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Fitness Lesson 6 Interval Training

Teaching Ideas

Learning Objective: To understand the basics of fitness.

Success Criteria: • To know what aerobic endurance is and how it affects people taking part in sports.

• To understand the interval training method and how it is used to develop aerobic endurance.

• High Achievers: to link the interval training method to specific sports and understand why these
would improve an athlete’s performance. They will also understand the positive and negative
aspects of this method.
Context: Introducing the various fitness concepts to KS3 students – interval training.

Mark out an area (between 100-200m). Make sure that all students a pen and an Interval Training Activity Sheet. Split the class
into groups of 4 and get them to carry out a student-led warm up.

Main Activities
Variations of Training
This lesson allows the class to recap continuous training and introduces them to interval training. Discus what interval training is
and how it involves a period of rest and work.

Ask students what they think the differences are. Who would this type of training be more useful to? Why would it be used?

Go through each task on the Interval Training Activity Sheet, encouraging students to think which is interval training, which is
more interesting, which 4 laps were the easiest?

Task 1
Can be centrally-timed by either the teacher or a non-participant.

All members of the group must run 4 laps of the course at the same time, they may choose to run together or individually but their
group time is recorded when the last one crosses the finish line. Recap the continuous training lesson and encourage students to
go at a steady pace.

Task 2
Get the students to number themselves one-to-four.

This time all member will complete 4 laps but only one person will run the lap at a time.

Whilst one person is running the other members of the group are skipping walking and resting.

1 = Run 2 = Skip 3 = Walk Shuttles 4 = Rest

Have areas marked out for each activity. After the students have run, they move to skip then to walk then to rest.

Task 3
Again, this task involves the students running 4 laps which equals a total of 16 as a group. However, as a group they need to
decide if they are going to change runner each time or run two then swap or each member can run their 4 laps then rest for the
remainder of the time. This is a race so they have to think about which would be the quickest.

Task 4
This is like a team relay race.

Number 1 hands the baton to Number 2 and stays there.


Number 1 hands the baton to Number 2 and stays there.

This activity carries on until they are back in their original positions for the fourth time. Student 1 will pass to student 2 who
passes to student 3 who passes to student 4 and then back to student 1 again.

Go through each task the students completed and discuss

• Which task they found the easiest and hardest.

• Why was this?

• Which one represented interval training?

• Is it better than continuous training?

Then discuss how interval training can vary depending on which sport you are training for.


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