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The table below shows the composition in 150 g of each of the four types of food, W, X, Y and z.

.~ood · ,· ,\

• .w ":, 1 ,:1.t.~.:x ':

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. :.-· .1/r~ Yf'i?•;_.z
{~-:,i~, -t.
~~~~V:)!', ..~ l! •

Protein (g) 40 50 30 20

Carbohydrate (g) 30 10 10 60

Fat (g) • 30 40 60 20

Calcium (mg) 324 974 226 181

Iron (mg) 18 6 :; 1

• Vitamin A (mg) 0,003 0,001 0,09 0.16

Vitamin C (mg) 4.3 1.9 1.5 0.2

(a) Which food substances (nutrients) found in all four food can provide you the energy?
(b) Which food has the highest energy value? Explain your reason.
(c) The haemoglobin content ofa person's blood is found to be lower than normal. The
haemoglobin is part of a red blood cell that carries oxygen. Which food would be most
effective in helping the person improve the condition? Explain why.

The diagram below represents a molecule from the major food classes.

(a) (i) Suggest the identity of the molecule above.
(ii) Name the enzyme in the human digestive tract that digests this molecule.
(iii) In the space below, draw a diagram to show the result of this digestion.
Label your diagram.

(b) Caprenin is a synthetic fat designed as a fat substitute for lowering caloric content of food ,
Structurally, it resembles normal food fat. However it cannot be absorbed easily.
(i) State a process that all fats, including caprenin, undergo in the digestive tract.
(ii) Explain the advantages to the body when fats undergo the process io (bXi).
(iii) Suggest two health-related advantages of using caprenin in food preparation.
(iv) Suggest two disadvantages of using caprenin in food preparation.
In an experiment, two beakers were filled with the same amount of oil. The beakers were labelled
P and Q. In beaker P, 3 cm3 of lipase was added. In beaker Q, 3 cm3 of distilled water was added.
The contents of each beaker were then tested for fatty acid every 15 minutes.

Lip~/ Distilledv

• 4


BeakerP BeakerQ

(a) Identify the l!im of the experiment.

(b) Beaker P was left to stand for a few hours. Would any reaction continue to occur in Beaker P
as it was left to stand? Explain your answer.

@ (c) Which part of the digestive tract does lipase function?

(d) Suggest one substance to be added into beaker P to speed up the action oflipase on fat.
Explain your answer.
(e) Hamidi was forced to undergo a surgery to remove the gall bladder as gallstones continue to
grow in it.
(i) Explain why Hamidi can survive without the bile.
(ii) Explain how Hamidi's daily diet may be affected by living without the gall bladder.

Dr Chin set up an experiment to investigate the action of a digestive juice collected from a patient
on starch. Four plates of agar containing starch were prepared and treated as shown below. Iodine
solution was then added after one hour and the results were observed.

© Filter paper disc soaked

with digestive juice P

,_... 0 0 0 pH2 pH7 pH9 pH 9




Plate I Plate2 Plate 3 (boiled juice)

Plate 4

(a) What concl~ion can be drawn from the results of the experiment?
(b) (i) From which part of the digestive tract was digestive juice P most likely collected? Give
a reason for your answer.
(ii) Name the enzyme contained in digestive juice P.
(iii) Suggest another digestive juice that can act on starch.
(c) What possible scientific explanation could be given for the result observed in plate 4?
After a meal containing starch, fat, protein, water and dietary fibres, samples were collected
from four different parts of the digestive tract. The samples were then analyzed and the results
are shown in the table below.

Parts . I '\ .

R esu1ts· of.a nalysis

Starch and reducing sugar
p present.

Vena cava
=111 )~
Amino acid, fatty acid and
glycerol absent
Amino acid, fatty acid and
glycerol present
R 65% water remains
100% fibres present, 45%
s water remains

(a) If the person.was starved for two days after his meal, which of the above blood vessels
would contain the highest amount of glucose?
(b) Give an explanation to your answer in (a).

(c) Explain how reducing sugar may have appeared in the sample taken from part P.
( d) Suggest what will happen to the digested food at part Q.
( e) An obese person had a surgical operation to remove part of structure Q. Explain why this
method may lead to a significant reduction to his body weight in several months after the

--- Adrian skipped breakfast because he was revising for his test all morning. By lunchtime, he was
feeling very hungry and weak.


(a) Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

(b) Suggest a balanced breakfast menu for Adrian.
Diagrams below show two types of energy bar.

Sample-A SampleB

. ---~ --
~ - e.......

:ilt~...i-v».u;<..,..,_,;,:t.;, , • .:.,.;l, ,...., __..

Calories 150 kcal Calories 100 kcal

Carbohydrate 22 g Carbohydrate 19 g

{) Protein
. 2g Protein 2g

Total fat 1.5 g Total fat 3g

Sodium 47 g Sodium 39mg

Calcium 22mg Calcium 7mg

Iron 3% Iron 3%

Vitamin A 16 g Vitamin A 0g

VitaminC 20 g VitaminC 5mg

Energy bars are very popular among teenagers because it can provide instant energy and easy to
carry. Based on the nutritional information above, choose the most suitable sample of energy bar
for a school's athlete. Explain your choice.

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