Gmath Final Exam

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The section of statistics which involves the collection, organization, summarizing, and presentation of data
relating to some population or sample is *
o Inferential statistics
o The study of statistics
o Descriptive statistics
o An example of frequency distribution

The following are descriptive statistics except *

o Based from a study, smoking increases the risk of lung cancer
o Last year’s attendance at a basketball game was 883452
o 95% of the sample has height between 66 and 74 inches
o The chance of a newborn being female is 50%

A qualitative variable *
o Has only two possible outcomes
o It is not numeric
o Always refer to a sample
o All of the above are correct

Quantitative value that characterizes a sample *

o Parameter
o Statistic
o Sample
o Data

What type of sampling technique is used in the given situation ?The students were subdivided into 24
different categories according to major, classification, gender and national origin. A proportionate number
from each group was sampled. *
o Cluster
o Random
o Stratified
o Systematic

The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr. Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. How many samples should the researcher take if
she will use 1% margin of error? *

o 8
o 761
o 741
o 751
The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr. Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. Using stratified random sampling, if 200 will be
taken as sample, how many representatives from the first year should be drawn? *

o 76
o 100
o 30
o 38

A national random sample of 20 NSAT scores from 2018 is listed below. Calculate the sample mean and
standard deviation: 29 26 13 23 23 25 17 22 17 19 12 26 30 30 18 14 12 26 17 18 *
o Mean=20.50; SD=5.79
o Mean=20.85; SD=5.94
o Mean=20.50; SD=5.94
o Mean=20.85; SD=5.79

If the mean is 8, then the mean absolute deviation of the scores 10, 9, 3, 8, 10 is *
o 3
o 5
o 2
o 1

Assume that the monthly incomes for 10 people are as follows. P3,400 P3,100 P2,900 P3,700 P4,500
P2,800 P3,000 P4,100 P5,100 P12,000 The median for the distribution set is *
o P3,550
o P3,400
o P3,700
o P3,650

The scores of Psychology students in their GMath quiz are presented in stem-and-leaf plot/diagram as
shown below. Find the midrange and sample variance. *

o Midrange = 41.5; Var = 245.01

o Midrange = 63; Var = 235.21
o Midrange = 41.5; Var = 15.34
o Midrange = 63; Var = 15.65
A student’s grade in a GMATH course is comprised of exam (40%), quizzes (20%), problem set (20%), and
a final project (20%). His scores for each of the categories are 85 (exam), 100 (quizzes), 92 (problem set)
and 84 (final project). Calculate his overall grade. *
o 86.7
o 90.25
o 88.2
o 89.2

The test scores of 19 students are 36 45 49 53 55 56 59 61 62 65 67 72 77 80 81 85 91 94 96. Find the 34th

percentile. Interpret the result. *
o 59; 34% of the scores falls below 59
o 61; 34% of the scores falls below 61
o 59; 59% of the scores falls below 34
o 61; 61% of the scores falls below 34

The test scores of 19 students are 36 45 49 53 55 56 59 61 62 65 67 72 77 80 81 85 91 94 96. Find the 7th

decile. Interpret the result *
o 77; 70% of the scores falls below 77
o 80; 70% of the scores falls below 80
o 80; 7% of the scores falls below 80
o 77; 7% of the scores falls below 77

An instructor recorded the following quiz scores (out of a possible 10 points) for the 12 students present: 7,
4, 4, 7, 2, 9, 10, 6, 7, 3, 8, 5. The mode for this set of scores is *
o 7
o 10
o 4
o None

Professor Miguel has just given a math exam and wants to calculate the 'range' of performance of his
students. What must he do? *
o Find the score that occurs most often.
o Subtract the lowest score from the highest score.
o Identify the central score.
o Identify how far from average each score is.

Professor Miguel wants to ensure he is thorough in his review of student performance, so he decides to
calculate 'standard deviation' as well. What must Professor Miguel do to figure out this measure of
variability? *
o Identify how far from average each score is.
o Subtract the lowest score from the highest score.
o Identify the central score.
o Find the score that occurs most often.
Which of the following statements is true regarding this data set: 41, 13, 17, 10, 5, 19? *
o The mean is 17.5.
o Q1 equals 19.
o The median is 17.
o The mode is 2
Given the standard deviation of 7, what is the variance? *
o 49
o square root of 49
o square root of 7
o 7

How do you get the standard deviation if you have the variance? *
o Take the square root
o Square it
o Take the reciprocal
o Subtract the mean

The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. How many samples should the research take if
she will use 1 % margin of error, at an α=0.05? *

o 8
o 761
o 751
o 741
The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. What sampling method should she be used to
draw the samples from the total population of students? *

o Stratified sampling
o Cluster sampling
o Multi stage sampling
o Systematic Random Sampling

The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. If 200 will be taken as sample, how many
representatives from the first year should be drawn? *

o 100
o 76
o 30
o 38

The following data consist of the present school enrollment of the Dr Vesse High School. A study on the
recent teaching strategies will be conducted in this school. If 500 will be taken as sample, how many
students from the fourth year should be drawn? *

o 123
o 154
o 173
o 203
The coefficient of variation of the height of 20 people selected at random from a given city is found to be
15%. The weight of the selected group has a mean value 72 kg and a standard deviation 8 kg. The obtained
results show that *
o height and weight have the same degree of variation.
o height and weight are independent.
o the weight is less variable than height.
o the weight is more variable than height.

The coefficient of variation of the height of 20 people selected at random from a given city is found to be
15%. The weight of the selected group has a mean value 72 kg and a standard deviation 8 kg. The
coefficient of variation for the weight of the selected group is *
o 11.11%
o 1.11%
o 8.33%
o 83.33%

Linear programming theory states that the optimal solution to any problem will lie at *
o a corner point of the feasible region.
o the highest point of the feasible region.
o the lowest point in the feasible region.
o the origin.

In order for a linear programming problem to have a unique solution, the solution must exist  *
o at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint.
o at the intersection of a nonnegativity constraint and a resource constraint.
o at the intersection of two or more constraints.
o at the intersection of the nonnegativity constraints.

Which of the following statements is/are correct? *

o Neither
o Both
o i only
o ii only

Which of the following statements is/are not correct? *

o Neither
o ii only
o i only
o Both
When a vertex Q is connected by an edge to a vertex K, what is the term for the relationship between Q and
K? *
o Q and K are "incident."
o Q and K are "insecure."
o Q and K are "adjacent."
o Q and K are "isolated."

Vertex e is *

o isolated vertex
o an incident vertex
o insecure vertex
o adjacent vertex

A walk is closed if the first and last vertices of the walk are the same, that is, if you finish at the same vertex
at which you started. *
o False
o True

A graph with no edges is known as an empty graph. Empty graph is also known as *
o Regular Graph
o Complicated Graph
o Trivial Graph
o Bipartite Graph
o False

The graph below has several possible Euler tours. Which is not an Euler tour? *

o None of the above


Which of the graphs have an Euler tour? *

o Neither
o Both
o A only
o B only

Which of the graphs have an Euler path? *

o Neither
o A only
o Both
o B only

Which of the following statements are correct? *

o ii only
o Neither
o Both
o i only

Refer to the graph and choose the best answer: *

o Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian cycle

o Hamiltonian path
o Hamiltonian cycle
o Neither a Hamiltonian path nor Hamiltonian cycle

Tessa wants to deliver the mail. She begins at the Post Office where she picks up the mail each day, but
wants to end close to her home. She only wants to go down each street once. Her home is 5 miles from the
Post Office. Which graph would best meet this scenario? *
o Euler tour
o Hamiltonian cycle
o Euler path
o Hamiltonian path

Laarni is planning a trip. She wants to fly out of Charlotte, visit New York, visit Hollywood, and end up at her
parent's home in Dallas. Which graph would be best for this scenario?A. Euler *
o Hamiltonian cycle
o Euler tour
o Euler path
o Hamiltonian path

Caroline has to check the stop signs at every intersection in his hometown. She parks her car in the parking
lot of the transportation department and needs to end up back at her car. She only wants to check each
intersection one time. Which graph would be best for this scenario? *
o Hamiltonian path
o Euler path
o Hamiltonian cycle
o Euler tour

A city is planning for a road widening. They want to begin at Session Road, go down each street only once,
and end at Session Road. Which graph would be best for this scenario? *
o Hamiltonian path
o Hamiltonian cycle
o Euler path
o Euler tour

Problem Situation 1
Correlation and Regression

An important application of regression analysis is in the estimation of cost. By collecting data on volume and
cost and using the least squares method to develop an estimated regression equation relating volume and
cost, one can estimate the cost associated with a particular manufacturing volume. Consider the following
sample of monthly production volumes and total costs data for a manufacturing operation for the year 2018.

Which of the following is NOT necessarily true about the interpretation of the value of b in the simple linear
regression equation y = a + bx for this problem? *

o i and ii only
o ii only
o iii only
o ii and iii only

Which of the following statements are true about the dependent (or response) and independent (or predictor)
variables for the simple linear model in this problem? *

o i and ii only
o i and iii only
o ii and iii only
o i, ii, and iii

Calculate the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between production volume and total costs in this problem.  *
o 0.8391
o 0.9571
o 0.9160
o 0.9783

Which of the following is the most suitable interpretation of the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between
production volume and total costs in this problem? *
o There is a perfect positive correlation between production volume and total costs.
o There is a very strong positive correlation between production volume and total costs.
o There is a strong positive correlation between production volume and total costs.
o There is a positive correlation between production volume and total costs.

The equation of the regression line is given by *

o y = -116.01 + 0.12x
o y = 1321.32 - 7.64x
o y = 116.01 + 0.12x
o y = 7.64x + 1321.32

How much is the estimated total costs if the corresponding production volume for a particular month is 300
units? *
o $274.80
o $287.13
o $2,293.11
o $3,614.43

Problem Situation 2
Linear Programming

A company that operated 10 hours a day manufactures two products on three sequential processes. The
following table summarizes the data for the problem:

Which of the following is the most appropriate representation for variables x and y for the given situation?  *
o x is the # of units of Product 1 to be delivered; y is the # of units of Product 2 to be delivered.
o x is the # of units of Product 1 to be stored; y is the # of units of Product 2 to be stored
o x is the # of units of Product 1 to be procured; y is the # of units of Product 2 to be procured.
o x is the # of units of Product 1 to be produced; y is the # of units of Product 2 to be produced.

Which of the following is the most appropriate objective function for the given situation? *
o Minimize 20x+30y
o Minimize 30x+20y
o Maximize 30x+20y
o Maximize 20x+30y
Which of the following accurately shows the constraint on the daily capacity for the first production
process? *
o 10x+5y≤600
o 10x+5y≤10
o 10x+5y≥600
o 10x+5y≥10

Which of the following accurately shows the constraint on the daily capacity for the second production
process? *
o 6x+20y≥10
o 6x+20y≥600
o 6x+20y≤600
o 6x+20y≤10

Which of the following accurately shows the constraint on the daily capacity for the third production
process? *
o 8x+10y≤10
o 8x+10y≥600
o 8x+10y≤600
o 8x+10y≥10

How many units of Product 1 should be produced to achieve the optimum solution? *
o 60
o 54.92
o 50
o 52.94

How many units of Product 2 should be produced to achieve the optimum solution? *
o 12.14
o 12
o 14.12
o 20

What is the optimum value of the objective function? *

o Php 1,428.35
o Php 1,560.00
o Php 1,600.00
o Php 1,482.35

LP Model 1
Linear Programming

Given the LP Model

The LP problem has an unbounded feasible region *
o True
o False

How many corner points are there in this LP problem? *

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4

Which of the following points is not a corner point in the feasible region for this LP problem?  *
o (0,0)
o (0,10)
o (4,6)
o None of the above

Which of the following gives an optimal value of the objective function for the LP model in this problem? *
o (0,0)
o (0,10)
o (4,6)
o None of the above

LP Model 2
Linear Programming

Given the LP Model

The LP problem has an unbounded feasible region *

o True
o False

How many corner points are there in this LP problem? *

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4

Which of the following points is a corner point in the feasible region for this LP problem? *
o (0,0)
o (0,10)
o (4,6)
o None of the above

Which of the following gives an optimal value of the objective function for the LP model in this problem? *
o (0,0)
o (0,10)
o (4,6)
o None of the above

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