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INSTRUCTIONS: Do a video recording explaining the problems you've made in your task pe
answer.Your video must be a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes.


40pts- Demonstrates full 30pts-Is at ease with expected
knowledge explaning the answers to all questions,
problem without elaboration
• Provides clear purpose and • Has somewhat clear
subject; pertinent examples, purpose and subject; some
facts, and/or formulas; examples, facts, and/or
supports conclusions/ideas statistics that support the
CONTENT with evidence. subject; includes some data
or evidence that supports

30pts- Holds attention of entire 25pts- • Speaks with satisfactory

audience with the use of variation of volume and
direct eye contact, seldom inflection
looking at notes
• Speaks with fluctuation in
DELIVERY volume and inflection to
maintain audience interest
and emphasize key points

ENTHUSIASM/ 30pts- • Demonstrates strong 25pts- • Shows some enthusiastic

AUDIENCE enthusiasm about topic feelings about topic
AWARENESS during entire presentation • Raises audience
• Significantly increases understanding and
audience understanding awareness of most points
and knowledge of topic;
convinces an audience to
recognize the validity and
importance of the subject

Total: 100pts
problems you've made in your task performance. Explain the process/solving of how you arrive with your final
and a maximum of 15 minutes.


30pts-Is at ease with expected 20pts- Is uncomfortable with 10pts- • Does not have grasp of
answers to all questions, information and is able to information and cannot
without elaboration answer only rudimentary answer questions about
• Has somewhat clear questions subject
purpose and subject; some • Attempts to define purpose • Does not clearly define
examples, facts, and/or and subject; provides subject and purpose;
statistics that support the weak examples, facts, and/ provides weak or no
subject; includes some data or statistics, which do not support of subject; gives
or evidence that supports adequately support the insufficient support for ideas
conclusions subject; includes very thin or conclusions
data or evidence

25pts- • Speaks with satisfactory 20pts- Displays minimal 10pts- • Holds no contact with
variation of volume and contact with audience, audience, as entire report is
inflection while reading mostly from read from notes
the notes • Speaks in low volume and/
• Speaks in uneven volume or monotonous tone,
with little or no inflection which causes audience to

25pts- • Shows some enthusiastic 20pts- Shows little or mixed 10pts- Shows no interest in topic
feelings about topic feelings about the topic presented
• Raises audience being presented • Fails to increase audience
understanding and • Raises audience understanding of
awareness of most points understanding and knowledge of topic
knowledge of some points
h your final

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