds old.
Comes with a 4.7K or 10K resistor, which you will want to use as a pull-up from
the data pin to VCC.
Figure 3.6: Temperature sensor (DHT11)
3.2.6 Battery
A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is an advanced battery technology that uses lithium
ions as a key component of its electrochemistry. During a discharge cycle, lithium
atoms in the anode are ionized and separated from their electrons. The lithium
ions move from the anode and pass through the electrolyte until they reach the
cathode, where they recombine with their electrons and electrically neutralize.
The lithium ions are small enough to be able to move through a micro-permeable
separator between the anode and cathode. In part because of lithium’s small size
(third only to hydrogen and helium), Li-ion batteries are capable of having a very
high voltage and charge storage per unit mass and unit volume.

Figure 3.7: Lithium ion Battery

3.2.7 Arduino IDE
Arduino Integrated Development Environment or Arduino Software (IDE)
contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar
with buttons for common function and a series of menus. It connects to the
Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.
These systems provide sets of digital and analogue I/O pins that can interface to
various expansion boards (termed shields) and other circuits. The boards feature
serial communication interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some
models, for loading programs from personal computers. For programming the
microcontrollers, the Arduino project provides an integrated development
environment (IDE) based on a programming language named Processing, which
also supports the languages: C and C++.

3.3 Design Analysis

In designing and constructing the Home Security System, it is necessary to understand
the specification and operation of various components as well as how to use them to
achieve the desired objectives. The components are grouped in stages which will be
discussed accordingly.
3.3.1 System Specification
 To make sound when a there is an intruder.
 To make record live footage in case of any intrusion.
 To make a sound when gas leakage is detected.
3.3.3 Power Supply Unit
The power supply to the circuit was designed after considering the total voltage
and current requirements of each components of the circuit whereby the
Atmega328p microcontroller needs 5V, 2A to power on, ESP32-CAM module
needs 5v, 35mA for its operation and the GSM module needs 4.2V, 2A via a DC
to DC converter to function. Hence, 5V, 2A is ideal for powering the circuit for it
to function and the source of supply is 11.1V battery.
In designing the power supply, a DC to DC converter was employed to step down
the 11.1V input to 5V to power ON the Atmega328p microcontroller. The power
consumption of the circuit was also put into consideration and the analysis is
discussed below:
Battery: If the 11.1V battery is fully charged, it can deliver 11.1V, 2A per day:
Therefore, the power rating of the battery is:
P = I (current) × V (voltage)
P = 2A × 11.1V
P = 22.2 Watts.
Meanwhile there’s a difference of 22.2 Watts between the 11.1V battery.
V = 11.1V – 5V
V = 6.1V
B1(+) 7805 C4(1)

1 3

B1 C4
12V C1 100u
C2 C3
100p 100p D1

Figure 3.8: Power Supply

3.4 Components Specification
The right components were selected based on their design specifications, durability,
availability and reliability in order to achieve the construction objectives. Some of the
major components are outlined here:
 Arduino controller: ATMEGA 328P
 Wi-Fi Camera: ESP32-CAM
 Sensor: PIR Sensor
 Gas Sensor: MQ-6
 Motor: Servo Motor
 Buzzer
 Battery: 11.1V
 Regulator: LM7805
 Transistor: BC547
 Crystal oscillator :16MHZ
 Capacitors: 100uf 50v, 22pf
 Led
 Resistor: 1K and 10K
 Vero board: dotted
 IC socket
 Switch
3.5 Circuit Diagram
The main part in the system is the microcontroller that controls the other components in
the system. When the IR Sensor detect any objects or obstacle it will activate the buzzer
and rotate the camera to the triggered zone with the help of the servo motor that was
attached to it. The Home Security System is integrated with sensors i.e. PIR sensor, Gas
sensor, smoke and temperature sensor. Our proposed project first uses PIR sensor to
detect any Intrusion. On sensing, the sensor passes this data to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller then processes this data to various output device attached to the system, if
there’s an intruder the microcontroller sends a signal to servo motor and the ESP32-CAM
to record the live footage and at the same time it sends signal to the buzzer. The system
has one more advanced feature integrated which is the Mode Selection to. In addition to
that, when the system receives a signal from the microcontroller that the PIR is triggered
it will send a message the authorized person that “Someone Bugled your House” and save
the live footage on TF Memory card that is attached to the System.
Figure3.8: Flowchart showing the Home Security System Methodology
Figure 3.10: Circuit Diagram
3.6 Principle of Operation
The first and most important principle of Home security system is that it is intended to be
deterrent so that authorities can reach your home fast enough should an incident occur.
The point here is to have realistic expectations from and for a home security system for
better protection. In order to deter a home invasion, you need the right tools.
There are three things burglars hate: noise, video cameras, and monitoring. All three
things increase the chances of being caught and successfully prosecuted. Therefore, it
makes sense that these are the three things you need. You need an alarm system that will
make noise. You need 24-hour monitoring so that someone will be aware if a burglary
happens. You need video surveillance to catch criminals in the act of burglarizing your
3.7 Conclusion
This chapter expressed and dealt with the design methodology of this project. It explained
how each stage of the system was designed and the working process of the circuit using a
circuit diagram. It also showed the steps that were taken during the programming of the

4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter how the Homes Security System construction was carried out was
explained, what components was used to construct it, its functionality and what software
was used to give it command and instructions. In this chapter the details on how the
Home Security System was tested and how the results were achieved is explained.
4.2 Testing
4.2.1 Power Supply Test
It is important to verify the performance of power supply. Issues with a power
supply can limit the performance of the project, and it even has the potential to
damage the fine electronics components. Proper and regular power supply testing
can help minimize this risk.
Input Power
The power provided by your power supply is the key factor, but the first
parameter to test is the voltage and current on the input side of your power supply.
Verify the input power supply falls in the operating range for your power supply
as listed in the specification or datasheet. Just like our sensors, an improper input
voltage to a power supply hinders proper operation whether you are using an
AC/DC or a DC/DC power supply.

Output Voltage Accuracy

The LED display (when applicable) on your power supply may read 5.00VDC,
but this may not always be accurate. Checking the accuracy of the output voltage
with a properly calibrated voltmeter is a great way to verify this output voltage.
Strictly speaking, you only need to verify that the output voltage is stable and
within the operating range of your device. However, you may wish to continue to
calculate the output voltage accuracy.

Noise & Output Ripple

Our sensors operate at peak performance when they receive smooth and clean
voltage with minimum noise and output ripple. Output ripple and noise are also
known as Periodic and Random Deviation (PARD). When there is noise on the
voltage entering the part, it gets added to the amount of noise the part sees.

Specifically, output ripple and noise can be split into separate factors. Noise is a
set of random high or low-frequency spikes to the power supply. Noise is best
mitigated by shielding the wires and operating as far from electrical noise sources
as possible. Output ripple is periodic where noise is random. Output ripple is a
periodic shift visible in the output voltage. This ripple is often generated by the
periodic nature of AC power.

Viewing the power supply with an oscilloscope is required to view both output
ripple and noise. Excess ripple or noise outside of a window that you would
typically see in a controlled environment will degrade sensor performance. When
testing the noise and output ripple the bandwidth should be sufficient to capture
the full cycle of any output ripple.
Additional noise can be picked up on the oscilloscope probe itself. Using the
shortest probe to ground length possible minimizes the amount of noise the probe
receives. Take care to minimize any error and noise that you may add to the
4.2.2 Sensor Test
Datasheet information on sensors’ cross-sensitivities and their dependency on
meteorological parameters is often scarce [16]. Even though all sensors undergo
laboratory testing and calibration, test settings only cover a few points in the
sensing range. Given the usually long list of sensor cross sensitivities, extensive
tests and sensor calibration is highly time-consuming and is, therefore, hardly
possible. To solve the problem, we propose a novel method that uncovers sensor
dependencies under deployment-related conditions. We ignore any prior
knowledge about the sensor, i.e., do not rely on any information given in the
datasheet, and treat the sensor as a black-box. We choose the observable universe
as a set of all relevant phenomena for a given application. Our testing
methodology consists of three steps depicted.

All input traces are converted to a standardized representation with zero mean and
unit variance in order to get scale-invariant sensor traces and thereby scale-
invariant cross-sensitivity factors.

Inverse calibration
Multiple least-squares is used to regress the standardized measurements from the
phenomena in the observable universe U on the measurements of low-cost sensor
z. The resulting regression parameters give in-sights about the composition of the
sensor measurements, i.e., identifies cross-sensitivities of the sensor.
Error decomposition
The regression error ε is used as an indicator for missing phenomena in and
substantial sensor noise of z. We distinguish the latter on the frequency
characteristics of physical phenomena and, therefore, can decompose the error by
applying a low-pass filter.
4.2.3 Circuit Simulation
Circuit simulation is a process in which a model of an electronic circuit is created
and analyzed using various software algorithms, which predict and verify the
behavior and performance of the circuit. Since fabrication of electronic circuits,
especially integrated circuits (ICs), is expensive and time-consuming, it is faster
and more cost-effective to verify the behavior and performance of the circuit
using a circuit simulator before fabrication.
This provides us with a critical view into the behavior of electronic circuit. Given
the expense and time involved in designing electronic circuits, it’s much more
practical to validate circuit behavior and performance via circuit simulation.
4.3 Result
The home security system operating has been proven experimentally by connecting simple
appliances and hence the appliances were successfully monitored. The system designed not only
checks the sensor data like temperature, gas, light, motion sensors, but also stimulates a stable
operation with the need for instance, the switching on of the light when it gets dark.
4.4 Discussion
The proposed systems are tested on the model of Home Security System (which is shown in Figure
1). The ESP32-CAM based security system record live footage when the PIR detects the motion
and sends SMS to the home owner at the same time trigger the alarm. The system is very simple
and easy to use. There are various parameters which can be adjusted in this software. Streaming of
videos is also possible with this software. The developed home security system gives good
response to the sensor and sends SMS when it detects the fire or temperature is increased above
desired level or detection of intrusion at the windows. The time taken by the system to deliver the
SMS is dependent on the coverage area or range of the specified mobile network. If the mobile is in
the range of the system, then the SMS is delivered in 25-30 seconds.
4.5 Conclusion
The home security system has been designed and tested. The user can get alerts anywhere
through the GSM technology thus making the system location independent. A flexible
way to control and explore the services of the mobile, AT commands is used in the
system. The Home security system is very easy, user friendly and software has many
features. It will be easier to use ESP32-CAM instead of web camera. However, the cost
of ESP32-CAM is more. Similar software’s are available on internet which will perform
the same task. This type of system is useful when the owner is out of station and the
home is locked. By installing the web camera at the door site, intruder can be detected
and owner can receive a mail telling the intruder entry in a home. If the nearby police
station email id is also configured in the system, then the intrusion mail can be received
by police also and necessary action can be taken. The system has tested on the model of
home security system and further it will be tested in actual home. The complexity of the
algorithm of the system can be increased by introducing number of sensors to make the
energy efficient home.

5.1 Conclusion
This project aimed at designing and constructing Home security system had the singular
purpose of enhancing the security. The Home security system was able to trap intrusion
through the PIR sensor mounted at the door.
The objective of this project is to give awareness of the advancement in technology, the
home security system and to create awareness regarding the security measures one has to
take regularly due to increasing in break-in and abduction in the world nowadays and the
challenges we faced. This project reviewed some study on security alarm system from
how it is originated which has not been done in most of the research papers and its
advancement in technology aspect and list the importance of installing the security alarm
system in the environment we need to be secured or our homes. The project also fills the
gap for the need of installing a security alarm system against invasion in our homes today
and the area needed to be secure. Especially with its advancement in technology using the
internet of things (IoT), one does not need to get a security guard or hired someone to be
watching the environment needed to be guarded.
5.2 Recommendations
This work should serve as an aid to any subsequent work on the design and construction
of a Home Security System. The work should not end here; companies, entrepreneurs and
investors should take it up from here so that we can enjoy seamless, uninterrupted and
reliable data from our homes across long ranges. With this work improved upon, a device
that will be very useful can be created with respect to its affordability.

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