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Active Window

The window which will receive keystrokes. The Title bar is normally a different color
from the inactive windows.
Address Bar
In a browser-based window (including File Explorer), the Address bar contains the
Address text box, where you enter the URL or path to what you want to see. This bar
may contain other buttons such as Back and Forward or Up one level.

App or Application
A software program

1. A particular spot on a page that is marked with code so that a link can jump right to
that spot.
2. A shortcut in a browser that opens a web page. Internet Explorer calls these

To turn on the computer and start the operating system.

A temporary area of memory that Windows sets aside for material that you copy.

Control Panel
A special window that contains icons for a variety of tasks, such as adding and
removing programs from the computer, configuring hardware, and changing the
appearance of the Desktop and windows.

The area above the Taskbar on your screen.

Display Settings
A dialog that controls the look and behavior of many aspects of your Desktop and
windows, including the color depth, screen resolution, and appearance of windows.

The part of a file's name that follows the dot. filename.extension Most extensions are 3
characters long. Some are 4 characters, like .html for some web pages.

File Explorer
The name for the window that displays disks, folders, and files.
Flash Drive
A removable drive that connects to a USB port on the computer.

A grouping of files in the folder tree

Folder Tree
A graphical display of the relationship of the folders and drives on a computer with
collapsible sections.

To prepare a storage disk for use. Formatting erases all previous data, sets up an area
to list what is stored where, and checks for physical and magnetic damage.

Grayed out
The colors are dimmed on a menu, button, or icon for a command that is currently not
available. The illustration has black text for available commands and gray for
unavailable commands.

A small shape (usually square) at a corner or in the middle of an edge which resizes the
object when you drag it.

A list of actions taken or pages visited.

When you let the pointer stay over a particular object or location

A small image that represents a program or action or document.

A word or phrase which can be clicked on in a browser to open another page,
document, or image. Also called hyperlink.

Menu Bar
A bar, usually across the top of a window below the Title bar, which contains menu
items, which may be menus themselves.
My Computer
A Folder in file explorer which hold all the files on you computer

Popup Menu
A menu which appears when you right click on something.

Quick Access Bar

In the Navigation pane of a This PC or File Explorer window, the section at the top holds
shortcuts to drives and folders that you use often.

Recycle Bin
A special area that saves objects that you have deleted until you empty the Recycle Bin
or it gets too full to hold anything else. Then objects are deleted as needed to make
space for the new deletions, starting with the oldest objects. You can easily restore
items that are still in the Recycle Bin.

The number of pixels that a monitor can display (width x height), such as 640 x 480, 800
x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024. The higher the number, the finer the detail that can be

Short Cut
An icon or key combination which executes a command, such as to open an application
or a document.

Screen Tip
A small message that appears when the pointer hovers over something like a button or

Start Menu
A button on the Taskbar which displays a list of commands or other menus. The
Windows 10 Start menu is different from previous Start menus. The tiles on the right are
for apps that are pinned to the Start menu.

Task Bar
At the bottom of the Windows screen, it contains the Start button, icons for open
applications, the Quick Launch area, and the Tray or notification area.

Tray/Notification Area
On the Taskbar, the area at the right which holds the clock and icons for other
background applications.
American Standard Code For Information Interchange, this is code which is used for
text files on the web.

Central processing unit, the main brain of the computer.

Random access memory, temporary fast storage that is used to perform quick actions
with the CPU.

A bar on most softwares that tucks away other functions

Formula Bar
Under the main ribbon on excel, easy access to the text inside of a cell.

Software made for malicious intent

A program that takes control of your computer

A virus that can recreate itself

Trojan Horses
Malware the disguises itself as something else

A virus that can look at everything you do

A Type of spyware that can save everything you type on your keyboard.

The act of taking someone else's work and writing it off as your own.

Cover Letter
An introduction of who you are submitted at the front of a resume
A document that explains why you should get a job that you give to an employer

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