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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 on 18 September 2008. Downloaded from on October 8, 2019 at National Cheng Kung University
Psoas and quadratus lumborum muscle asymmetry
among elite Australian Football League players
J Hides,1,2 T Fan,1,2 W Stanton,2 P Stanton,3 K McMahon,4 S Wilson5
Division of Physiotherapy, ABSTRACT limb muscles has been investigated.1 5 14
School of Health and Objective In this study, asymmetry relative to the Researchers have identified the roles of specific
Rehabilitation Sciences,
preferred kicking leg was determined if it exists for the muscles relative to the kicking and stance leg, and a
University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles among elite link between muscle injuries and leg preference has
Mater/UQ Back Stability Clinic, Australian Football League (AFL) players. been determined. However, muscles of the hip and
Mater Health Services, South Design AFL players were assessed at three time points lumbopelvic region have received less attention.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
3 from 2005 to 2007 (start of preseason, end of season and Two trunk muscles implicated in the task of
Brisbane Lions AFC, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia end of preseason training). MRI was used to determine kicking are the psoas and the quadratus lumborum.
Centre for Magnetic the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the psoas and The quadratus lumborum muscle has been
Resonance, University of quadratus lumborum muscles at the L4–L5 vertebral level investigated in soccer players.15 The cross-sectional
Queensland, Brisbane, (psoas) and the L3–L4 vertebral level (quadratus area (CSA) of the quadratus lumborum muscle was
Queensland, Australia
School of IT and Electrical
lumborum). found to be slightly larger in soccer players than in
Engineering, University of Setting MRI was performed in a hospital setting. other athletes including weight-lifters, distance
Queensland, Brisbane, Participants 54 professional AFL players were eligible to runners and shooters. Whether or not the muscle
Queensland, Australia participate in this study. The number of subjects at each was asymmetrical in size was not reported.
Correspondence to of the three time points was 36 for time 1 (T1 Nov 2005), However, Raty et al15 did find a positive correlation
Dr Julie Hides, Division of 31 for time 2 (T2 Aug 2006) and 43 for time 3 (T3 Feb between trunk and side flexion strength and CSA
Physiotherapy, School of Health Mar 2007). of the quadratus lumborum muscle. Another group

Hospital. Protected by copyright.

and Rehabilitation Sciences, The of athletes with documented hypertrophy and
University of Queensland,
Risk factors The repeated measures factor in the
Brisbane, 4072 Queensland, analyses was ‘‘asymmetry’’, defined as ‘‘ipsilateral’’ or asymmetry of the quadratus lumborum muscle
Australia; ‘‘contralateral’’ to preferred kicking leg. Number of injuries are cricket fast bowlers.16–18 Ranson et al17 measured
(coded as 0, 1, 2 or more) was also included as a risk the CSA of the quadratus lumborum muscle in
Published Online First factor. cricketers and athletic control subjects. Results
18 September 2008 showed that the quadratus lumborum muscle was
Main outcome measurements The dependent vari-
ables were the CSAs of the psoas and quadratus larger on the dominant side in the fast bowlers but
lumborum muscles. not in the control subjects. While the demands of
Results At all three time points, the CSA of the psoas cricket and AFL are very different, what fast
muscle was significantly greater ipsilateral to the kicking bowling and kicking sports do have in common is
leg, while the CSA of the quadratus lumborum muscle that they involve repeated, dynamic multidirec-
was significantly greater on the side contralateral to the tional trunk and limb movements, particularly
kicking leg. Asymmetry in muscle size was not related to asymmetrical trunk side flexion and rotation.17 19
number of injuries. These movements are likely to require high levels
Conclusions Asymmetry of the psoas and the quadratus of asymmetric activation of the quadratus lum-
lumborum muscles exists in elite AFL players. borum muscle. Documentation of trunk muscle
asymmetry may be useful to future studies that
examine the relationship between trunk muscle
Australian rules football is in many ways similar to asymmetry and the prevalence and pattern of
soccer1 2 and Gaelic football2 3 and involves a trunk and back injuries in sport.
combination of repetitive, high-intensity activities The psoas muscle has been examined in athletic
such as kicking,4 5 sprinting and jumping. These and non-athletic populations. In fast bowlers with
activities are not only physically demanding on hypertrophy of the quadratus lumborum muscle
players but may also be conducive to higher injury on the dominant side, hypertrophy of the psoas
incidences than other sports.2 3 5–8 Trunk and back muscle was reported on the non-dominant side at
injuries have been documented longitudinally since the L4–L5 and L5–S1 vertebral levels.17 These
1992 in the AFL injury report.9 Injuries classified as muscles were not found to be asymmetrical at
‘‘trunk/back’’ accounted for 9.4% of the new these vertebral levels in athletic control subjects.
injuries in the 2006 season, and this incidence has Assessments have also been conducted in age-
stayed fairly constant over the last 10 years. This matched athletic and non-athletic adolescent
would suggest that muscles of the trunk warrant girls.20 The sports undertaken by the athletic
investigation in Australian Football League (AFL) subjects included gymnastics, ballet and figure
players. skating. The athletes had greater absolute psoas
Kicking is an asymmetrical and ballistic task muscle CSA and trunk flexion force than the
which involves trunk rotation and hip flexion,10–12 control subjects, which was explained by their
and it has been proposed that kicking may regular physical training. Size of the psoas, quad-
contribute to muscle imbalances and induce tor- riceps femoris and hamstring muscles was recently
sion on the spine.13 14 The effect of kicking on lower related to young male and female sprinters’ times

Br J Sports Med 2010;44:563–567. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 563

Original article

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 on 18 September 2008. Downloaded from on October 8, 2019 at National Cheng Kung University
to run 100 m.21 Results showed that for sprinters of both sexes,
the higher development of the psoas muscle relative to the
quadriceps femoris, rather than absolute muscle size, was a
factor in achieving better performance in a sprint. It would seem
from these studies that it is important to examine muscle size
and symmetry in different sports, as athletes may show
prominent development in muscle groups used in their
competitive activities and/or training regimes.22 23
The aims of this study were to explore whether asymmetry of
the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles exists in AFL
players relative to the preferred kicking leg, and whether or not
this is related to number of injuries.


Figure 1 Cross-sectional area measurements (in square centimetres)
Subjects of the psoas muscles on an MRI at the level of the L4–L5 disc. The
All players from a professional AFL club during the period of muscles were asymmetrical between sides. The CSAs of the right and
investigation (late 2005 to early 2007) were eligible to left psoas muscles were 27.23 and 21.91 cm2, respectively.
participate in this study. Among this group (n = 54), 18.5%
(n = 10) were left-leg dominant, 79.6% (n = 43) were right-leg
MRI measurements
dominant and 1.9% (n = 1) reported no leg dominance. The MR images were stored offline under an allocated number for
number of cases at each of the time points was 36 for time 1 (T1 the purposes of subject de-identification. Measurements were
Nov 2005), 31 for time 2 (T2 Aug 2006) and 43 for time 3 (T3 completed with the image processing package ImageJ (V.1.37,
Feb/Mar 2007). Significant attendance variability exists across by manually tracing around the
the three assessment points because of player recruitment and muscle borders (figs 1 and 2). The CSAs of the psoas and
retirement. The mean age, height and weight of the total

Hospital. Protected by copyright.

quadratus lumborum muscles in square centimetres were taken
sample was 22.4 (3.9) years, 188.2 (6.6) cm and 87.8 (7.6) kg, at the vertebral level where the CSA of the muscle was the
respectively. greatest, as identification of the largest CSA is important as it is
related to the maximal force generation of the muscle.24–26 This
Procedures was at the level of the disc at the L3–L4 vertebral level for the
This study was approved by the Ethics Committees of the quadratus lumborum muscle and at the level of the L4–L5 disc
relevant organisations. MRI assessments and subject interview for the psoas muscle as shown by Marras et al,27 who measured
and questionnaires were performed in a hospital setting. All trunk muscles at multiple vertebral levels (from T8 to S1).
participants were screened for MRI contraindications, and Similar protocols have been used for the psoas20 21 and
written, informed consent was obtained. Self-reported activity quadriceps21 muscles. Muscle CSAs were measured by an
levels, leg preference and general medical history were obtained operator who was blinded to the subjects’ identities, past
from the responses of each subject to (1) a general ques- histories and information such as preferred kicking leg. Inter-
tionnaire, which included the number and type of current rater and intra-rater reliability of the assessor for MRI
lumbopelvic and/or lower limb injuries, (2) a habitual activity measurements of trunk muscle CSAs has previously been
questionnaire, (3) a low back pain-specific questionnaire (with a established.29
body chart for those with current low back pain to indicate its
location). Statistical analysis
SPSS (V.15; was used for data analysis.
MRI protocol Repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with a
MRI assessments were conducted at three time points:
November 2005 (T1, preseason), August 2006 (T2, end-of-
season) and February/March 2007 (T3, preseason training).
Subjects were instructed to void their bladder and bowel
before imaging to avoid tension on the anterior abdominal
wall during imaging; they were positioned in supine, lying
with their knees and hips resting on a foam wedge. Transverse
MR images at rest (a breath-hold at mid-expiration) were
acquired using a 1.5-Tesla Siemens Sonata magnetic resonance
system. Image slices were oriented to be perpendicular to the
anterior abdominal wall and consisted of 10 slices at a
thickness of 8 mm with an interslice distance of 0.5 mm. A
fast gradient recalled echo sequence was used with repetition
time = 4.8, echo time = 2.3 ms, flip angle = 70u, field of
view = 40 cm and number of acquisitions = 2. A spine coil
array was used for image acquisition. The resulting image Figure 2 Cross-sectional area measurements of the quadratus
matrix for all images was 1286128 interpolated to 2566256. lumborum muscles on an MRI at the level of the L3–L4 disc. The muscles
Total scanning time required 23 s which was within the were asymmetrical between sides. The CSAs of the right and left
breath-hold tolerance of all subjects. quadratus lumborum muscles were 7.44 and 9.48 cm2, respectively.

564 Br J Sports Med 2010;44:563–567. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751

Original article

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 on 18 September 2008. Downloaded from on October 8, 2019 at National Cheng Kung University
Table 1 Number (%) of current lumbopelvic or lower limb injuries at p,0.001) (table 2). There was no significant effect for ‘‘number
time of assessment of injuries’’ at any of the three time points (p.0.05).
T1 (November 2005) T2 (August 2006) (%) T3 (February/March 2007) There was also significant difference between sides for CSA of
the quadratus lumborum muscle at all three time points. The
0 16.7 12.9 25.6 quadratus lumborum muscle was significantly smaller on the
1 44.4 35.5 53.6
side of the preferred kicking leg at T1 (November 2005)
2 30.6 25.8 18.5
(F = 40.7, p,0.001), T2 (August 2006) (F = 25.9, p,0.001) and
3 8.3 25.8 2.3
T3 (February/March 2007) (F = 34.8, p,0.001) (table 2). There
0, no lumbopelvic or lower limb injuries at time of assessment; 1, one lumbopelvic or was no effect for ‘‘number of injuries’’ at any time point
lower limb injury at time of assessment; 2, two lumbopelvic or lower limb injuries at
time of assessment; 3, three or more lumbopelvic or lower limb injuries at time of (p.0.05).

type I sums of squares model was used to analyse CSA for the The results of this study suggest that psoas and quadratus
psoas muscle and the quadratus lumborum muscle. The lumborum muscle asymmetry occurred in the elite AFL players
repeated measures factor in the analyses was ‘‘asymmetry’’, studied at all of the three time points measured. Despite the
coded as ‘‘ipsilateral’’ or ‘‘contralateral’’ to preferred kicking leg. previous lack of evidence relating to asymmetry of muscles
Number of injuries in the past season or since the last MRI around the pelvis and hips in kicking sports, several coaching
assessment (coded as 0, 1, 2 or more) was included as a between- and training sources state that kicking practices using both legs
subjects factor. The factors of ‘‘age’’, ‘‘height’’ and ‘‘weight’’ during training should be encouraged in players of professional
were included as covariates. A type I model was used as our sports such as AFL31 32 and soccer.12 33 34 The rationale for
previous analysis has shown that higher-order interactions training both legs equally is to minimise potential asymmetrical
involving weight and muscle size can be problematic for a type forces acting on joints, reduce muscle imbalances and decrease
III model. the workload of the dominant leg which may eventually lead to
As the number of squad members varied greatly across overuse injuries.10 However, even if players use both legs equally
at training, they may change strategy and kick predominantly

Hospital. Protected by copyright.

assessment times, the data for each time point were analysed
separately. This method of analysis provides the most accurate using their preferred leg during competition. Further investiga-
assessment of the prevalence of asymmetry. MRI data was not tion of the relevance of between-side asymmetries seen in AFL
collected for one case with a history of claustrophobia and players seems warranted.
another case with no kicking leg preference was omitted from Asymmetry of the quadratus lumborum muscle has pre-
the analysis at T1 (November 2005). As unilateral low back pain viously been reported in cricket fast bowlers on their dominant
has been shown to be related to psoas muscle size,30 two cases side.16–18 This is thought to be related to a role of the quadratus
who reported the presence of unilateral low-back pain were not lumborum muscle as a powerful side flexor of the lumbar spine
included in the analyses. The number of cases in each analysis and as a provider of frontal plane segmental stabilisation during
was 35 for T1 (November 2005), 28 for T2 (August 2006) and 41 contralateral leg loading as well as spinal movement.35 During
for T3 (February/March 2007). the front foot contact phase of the delivery stride of fast
bowling, the lower trunk is reported to side flex towards the
non-bowling side.19 The dominant quadratus lumborum is
RESULTS reported to eccentrically control contralateral side flexion and
The mean total score to the habitual activity questionnaire of isometrically control ipsilateral frontal plane posture.35
the total sample was 10.9 (1.3). This implies a higher-than- Hypertrophy is thought to be because of repeated eccentric
average level of activity than the normal person (ie, non-elite and isometric overload.36 A similar explanation could be used to
athlete). Some of the reported injuries attained by the players explain the hypertrophy of the quadratus lumborum muscle
during the season included osteitis pubis, low back pain as well contralateral to the kicking leg in AFL. The non-dominant
as many multiple combinations of injuries. Table 1 shows that (stance) quadratus lumborum may be active to provide frontal
by the end of the playing season (T2, highest workload during plane segmental stabilisation during contralateral leg loading,
the playing season), there was the least proportion of players and control frontal plane posture, as proposed by Ranson et al.17
who did not sustain lumbopelvic or lower limb injuries (12.9%), The CSAs of the quadratus lumborum muscle reported for
while it also had the largest group of players who had three or the L3–L4 vertebral level in the current study are comparable
more current injuries (25.8%). with those reported in previous studies. While there might be
There was a significant difference between sides for the CSA slight differences attributable to equipment and measurement
of the psoas muscle at all three time points. The psoas muscle techniques adopted, the present results (February/March 2007),
was significantly larger on the side of the preferred kicking leg at ipsilateral quadratus lumborum CSA = 8.17 (0.22) cm2 and
T1 (November 2005) (F = 39.6, p,0.001), T2 (August 2006) contralateral = 9.31 (0.26) cm2, are comparable with others; in
(F = 12.2, p = 0.002) and T3 (February/March 2007) (F = 44.1, cricketers, the results are ipsilateral to bowling arm = 9.5

Table 2 Marginal means and SEs (adjusted for age, height and weight) for the CSAs of the psoas at the level
of the L4–L5 disc and quadratus lumborum muscles at the level of the L3–L4 disc
T1 (November 2005) T2 (August 2006) T3 (February/March 2007)
Ipsilateral Contralateral Ipsilateral Contralateral Ipsilateral Contralateral

Psoas (cm2) 25.05 (0.50) 23.23 (0.46) 24.43 (0.83) 23.31 (0.67) 24.48 (0.45) 23.05 (0.45)
Quadratus lumborum (cm2) 8.79 (0.29) 9.90 (0.31) 8.84 (0.41) 9.54 (0.45) 8.17 (0.22) 9.31 (0.26)
Ipsilateral, same side as the preferred kicking leg; contralateral, opposite side to the preferred kicking leg.

Br J Sports Med 2010;44:563–567. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 565

Original article

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 on 18 September 2008. Downloaded from on October 8, 2019 at National Cheng Kung University
(2.7) cm2 and contralateral = 8.6 (2.6) cm217 and ipsilateral to
bowling arm = 9.1 (2.19) cm2 and contralateral = 8.61 What this study adds
(2.09) cm216, remembering that the quadratus lumborum muscle
is larger on the dominant side in cricket as opposed to the stance c Asymmetry of the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles
leg in AFL. Muscle CSAs of the quadratus lumborum muscle exists in AFL players.
documented in the current study are larger and more c The CSA of the psoas muscle was shown to be significantly
asymmetrical than those reported for male non-athletes larger on the side of the preferred kicking leg, while the CSA of
(left = 5.38 (1.9) cm2, right = 5.2 (1.2) cm2)27 and active male the quadratus lumborum muscle was larger contralateral to the
non-cricketers (dominant hand = 7.8 (1.8) cm2, non-domi- preferred kicking leg.
nant = 7.9 (1.9) cm2).17 c Asymmetry in psoas and quadratus lumborum muscle size
Hypertrophy of the psoas muscle in AFL players is most was not related to number of injuries.
likely related to its role as a primary hip flexor,37 38 as was seen
in gymnasts, ballet dancers, figure skaters20 and cricketers.17
The results from the current study regarding CSA of the psoas One of the limitations of this investigation was the lack of
muscle at the L4–L5 vertebral level can be compared with consistency in attendance level at each time point. However,
others that have used a similar protocol. The present results this was unavoidable because of the recruitment and retire-
(February/March 2007, dominant psoas CSA = 24.48 ments within the team. Another limitation was the relatively
(0.45 cm2); non-dominant = 23.05 (0.45) cm2) are comparable small sample size, but the numbers are comparable to other
with results for cricketers (dominant = 24 (3.7) cm2, non- studies conducted in this area. Notably, participants in this
dominant = 24.9 (4.1) cm2),17 remembering that the psoas study who reported current low-back pain presented with pain
muscle is larger on the non-dominant side in cricket as of a central or bilateral nature in all but two cases. Future
opposed to the kicking leg in AFL. Psoas muscle CSAs from the studies could examine for a relationship between unilateral low-
current study are larger and less variable than those reported back pain and psoas asymmetry. Another possible direction for
for male non-athletes (18.9 (3.8) cm2),27 active male non- further research is to investigate whether particular AFL
cricketers (dominant hand = 22.1 (3.6) cm2, non-domi- positions are related to muscle asymmetry.

Hospital. Protected by copyright.

nant = 22.1 (3.6) cm2),17 young male sprinters (17.1
(2.6) cm2) and female athletes (13 (2) cm2).21 CONCLUSION
While the primary aim of this study was focused on The main finding of the current study is that asymmetry of the
asymmetry of the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles, psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles exists in AFL players
information about current lumbopelvic and/or lower limb with the CSA of the psoas muscle larger ipsilateral to the
injuries were collected at each time point. This kind of kicking leg and the CSA of the quadratus lumborum muscle
information is important because, in AFL players, it is larger ipsilateral to the stance leg.
unknown whether asymmetry of trunk muscles is a normal
finding related to function for this group or is potentially Acknowledgements The authors thank the UQ/Wesley MRI unit, Mark Strudwick,
problematic. Results of the study indicated no overall effect Matt Meredith, Marcus Ashcroft, Victor Popov, Lachlan Penfold, Nathan Carloss, Carly
for number of injuries on muscle size or asymmetry. However, Boughan and the subjects.
this aspect could be further examined, as the relationship may Funding This study was funded by a sports medicine research grant provided by the
be far more complex than can be explained by relating Brisbane Lions AFC.
asymmetries to number of injuries. For example, injuries in Competing interests None.
AFL are both extrinsic and intrinsic in nature. If asymmetry of
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Br J Sports Med 2010;44:563–567. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.048751 567

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