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In every story, there a coward. Someone who scared to do the right thing, or someone

who’s mind tells them they’re doing the right thing, but they aren’t. a lot of people don’t realize

they are a coward, but when they do have that realization, they end up facing their fears and

doing the right thing.

Some villains gain power to rival their cowardice. Take Rumpelstiltskin from Once upon

a time, played by Robert Carlyle. After purposely injuring himself in a the ogre wars, he comes

home, and his wife leaves him for his feebleness. After that his son is drafted into the war, and

Rumpelstiltskin become the dark one, using his newfound power to end the war and take his son

back. Ashamed of his father Baelfire finds our world, a land without magic. He opens a portal to

it and tries to get his father through. Rumpelstiltskin succumbs to his fear and refuses to go to

that world. Baelfire falls through, leaving his father alone. As the dark one, he uses his powers to

fight his regret.

Another example of cowardice is Rachel Roth (Raven) from teen titans. Her fears can

come in handy. She can use her fear to grow stronger and protect her family. But the thing is, she

is scared to use her power, and buries her emotion, fearing that she’ll lose control and hurt her

friends. Learning to use he cowardice as a weapon is her goal throughout the entire show.

Therefore, fear is sometimes the most powerful weapon you can have.
In conclusion, being a coward can mean different things. Being a coward could mean

using power to fight your fears like Rumpelstiltskin, or learning to use you fear and power, like

raven. I believe that there a coward in everyone, that only shows its face when it really needs to.

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