Review SPSS (1) Assignment Instructions

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PSYC 515 SPSS M1 1


This worksheet is designed to assess your ability to perform, interpret, report, and graphically represent the
following statistical tests using SPSS and standard reporting conventions as covered in this course: correlations,
regression, independent samples t tests, and correlated groups t tests. These are standard tests in our field and
are foundational to the more sophisticated research designs. Knowledge of these tests provide fundamental
skills to critically evaluating and producing research in one’s field.

Be sure you have reviewed this module’s assigned readings and presentations before completing this
assignment. This assignment is worth 60 points. Each question is worth 3 content points. Six (6) points are
assigned to format. This includes using ensuring the homework is completed and submitted according to the
instructions, SPSS output and images are legible and relevant, and that basic college level writing skills (e.g.,
grammar) are used in the write-ups. Answers should be placed where indicated (e.g., “ANSWER”). Note: all
questions must be attempted to be eligible for full credit of “format” points.
 Please note that for all problems in this course, the standard cut-off (alpha) for a test of significance will
be .05, and you always report the exact power unless SPSS output states p=.000 (you’d report p<.001).
Also, remember that we divide the p-value in half when reporting one-tailed tests with 1 – 2 groups. Also –
remember to check your graphs! You often have to ADD the y – axis title.
 Submit the file as a WORD document (.doc or .docx). Make sure the filename of your submission includes
your full name, course and section.
o Example: SPSS1_JohnDoe_515B01

Scenario 1
A major university would like to improve its tarnished image following a large on-campus scandal. Its
marketing department develops a short television commercial and tests it on a sample of n = 7, the first seven
students who entered a housing commons area who agreed to participate. Attitudes about the university are
measured with a short questionnaire, both before and after viewing the commercial. Attitudes were on a scale
of 0 – 20, which higher numbers reflecting better attitudes. Use the provided data to examine whether the
commercial improved the university’s image. The data are as follows:
Person  X1 (before)  X2 (after) 
A  15  15 
B  11  13 
C  10  18 
D  11  12 
E  14  16 
F  10  10 
G  11  19 
H  10  20 
I  12  13 
J  15  18 

1. In this specific scenario, what is the independent variable? Is it between or within subjects? How
many levels does it have, and what are they?
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PSYC 515 SPSS M1 2

2. In this specific scenario, what is the dependent variable? What is its scale of measurement (nominal,
ordinal, or scale)?

3. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:


4. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below:

5. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical
notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant,
state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of
APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.

6. Do you think this experiment has more internal validity or external validity? Explain your answer.
(You may want to review chapters 9-10 in your Jackson e-book).


Scenario 2

To measure whether test performance can be predicted based on one’s anxiety, a researcher asked his
students to come to the lab 15 minutes before they were to take an exam in his class. The researcher measured
the students' heart rates and then matched these scores with their exam performance after they had taken the
exam. Use the data below and SPSS to test whether heart rate can predict test performance in the population.

Heart Rate  Exam Score 

A  76  78 
B  81  68 
C  60  88 
D  65  80 
E  80  90 
F  66  68 
G  82  60 
H  71  95 
I  66  84 
J  75  75 
K  80  62 
L  76  51 
M  77  63 
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PSYC 515 SPSS M1 3
N  79  71 

7. In this specific scenario, are the two variables of interest? Which is the IV and which is the DV? What
is the scale of measurement for each variable?

8. Relate to this specific scenario: What is the null hypothesis? What is the alternate / research
hypothesis? Which one do you statistically assess?

9. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:


10. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below:

11. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical
notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant,
state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of
APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.

12. What is a potential confound of this study? Provide a sufficient justification.


Scenario 3

A psychology instructor at a large university teaches statistics. There are 22 students in the class, and he has
broken them into two groups. Each group has a different graduate assistant who is responsible for running
separate breakout lecture and lab sections of the course. One graduate assistant (GA) has lots of experience
teaching, while the other has more limited experience. The instructor wants to check for comparable learning
across the two GAs, hoping students receive similar experiences (i.e., to find no difference). The data below
are the scores (out of 100) of the students on the first midterm. Use it to test whether there is a difference
between the groups.  

Group 2 (more
Group 1 (less experienced GA) 
experienced GA) 
60  70 
65  85 
69  72 
58  83 
57  81 
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PSYC 515 SPSS M1 4
59  69 
52  65 
72  75 
70  79 
65  71 
 75 80

13. In this specific scenario, what is the independent variable? Is it between or within subjects? How
many levels does it have, and what are they?

14. In this specific scenario, what is the dependent variable? What is its scale of measurement?

15. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:

16. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below:

17. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical
notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant,
state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of
APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.

18. Using information from this scenario, determine the degrees of freedom and whether this is a one- or
two-tailed test. Use the Appendix in your e-book to find the critical value. Do not round – provide the
exact critical value below. Label it “critical value”. Also provide the “obtained value” from your
SPSS (and label it as such).
Compare the critical and obtained values – does the critical value exceed the obtained value? What
does this mean in regards to the null hypothesis (would you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis)?

DONE! Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 1.

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