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2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia WIKIPEDIA Kofun period ‘The Kofun period (7434/5 {t, Kofun jidai) is an era in the history of Japan from about 300 to 538 AD (the date of the introduction of Buddhism), following the Yayoi period. The Kofun and the subsequent Asuka periods are sometimes collectively called the Yamato period. This period is the earliest era of recorded history in Japan, but studies depend heavily on archaeology since the chronology of historical sources tends to be distorted. It was a period of cultural import. Continuing from the Yayoi period, the Kofun period is characterized by a strong influence from the Korean Peninsula; archaeologists consider it a shared culture across the southern Korean Peninsula, Kyashii and Honshi.! The word kofun is Japanese for the type of burial mound dating from this era, and archaeology indicates that the mound tombs and material culture of the elite were similar throughout the region. From China, Buddhism and the Chinese writing system were introduced near the end of the period. The Kofun period recorded Japan's earliest political centralization, when the Yamato clan rose to power in southwestern Japan, established the Imperial House, and helped control trade routes across the region.!2! Contents Kofun tombs htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period sue8 2501/2002, 2356 Kotin period - Wikipedia Development Yamato court Territorial expansion Okimi Clans Society Toraijin Chinese migration Korean migration Culture Language Haniwa Introduction of material culture Asuka period Relations with other East Asian kingdoms Chinese records Japanese records Korean records Results of the Japan-South Korea Joint Historical Research Gallery htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 2124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia See also Notes References Kofun tombs Kofun (from Middle Chinese kti 4 "ancient" + bjun #4 "burial mound")(3I[41 are burial mounds built for members of the ruling class from the 3rd to the 7th centuries in Japan,{5! and the Kofun period takes its name from the distinctive earthen mounds. The mounds contained large stone burial chambers, and some are surrounded by moats. Kofun have four basic shapes: round and square are the most common, followed by 'scallop-shell' and 'keyhole.’ The keyhole tomb is a distinct style found only in Japan, with a square front and round back. Kofun range in size from several meters to over 400 meters long, and unglazed pottery figures (Haniwa) were often buried under a kofun's circumference. Development htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period Keyhole-shaped kofun drawn in 3DCG (Nakatsuyama Kofun in Fujiidera, Osaka, 5th century) 3124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia ‘The oldest Japanese kofun is reportedly Hokenoyama Kofun in Sakurai, Nara, which dates to the late 3rd century. In the Makimuku district of Sakurai, later keyhole kofuns (Hashihaka Kofun, Shibuya Mukaiyama Kofun) were built during the early 4th century. The keyhole kofun spread from Yamato to Kawachi—with giant kofun, such as Daisenryo Kofun—and then throughout the country during the sth century. Keyhole kofun disappeared later in the 6th century, probably because of the drastic reformation of the Yamato court; Nihon Shoki records the introduction of Buddhism at this time. The last two great kofun are the 190-metre-long (620 ft) Imashirozuka kofun in Osaka (currently believed by scholars to be the tomb of Emperor Keitai) and the 135-metre long (443 ft) Iwatoyama kofun in Fukuoka, recorded in Fudoki of Chikugo as the tomb of Iwai (political archrival of Emperor Keitai). Kofun burial mounds on the island of Tanegashima and two very old Shinto shrines on the island of Yakushima suggest that these islands were the southern boundary of the Yamato state;l2! it extended north to Tainai in the present-day Niigata Prefecture, where excavated mounds have been associated with a person closely linked to the Yamato kingdom.!6) Yamato court Kofu n-period jewelry (British Museum) hlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_periad 4124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia Yamato rule is usually believed to have begun about 250 AD, and it is generally agreed that Yamato rulers had keyhole- kofun culture and hegemony in Yamato until the 4th century. Autonomy of local powers remained throughout the period, particularly in Kibi (the present-day Okayama Prefecture), Izumo (current Shimane Prefecture), Koshi (current Fukui and Niigata Prefecture), Kenu (northern Kants), Chikushi (northern Kyushu), and Hi (central Kyuishi). During the 6th century, the Yamato clans began to dominate the southern half of Japan. According to the Book of Song, Yamato relationships with China probably began in the late 4th century. ‘The Yamato polity, which emerged by the late sth century, was distinguished by powerful clans (Sik, gozoku). Each clan was headed by a patriarch (EGE, Uji-no-kami), who performed sacred rituals to the clan's kami (objects of worship) to ensure its long-term welfare. Clan members were the aristocracy, and the royal line which controlled the Yamato court w: zenith. Clan leaders were awarded kabane, inherited title: denoting rank and political standing which replaced family names. ‘The Kofun period is called the Yamato period by some Western Iron helmet and armour with gilt bronze decoration, Sth century Tokyo National Museum) scholars, since this local chieftainship became the imperial dynasty at the end of the period. However, the Yamato clan ruled just one polity among others during the Kofun era. Japanese htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 5124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia archaeologists emphasise that other regional chieftainships (such as Kibi) were in close contention for dominance in the first half of the Kofun period; Kibi's Tsukuriyama Kofun is Japan's fourth- largest. ‘The Yamato court exercised power over clans in Kyaishii and Honshi, bestowing titles (some hereditary) on clan chieftains. The Yamato name became synonymous with Japan as Yamato rulers suppressed other clans and acquired agricultural land. Based on Chinese models (including the adoption of the Chinese written language), they began to develop a central administration and an imperial court attended by subordinate clan chieftains with no permanent capital. Powerful clans were the Soga, Katsuragi, Heguri and Koze clans in the Yamato and Bizen Provinces and the Kibi clans in the Izumo Province. The Otomo and Mononobe clans were military leaders, and the Nakatomi and Inbe clans handled rituals. The Soga clan provided the government's chief minister, the Otomo and Mononobe clans provided secondary ministers, and provincial leaders were called kuni no miyatsuko. Craftsmen were organized into guilds. Gilded sword hilts, late Kofun period, 6th century Territorial expansion In addition to archaeological findings indicating a local monarchy in Kibi Province as an important rival, the legend of the 4th-century Prince Yamato Takeru alludes to the borders of the Yamato and battlegrounds in the region; a frontier was near the later Izumo Province (eastern present-day Shimane Prefecture). Another frontier, in Kyiishii, was apparently north of present-day Kumamoto htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period e124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia Prefecture. According to the legend, there was an eastern land in Honshii "whose people disobeyed the imperial court” and against whom Yamato Takeru was sent to fight. It is unclear if the rival country was near the Yamato nucleus or further away. Kai Province is mentioned as a location where prince Yamato Takeru traveled on his military expedition. The period's northern frontier was explained in Kojiki as the legend of Shido Shogun's (P4i848H, "Shoguns to four ways") expedition. One of four shdguns, Obiko set out northward to Koshi and his son Take Nunakawawake left for the eastern states. The father moved east from northern Koshi, and the son Reconstructed Kofun-era warehouse moved north; they met at Aizu, in present-day western Fukushima Prefecture. Although the legend is probably not factual, Aizu is near southern Tohoku (the northern extent of late-4th-century keyhole-kofun culture). Okimi During the Kofun period, an aristocratic society with militaristic rulers developed. The period was a critical stage in Japan's evolution into a cohesive, recognized state. The society was most developed in the Kinai region and the ¢ Chinese court for confirmation of royal titles. htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period ern Setouchi region. Japan's rulers petitioned the 7124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia While the rulers’ title was officially "King", they called themselves "Okimi" (AZ, "Great King") during this period. Inscriptions on two swords (the Inariyama and Eta Funayama Swords) read Amenoshita Shiroshimesu (34% F ; “ruling Heaven and Earth") and Okimi, indicating that the rulers invoked the Mandate of Heaven. The title Amenoshita Shiroshimesu Okimi was used until the 7th century, when it was replaced by Teno. Clans Many of the clans and local chieftains who made up the Yamato polity claimed descent from the imperial family or kami. Archaeological evidence for the clans is found on the Inariyama Sword, on which the bearer recorded the names of his ancestors to claim descent from Obiko (AZ, recorded in the Nihon Shoki as a son of Emperor Kogen). A number of clans claimed origin in China or the Korean Peninsula. Ishibutai Kofun, a late kofun in Nara Prefecture During the 5th century, the Katsuragi clan (2§49%E€, descended from the legendary grandson of Emperor Kagen) was the most prominent power in the court and intermarried with the imperial family. After the clan declined, late in the century, it was replaced by the Otomo clan. When Emperor Buretsu died with no apparent heir, Otomo no Kanamura recommended Emperor Keitai htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 8124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia (a distant imperial relative in Koshi Province) as the new monarch. Kanamura resigned due to the failure of his diplomatic policies, and the court was controlled by the Mononobe and Soga clans at the beginning of the Asuka period. Society Toraijin Toraijin refers to people who came to Japan from abroad, including mainland Chinese who inhabited ancient Japan via the Ryukyu Islands or the Korean Peninsula. They introduced numerous, significant aspects of Chinese culture to Japan. Valuing Chinese knowledge and culture, the Yamato government gave preferential treatment to toraijin.!7] According to the 815 book, Shinsen Sh@jiroku, 317 of 1,182 clans in the Kinai region of Honshii were considered to have foreign ancestry. 163 were from China, 104 from Baekje ("Paekche" in the older romanization), 41 from Goguryeo, 6 from Silla, and 3 from Gaya.'8] They may have immigrated to Japan between 356 and 645. Chinese migration According to the Shinsen Shajiroku (used as a directory of aristocrats), Chinese immigrants had considerable influence.[] The Yamato imperial court edited the directory in 815, listing 163 Chinese clans. htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 9124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia According to Nihon Shoki, the Hata clan (descendants of Qin Shi Huang)!9! arrived in Yamato in 403 (the fourteenth year of Ojin) as the vanguard of 120 provinces. According to the Shinsen Shéjiroku, the Hata clan were dispersed throughout a number of provinces during the reign of Emperor Nintoku and forced to practice sericulture and silk manufacturing for the court. When the finance ministry was set up in the Yamato court, Hata no Otsuchichi became chief of several departments (AS; Tomo no miyatsuko) and was appointed Ministry of the Treasury (Ai&@; Okura no jo); the heads of the family were apparently financial officials of the court. In 409 (the twentieth year of Ojin), Achi no omi (Ja]R0(82E)— ancestor of the Yamato-Aya clan, which was also composed of Chinese immigrants—arrived with immigrants from 17 districts. According to the Shinsen Shajiroku, Achi received permission to establish the province of Imaki. The Kawachi- Detail of c bronze mirror sent to Japan during the Kofun period, From the Eta- Funayama Tumulus, Kumamoto (Tokyo National Museum) no-Fumi clan, descendants of Gaozu of Han, introduced elements of Chinese writing to the Yamato court. The Takamuko clan is descended from Cao Cao. Takamuko no Kuromaro observed the Taika Reforms.[101 Korean migration htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 0124 2501/2002, 2356 Kolin poiod- Wikipedia Some of the many Korean immigrants who settled in Japan beginning in the 4th century were the progenitors of Japanese clans. According to Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, the oldest record of a Silla immigrant is Amenohiboko: a legendary prince of Silla who settled in Japan at the era of Emperor Suinin, possibly during the 3rd or 4th centuries. Baekje and Silla sent their princes as hostages to the Yamato court in exchange for military support.#]f21[131[4] King Muryeong of Baekje was born in Kyushu (483%) of Japan as the child of a hostage in 462,""5] and left a son in Japan who was an ancestor of the minor-noble Yamato no Fubito (#182, "Scribes of Yamato") clan. According to the Shoku Nihongi (#i Hl #2), Yamato no Fubito's relative (Takano no Niigasa) was a 1oth-generation descendant of King Muryeong of Baekje who was chosen as a concubine for Emperor Kénin and was the mother of Emperor Kanmu. In 2002, Emperor Akihito confirmed his ancient royal Korean heritage through Emperor Kanmu.6) Culture Language Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans wrote historical accounts primarily in Chinese characters, making original pronunciation difficult to trace. Although writing was largely unknown to the indigenous Japanese of the period, the literary skills of foreigners seem to have been increasingly appreciated by the Japanese elite. The Inariyama Sword, tentatively dated to 471 or 531, contains Chinese- character inscriptions in a style used in China at the time.""71 htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period sa8 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia Haniwa ‘The cavalry wore armour, carried swords and other weapons, and used advanced military methods similar to those of Northeast Asia. Evidence of the advances is seen in haniwa (3H , "clay ring"), clay offerings placed in a ring on and around the tomb mounds of the ruling elite. The most important of these haniwa were found in southern Honshii (especially the Kinai region around Nara Prefecture) and northern Kyushii. Haniwa grave offerings were sculpted as horses, chickens, birds, fans, fish, houses, weapons, shields, sunshades, pillows, and male and female humans. Another funerary piece, the magatama (4) "curved jewel"), became symbolic of imperial power. Introduction of material culture Much of the material culture of the Kofun period demonstrates Haniwa soldier in keiko armor that Japan was in close political and economic contact with continental Asia (especially with the southern dynasties of China) via the Korean Peninsula; bronze mirrors cast from the same mould have been found on both sides of the Tsushima Strait. Irrigation, sericulture, and weaving were brought to Japan by Chinese immigrants, who are mentioned in ancient Japanese histories; the Chin weaving./8] htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period ese Hata clan (#, read "Qin" in Chinese) introduced sericulture and certain types of 12124 aovor20ee, 28:86 Kolin prod - Wikipedia Asuka period The introduction of Buddhism in 538 marked the transition from the Kofun to the Asuka period, which coincided with the reunification of China under the Sui dynasty later in the century. Japan became deeply influenced by Chinese culture, adding a cultural context to the religious distinction between the periods. Relations with other East Asian kingdoms Haniwa horse statuette Chinese records According to the Book of Sui, Silla and Baekje greatly valued relations with the Kofun-period Wa and the Korean kingdoms made diplomatic efforts to maintain their good standing with the Japanese.9) The Book of Song reported that a Chinese emperor appointed the five kings of Wa in 451 to supervise military Affairs of Wa, Silla, Imna, Gara, Jinhan and Mahan. 2°) Japanese records htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 19124 2arow2022, 23:50 Kofun period - Wikipedia According to the Nihon Shoki, Silla was conquered by the Japanese Empress-consort Jingii in the third century..24 However, due to lack of evidence,!#2! this story is considered to be mythological in nature. It reported that the prince of Silla came to Japan to serve the emperor of Japan,!23] and lived in Tajima Province. Known as Amenohiboko, his descendant is Tajima Mori.24] According to Kojikil5] and Nihon Shoki,26) Geunchogo of Baekje presented stallions, broodmares and trainers to the Japanese emperor during Emperor Ojin's reign.(27) Korean records ‘The Samguk sagi (Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms) reported that Baekje and Silla sent their princes as hostages to the Yamato court in exchange for military support to continue their military campaigns; King Asin of Baekje sent his son (Jeonji) in 397,28! and King Silseong of Silla sent his son Misaheun in 402./29] Hogong, from Japan, helped to found Silla.{3°] According to the Gwanggaeto Stele, Silla and Baekje were client states of Japan. Korea says that part of the stele can be translated in four different ways, depending on punctuation and supplying missing characters.'3"] The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences investigated the stele and reported that it reads, "Silla and Baekje were client states of Japan" {321 Results of the Japan-South Korea Joint Historical Research htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period aie 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia Under an agreement reached at the 2001 Japan-South Korea summit, Japanese and South Korean historians conducted joint historical research in two phases, including the relationship between Japan and the Korean Peninsula during the Kofun period. The point at issue was the "Mimana Nihon-fu" {£888 4S##) which was said to be the governing institution Japan established in Korea at that time. After the controversy, Japanese and South Korean historians agreed that there were Japanese in the south of Korea and that the term "Mimana Nihon-fu" was not used at the time and should not be used as it was misleading. However, they could not agree on the position of the Japanese people in Korea at that time. The Japanese side claimed that the institutions established in Korea by the Japanese people were not under the control of Koreans, but were operated independently by the Japanese people and conducted diplomatic negotiations with the Gaya confederacy. On the other hand, the South Korean side claimed that the agency was the diplomatic office of Gaya, which employed the Japanese as bureaucrats of Gaya. The collaboration ended in 2010 with the publication of a final report describing the above. The full text of the minutes concerning the joint research is disclosed by the Japanese side.!331[34II351[361I37] Gallery htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 15124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia e265 Kofun helmet, Kofun Kofun Keiko Helmet Shield Crown iron and gilt Tanko ——(cuirass) copper (short armor) . Restored Kofun period lamellar armour htps:tenwkpedia ohio period sae 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia See also Japanese clans Kuni no miyatsuko Kumaso BBC Reel: The ancient tombs kept under lock and key, 27 August 2019 (https:/; eel/video/p07Iq60x/the-ancient-tombs-kept-under-lock-and-key) Notes 1. Bares, Gina L. The Archaeology of East Asia: The Rise of Civilization in China, Korea and Japan (Oxford: Oxbow books, 2015), 271-275; 331-360 2, Denoon, Donald ef al. (2001). (https://books. 7)Multicultural Japan: Palaeolithic to Postmodern, p. 107. ( XUw6kiX9LQOC&pg=PA107), p. 107, at Google Books . "Za" (https:/ . SER" (https:/ . Keally, Charles T. (2009-04-29). "Kofun Culture" (http:/ Retrieved 2009-05-30. “Yamato kingdom traces found in Niigata Pref" (http://www. 01832.htm). Daily Yomiuri Online. September 17, 2012. Retrieved September 23, 2012. hlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_periad 1124 aRY ° 2arow2022, 23:50 Kotunpatod - Wikipedia 7. K6z8, Yamamura; John Whitney Hall (1997). The Cambridge history of Japan. Cambridge University Press. p. 311. ISBN 2354-7. 8, Saeki (1981) 9. "Nihon no mydji 7000 ketsu seishi ruibetsu taikan Hata uji LAO BTS70000 REEARBIAIE 3S Ee" (hitps:/ 184241 /ttp:/www.myj7000. “.htm). Archived from the original (http://www.myj7000 on 2006- 05-17. Retrieved 2006-05-31 10. "Nihon no mydji 7000 ketsu seishi ruibetsu taikan Takamuko uji RAS #5=7 00008 REECMIBIA 48, SPIER" (https://web archive. org/web/200605 171844 11 / 3/03008.him). Archived from the original ( on 2006-05-17. Retrieved 2006-10-15 11. Brown, Delmer M. (1993). The Cambridge History of Japan: Ancient Japan ( Cambridge University Press. p. 141. ISBN 0- 521-22352-0. "Faced with this comeback by Koguryo, Paekche leaders turned to Yamato for military support, even sending its crown prince to Yamato as a hostage in 397 — just as Silla had dispatched princely hostage to Koguryo in 392 when that kingdom was in dire need of military support." 12, Pratt, Keith (2007). Everlasting Flower: A History of Korea ( =1Gui8CdUtVoC&q=Baekje+prince+hostage+yamato&pg=PA42). Reaktion Books. p. 42. ISBN 978-1-86189-335-2. "We can only guess, for example, what it felt ike for the girls periodically sent as brides to foreign courts, for the crown prince of Paekche when he was dispatched to the Yamato court as a hostage in AD 397, or for a Silla prince who experienced the same fate in 402." htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 8124 261012022, 23:56, Kolun period - Wikipedia 13. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica ( stage). Encyclopeedia Britannica, 2003. p. 279. ISBN 0-85229-961-3. "Paekche was frequently attacked by Koguryo during the century, prompting continued requests for assistance from Yamato; it is recorded that Paekche even sent a crown prince to Yamato as a hostage on one occasion and the mother of the king on another. Yet, probably because of internal dissension, Yamato did not dispatch any troops to the peninsula, Yamato’s interest in Korea was apparently a desire for access to improved continental technology and resources, especially iron." 14, Henthorn, William E. (1971). A history of Korea ( AMAAJ&q=Misahun). Free ‘press p. 37. ISBN 9780029144602. "In 402, Silla concluded a peace with the Wa, Prince Misahun was then sent to Japan as a hostage. This may have been an act of revenge by the Silla monarch, who, as Prince Silsong, had been sent as hostage to Koguryo by Prince Misahun's father. Despite the peace, Silla—Wa relations were never friendly, due no doubt in part to the Wa-Kaya alliance.” 15. Nihon Shoki Vol.14 "Chronicle of Emperor Yaryaku" APSF AERAUNIVAF) ig Chikuzen Province (At) SHBES GEU5HWA KE BABA iKIBBIC S2iKing Muryeong of Baekje (HE) ABA MultlBAsEWSte 16. Watts, Jonathan. "The emperor's new roots: The Japanese emperor has finally laid to rest rumours that he has Korean blood, by admitting that it is true" The Guardian 28 Dec., 2001 https:/ 17. Seeley (2000:19-23) htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 19124 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia 18. ESE (Kokugo Dai Jiten Dictionary) (in Japanese) (#f3EhR (Revised | Edition) ed.), Tokyo: Shogakukan, 1988, "HEPC. TOR DVMCARIR. THEI: BB. BEEK Bee RLEPRADFRC. BE WOR £ CHBEIIEA. HAE (C bOabIC) REL THE (ISK OAPI) CRLEERDNS, Surname. Influential immigrant clan in ancient times. Various theories about origins, but most likely descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to Japan in the fifth century, who are thought to have brought sericulture and weaving technologies and served in the imperial court, and to have been granted the title Hata no Miyatsuko as members of the Tomo no Miyatsuko [an imperial rank responsible for overseeing technically skilled artisans].” 19. Chinese History Record Book of Sui, Vol. 81, Liezhuan 46 : EH RERz $8155 046 : HH #@. BRSUBAAR, SYM, WN, {RBG "Silla and Baekje both take Wa to be a great country, with many rare and precious things; also [Silla and Baekje] respect and look up to them, and regularly send embassies there.” [1] (http:/ u/sui_081.htm)"Archived copy" (https://web.archive.orgiweb/20041221184200/http:/www.china Archived from the original (http:/ mirbbook/big5/25/suishu/suis81.html) on 2004-12-21. Retrieved 2008-04-29, Chinese History Record Book of Song : RH WSSH+tC Bee RMS, BASE TARDE SSR ER A ISH. RE, 850, Sit, BES BIeaw FREER RAEN, SRA, I 2] it www O6songshu/t-097.htm)[3] ( 21. Sakamoto (1967:336-340) 22. Joanna Rurarz (2014). Historia Korei (https://books. google com/books?id=O6W6uQEACAAJ& g=Historia+Korei) (in Polish). Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog. p. 89. ISBN 9788363778866. 2 Ss htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 2026 261012022, 23:56, Kolun period - Wikipedia 2 3 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Nihon Shoki, Vol6"KARHE SBR teyh AWASMSBS AUCH {CER(to serve) Z" Nihon Shoki, Vol.6 "KAAQGENERHIBA ABMS is CHERARt saBIHER AT AnTtSe BetREaTtH" ARGERALEOA AE SESE SLA Fit See SSIS TEMA EAT BADE Alk ARSE EKER AUMBIno Si Mek ABSA BOR Kurano (1958:248-249) Korean ristory Record Samguk Sagi aC MIREASC : TUE HA SRE RO EF RNAS [4] (http:/} Korean History Record Samguk Sagi : =SJPic AAAs : VEBAA Esa4 StF LAF SEB KCEABINLKZE “Archived copy" ( 5ihttp:/ Archived from the original on 2008-05-12. Retrieved 2008-05-12. Korean History Record Samguk Sagi :-=IS#ic 635— SACS — teat, NAS At Bait WBA ARMRES RRA RAM ALS RESO EES ‘BERR (2006-02-07). A LBIAA OH (http:/ |), SRSA ISBN 4-490-20569-4 Japan-Korea Joint Historical Research Committee, Japan-Korea Joint Historical Research Report (first period) (https://www,jkcf.or,jp/projects/2005/18003/) The Japan Korea Cultural Foundation htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 208 2610/2022, 23:66 Kolun period - Wikipedia 34. Japan-Korea Joint Historical Research Committee, Japan-Korea Joint Historical Research Report (second period) (https:/ The Japan Korea Cultural Foundation 35. Japan-Korea Joint Historical Research Committee, Discussion meeting of the first subcommittee, pp.479-484, August 19, 2009 (https://megalodon jp/ref/2020-0715-0054-56/http s:/ The Japan Korea Cultural Foundation 36. Summary of the Japan-Korea Historical Research Report (hitps:// 07145414/http://www.47news,jp/CN/201003/CN2010032301000547.html) 47news, March 23 2010 37. Summary of the Japan-Korea Historical Research Report (https:/; 24181248/http:/ 14) Shikoku News , March 23, 2010 References = Bogucki, Peter (1999). The Origins of Human Society. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 1-57718- 112-3. = Farris, William Wayne (1998). Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures: Issues in the Historical Archaeology of Ancient Japan. University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 0-8248-1966-7. = Imamura, Keiji (1996), Prehistoric Japan: New Perspectives on Insular East Asia. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 0-8248-1852-0. = K6z6, Yamamura; John Whitney Hall (1997). The Cambridge history of Japan. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-22354-7. htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 208 2arow2022, 23:50 Kotunpatod - Wikipedia = Kurano, Kenji; Yakichi Takeda (1958). Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 1: Kojiki, Norito. wanami Shoten. ISBN 4-00-060001-X. = Saeki, Arikiyo (1981). Shinsen Shéjiroku no Kenkyd (Honbun hen) (in Japanese). Yoshikawa Kobunkan. ISBN 4-642-02109-4, = Sakamoto, Tard; lenaga Saburd; Inoue Mitsusada; Ono Susumu (1967). Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 67: Nihon Shoki. Vol. 1. wanami Shoten. ISBN 4-00-060067-2. = Seeley, Christopher (2000). A history of writing in Japan. University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 0- 8248-2217-X. = Steams, Peter N.; William Leonard Langer (2001). The Encyclopedia of World History. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 0-395-65237-5. = Yamaguchi, Yoshinori; Konoshi Takamitsu (1997). Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zensha 1: Kojiki. Shogakukan. ISBN 4-09-658001-5. = Yoshida, Takashi (1997). Nihon no tanjé (in Japanese). lwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-430510-1. This article incorporates public domain material from the Library of Congress Country Studies website http://leweb2.loc. govitrd/cs/ (http:/eweb2.loc.govitrd/cs/).. = Japan ( htm!) This period is part of the Yamato period of Japanese History < Yayoi | History of Japan | Asuka period > Retrieved from “https://en.wikipedia. org/wlindex,php title=Kofun_period&oldid= 1063409797" htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 23124 261012022, 23:56, Kolun peri - Wikipedia This page was last edited on 2 January 2022, at 23:02 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Altribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia’ Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization htlps:Yon.wikipedia.orgwkiofun_period 2028

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