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a. Work in pairs. Read models A and B opposite, and say which one is
appropriate. Think about whether.
• The paragraphs are clearly organised
• The writer follows the instructions in the rubric
• The style is appropriate for the target reader
Model A:
 poorly structured paragraphs
 the letter is not always relevant
 the style is not consistent throughout
Model B:
 the paragraphs are better organised.
 the letter closely follows the instructions in the rubric.
 the style is perfectly suited to the target reader
Read the rubrics below and underline the key information. Then answer the
questions that follow.
A. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very
unhappy with school and home life. You have decided to write a
letter of advice, offering your support. Write a letter, making various
suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows your
Dear Alex,

I have just received your letter and I’m happy to hear from you! I’m sorry for
your situation and I’m writing to help you with some advice because I have
experienced something similar in the past, as you well know.
The first tip is to talk to your parents and tell them about your problems. I’m
sure that together you will find the best solutions because parents are our best
friends, even if we sometimes we forget this. Maybe they have their personal
problems, too, that’s why they didn’t notice your difficulties.
At school, you should try and focus more on your studies and not pay attention
to annoying classmates. You could also talk to your best friend or a teacher you
trust and see how things can improve. Try to take things in a more relaxed way
and you will feel much better.
I really hope this letter and my advice will be of help and I can’t wait to get you
answer telling me things are ok. Meanwhile, best wishes from me to you and
your family!

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