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Summary of Articles

Article 1: (Discussion Points)

Why some factories are more productive than others?

Article 1: (Key Takeaways)
● Real levers for improving factory performance:-





Article 2: The Focused Factory (Discussion Points)
The article identifies four changes in the management of A factory cannot perform well on every yardstick and
manufacturing that will help the US to compete against there remain several reasons for inconsistencies.
countries with cheap labour. ● A fully consistent set of manufacturing policies
1. “How can we compete?” resulting in a congruent system is highly rare.
1. Professionalism: Fields like engineering,
inventory management, materials handling etc.
2. Seeing the problem as encompassing the efficiency of the have come into existence for many different
entire manufacturing organization. reasons like to reduce costs, to save time and
3. Learning to focus each plant on a limited, concise, such reasons so it is natural that for them to pull
manageable set of products, technologies, volumes, and the plant into different directions.
markets. 2. Product proliferation: Shorter product life,
4. Learning to structure basic manufacturing policies and more new products, shorter runs, lower unit
supporting services so that they focus on one explicit volumes, and more customer specials are
manufacturing task instead of on many inconsistent, becoming increasingly common.
conflicting, implicit tasks. 3. Toward Manufacturing Approach: Focus the
manufacturing system on a limited task.
It also introduces focussed manufacturing to us which states
that there are other ways to compete than on cost.
Article 2: The Focused Factory (Key Takeaways)
● We cannot use scales like “cost” and ● Focussed plant is a rarity and there are several
“efficiency” anymore as the main factors for reasons for it’s inconsistency as mentioned
planning and controlling because competition is before.
getting rougher and, in particular, because a ● Reversing the process is not impossible.
strictly low-cost, high efficiency strategy is ● A more practical approach is the “plant within a
plant” notion in which the existing facility is
apparently becoming less viable in many
divided both organizationally and physically.
industries. ● The focused factory approach offers the
● Our economy has moved towards advanced opportunity to stop compromising each element
technologies so we need to move forward from of the production system in the typical
using “productivity” and “economies of scale” general-purpose, do-all plant which satisfies no
as guiding objectives. strategy, no market, and no task.
● The U.S. problem of “productivity” is real ● It helps to provide clear goals and a smooth
indeed. But seeing the problem as one of “how mechanism that offers a clear sense of direction.
to compete” can broaden management’s horizon
Article 3: (Discussion Points)
● All these 3 topics provide the
necessary insights needed to
understand the history and the
current scenario of
manufacturing in India.
Article 3: (Key Takeaways)

Conclusion of all Articles

Thank you.

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