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Exploration on Entrepreneurial Business Opportunity 

Faculty : Faculty of Accountancy

Program : AC111 – Diploma in Accountancy

Course Code : ENT300

Semester : 3

Name & ID No : Siti Norzahirah Binti Norazam / 2020481832

Submitted to
Madam Balqis Binti Mohd Shariff

Submission Date
10 December 2021


4.0 APPENDICES 9 - 12

Executive Summary

Rielkies by Aeril Zafrel is a food product that sell chocolate jars with various types of
flavours. Rielkies offers four type of flavours which are Riel Mini Crunch, Riel Ball, Cookie
Crumbs and Red Velvet Cookies. This brand offers an affordable price for each of their
product. I become a dropship for this brand because I want to represent all the hungry
students during online classes and provide them with food that can ease their hunger before
they eat a proper meal so that they have enough energy during classes.

I used social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to promote
the product to my customers. My targeted customers are teenagers especially students, adult,
kids, and relatives. Other than that, my business revenue is dropship commission that I
received for each product that I sold to my customers. I started my business with zero capital
as I did not have to hold stocks as a dropship.

Next, for my business market analysis I chose to use Business Model Canvas (BMC)
method. Based on nine business categories, this is a technique of analysing, creating,
strategizing, and evaluating business style. Customer segments, firm's value propositions,
marketing channels, customer connections, key partners, key activities, key resources, cost
structure, and revenue streams are all included in the BMC, which is a canvas or chart that
comprises at least nine sections or features in a business model.

Project Description (Before Activity)

After analysing and searching for business opportunities on the industry, the business
that I chose to run is by selling Rielkies which is a food product. Rielkies is a chocolate jar
that offers many flavours. One of the reasons why I choose to sell Rielkies is because most
people around me are students. Since we are in the middle of pandemic, most students are
attending online classes just like myself. Therefore, as a student we always spend our time in
front of our laptop until we forgot to eat. To prevent that, I thought why not we keep
ourselves some snacks beside us so that we can cure our hunger until the class is over.
Besides, I thought that chocolate jar is very famous among people regardless any age. Hence,
because of my perspective as a student, I took this opportunity to represent all the hungry
students out there and decided to provide them a product that can cure their hunger during
class which is Rielkies by Aeril Zafrel by becoming a dropship.

Other than that, Rielkies by Aeril Zafrel offers an affordable price for their products
which students will be able to buy them. Since most students does not have a stable income,
they are more attract to a product that offers an affordable price rather than the expensive

Rielkies offers four type of flavours which are Riel Mini Crunch, Riel Ball, Cookie
Crumbs and Red Velvet Cookies. However, I will only sell three types of Rielkies which are
Riel Mini Crunch, Riel Ball and Cookie Crumbs since Red Velvet Cookies were out of stock.
To become a dropship, I had contact one of their agent which is Mrs Lily through Instagram.
Since this was the first time, I become a dropship she had explained to me what all the jobs
that I need to do as a dropship. As a dropship, I did not have to issue any capital since I just
need to promote the products and forward the orders to the agent. I also did not have to keep
any stocks.

To promote the products, I will use social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and WhatsApp whereby a content in the form of poster will be uploaded every
day. The business would be running completely through online platform and there will be no
face to face selling activity. I also joined their official Telegram group which is Team Stars
Rielkies to get all the posters and information regarding the products such as how the
products were manufactured as well as the selling price. Customers need to contact me either

through WhatsApp or direct message on Instagram and I will forward their order to the
respective agent to post them out.

Project Outcome (After Activity)

I became a Rielkies’ dropship for about a month starting from 2nd November 2021 until
2nd December 2021. In the first week of becoming a dropship, my agent, Mrs Lily just
ordered me to promote and introduced the product on any of my social media platforms.
Therefore, on the first week I did not receive any order as I only promoted them. I promoted
the product on my WhatsApp status, Instagram story as well as creating a post on Facebook.

Next, the retail price for both Riel Mini Crunch, Riel Ball is RM16 per tub and Cookie
Crumbs RM17 per tub. However, since I was just a dropship, the price that I need to forward
to the agent for each product are RM13.50 per tub for Riel Mini Crunch, RM14 per tub for
Riel Ball and RM15 per tub for Cookie Crumbs. Therefore, for both Riel Ball and Cookie
Crumb, the commission that I will be received is RM2 per tub and RM2.50 for Riel Mini
Crunch per tub.

Retail Price Dropship's
Products Received
(RM) Price (RM)
Riel Mini Crunch RM16.00 RM13.50 RM2.50
Riel Ball RM16.00 RM14.00 RM2.00
Cookie Crumb RM17.00 RM15.00 RM2.00

Table 1: Rielkies' Price List

Subsequently, considering that I just a beginner dropship for Rielkies, the sales that I
am targeting is 5 tubs for each Rielkies’ product. Within 2 weeks of becoming a dropship, I
was excited as I was able to sell a total of 20 tubs of the products. Based on the sales that I
gained, I found that Riel Ball was the customers’ favourite as most of the orders that I
received from them was Riel Ball in total of 12 tubs. Therefore, the profit that I manged to
get from the sales of 20 tubs is RM42.50.

Customers Farahiyah Najihah Syahmeen Iffa Syafiqa Mukhlish TOTAL
Riel Mini Crunch 1 1 - 1 - 1 4
Riel Ball 2 1 2 2 3 2 12
Cookie Crumb - 1 1 1 - 1 4
Total Price (RM) RM48.00 RM49.00 RM49.00 RM65.00 RM48.00 RM65.00 RM324.00
Dropship's Price (RM) RM41.50 RM42.50 RM42.50 RM56.50 RM42.00 RM56.50 RM281.50
Total Quantity (Tub) 3 3 3 4 3 4 20
Total Profit (RM) RM6.50 RM6.50 RM6.50 RM8.50 RM6.00 RM8.50 RM42.50

Table 2 : Cash Flow Statement

Moreover, the feedback that I got from my customers was very positive. They were so
happy with the fast reply and quick services that I provided. They said that it only took about
three days for their Rielkies to arrive. However, the most crucial part was when they gave
their feedback on the taste as they all agreed that Rielkies is so tasty. Other than that, they are
also very satisfied with the product because the qualities are on point as what they were
introduced with which one of them is Rielkies was made of premium chocolates. As a seller,
I am very happy to hear their good feedback on the products that I sold.

Experiential Learning (Student’s Experience)

Before I decided to become a dropship, I started to study my environment first. For

example, I had analysed the structure of population and income of people around me
including my neighbourhood. The information that I got is most people around my
neighbourhood are number of teenagers higher than number of elderly and children. On top
of that, most teenagers are students who likely living with their parents who have a stable and
higher income.

Other than that, because of the pandemic that we are facing right now, most students are
taking online class at their home instead of studying at their university. Under this
circumstance, I found that many online students were facing the same problem which is
having a difficulty to focus during online classes. One of the reasons is because they usually
get hungry in the middle of class especially during lunch time as most classes ended around
12.20 p.m. until 1.00 p.m. As a student myself, I can relate to them because I also often get
hungry during classes. Therefore, to overcome this problem I have decided to sell a food
product mostly targeting to online students who want food that they can eat as a backup
before their proper meal which is Rielkies by Aeril Zafrel, a chocolate jar food product.

Next, to make market analysis on business opportunity, I have chosen to use Business
Model Canvas method. Firstly, customer segment for my business are teenagers and student
who are taking online classes. Besides, I also targeting people who likes chocolate as their
snack and favourite dessert.

Subsequently, for the firm’s value propositions Rielkies offers secured packaging of
their products to make sure all the products are always in a good condition until it arrive to
their customers. They also provided immediate service to customer. For instance, they
trained their agents and dropships to always reply to customer’s order quickly as well as
required them to post out the product the day after the order has been placed or at least within
the same week. This is to make sure that their customers do not have to wait for so long to
enjoy their chocolate jar.

As for the marketing channels, Rielkies use mostly social media to reach out to their
customers. For instance, they have their own official Instagram and Facebook account. Other
than that, their agents and dropship also have created their own Instagram account for the

purpose of promoting their products. As a dropship myself, I also has created an Instagram
account mainly for my business activities and I also have changed my WhatsApp’s account
from personal to business account in order to reach my customers and to gain their trust.

Furthermore, this business gained customer relationship is by their customer’s

testimonies on the product. When I run this business, my key partners are my agent, Mrs Lily
and my parent. The key activities that I did as a dropship of Rielkies were marketing and
social media management where I promoted the products. Moreover, my key resources when
I run this business are social media as a platform to expand the brand awareness and audience
reachability. I also have human as my key resource, Mrs Lily as my agent for me to get
information on how to promote the product on my social media effectively.

While doing this business, there is no cost structure was form because my job as a
dropship are to promote the products and collect orders from the customers to be forward to
my agent. Therefore, there are no cost involved in those activities. Finally, the revenue stream
for my business is dropship commission for every product that I sold.

Since this is my first experience of handling a business on my own, I learnt that there
are so many things to care about. Like, how do I greet the customers? How do I get the
customers interested in buying my products? How do I collect order from customers? These
questions had been playing in my mind during the first two weeks of the session. However, if
I did not take this opportunity to challenge myself in starting a business, I would forever be in
the unknown.

Before I started working as a dropship, I had a lack of confidence, felt bashful, was
frightened to deal with people, and was concerned about not selling my items. This can
demonstrate that, since I joined the Rielkies company a month ago, it has improve my life to
become a better seller and to be more courageous in dealing with the buyer and receive
further knowledge and assistance from the agent and other team members. I am now braver in
moving forward, delivering the finest service possible to each of my customers. Furthermore,
regardless of whatever business we start, there will undoubtedly be a bright future ahead of



Figure 1 Rielkies Cookie Crumbs Figure 2 Rielkies Cookie Crumbs Pricing

Figure 3 Rielkies Riel Mini Crunch & Riel Ball Pricing Figure 4 Rielkies Riel Mini Crunch & Riel Ball

Figure 5 Rielkies Combo Price


Figure 6 customer's feedback Figure 7 customer's feedback


Figure 3 Insta strory post

Figure 10 Rielkies Official Telegram's Group


1. Agent activities 1. Secured 1. Customer’s 1. Teenagers
2. Parent 2. Social media packaging testimonies especially
management 2. Immediate service online
customer students
2. Adults
3. Kids
4. Relative


1. Social media (platform to CHANNELS STRUCTURE STREAM
expand brand and audience 1. Facebook - 1. Dropship
reachability) 2. Instagram commission
2. Human (platform to get 3. WhatsApp
information about the products) 4. Telegram



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