Quiz: Quiz: Review Concepts

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Quiz: Review Concepts

Started: Jan 15 at 2:44pm
Quiz Instructions

The quiz:

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

Contains 25 multiple-choice questions.
Is limited to 90 minutes.
Allows 1 attempt.
Is worth 50 points.

This quiz is designed to assess understanding of content from this week’s topics covered in the Learn
section (non-cumulative) and will not require use of SPSS. You have 90 minutes to complete these 25
questions. This allows for judicious use of time to refer to assigned readings and presentations (open
book / open notes), but should be completed with no other forms of collaboration.

Please note: that the Qrst question asks you to indicate your agreement to abide by LUO's Online Honor
Code. Answering this question is required.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 1: Week 1.

Question 1 0 pts

I have read and understand the Academic Honor policy as outlined in the
Online Honor Code (https://www.liberty.edu/students/honor-code-luo/) for Liberty
University Online. I agree to abide by this policy and that the work
submitted herein is my own.



No answer text provided.

No answer text provided.

Question 2 2 pts

Scenario: Suppose participants complete an experiment where ads are

presented subliminally during a task (e.g., Pepsi ads are \ashed at a very
fast rate during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test
for images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants
must choose which one of the two was presented earlier. Both men and
women (18 of each gender) participate in the study, and the researcher
predicts that recognition accuracy (0 â€" 100%) will differ based on
gender. Question: What is the null hypothesis for this scenario?

There is no difference in recognition accuracy based on gender.

There is a difference in recognition accuracy based on gender.

Males have higher recognition accuracy than females.

Males have lower recognition accuracy than females.

Question 3 2 pts
Scenario: Suppose participants complete an experiment where ads are
presented subliminally during a task (e.g., Pepsi ads are \ashed at a very
fast rate during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test
for images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants
must choose which one of the two was presented earlier. Both men and
women (18 of each gender) participate in the study, and the researcher
predicts that recognition accuracy (0 â€" 100%) will differ based on
gender. Question: As taught in 510/515, what is the most appropriate
graph to illustrate this scenario?


Clustered bar graph

Bar graph

Box plot

Question 4 2 pts

Scenario: Suppose participants complete an experiment where ads are

presented subliminally during a task (e.g., Pepsi ads are \ashed at a very
fast rate during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test
for images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants
must choose which one of the two was presented earlier. Both men and
women (18 of each gender) participate in the study, and the researcher
predicts that recognition accuracy (0 â€" 100%) will differ based on
gender. Question: What is the dependent variable in this scenario?

Pepsi ads


Recognition accuracy
Rate of presentation

Question 5 2 pts

Scenario: Suppose participants complete an experiment where ads are

presented subliminally during a task (e.g., Pepsi ads are \ashed at a very
fast rate during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test
for images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants
must choose which one of the two was presented earlier. Both men and
women (18 of each gender) participate in the study, and the researcher
predicts that recognition accuracy (0 â€" 100%) will differ based on
gender. Question: What is the independent variable in this scenario?

Pepsi ads


Recognition accuracy

Rate of presentation

Question 6 2 pts
Scenario: A researcher wants to know whether a hard copy of a textbook
provides additional beneQts over an e-book. She conducts a study where
participants are randomly assigned to read a passage either on a piece of
paper or on a computer screen. After a distractor task lasting 30 minutes,
the participants are tested for their comprehension of the passage with a
multiple-choice test containing 10 questions about their passage.
Comprehension was scored using percent correct (0 â€" 100%). The
researcher predicts that those randomly assigned to read the passage on
a piece of paper will remember signiQcantly more than those who read
the passage online. Question: What is the null hypothesis for this

People who read a passage on a piece of paper will remember more than those
who read a passage online.

People who read a passage on a piece of paper will not remember more than
those who read a passage online.

Amount remembered of a passage will vary based on whether people read the
scenario on a piece of paper verses online.

Amount remembered of a passage will not vary based on whether people read
the scenario on a piece of paper verses online.

Question 7 2 pts
Scenario: A researcher wants to know whether a hard copy of a textbook
provides additional beneQts over an e-book. She conducts a study where
participants are randomly assigned to read a passage either on a piece of
paper or on a computer screen. After a distractor task lasting 30 minutes,
the participants are tested for their comprehension of the passage with a
multiple-choice test containing 10 questions about their passage.
Comprehension was scored using percent correct (0 â€" 100%). The
researcher predicts that those randomly assigned to read the passage on
a piece of paper will remember signiQcantly more than those who read
the passage online. Question: What is the scale of measurement of the
dependent variable in this scenario?




Question 8 2 pts

Scenario: A researcher wants to know whether a hard copy of a textbook

provides additional beneQts over an e-book. She conducts a study where
participants are randomly assigned to read a passage either on a piece of
paper or on a computer screen. After a distractor task lasting 30 minutes,
the participants are tested for their comprehension of the passage with a
multiple-choice test containing 10 questions about their passage.
Comprehension was scored using percent correct (0 â€" 100%). The
researcher predicts that those randomly assigned to read the passage on
a piece of paper will remember signiQcantly more than those who read
the passage online. Question: What is the dependent variable in this

Passage type
Distractor task


Reading level

Question 9 2 pts

Scenario: A researcher wants to know whether a hard copy of a textbook

provides additional beneQts over an e-book. She conducts a study where
participants are randomly assigned to read a passage either on a piece of
paper or on a computer screen. After a distractor task lasting 30 minutes,
the participants are tested for their comprehension of the passage with a
multiple-choice test containing 10 questions about their passage.
Comprehension was scored using percent correct (0 â€" 100%). The
researcher predicts that those randomly assigned to read the passage on
a piece of paper will remember signiQcantly more than those who read
the passage online. Question: What is the research / alternate hypothesis
for this scenario?

People who read a passage on a piece of paper will remember more than those
who read a passage online.

People who read a passage on a piece of paper will not remember more than
those who read a passage online.

Amount remembered of a passage will vary based on whether people read the
scenario on a piece of paper verses online.

Amount remembered of a passage will not vary based on whether people read
the scenario on a piece of paper verses online.

Question 10 2 pts
Scenario: A researcher wants to see whether ESP abilities in psychics
differ based on environment. Thus, the researcher has psychics predict
card suits in both a fortune-telling environment (e.g., low lighting, candles,
a crystal ball), and in a standard lab environment. They complete 100
trials of the task in each environment, with the environment type
counterbalanced between participants. All 30 psychics completed the
card prediction task in both environments. Accuracy rates are compared.
Question: What is the dependent variable in this scenario?


Accuracy rate


Card suit

Question 11 2 pts

Scenario: A researcher wants to see whether ESP abilities in psychics

differ based on environment. Thus, the researcher has psychics predict
card suits in both a fortune-telling environment (e.g., low lighting, candles,
a crystal ball), and in a standard lab environment. They complete 100
trials of the task in each environment, with the environment type
counterbalanced between participants. All 30 psychics completed the
card prediction task in both environments. Accuracy rates are compared.
Question: What is the research / alternate hypothesis for this scenario?

Ability to predict card suits differs based on a psychic’s environment.

Ability to predict card suits does not differ based on a psychic’s


Psychics can better predict card suits when in their natural environment.
Psychics cannot better predict card suits when in their natural environment.

Question 12 2 pts

Scenario: A researcher wants to see whether ESP abilities in psychics

differ based on environment. Thus, the researcher has psychics predict
card suits in both a fortune-telling environment (e.g., low lighting, candles,
a crystal ball), and in a standard lab environment. They complete 100
trials of the task in each environment, with the environment type
counterbalanced between participants. All 30 psychics completed the
card prediction task in both environments. Accuracy rates are compared.
Question: What is the null hypothesis for this scenario?

Ability to predict card suits differs based on a psychic’s environment.

Ability to predict card suits does not differ based on a psychic’s


Psychics can better predict card suits when in their natural environment.

Psychics cannot better predict card suits when in their natural environment.

Question 13 2 pts
Scenario: A researcher wants to see whether ESP abilities in psychics
differ based on environment. Thus, the researcher has psychics predict
card suits in both a fortune-telling environment (e.g., low lighting, candles,
a crystal ball), and in a standard lab environment. They complete 100
trials of the task in each environment, with the environment type
counterbalanced between participants. All 30 psychics completed the
card prediction task in both environments. Accuracy rates are compared.
Question: Which of the following best describes the scenario?



Mixed design

Question 14 2 pts

Scenario: Is there a relationship between worker type (X) and productivity

(Y)? The researcher deQned worker type (X) as blue or white collar, and
productivity (Y) as “high†or “lowâ€. Question: What is the scale
of measurement for variable X in this scenario?




Question 15 2 pts
Scenario: Is there a relationship between test scores (X) and presentation
type (Y)? Test scores were quantiQed using the % correct. Students were
able to choose the presentation type of their test â€" they could take the
test online or in-person. Question: What is the most appropriate statistical
test to conduct given this scenario?

Pearson’s r correlation

Spearman correlation

Point Biserial correlation

Phi correlation

Question 16 2 pts

Scenario: Does studying with background music (X) improve test scores
(Y)? Students self-reported whether or not they listened to background
music (“Yes†or “Noâ€), and the last score the earned on an
exam (0-100%). Question: What is the most appropriate statistical test to
conduct given this scenario?

Pearson’s r correlation

Spearman correlation

Point Biserial correlation

Phi correlation

Question 17 2 pts
Scenario: Is there a relationship between GPA (X) and amount of time
spent playing video games (Y)? A researcher quantiQed GPA as self-
report on a scale of 0 â€" 4.0 and had students self-report the number of
hours spent playing video games per week. Question: What is the scale of
measurement for variable Y in this scenario?




Question 18 2 pts

Scenario: Does studying with background music (X) improve test scores
(Y)? Students self-reported whether or not they listened to background
music (“Yes†or “Noâ€), and the last score the earned on an
exam (0-100%). Question: What is the scale of measurement for variable
X in this scenario?




Question 19 2 pts
Scenario: Does studying with background music (X) improve test scores
(Y)? Students self-reported whether or not they listened to background
music (“Yes†or “Noâ€), and the last score the earned on an
exam (0-100%). Question: What is the scale of measurement for variable
Y in this scenario?




Question 20 2 pts

Scenario: Is there a relationship between worker type (X) and productivity

(Y)? The researcher deQned worker type (X) as blue or white collar, and
productivity (Y) as “high†or “lowâ€. Question: What is the scale
of measurement for variable Y in this scenario?




Question 21 2 pts

Which of the following correlation coelcients is the strongest?




Question 22 2 pts

If interested in examining the relationship between happiness (measured

using a Likert scale), and gender (male/female), which test is most

Spearman’s correlation

Pearson’s r correlation

Point-biserial correlation

Phi correlation

Question 23 2 pts

If a teacher wants to assess whether there is a difference between males

and females on test performance, the null hypothesis would be:

There is no difference in test performance between genders.

There is a difference in test performance between genders.

Males will perform better than females on test performance.

Males will not perform better than females on test performance.

Question 24 2 pts

A ___________ correlation indicates that both variables increase and

decrease simultaneously (in the same direction).





Question 25 2 pts

If interested in examining the relationship between happiness (measured

using a Likert scale), and gender (male/female), which graph is most
appropriate as taught in 510/515?


clustered bar graph

bar graph

box plot

Question 26 2 pts
If examining the relationship between academic rank and ranked
attractiveness, which statistical test would be most appropriate?

Point biserial correlation

Pearson’s r correlation

Spearman correlation

Paired samples t-test

Quiz saved at 9:23am SUBMIT QUIZ

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