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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT aes Sensi usn | [ LT I | 15C873 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Jan/Feb. 2021 Machine Learning ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Markgo 4 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module i Modutes1 * 2 1 a. Define machine learning. Explain with specific examples. Mas) a How you will design a learning system? Explain with examples Marks) i . List and explain perspectives and issues in Machine Learning. (04 Marks) a oR EF 2. a. Define concept leaming. Explain the task of concept learning (06 Marks) ig How the concept learning can be viewed as the task of seagchi Sain (04 Marks) Sie. Explain with examples: ef ’) Find-§ algorithm Es ii) Candidate Elimination algorithm (06 Marks) uf Moda 22 3. a Define decision tree leaning. List and ex} priate problems for decision tree ce learning. (06 Marks) Ee Enplin the basic decision tree earning (0s Marks) Ee. Describe Hypothesis space search in learning (OsMarks) 5 2 4 a, Define inductive bias, Explain duce tps in decision tree learning. (06 Marks) & b. Give the differences bet this space search in [D3 and candidate elimination 4 algorithm (4 Marks) % ——e._Listand explain issue is Muon tee learning (06Maris) i Modute-3 Es a, Define Anificia 3s Explain biological earning systems (Os Marks) 5 +b, Explain rey wral network. (05 Marks) 2c. Describe thy of Back propagation algorithm. (O6marks) : 4 oR FE 6 a. Defi Explain representational power of Perceptrons (os Marks) ge Explain gr ent algorithm. (osmtarks) 8 ibe derivation of the Back propagation rule (osmtarks) 3 « = 7 ‘plain features of Bayesian learning methods. (06 Marks) . rribe Brute-Force map learning algorithm, (05 Marks) i CMBR maximum likelihood and least-squared error hypothesis (osMarks) Lof2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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