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Daily routine

1. Complete the actions with the words in the box.

In the morning
1. get ______________
2. have a ____________
3. get ____________
4. have ___________ - breakfast
5. brush my ___________ - teeth
6. go to ___________ - school
- lunch
At school - homework
7. start ____________ - dinner
8. have ____________ - television
- bed
After school - up
9. do my ____________ - dressed
10. have _____________ - shower
- lessonsc
In the evening
11. watch _______________
12. go to _______________

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

In the _______________ the little girl goes to the bathroom. She

- bedroom
brushes her ___________ and her mother brushes her teeth too.
- morning
After school the little girl does her ________________ in her
- homework
- teeth
After doing her homework she ______________ television and plays
- bed
with her toy.
- watches
After dinner she goes to __________.

3. What time is it?

4. Complete with do, does, don't, doesn't.
a. _____ she have classes in the morning? Yes, she _____.
b. Where ___ you have lunch?
c. What _____ he have for breakfast?
d. _____ they play football in the afternoon? No, they ______.
e. What time ______ your sister go to bed?
f. ________ she play basketball after school? No, she _________.

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