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International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

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Night on Earth: Mapping decadal changes of anthropogenic night light in Asia

Christopher Small a,∗ , Christopher D. Elvidge b
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York City, USA
Earth Observation Group, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The defense meteorological satellite program (DMSP) operational linescan system (OLS) sensors have
Received 8 July 2011 imaged emitted light from Earth’s surface since the 1970s. Temporal overlap in the missions of 5 OLS
Accepted 24 February 2012 sensors allows for intercalibration of the annual composites over the past 19 years (Elvidge et al., 2009).
The resulting image time series captures a spatiotemporal signature of the growth and evolution of
Keywords: lighted human settlements and development. We use empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis and
the temporal feature space to characterize and quantify patterns of temporal change in stable night light
Night light
brightness and spatial extent since 1992. Temporal EOF analysis provides a statistical basis for represent-
ing spatially abundant temporal patterns in the image time series as uncorrelated vectors of brightness
Zipf as a function of time from 1992 to 2009. The variance partition of the eigenvalue spectrum combined
Asia with temporal structure of the EOFs and spatial structure of the PCs provides a basis for distinguishing
India between deterministic multi-year trends and stochastic year-to-year variance. The low order EOFs and
China principal components (PC) space together discriminate both earlier (1990s) and later (2000s) increases
Nightsat and decreases in brightness. Inverse transformation of these low order dimensions reduces stochastic
variance sufficiently so that tri-temporal composites depict potentially deterministic decadal trends.
The most pronounced changes occur in Asia. At critical brightness threshold we find an 18% increase
in the number of spatially distinct lights and an 80% increase in lighted area in southern and eastern
Asia between 1992 and 2009. During this time both China and India experienced a ∼20% increase in
number of lights and a ∼270% increase in lighted area – although the timing of the increase is later in
China than in India. Throughout Asia a variety of different patterns of brightness increase are apparent
in tri-temporal brightness composites – as well as some conspicuous areas of apparently decreasing
background luminance and, in many places, intermittent light suggesting development of infrastruc-
ture rather than persistently lighted development. Vicarious validation using higher resolution Landsat
imagery verifies multiple phases of urban growth in several cities as well as the consistent presence of low
DN (<∼15) background luminance for many agricultural areas. Lights also allow us to quantify changes
in the size distribution and connectedness of different intensities of development. Over a wide range of
brightnesses, the size distributions of spatially contiguous lighted area are consistent with power laws
with exponents near −1 as predicted by Zipf’s Law for cities. However, the larger lighted segments are
much larger than individual cities; they correspond to vast spatial networks of contiguous development
(Small et al., 2011).
© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction intercalibration of the 30 annual composites over the past 19 years

(Elvidge et al., 2009). These data offer the opportunity to quantify
The defense meteorological satellite program (DMSP) opera- a unique spatiotemporal signature of human settlement growth
tional linescan system (OLS) has imaged emitted light from Earth’s and evolution. Here we summarize some initial results of a spa-
surface since the 1970s. In 1992 a digital archive was established tiotemporal analysis of annual change in the extent, distribution
for DMSP-OLS data at the NOAA National Geophysical Data Cen- and intensity of anthropogenic night light in Asia.
ter. Annual composites of temporally stable night light have been The objective of this study is to quantify apparent changes in
processed and distributed by the NGDC for every year since 1992. the number, extent and brightness of stable night lights in Asia.
Temporal overlap in the missions of multiple OLS sensors allows for We limit the geographic scope of this study to Asia because this is
where we observe the greatest changes. The intention is to illus-
trate a methodology for characterization and vicarious validation
∗ Corresponding author. of apparent changes in areas where anthropogenic changes are
E-mail address: (C. Small). large enough to be clearly distinguished from other types of change

0303-2434/$ – see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.

C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 41

related to sensor calibration and atmospheric effects. The first part of 1994, 2001 and 2009 for southeastern Asia is shown in Fig. 1. At
of the study illustrates the use of the principal component (PC) the scale of this figure some large area changes in background lumi-
transformation and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis nance are visible but most of the changes are too small to be seen.
with multi-temporal night light data. Background and details of the A linear stretch between 0 and 12 DN highlights changes in back-
EOF analysis are given by Small (under review). Here we present the ground luminance at the expense of saturating changes in brighter
results of the EOF analysis and discuss the spatiotemporal changes more developed areas. This figure illustrates two challenges of
quantified by the analysis. The second part of the study presents representing change with tri-temporal brightness composites: (1)
a vicarious validation of changes in night lights using changes in showing change in both bright and dim areas simultaneously
land cover as imaged by Landsats 5 and 7. The third part of the and (2) showing deterministic decadal changes in the presence
study presents spatial and temporal variations in the area, num- of spurious year-to-year variability. In order to circumvent these
ber and rank size distributions of lighted areas and discusses the challenges, and make better use of the information content of the
implications for urban growth processes. composite time series, we present an approach that uses all 30
annual composites to quantify change in lighted areas. However,
we retain the convenience of using tri-temporal color compos-
2. Mapping night light from space ites to illustrate these changes. We accomplish this by separating
distinct components of spatiotemporal change using EOF analy-
Since 1994, NGDC has had an active program focused on sis to represent the interannual trends of the observed changes
global mapping of nighttime lights using the data collected by in night light. As explained in detail below, the EOF analysis pro-
the DMSP-OLS sensors. The basic product is a global annual vides an estimate of the dimensionality of the image time series
cloud-free composite, which averages the OLS visible band data and a basis for separating deterministic and stochastic compo-
for one satellite from the cloud-free segments of individual nents of the spatiotemporal changes observed. In the context of
orbits. By compositing only the cloud-free segments the impact this study, dimensionality refers to the different background levels
of atmospheric effects is minimized. Over the years, NGDC has and temporal patterns of change and their corresponding spatial
developed automatic algorithms for screening the quality of the distributions. We use the EOF analysis to minimize the effect of
nighttime visible band observations to remove areas contaminated stochastic year-to-year variance in brightness thereby emphasiz-
by sunlight, moonlight, and the presence of clouds (Baugh et al., ing interannual trends in the brightness and spatial extent of lighted
2009; Elvidge et al., 1997). For this study we used the NGDC area. The structure of the temporal feature space (explained below)
annual stable lights product. In the stable lights annual cloud-free also provides a concise representation of the overall distribution of
composite product generation, fires and other ephemeral lights changes in the night light data.
are removed based on their high brightness and short duration.
Background noise is removed by setting thresholds based on 3. Spatio-temporal dimensionality and empirical
visible band values found in areas known to be free of detectable orthogonal function analysis
lights. In 2010, NGDC released the version 4 time series of Stable
Lights, spanning the years 1992–2009. These are available online at Principal component transformations are commonly used to represent uncorrelated modes of variance in high dimensional data.
Because the OLS visible band has no on-board calibration system, Different types of PC transform are used to reduce the dimension-
the data from each satellite year should be intercalibrated prior ality of multispectral imagery (e.g. Green et al., 1988; Lee et al.,
to quantitative analysis of the time series. Baugh et al. (2009) 1990; Singh and Harrison, 1985) and to represent the topology of
provides a description of the algorithms used to make the v.4 spectral feature spaces (Adams et al., 1986; Crist and Cicone, 1984;
stable lights products. The intercalibration procedure is described Johnson et al., 1985; Kauth and Thomas, 1976; Smith et al., 1985).
by Elvidge et al. (2009). This intercalibration is applied to the time Because spectral bands are often correlated, PC transforms provide
series of annual composites used in our analysis. an efficient low dimensional projection of the uncorrelated com-
Temporally stable night lights, as measured by the Defense ponents of the spectral feature space. The same property applies
Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Line Scanner (DMSP- to temporal dimensions. PC transforms have also been used to rep-
OLS), provide a unique proxy for anthropogenic development. In resent uncorrelated patterns in multi-temporal imagery (Richards,
previous studies brightness and spatial extent of emitted light has 1984) (Eastman and Fulk, 1993; Townshend et al., 1985) and for
been correlated to population density (Briggs et al., 2007; Sutton change detection (Byrne et al., 1980; Fung and LeDrew, 1987). In
et al., 2001), built area density (Elvidge et al., 2007), economic activ- meteorology and oceanography the PC transformation provides the
ity (Doll et al., 2006; Ghosh et al., 2010; Henderson et al., 2009), and basis of empirical orthogonal function analysis; a standard tool for
electrification rates (Elvidge et al., submitted for publication). Night analysis of spatio-temporal patterns and processes (see Bretherton
lights are known to overestimate the spatial extent of development et al., 1992; Preisendorffer, 1988; von Storch and Zwiers, 1999 for
at the periphery of settlements (Elvidge et al., 1997) but the spa- overviews).
tial extent of this overglow is generally small compared to the total The utility of the PC transform for representing spatiotempo-
area of all but the smallest settlements (Small et al., 2005). Com- ral processes is related to the fact that any location-specific (x)
parisons of stable light with 30 m resolution Landsat imagery on a pixel time series Pxt contained in an N image time series can
wide variety of population density gradients indicates that average be represented as a combination of temporal patterns and their
brightness increases with increasing spatial density of Shortwave location-specific components as:
Infrared reflectance and shadow associated with constructed sur-
faces (Small et al., 2005) as well as actual maps of impervious 

Pxt = Cix Fit (1)

surfaces (Elvidge et al., 2007).
In this study, we use tri-temporal change maps to illustrate
decadal changes in brightness and spatial extent of night lights. where Cix is the spatial principal component (PC) and Fit is the corre-
Displaying brightness of three annual average brightness compos- sponding temporal empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and i is the
ites in the red, green and blue channels of a color image highlights dimension. The EOFs are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix.
areas of change as color deviations from the gray shades that indi- EOFs represent uncorrelated temporal patterns of variability within
cate equal brightnesses in all three years. A tri-temporal composite the data. The PCs are the corresponding weights that represent the
42 C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

Fig. 1. Tri-temporal night light brightness change map of eastern Asia derived from 3 of 30 annual composites of DMSP-OLS imagery compiled and intercalibrated by Elvidge
et al. (2009). Temporal overlap among the five OLS sensors shown inset allows for intercalibration among annual composites. Average annual brightness of cloud-free images
ranges from 0 to 64 DN but a linear stretch between 0 and 12 DN emphasizes change in smaller dimmer lights at the expense of saturation of brighter lights. Note the regional
scale consistencies in change of dimmer lights between large cities – particularly in India and Thailand. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure text, the
reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

relative contribution of each EOF to the corresponding pixel time reversed so the EOFs represent temporal patterns and the PCs
series Pxt at each location x. The relative contribution of each EOF represent the corresponding spatial weights. In conventional EOF
to the total spatio-temporal variance is given by the eigenvalues of analysis, there is often an attempt to interpret different EOFs in
the covariance matrix. The distribution of eigenvalues also gives an terms of dynamical processes. However, this can be challenging
indication of the dimensionality of the data in terms of uncorrelated because the EOFs merely represent statistically uncorrelated modes
modes of variance. of variance but are not necessarily dynamically distinct. In the con-
In this study dimensionality refers to the structure of the spa- text of this study we consider multiyear interannual to decadal
tiotemporal patterns represented in the data – and their relative trends to result from deterministic processes and higher frequency
magnitude compared to the stochastic variance. In oceanography year-to-year variability to result primarily from stochastic pro-
and meteorology the PC transformation is often used to charac- cesses related to actual brightness variations as well as spatial and
terize dynamically important modes of spatiotemporal variance temporal sampling effects. We acknowledge that some year-to-
associated with physical processes. The implicit assumption is that year variability may actually result from deterministic processes
some number, D (≤N), of the low order EOFs and their corre- but that it may be effectively indistinguishable from stochastic
sponding PCs represent deterministic processes and that the higher variability in these data.
order dimensions represent stochastic variance ε. This allows an In this analysis we show that the low order EOFs of night lights
observed pixel time series to be represented as a sum of determin- do represent distinct components of change but not necessarily
istic and stochastic components as: independent processes. The diversity of processes responsible for
presumed deterministic changes in night light extent and bright-

ness can be represented in terms of both average brightness and
Pxt = Cix Fit + ε (2)
the sense and timing of change. The temporal patterns are given by
i=1 the EOFs while the relationships among these patterns are given by
EOFs are generally spatial patterns intended to represent spa- the topology of the temporal feature space with dimensions defined
tially continuous modes of variability of physical processes while by the low order PCs. The dimensionality is indicated by the size
the PCs are generally the weights representing the temporal contri- distribution of the eigenvalues. For this analysis we use the uncen-
bution of the corresponding spatial pattern (Preisendorffer, 1988; tered, unscaled PC transform based on the eigenstructure of the
von Storch and Zwiers, 1999). In this study the convention is covariance matrix – but the method we present could also use the
C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 43

Fig. 2. Eigenstructure and temporal feature space for the Asia night light image time series. (a) The eigenvalues attribute ∼96% of variance to the first 3 dimensions. Higher
order eigenvalues diminish continuously. Correlation matrix (inset left) shows strong year to year correlation. Eigenvector (EOF) matrix (inset right) is dominated by high
frequency structure with only 3 relatively continuous EOFs. Inset plots of EOFs 1–4 show the temporal mean (EOF 1), the multi-decadal trend (EOF 2), the decadal trend (EOF
3) and a less obvious pattern (EOF 4). (b) The topology of the cloud in temporal feature space is dominated by the bimodal distribution of bright and dim lights displayed
in the first PC. The PC 2/3 projection represents contributions of the linear 18 year trend of EOF 2 and the half cycle of EOF 3. The diversity of decadal patterns results in a
constellation of distinct EOF 2/3 combinations surrounding the bimodal brightness axis in PC1. Inset numbers on end view correspond to time series in Fig. 3.

transform based on the correlation matrix with or without scal- casts the EOFs as temporal rather than spatial modes and uses the
ing. Additional details of the approach are given by Small (under topology of the low order PC space to determine which linear com-
review). binations of low order EOFs depict physically meaningful temporal
patterns (Small, under review).
4. Characterizing spatio-temporal change The spatio-temporal variance in the night light data is rep-
resented by the eigenstructure of the covariance matrix and the
We use empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to quan- topology of the temporal feature space. These are illustrated in
tify patterns of temporal change in OLS stable night light brightness Fig. 2. The eigenvalues show that the first two dimensions account
and spatial extent over the past 19 years. Intercalibrated data are for much more variance than the remaining continuum of dimen-
stacked into a spatial time series of images of annual average sions. The structure of the three low order EOFs is also more
brightness resulting from both brightly lit cities and from dimmer, continuous than the higher order EOFs. The topology of the tempo-
less intensively developed rural areas. Meaningful combinations ral feature space shows the combination of EOFs that represent
of EOFs can be derived from the topology of the temporal feature most of the spatiotemporal variance in the image time series.
space. The temporal feature space, defined by the low order princi- Fig. 2 shows the variance structure of the data and the relation-
pal components, represents the spatial distribution of image pixel ship between the spatial PCs and corresponding temporal EOFs
time series in terms of the relative contribution of the temporal in the three low order PC dimensions that represent 91% of the
EOFs (Small, under review). The approach used here is based on total variance. The separation of the overall brightness from the
EOF analyses commonly used to represent geophysical processes decadal changes is apparent in the structure of the temporal fea-
in oceanography and meteorology (Storch and Zwiers, 1999) – but ture space. The topology of the feature space is similar to that of
44 C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

Fig. 3. Example time series from inner and outer radial peripheries of the PC3/2 projection of the temporal feature space in Fig. 2. Raw trajectories (red) are generally well
represented by 6 EOF (blue) and often by 3 EOF (green) projection filtering but more abrupt changes (e.g. 2o, 7o, 10i, 12o) are not captured by only 3 EOFs. Note progressive
shift of extrema with location in PC 3/2 space. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

an HSV color space. In both spaces the brightness forms a central the intercalibrated image time series. Much of this spurious vari-
axis about which a circular continuum of temporal changes (peak ance is related to spatial uncertainty in the coregistration of the
years = hues) are distributed. This color analogy extends naturally annual composites. In addition, the phenomenon of low luminance
to the tri-temporal change map. When a single year of brightness “overglow” results from a combination of limited sensor resolution,
is represented by a primary color channel (R, G, or B) the temporal atmospheric scattering and subannual spatial coregistration uncer-
changes in brightness correspond to continuous variations in hue tainty in the compositing process. This overglow causes spatial
– both in the HSV analogy and in the composite image. blurring within individual annual composites. Additional tempo-
The intercalibration of the annual night light composites con- ral blurring results from interannual registration uncertainty. The
siderably reduces spurious interannual variability – but does not result is a combination of spurious spatial blurring and temporal
eliminate it entirely. Significant year to year variability remains in variance superimposed on whatever actual changes in brightness
C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 45

Fig. 4. Projection filtered tri-temporal night lights for Asia. Only EOFs 2 and 3 are back-projected so brightness variations are removed as well as higher order variance
unrelated to decadal brightness trends.

may be measured by the sensor. Spatial or temporal filtering has time series. This emphasizes only the decadal trends represented
the undesirable effect of mixing this spatiotemporal noise with the by early and late increases and decreases in brightness. In the tem-
signal in unknown proportions. poral dimension, the result of this projection filtering is smoothed
We address the spatial blurring and temporal noise problems time series lacking the spurious variance that is not reflected in
by using the information contained in the temporal EOFs and their the low order EOFs depicting the most spatially abundant tempo-
spatial abundance and distribution in the temporal feature space. ral patterns (Fig. 3). The projection filtered image time series does
The projections of the low order PCs reveal the relationship among not contain the spurious year-to-year variability and allows the
the low order EOFs in terms of the actual temporal EMs that span decadal trends of bright and dim lights to be shown simultaneously
the space of all temporal patterns present in the image time series. on the same map. Fig. 4 shows a projection filtered tri-temporal
The variance partition of the PC transform makes use of the spatial composite of the same years shown in Fig. 1. Note that the saturated
abundance of different temporal patterns to distinguish the com- bright areas in Fig. 1 are replaced by primary colors emphasizing
ponents of the temporal patterns that the greatest number of pixel the decadal trends.
time series have in common. Two orthogonal projections of the Projection filtering depicts the decadal patterns of change in
three low order PCs for the night light time series for southeast- night light brightness without the distraction of spurious year-to-
ern Asia are shown in Fig. 2 – along with the 3 low order EOFs year differences in apparent brightness and the ten-fold difference
that represent ∼96% of the variance in the image time series. EOF 1 in brightness between the bright, heavily developed urban cen-
represents the temporal mean brightness of the image time series ters and the much dimmer peripheral areas where development
and accounts for ∼91% of the variance. EOFs 2 and 3 represent the and urban growth begins. The tri-temporal change maps presented
decadal trends that explain the next 5% of variance. The remaining here use the same display conventions to compare tri-temporal
27 modes each represent less than 1% and together less than 4% of composites of intercalibratted night light with a projection filtered
the total variance in the image time series. On the basis of the clear tri-temporal composite of the same annual composites with only
break in the slope of the eigenvalue spectrum and the smoothness the decadal patterns associated with the 2nd and 3rd dimensions
of the 3 low order temporal EOFs, we infer that the interannual of the PCs and EOFs. In both composites warmer colors (red, yel-
growth component of the night light data is represented primar- low) indicate brightening over the past 18 years. Cooler colors
ily by the first three dimensions and attribute the remaining 4% of (blue, cyan) indicate dimming. Green areas show some brighten-
variance in dimensions >3 to stochastic and local processes. ing during the 1990s followed by some dimming in the 2000s;
The structure of the projection of PCs 2 and 3 highlight the magenta areas have the opposite pattern. The effect of projec-
difference between early (1990s) and late (2000s) increases and tion filtering on brightness time series is shown in Fig. 4. Inverse
decreases in the two decade time series. By inverse transform- transforming 3 low order dimensions represents most decadal
ing only dimensions 2 and 3 we can simultaneously remove both trends accurately but smooths some abrupt changes (e.g. 7o).
the spurious variance and the dominant mean brightness from the Inverse transforming 6 low order dimensions better represents
46 C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

Fig. 5. Tri-temporal Landsat change comparison for New Delhi. Note infilling development, increase in shadow fraction (darkening) and radial road construction.

these abrupt changes while still eliminating spurious year-to-year in night light. In areas with sufficient Landsat coverage we can
variance. use changes in land surface reflectance to infer changes in land
cover that may correspond to changes in anthropogenic lighting
5. Comparisons with Landsat detected by OLS. Here we represent changes in exoatmospheric
reflectance in terms of spectral endmember fractions (Small,
Multitemporal Landsat imagery provides independent corrob- 2005). Global analyses of Landsat imagery show that ∼98% of
oration of land cover changes suggested by observed changes land surface reflectance can be represented accurately as linear
C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 47

Fig. 6. Tri-temporal Landsat change comparison for Kuala Lumpur. Increased brightening is disproportionately larger than developed land area as brightness of development

mixtures of rock–soil substrate, vegetation and dark sur- development or fallow agricultural areas. To illustrate the cor-
face/shadow (Small, 2004). Global analyses of urban reflectance respondence between spatiotemporal changes in land cover and
show that most impervious surfaces are spectrally indistin- changes in night light we compare tri-temporal maps of Landsat –
guishable from rock–soil substrates when aggregated spatially derived substrate fraction to contemporaneous tri-temporal maps
and spectrally to Landsat resolutions. In temperate and tropical of night light.
environments, where undeveloped land is generally vegetated, Tri-temporal night lights reveal a pronounced increase in
high substrate fractions usually correspond to anthropogenic brightness extending southeastward from New Delhi since 2000
48 C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

Fig. 7. Tri-temporal Landsat-OLS change comparison for Seoul. Note multiphase reclamation along coast and post 2001 overglow over water.

(Fig. 5). Near-anniversary Landsat images, acquired during the also appear during the later interval. It is important to note that the
growing season clearly distinguish standing crops form urban agricultural areas surrounding the development are not completely
development. In most areas urban development takes the form unlighted. They correspond to low levels of background luminance
of substrate–shadow mixtures with periodic 2D texture resulting (DN ∼5–10) extending well beyond the overglow of the brighter
from streets and building shadow. The tri-temporal fraction map areas.
shows this expansion as discrete transitions from vegetation to Tri-temporal night lights reveal a more complex multiphase
substrate–shadow mixtures. Several long straight thoroughfares growth extending outward from a corridor west of Kuala Lumpur
C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 49

Fig. 8. Growth in number and area of lights in Asia from 1992 to 2009. Different brightness thresholds show similar number-area trajectories for India, China and all of
southeastern Asia. Insets show growth in cumulative lighted area for China and India. Similar trajectories for different brightness thresholds, countries and spatial scales
suggest consistency in nucleation and growth processes on decadal time scales.

(Fig. 6). In this case, the tri temporal substrate map shows a less 1) Changes in brightness correspond to changes in luminance –
spatially continuous pattern of development with patches of 1990s not necessarily changes in developed area. Because overglow
change interspersed with patches of 2000s change and large areas is proportional to brightness (Small et al., 2005), increases in
of unchanging vegetation. Close comparison of the tri-temporal brightness are expected to cause increases in overglow in sur-
substrate and light composites reveals a disparity between the rounding areas. Therefore, temporal changes in lighted area may
area extents of land cover and lighting change. This shows that result from increases in developed area or increases in intensity
brightness changes are often larger in spatial extent than the cor- of development.
responding land cover change. The implication is that changes in 2) Most area of low level luminance (<∼15 DN) does not
developed areas may overestimate changes in developed area at correspond to overglow from large bright cities. Large
fine spatial scales and high brightness levels. For this reason, we areas of low level luminance extend over agricultural areas
do not generally assume that they correspond to equal changes in with numerous small settlements but no large cities (see
developed area.∼small/DayNight for example com-
Tri-temporal changes in brightness and extent of night lights parisons). For this reason, changes in brightness should be
in the vicinity of Seoul reveal a very different scenario from the considered in the context of the background luminance level
previous two examples (Fig. 7). While the magnitude of brighten- rather than absolute change alone. Therefore the projection
ing around Seoul is comparable to New Delhi and Kuala Lumpur, filtered change map should always be used as a reconnais-
the spatial patterns shows more infilling and brightening of devel- sance tool in conjunction with the corresponding calibrated
oped areas than outward growth. The tri-temporal substrate map tri-temporal change map.
shows most areas unchanged with some areas of reclamation along
the coast. The tri-temporal lights also show a pronounced increase 6. Comparison of changes in number and extent of lights
in overglow over water post 2006 suggesting brightening of the
developed coastal areas. Another limitation of night light is illus- Spatiotemporal change in luminance takes two complementary
trated by the area of infilling development near the top center forms: change in the number of spatially distinct lighted areas
of the tri-temoral substrate map. Prior to this development the and change in total lighted area above or below some bright-
overglow from the surrounding areas was already saturated so the ness threshold. Together, these result in changes in the total
infilling development is not captured by the night light. Interstitial sum of lights (SoL). These metrics of change represent three dif-
brightening, not corresponding to land cover change suggests that ferent types of change in anthropogenic land cover: nucleation,
brightening may occur as a result of increased outdoor lighting in aggregation and intensification. Fig. 8 shows the simultaneous
previously developed areas. growth of lighted area and number of lights for China, India
These Landsat-OLS comparisons, along with those previously and southeastern Asia between 1992 and 2009. These trajec-
published (Small et al., 2011), illustrate two important caveats to tories are shown for three brightness thresholds spanning a
the interpretation of night light imagery – particularly changes in critical percolation transition where the spatial connectivity, and
brightness: therefore size distribution, undergoes explosive percolation and
50 C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52

Fig. 9. Rank-size distributions in time and space. Each rank-size plot shows the size distribution of all spatially contiguous segments of pixels brighter than11 DN. All slopes
but one lie within 0.15 of −1.0 (thin blue lines). Overall, Asia shows stable growth (slope) but India and China both increase slope from 1992 to 2009 as growth increases
spatial connectedness and larger agglomerations. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

becomes superconnected spatially (Small et al., 2011). Despite of light as they do to the number and area of lights. This appar-
different brightness thresholds, spatial scales and geographies, ent change in background luminance, visible in large, spatially
the area-number trajectories (slopes) for China, India and all of continuous regions of India (Fig. 1), could result from either anthro-
southeastern Asia are very similar. This suggests a remarkable con- pogenic, atmospheric, imaging or compositing processes. At this
sistency in nucleation and growth processes on decadal time scales point we lack sufficient information to determine how each process
– despite the very different sizes and growth histories of China and contributes to the apparent decrease but we point out that
India (Fig. 8, insets). both F15 and F16 composites show significant decreases for
In spite of the similarities in growth trajectories, there are some 2005 and 2006 in spatially contiguous areas of India – but not
important differences between China, India and the whole of south- everywhere.
eastern Asia. Even though India and China have similar areas above Both area and number of lights well as sum of lights are aggre-
the low brightness threshold (5 DN), China has nearly twice the gate measures that reflect changes in the overall spatial distribution
area of brighter (DN > 12) lights as India. In 2009, India and China of lighted area. A more complete representation is given by the
account for 2 × 105 and 4 × 105 (respectively) of southeastern Asia’s rank-size distribution of spatially contiguous lighted segments
∼1 × 106 km2 of area brighter than 12 DN. The area-number tra- and how this distribution changes in space and time. The rank-
jectories for Asia have similar slopes to those of India and China size distribution shows all spatially distinct lights sorted by area.
but are displaced to greater numbers of lights for comparable Fig. 9 shows rank-size distributions of lighted areas brighter than
areas of light. This reflects the large number of smaller isolated DN = 11 for India, China and all of southeastern Asia. All of the
lights on the archipelagos and coastlines of southeastern Asia com- distributions are strongly linear over four orders of magnitude, sug-
pared to the more clustered inland lighted areas in India and gesting a power law or similar heavy tailed distribution. Similar
China. distributions are also obtained for DN thresholds of 9 and 6
Interestingly, some areas in India appear to have lost consider- – but with correspondingly larger areas. The slope and lin-
able number and area of lights around 2005. The decreases have earity of the distributions do not change appreciably over
little effect on the sum of lights suggesting that they are mostly this range of thresholds suggesting stability of the underlying
dimmer lights that do not contribute as much to the total sum distributions.
C. Small, C.D. Elvidge / International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 22 (2013) 40–52 51

Zipf’s Law predicts a power law rank-size distribution with a development at the expense of nucleation of smaller isolated set-
slope of −1 for city size distributions as measured by popula- tlements. Taken together with the relatively stable near-unity
tion (Zipf, 1942, 1949), although the linearity and slope of country slopes of rank-size distributions for southeastern Asia these results
level and aggregated population distributions varies considerably suggest considerable spatial variations in the growth processes
(Nitsch, 2005; Soo, 2005). While the consistency of Zipf’s Law has contributing to an apparently stable distribution at continental
attracted sustained interest for several decades, and has been the scales. The implication is that the logarithmically uniform distribu-
basis for a multitude of models (e.g. Berry and Garrison, 1958; tion observed by Zipf and others may be an emergent phenomenon
Gabaix, 1999; Lotka, 1941; Pumain, 2006), the varying degree arising from spatial aggregation of non-uniform distributions at
and extent of agreement with observation impede consensus on finer spatial scales.
either the universality of the law (Gan et al., 2006; Krugman,
1996; Soo, 2005) or its underlying causes (Batty, 2006; Lotka,
1941; Pumain, 2004, 2006). The assertion of a universal power
law for city size (as represented by population) is controversial
This work was funded by the United States National Institutes
because the estimates of linearity and slope of the power law
of Child Health and Development [award R21 HD054846] to CS.
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et al., 2004; Nitsch, 2005; Pumain and Moriconi-Ebrard, 1997; Soo,
2005). References
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