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Coping with exam stress

level b1

It has suddenly hit me that this year I will sit my last ever exams. I don’t know if that has
helped with the stress, or just made it worse.

I have always struggled with the stress of exams, and the horrible nervousness that happens
on the day itself. Even if I have revised as much as possible, my nerves still take over. And I
know I’m not the only one. So I’ve made a list of a few of my personal tips for dealing with
exam stress.

1.       Keep calm and drink tea.

Or coffee. Or water. Or whatever it is you like to drink. It provides a quick break, so you can
just stop for a second while the kettle is boiling and think about something different for a
couple of minutes. Although perhaps I should cut down on the amount of tea I make,
otherwise my whole day will be one big revision break!

2.       Socialise!
I find that it’s really easy to shut yourself away for hours on end, going over your notes by
yourself and not see anyone all day. That’s fine for a short amount of time, especially if that’s
how you revise best, but I think it’s equally as important to make sure you spend time with
other people too, whether you revise together or simply meet up for a chat. I’ve realised this
year that when we all graduate, it is unlikely that we will see each other much, so I’m
definitely making the most of seeing as many friends as possible now!

3.       Exercise
As I said in my last article, I love running. I find that it makes a perfect revision break,
because you can focus on something else for an hour or so, you can listen to some great
music, or even socialise, if you prefer exercising with someone else. You get to spend time
outside in the fresh air, which helps your brain recover from all those hours of studying. Plus
it’s good for you, which is always a bonus!

4.       Sharing is caring

Sometimes it helps to get together with other people taking the same exams as you to share
ideas and talk things over, especially if there is a certain aspect you are struggling with. You
can make sure that you understand everything properly, as well as picking up new ideas that
maybe you hadn’t thought of before. And it means you get to spend extra time with your
friends, too!

Everyone has their own ways of coping with exam time, or maybe you don’t suffer from
stress (in which case I am very jealous!) I’ll definitely be sticking to the tips above this year,
and perhaps you could share your advice with us all too. If any of you are sitting exams this
year, I wish you the best of luck! 

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