3is Research Campomanes

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Background of the Study

Teaching has always transcended the traditional classroom, but the conditions and

increasing scale of digital and remote environments do pose challenges that demand

significant adaptation, preparation, support, and engagement. The list is daunting:

constrained or non-existent contact with students, rethinking ways of interacting, reaching,

and teaching, adequately addressing a spectrum of special needs, motivating students,

juggling competing demands on time, and dealing with confined circumstances that can make

attentive learning and teaching incredibly difficult.

Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life today, and of course, education

is no exception in that. It has affected and impacted the way things are presented and taught

in the classroom to the students. It has largely impacted on the materials which are used and

the way they use these materials to teach students in schools. Technology whereas in

classrooms can be so much better than the stereotypical cell phone going off in the middle of

class. It becomes a major tool, both in terms of pedagogical resources as well as in terms of

connecting with younger generations. It has been suggested that the application of technology
should indeed encouraged and even be incorporated, routine part of students' daily activities

within clinical activities and basic sciences. The most important element that supports the use

of technology in the educational system is the Internet. E-learning has become one of the

fastest-moving trends in education and poses a promising alternative to traditional learning.

Nevertheless, technology has impacted student learning differently for those with

different access levels. Technology expands classroom boundaries. The learning environment

no longer has boundaries. And instruction can be provided by any number of subject matter

experts—in addition to the person teaching the course. Technology has been argued as having

a positive impact on our way of thinking. Steve Johnson (2005), in his nationally bestselling

book Everything Bad is Good for You, posited that technology is making us more intelligent

due our means of obtaining, interpreting, and processing information. Many studies have

discussed how technology affects our brains and impacts how much its use affects the way

that we think and perform.

Although technology is finally being integrated into education, its use for teaching

and learning remains a challenge. Despite the fact that many schools today are privileged to

have ready access to technology, trained teachers, and a favorable policy environment, the

effect of technology in the classroom is still undeniably questionable thus this research aims

to be conducted to determine the broad impacts of technology towards the student’s learning

capacity and progress.

Objectives of the study

This research mainly aims to determine the effects of technology towards the

learning progress of STEM Student of Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School.

Specific questions that the researcher seeks to answer are the following:

1. Does the student reliance on technology affect their community standards?

2. Does technology lead to non-productive struggle and frustration?

3. Does technology foster a diversity of forms of knowledge?

4. Does technology build on, contribute to, the renewal of traditional forms


5. How does technology empower the student to control their own learning?

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the Effect of Technology towards the

Learning Progress of STEM Students of Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High

School, to understand whether, what and how technology impacted the student’s creativity,

innovation, and education. Through this study, the researcher will be able to determine the

positive and negative effects of technology and for the students to control and improve their

reliance in technology.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students

The direct recipients of the output of this research are the STEM Student of Eastern

Samar National Comprehensive High School. The researcher will determine and

come to understand how technology affects the learning progress of the STEM

Students of Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School.

The Parents

As the researcher determines the Effect of Technology towards the Learning

Progress of STEM Students of Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School,

the gathered data will provide information that will give a clearer understanding for

the parents to understand the proper parenting in the age of screens and social media.

For the parent to realize their important roles in helping their children develop safe

and healthy habits of utilizing technology.

The Teachers

This research will be greatly beneficial to the Teachers of Eastern Samar National

Comprehensive High School. Through this research, Teachers may purposefully

discover and understand their students, how technology broadly impacted and

changes the way of learning and knowledge capacity of their students and provide

Definition of Terms

Adaptation – involve changes in a body part or in behavior.

Analog – relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously

variable physical quantity such as spatial position, voltage, etc.

Collaborative – produced or conducted by two or more parties working together.

Constrained – to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation

Daunting – seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation: intimidating.

Development – a process that creates growth, progress, positive change, or the

addition of physical, economic, environmental, social, and demographic components.

Device – a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of

mechanical or electronic equipment.

Digital – relating to or using calculation directly with digits rather than through

measurable physical quantities.

E-learning – Educational technology is the combined use of computer hardware,

software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.

Empower – having the knowledge, confidence, means or ability to do things or make

decisions for oneself

Integral – necessary to make a whole complete, essential, or fundamental

Learning Progress – a process that people pass through to acquire new knowledge

and skills and ultimately influence their attitude, decision, and actions.

Multi-functional – having or fulfilling several functions.

Reliance – dependence on or trust in someone or something.

Revolutions – a sudden, radical, or complete change.

Traditional Education – also known as back-to-basics, conventional education, or

customary education, refers to long-established customs that society traditionally used

in schools.

Transcended - be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a

conceptual field or division).

Technology – the skills, methods, and processes used to achieve goals.



Related Literature

According to a previous research titled ―The Impact of Technology: Student

Engagement and Success‖ by Chloe D’Angelo of University of Ontario Institute of

Technology, as the education system and workforce evolve to become more technology

inclusive, it is important for students to keep up with modern digital trends while still

obtaining a deep understanding of course content. Implementing technology into the

curriculum provides instructors with an invaluable opportunity to enhance student

engagement and academic success. Students are able to collaborate with peers using digital

platforms, explore creativity through technological features, engage in higher-order thinking

processes, participate in inquiry-based learning, synthesize information from multiple sources

and establish a sense of online social presence. While implementing technology into the

curriculum shifts the learning environment to being more student-centered, instructors play

an integral role in guiding understanding, offering assistance and taking the necessary steps to

ensure that students are present and reaching their learning goals. Overall, students and

teachers have positive attitudes towards technology integration and feel that is has positive

impacts on learner satisfaction, promotes engagement and facilitates academic success.

Edmodo is an example of an educational social media platform that operates to enhance the

learning process, allow students to become more familiar with technology, meet learning

goals and collaborate with peers and instructors after school hours. It is one of the many

technological applications that can be implemented into multiple areas of the curriculum to

enhance the teaching and learning process.

Related Studies

In a blog post from Top Hat, Vawn Himmelsbach published an article titled ―How

Technology in the Classroom can impact Student Learning‖, she initially stated, ―Technology

in the classroom is essential for increasing student engagement and empowering educators to

create innovative learning experiences in and out of class‖. It was followed by a summary of

her findings stating while technology is sometimes seen as a threat—and it does have its

limits—integrating it into your teaching practice offers a new way for students to interact and

engage with course material. And this is especially essential after students have become used

to learning with technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to technology tools,

education is no longer confined to the walls of your classroom. YouTube videos and social

media don’t have to be a distraction; they can be part of your lesson plans. The math is easy:

it adds up to better learning outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Learning Progress of
STEM Students


This chapter presents the research design, research locale, respondents of the study,

sampling procedure, sample size, research instruments, and data gathering procedure,

measurement of variables, data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study is designed as a quantitative research. The descriptive method of research

will be utilized. As widely accepted, the descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study

that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. Descriptive research describes

a certain present condition. Relatively, this method is appropriate to this study since it aims to

describe the present condition of the broad impacts of Technology. The technique that was

used under descriptive method is the electronic survey approach, an electronic questionnaire

contains questions are in a software system that can be answered by the participants.

Locale of the Study

The study will be distributed with the help of a well-known social media plat with

specific target locales from Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School. The survey

will be conducted online through Google Forms due to the COVID-19 pandemic restriction.

It is direct-data survey which provides a reliable source of first-hand information because the

researcher directly interacts with the participants. The researcher opted to use this kind of

research considering the desire to acquire first-hand data from the respondents so as to

formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the STEM Students of Eastern Samar National

High School who dominate when it comes to tech usage.

Sampling Procedure

All of the participants will be selected through random sampling. This sampling

method is conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become

part of the sample. As all members of the population have an equal chance of becoming a

research participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure. To conduct this

sampling strategy, the researcher defined the population first, listed down all the members of

the population, and then selected members to make the sample.

Sample Size

This study subjected 20 STEM Students from Eastern Samar National Comprehensive

High School who commonly collaborate with their peers using digital platforms, explore

creativity through technological features, and engage in higher-order thinking processes.

Research Instrument

This study will be utilizing a survey research instrument wherein it encompasses any

measurement procedures that involve asking questions of respondents, consisting of a series

of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from the

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will be constructing a letter of permission, approved by the research

adviser for the Head Principal of Eastern Samar National High School where the survey will

be conducted. Before the researcher conducts the online survey, the self-made research tool

will be subjected for validity and reliability tests to ensure that the quality of data that will be

gathered from the respondents is accurate. And, after the validation of instrument, the

responses will be tallied, computed and analyzed.

Measurement of Variables

In this study, there is only one level of measurement that will be used, specifically the

5-point ordinal scale. The ordinal scale is a measurement scale that allocates values to

variables based on their relative ranking with respect to one another in a given data set. This

will measure and determine the respondent’s perspective towards the Effect of Technology

towards their Learning Progress.

Table 1: Ordinal Scale

Rate Level of Agreement

5 Strongly Disagree

4 Disagree

3 Neutral

2 Agree

1 Strongly Agree
Data Analysis

Two classes of data exist within the survey: the pros and cons of technology towards

the learning progress of STEM Student will be included in the survey that reveals the

students perspective on technology and how it affects towards their learning progress. The

data will be analyzed using the computer package, Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS) Version 11.5 and Excel spread sheets.

Ethical Considerations

This study will conducted with the permission from the participants, school principal,

members of the faculty and with the researcher’s adviser. The researcher will provide

information regarding the study to be conducted, specifically;

 Purpose of Research

 Instructions and Time Frame

 Potential benefits to participants/society

 Potential harm or risk of discomfort

 How privacy will be protected

 Who the researcher are and how they can be reached


Research Instrument: Google Form

Electronic Link: https://forms.gle/QujLj2aXde6SR54Y6

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