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A Mystery Back Stage

by PS 40 Drama Studio
Setting: A Broadway Stage during the final dress rehearsal, Spring 2012.

Stage Manager/Bailey - Banquo/Pat -
Director/Christopher Sachinelli - ANTHONY Understudy/Jordan -
Producer/Olivia - BEA Salma - ALLIYAH
Witch 1/Willy Mae - ELANNA Joe Majestic - LEIGHANN

Witch 2/Erica - Arisha Van Cheesenheikel - LARISSA

Witch 3/ Rachel - VALERIE
Macbeth/Rob - LAUREN

Scene 1
Stage Manager/Bailey: Ok ladies and gents the director wants to take it back. Christopher,
where do you want to start at?

Director/Christopher Sachinelli: Top of Act 1, scene one.

SM/Bailey: Witches we need you back on! Banquo and Mac…

Producer/ Olivia: Oh for goodness sake, Bailey, thank goodness you didn’t say it! I’m having
enough trouble paying for this show, I don’t need anything else to happen.

Macbeth/Rob: For real Bails, call me The Scot like you normally do.

SM/Bailey: Sorry friends, my bad. Actors in places please.

Producer/Olivia: What is up with the lights? Didn’t we just replace that fixture? Geeze, Fred!
I’ll be back!

Christopher: And, what’s her name? Willy Rae? I have said it 100 times go up-stage right and
on your line down stage left. Tomorrow is opening, can you get this right this time?

Witch 1: It’s Willy Mae, and your right Sir, I’m sorry. I’ll get it this time, its just I, uh…

Rob: Can we start, already?

Understudy/Jordan: So will you need me in there?

Everyone stares at Jordan, he shrugs in response.

Christopher: And, action.

Witch 1: When shall we three meet again?

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio

Witch 2: When the hurly-burly’s done,

When the battle’s lost, and won.

Witch 3: That will be ere the set of sun.

Witch 1: Where’s the place?

Witch 2: Upon the heath.

Witch 3: There to meet with Macbeth.

Witch 1: Fair is foul, and foul is fair,

Hover through the fog and filthy air.

All: The weird sisters, hand in hand,

Posters of the sea and land,
Thus do go about, about,
Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,
And thrice again, to make up nine.
Peace, the charm’s wound up.

Macbeth: So foul and fair a day I have not seen.

Banquo: How far is’t called to Forres? What are these,

That look not like the inhabitants o’th’Earth,
And yet are on’t? Live you, or are you aught
That man may question?

Macbeth: Speak if you can: what are you?

Witch 1: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Glamis.

Christopher: STOP!!!! What are you doing Billy Day??

Witch 1: Oh, gosh, Chris sorry! Umm…It’s Willy Mae by the way.

Christopher: Whatever! I need Witch 1 to move down stage left.

Jordan: I could step in for her sir!

Everyone stares at Jordan, he shrugs. Olivia rushes back in with Salma.

Olivia: Chris, another issue! Can you give the cast a break? Salma needs to take a look at
Mac….Oh dang it! This show, ugh, the Scottish Play. She needs to look at the lead’s costume.
And we need to talk.
A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio

Christopher: Oh Olivia, what now? Don’t you know we have a deadline?

Olivia: Christopher its a major issue! Salma, here now! (she and Christopher leave)

Salma: Yes, Ms. Olivia! I need Mr. Macb…

Everyone: Don’t say it!!!

Rob: I keep telling you Salma, call me Rob. Otherwise, we will all be running from the theatre
with 3 turns and a spit. Although, there seems to already be a curse on this show!

Everyone: “ha ha ha”

Bailey: Everyone lets take a ten minute break. Back here at 10pm sharp.

All but Salma and Rob leave the theatre.

Salma: Mr. Rob I am sorry I need to refit you for the jacket, something terrible happened to it.

Rob: See…a curse!

Salma: Huh?

Rob: Never mind. You need me now?

Salma: Yes Mr Rob, come this way.

Scene 2
Cast and crew mill on the stage having small conversations and having coffee, water, snacks.

Bailey: Ok and we are back people!

Everyone keeps chatting.

Bailey: Hello?! Can anyone hear me? We need to start!

Erica/W2: Huh? What’s happening?

Bailey: A play that is opening tomorrow! Places!!!

Jordan: Did you say you need me?

look, look from Bailey

A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio
Christopher: Bailey are we starting soon?

Pat/Banquo: I think it’s ten now, Bailey. Are we back?

Bailey: Are you kidding me?!

Olivia: Christopher, are we at places yet? I’m paying an arm and a leg to have extended re-
hearsal for us.

Bailey: PLACES!!!!!

All actors move to spots on stage

Rob: And Action!

Rachel/W3: Tell them!

Willie Mae: Ummm, excuse me?

Rachel/W3: Come on Willie Mae, speak up!

Erica: Wait, I thought we were starting?

Olivia, Christopher, and Bailey: What is going on?

Willie Mae: Yeah I’m trying to tell you…uh

Rachel/W3: Just say it!

Pat/B: There’s a problem guys. I don’t know where…

Rachel/W3: Where’s Rob?!

Erica/W2: Oh! Yeah! I see! I don’t see him either!

Christopher: Well where is he? Bailey! Find him!

Jordan: I’m here, if you need me.

Everyone ignores Jordan, she waves out “hello”

Bailey: Olivia, didn’t you have him go to costuming?

Olivia: Oh yeah, he’s probably with Salma. Call her.

Bailey goes to call, Salma shows up in the theatre before he dials

A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio

Salma: Did someone call my name?

Christopher: Salma, are you done with fitting Rob?

Salma: Oh yes, Mr Christopher. He left me a long time ago. I thought he was here?

Everyone looks around puzzled. Blackout.

Scene 3
Everyone is in a state of panic or exhaustion. Christopher pulling at his hair, Olivia pacing back
and forth on the phone, Jordan practicing Macbeth’s lines with Banquo…
Joe Majestic and his rookie partner Arishia Van Cheesenheikel bust through the doors to the

Joe Majestic: Ok everyone calm down, I am here to save it all!

Christopher: Huh? What’s going on, who’s this actor, Bailey?

Arisha: Pardon me, I’m Detective Arisha Van Cheesenheikel.

Christopher: Olivia did you schedule an audition at a time like this? What did you say your
name was, Cheese Uncle?

Joe: That’s enough of that! (aside to Arisha) Hey rookie, I say my name first, see! Detective Joe
Majestic it is, solving crimes is my biz! (aside to Arisha) Get it? Its a good one, yeah?

Arisha: Umm, yeah, hysterical.

Joe: Oh Van Cheesey you got to get it together!

Arisha: It’s Van Cheesenheikel and Sir, you still haven’t shown them your credentials.

Everyone is staring at the two of them at this point.

Olivia: What is going on? Who are these two people?

Bailey: Don’t look at me, I don’t know EVERYTHING!

Joe: Right, right, no biggie. I’m here to help you with your little “missing person” problem.

Arisha: We were sent here by the bureau of investigation after your very concerning phone call.
According to our records, you have a missing actor playing….ouch!!

Olivia covers Arisha’s mouth before she can say something.

A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio
Olivia: Sorry we are having way more than enough problems here!

Pat: It’s a theatre superstition. You can’t say, the name of the play we are doing in the theatre
unless the show is performing or the show will be cursed.

Joe: Ok, so looks like my little intern is making a great impression. I of course, know all the ins
and outs of the theatre and definitely would've known better than to say that! Silly girl!

Arisha: Right. So Joe I think we should take some statements, and try to solve the issue at hand,
what do you think Master?

Joe: Correct my little sidekick, where are the crumbs left by our little missing actor?

Everyone: Huh?

Arisha: I think what Detective Joe is trying to ask is, where was the victim last seen?

Erica: Did someone say something about crumbs? I’m starving!

Rachel: Erica, wake up! He was last with Salma, right?

Willy Mae: Well…I, mean, he could've gone outside, or maybe went upstair?

Bailey: I think they are just asking who was last to see Rob. Rob’s the actors name.

Olivia: I am sorry but we really need to make some fast decisions here. Are you going to be able
to find him? We open in less than 10 hours.

Jordan: Show must go on, right?

Everyone ignores

Joe: Don’t you worry, you are in capable hands. I work out regularly.

Arisha: What Detective Joe is trying to ask you is what about was this Rob, last seen? We
should be able to find some things out as soon as we get some key information.

Rachel: Salma! Stop your sewing and answer the question. I need to go home at some point ,we
need to figure out where’s Rob and get sponge bob and square pants off our stage!

Willy Mae: Rachel!

Salma: Sorry Ms. Rachel! I’m sorry, what was the question?

Bailey: The time you last saw Rob.

A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio
Salma: All I did was measure him and he was off. I think he said something about needing to
call someone about some thing…

Joe: Ah ha! Is this the missing phone here?

Rachel: That’s my phone, genius! Erica, get it from him!

Arisha: Sorry. (grabbing it from Joe and handing it to Erica) My partner does bring up a good
point, has anyone called him?

Erica: Oh my gosh! Lets just call him! (going to use Rachel’s phone, Rachel grabs it away)

Olivia: We have already called him, texted, left messages, called the authorities…

Pat: I hate to ask the question, but are we going to be able to open this show tomorrow?

Jordan: I am an UNDERSTUDY!! I am THE UNDERSTUDY! Let me do this! I can be Mac…

Everyone: DON’T SAY IT!

Bailey: She’s right.

Christopher: Oh thank god, yes lets do this! Call for places, Bailey.

Olivia: We need you to find Rob! (to Joe and Arisha)

Arisha: Give us a little time, we’ll find your guy.

Joe: Eh, that’s my line!

Scene 4
Joe Majestic and Arisha question Salma while the cast rehearse the show in the background.

Salma: I really don’t understand what you want from me? I told you the last time I saw Mr. Rob
he was leaving my costume room. Poof, he was gone.

Joe: Hmmm….

Arisha: Ms Salma, we just want to trace back our victim’s last steps.

Joe: Yeah, my money’s on that one that’s playing the witch, Rachel, did you hear how she spoke
to me? Mean little witch that one!

Arisha: Focus, Joe! Can you bring us back to your costume room? I’d like to take a look around.

Salma: I don’t think it would be a good idea. I have so much work in there, its a mess!
A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio

Phone ring sounds, it keeps going, rehearsals stop, Joe and Arisha check their own phones.

Christopher: Are you kidding me?!

Bailey: Who’s phone is that? You are suppose to have your phones on silent cast!

Everyone checks their phones. Shaking of heads, shrugging shoulders.

Willy Mae: Oh no, do you think its a ghost? (several react with a little fright)

Arisha finds the ringing phone, but Joe runs over to snatch it from her.

Joe: Ah ha! Phone found, case closed!

Arisha: (aggrivated) Who belongs to this phone? (It has an obnoxious cover of gold and bling)

Jordan: No idea. Can we get back to rehearsal? I was really on a role!

Pat: Wait a minute, let me see that. That’s Rob’s phone!

Everyone reacts with excitement and hopefulness

Jordan: Great, cool, can we get back to the scene?

Olivia: Wait, where did you find it?

Erica: Yeah, cuz may be Rob is in there?

Everyone: Huh?

Arisha: In this bag, I …

Joe: Of course, this is the bag I found it in.

Bailey: Salma, isn’t this your bag?

Salma: Ugh, well, you see um…Oh he may have mistakenly dropped it in there.

Jordan: Yeah, that’s probably what happened. Guys, show is tomorrow!

Arisha: (looking through bag finds a wallet) Ms. Salma, can you tell me just what you are doing
with Mr. Rob’s wallet as well?

Joe: (snatching wallet from her) Good work rookie, but watch this! (to Salma) I bet I will find
Rob’s drivers license in here.
A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio

Arisha: It is, Joe, I already checked.

Salma: You, ugh, Jordan, I’m sorry! I know where Mr. Rob is.

Joe: Ha! Called it! (Arisha rolls her eyes)

Jordan: Don’t say another thing Mom!

Everyone gasps: Mom?!

Salma: Yes, so many lies, so sorry! Jordan is my son and we stole Mr Rob. He is locked up in
my closet in the costume.

Bailey, Olivia, and Christopher rush off to find him.

Willy Mae: Oh poor, Rob!

Erica: What happened to him?

Rachel: Focus Erica, Salma and Jordan kidnapped him!

Pat: But why?

Jordan: Because I want to be MACBETH!!! Me! I said it MACBETH!

Everyone: No! (as Christopher, Olivia, and Bailey carry in Rob, tied up)

Olivia: We are ruined!

Joe: Looks like I need to be the real hero in this play! Ms. Salma, I am taking you in for ques-
tioning, and your little son too!

Arisha: No, arrest. We arrest them. There’s no questioning there guilt, Sir.

Joe: Yeah, yeah, I knew that. Just testing you Rookie! We are placing you both under arrest for
the kidnapping and attempted sabotage of great theatre. (Arisha and Joe walk off with them)

Bailey: I think that was the best thing he’s said all day!

Rob: Thank you friends! (as they take the ropes off) That was really one of the scariest things I
have been through! Makes playing Mac, you know who, a walk in the park! Shall we do this?

Bailey: Ready if you are. Cast, places!

Christopher: And Action!

A Mystery Back Stage
by PS 40 Drama Studio


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