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Chapter 3 Case

1. Based on your understanding of both Dawn and Adam, how would you characterize the
communication style of each?

Dawn is characterized as amiable, while Adam is a driver. Dawn is sincere in other people’s hobbies,
interests, families, and mutual friends. She likes socializing with other people and communicates well,
while Adam is a driver because of his tough personality. He is not outgoing, and he likes being in charge.
He tends to be businesslike and rarely takes advice from others.

2. What, if any, preparations and style flexing should Dawn make to better relate to and communicate
with Adam?

Dawn should facilitate effective communication with Adam. She must be aware of Adam’s personal
style. Dawn should adjust to the needs and preferences of Adam to achieve great results. When the
meeting starts, Dawn should listen and focus on Adam’s ideas and objectives. Presenting factual
evidence and maintaining a quick pace is appropriate.

3. Who all might be involved in the buying decision for Red Meadows with regard to Dawn’s offering?
For each, explain why and how?

The company owner/president, Director of marketing and sales, Director of operations, Director of
information technology, Director of accounting and finance are involved in the buying decision for Red

The president of Red Meadows is highly involved in decision-making, and the final choice is up to him.
He is well experienced and knows the buying process.

The Director of marketing/sales and operations is knowledgeable about the product and services. They
develop marketing budgets. They are responsible for ensuring business growth and development.

The Director of information technology in the business requirements for IT systems and manages the
design and eliminating security risks. Since RelationshipFirst, Inc. is into software industry, the Director
of information technology knows the technical part of the business.

Lastly, the Director of accounting and finance is responsible for budgeting, planning, and analyzing
finances. He can determine if the proposal meets the financial requirement.

4. Explain at least two needs that might be met by Red Meadows by purchasing the software offered
by RelationshipsFirst.
Red Meadows might meet the nursery and landscaping needs of the customer by purchasing the
software offered by RelationshipsFirst.

Continuing case

1. What type of communication style do you believe Tom exhibits? What are the characteristics of this
communication style?

Tom’s communication style is analytical. He is logical and very controlled. Brenda found him cool and
aloof, deliberate in both his communication and actions.

2. Based on your understanding of Tom’s communication style, outline a plan for selling to Tom

When it comes to selling services to an analytical person, it is crucial to adjust by slowing down to their
natural pace and ruling in the level of spontaneity. Brenda should make detailed information and
analysis to convince Tom. Benda can provide a detailed implementation plan and maintain regular

3. Identify other members of Tom Penders’ organization that may play a role in the buying decision
and explain the role they might play. How should Brenda handle these individuals?

The office professional assigned to each division acts as the gatekeepers who can control the
information between the vendor and the buying member. Brenda should gather information about the
company through the office professional, address their needs and objectives adequately.

4. Explain the types of buyer needs that will be most important in this selling situation.

Functional and knowledge needs are essential in this selling situation. NCC is a copier provider; Tom
needs to know how the product works. He seeks to purchase information to increase their knowledge
about the product/services.

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