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Akarshika Rai - UM21321

Susan Emmanuel - UM21337
Aman Raj - UM21350
Rishabh Singh - UM21355
Sachin Mayank - UM21358

Submitted to Prof: Dr. Biswa Swarup Mishra



We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Biswa Swarup Mishra, whose expert
assistance enabled us to complete our project and obtain insightful results and interpretations.
We have been able to achieve our goals thanks to his constant input and unwavering support
throughout our endeavors.
We would also like to express our gratitude to our friends and peers who assisted us in obtaining
in-depth reviews for this project. It has aided us in comprehending Punjab's progress in terms of
growth potential during the last decade, as well as the state government's significant efforts.
We also thank our family for their assistance and support throughout the course of study and


Punjab is one of India's most prosperous states, located in the northwest corner of the country.
Punjab is formed up of the terms Punj (five) and Aab (water), which means "country of five
rivers." Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum are the five rivers of Punjab. In today's Punjab,
only the Sutlej, Ravi, and Beas rivers flow. The other two rivers are now in the Pakistani
province of Punjab. Majha, Doaba, and Malwa are the three regions that makeup Punjab.
Punjab's economy is based on agriculture. Manufacturing of scientific equipment, electrical
items, financial services, machine tools, textiles, and sewing machines are among the other
important businesses. Punjab has made significant economic growth since independence. It
accounts for roughly two-thirds of the country's overall grain production and a third of its milk
production. It is the country's leading wheat grower, contributing to national food security. The
Green Revolution (a significant agricultural programme) has been enthusiastically embraced by
the Punjabi people. Their per capita income is twice that of the rest of the country. Punjab is
regarded as having the best infrastructure in India, with substantial road, rail, aviation, and river
transportation linkages throughout the province. Punjab also has India's lowest poverty rate and
has won the highest state performance award, according to Indian government statistics.

Punjab has the 15th largest state economy in India, with a gross domestic product of 5.422
trillion (US$72 billion) and a per capita GDP of 176,547 (US$2,300), placing 17th among Indian
states. In the human development index, it is ranked ninth among Indian states.



The SDG India Index & Dashboard 2020-21 evaluated and rated states on 115 indicators across
70 SDG Targets across 15 SDGs.In terms of overall ranking, Punjab is rated 12th among the
states. Punjab has a Composite Index Score of 68, which is a 6-point rise over the previous year's
score of 62. Punjab has progressed from the Performer category in 2018-19 to the Front Runner
category in 2020-21.
Despite the fact that the composite score has improved significantly, the State's ranking has
stayed same at 12

Punjab SDG(9-12) index score 2020-2021


Health and Education - Financial as well Non-financial (innovations)

In recent years understanding the progress of an economy has shifted from merely growth
indicators based approach to the ultimate outcome of development. It is an approach to
understand the quality of life individuals lead and gauge the true extent of progress. Thus
development is the better indicator to know the economy’s real progress and well-being.

From the start of the year 2000 , it was observed that the Punjab government has tried for
betterment of the reach of education in the state. Focus was given on improving the Literacy rate,
Enrollment ratio (Gross Enrollment ratio and Net Enrollment Ratio) and to increase the number
of schools and colleges in the state with facilities available for students.

As a result ,the state stood top ranker with the highest proportion of schools with a boundary
wall in the country.

Various Education schemes were launched like-

1. Education Guarantee scheme now known as Alternative Innovative Education/Special

Training Scheme
2. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
3. National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level
4. Mid-Day Meal Scheme.

A learning enhancement program ‘Padho Punjab Padhao Punjab’ (PPPP) in all government
schools for all classes to ensure age and class appropriate levels of learning.

All of these resulted in lowering of drop out rates as compared to 22.17% drop out rate in 1999-
2000 it reached 0% in 2019-20. The literacy rate increased to 75.84% in 2011 from 58.51% in

The low drop-out rates and high transition rates in the State are indicative of the fact that not
only has the State been successful in bringing children to school, but also ensuring that they stay
there. Apart from this appointment of medical staff has been done to improve the health care

An example on the appointment of medical staff can be seen in 2012 when after the decade long
ban on recruitment was lifted in 2009, the government appointed more than 1327 doctors and
3800 para-medics were 161 appointed till 2012.

Schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Surikshit Matritva Abhiyan , Rashtriya Bal Swasthya
Karyakram , Mata Kaushalya Kalyan Scheme , Mukhya Mantri Punjab Cancer Raahat Kosh
schemes were implemented for the betterment of healthcare facility. Along with that Free
Medicines and treatment were provided.

In terms of physical infrastructure, the population served per medical institution stood at 7,916 in
2020 against 2228 medical institutions in 2007. Similarly, the population served per bed is 1595
in 2020, against 1,657 in 2019 while the population served per institution was 11805 in 2006-
2007. A significant growth can be clearly observed in terms of healthcare facilities


Investment spending by the state

Public expenditure plays a crucial role in the creation of urban infrastructure and the provision of
various municipal services to the rapidly increasing urban population.

In spite of availability of power and good infrastructure, Punjab is no longer considered an

attractive destination for investment due to its landlocked location with a hostile border

Still, Over the last years investment on Physical Capital has been made to meet the demand of
various requirements.

For example in 2000-01, in order to generate employment, investment were done in

infrastructure to develop In terms of storage , Punjab has the second largest storage capacity in
India. As of March 2018, 201.43 metric tonnes space capacity was there in Punjab.

Punjab has connected its farmers to adequate marketing infrastructure. According to data
collected till 2015, there were 424 regulated agricultural markets in Punjab. This amounts to a
catchment area of 116 sq. km for every market, higher than the 80 sq. km recommended by the
National Commission of Farmers, 2004

Various investments under the Integrated Infrastructure development scheme are also going on.




As of February 2021, Punjab had a total installed power generation capacity of 14,376.29 MW,
of which 4,214.54 MW was under the central sector, state utilities (3,281.20 MW) and private
sector (6,880.55 MW). Of the total installed power generation capacity, 8,765.51 MW was
contributed by thermal power, 3,809.12 MW by hydropower and 1,604.85 MW by renewable
Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) is the nodal organisation for renewable energy
development in the state. The Government of Punjab is continuously focusing on usage of
renewable Sources of energy. Total investment potential for a target renewable energy
generation capacity of 5,400 MW is projected to be US$ 6 billion by 2022. The state
Government aims to achieve a target of 4,200 MW capacity additions in solar energy by 2022.
and 300 MW of power generation using biomass by 2022. Energy requirement in the state was
50,598 million units in 2019-20.


Punjab has been able to keep up with the rising demand for electricity. The estimated demand for
power in the state has been steadily increasing. Electricity demand was predicted to be 55,290
MU in 2018-19, up from 54,812 MU in 2017-18. Despite changes in electrical generation,
electricity availability has remained relatively constant in comparison to demand.

As a result, there has been an increase in power consumption. During 2019-20, the state
consumed 53097.5 million kwH of electricity, an increase of 11% over 2018-19. This has
financial ramifications. The agricultural and industrial sectors consume 56 percent of all
electricity, as shown in Figure 60. Domestic consumption accounts for around 31%, a figure that
has risen over time.

Ujjawala Scheme:

The Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All was launched in 2015 with a target of replacing 77
crore incandescent lamps with LED bulbs. The goal is to promote energy-efficient lighting and
raise awareness about how to use energy-efficient equipment to save money and protect the
environment. For the fiscal year 2021-22, a budget provision of Rs. 15.00 lakh has been

Punjab has created a vision document for the year 2030 that outlines the effective initiatives it
will take to improve its performance by 2030, based on its average performance on SDG 12.



Status: There is an over exploitation of water resources in several regions as indicated by rapid
decline in ground water levels. There is depletion of groundwater in about 110 blocks out of total
146 blocks.

Likewise, intensive cropping using varieties having higher productivity have caused mining of
soil nutrient reserves.
Strategies: To address these issues, a coordinated effort to improve water and fertilizer use
efficiency and improve soil health through a variety of techniques is required.

● Water conservation methods in crop production, such as short-duration rice varieties,

direct seeded rice, drip irrigation and fertigation systems, laser levelling, mulching, and
so on, must be developed and refined.
● It is necessary to enhance rainwater conservation on farms through the building of water
harvesting structures and groundwater replenishment through recharge structures.
● Soil testing should be prioritised for need-based integrated fertiliser application, and soil
health cards should be produced and distributed to each farmer in the state.
● Sensor-based technologies are proven effective in the efficient management of natural
resources in some countries. Precision agriculture techniques such as laser land levelling
and GPS soil mapping are the result of such methods.


Status: The state's biodiversity has been slowly declining due to the introduction of new
varieties. Exotic varieties with a narrow genetic background have displaced local varieties. To
keep the agro-ecosystem in balance, it is critical to restore biodiversity in the state's flora and
wildlife. All of this is best accomplished by increasing biodiversity on agricultural lands.


● The use of appropriate types and methods will ensure that land and water resources are
used responsibly. The efficiency with which farmers use water and nutrients vary, and
this can have a big impact on the environment. Similarly, deploying disease and pest
resistance can have a tremendous ecological payoff. Resistance to biotic stressors in the
host plant has been an important and extremely successful component of breeding
● The state is devoted to a long-term sustainable approach to agricultural agro-ecosystems
rather than short-term productivity with negative environmental consequences. The crop
breeding system must be upgraded in order to achieve this goal efficiently.



Status At present, in Punjab the forest cover is just 4.85 percent which is quite less as compared
to the minimum forest area (20 percent) required to maintain the ecological balance of an area as
recommended by the National Forest Policy (1988). The growth in total area under forest is
given in table 15.1. The area under forests in Punjab is reducing due to a number of reasons.

The state's forest cover is being reduced due to large-scale tree cutting for infrastructure projects,
road and canal expansion, a shortage of quality planting material, and a lack of public awareness.
The government has set an ambitious goal to improve the state's forest cover under the Green
Punjab Mission to 15 per cent. Furthermore, the state has set a goal of bringing around two lakh
hectares of land under agroforestry as part of its agricultural diversification plan.


● New enhanced tree kinds must be developed, as well as strategies for producing high-
quality planting material. Clonal forestry should be promoted for large-scale reforestation
initiatives and agroforestry plantations based on fast-growing, high-yielding clonal
planting stock of several species. To standardise their package of farming practices,
suitable tree-crop combinations for different agro-climatic zones of the state must be
identified. For saline waterlogged environments, appropriate tree species and
management procedures must be standardised.
● To meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the Punjab Department of Forests and
Wildlife Preservation has proposed planting 87,394 acres of land under various
programmes from 2017-18 to 2029-30. The following is a list of activities that will be
carried out under the proposed Sustainable Development Goals programme from 2017-18
to 2029-30:

Revision of working and management plans

Department will review existing plans and further update management plans of State forests,
update growing stocks of forest (which include enumeration of trees on forest lands), demarcate
and survey of forests, prepare forests maps using modern tools and techniques (including
GIS/GPS), develop infrastructure for improved mobility, communication, etc.

Green India Mission

The focus will be on soil and moisture conservation in order to treat the project area holistically.
It has made a proposal to do plantation over an area of 18994 ha with a budget outlay of Rs.
21,001 lakh from 2017 to 2021-22.

Intensification of forest management

This initiative by the Government of India makes judicious use of all available methods to
improve the protection and conservation of the State's forest resources. Forest fire management,
maintenance of fire lines, procurement of firefighting equipment, demarcation of forest
boundaries, improved communication through wireless technology, and promotion of awareness
among the local populace are some of these approaches. During the following decade, it is
planned that development on the above components be intensified. This project is expected to
cost Rs. 4050 lakh from 2017 to 2029-30.

Punjab Forestry Watershed Development Project

Soil and water conservation projects, as well as ICT and E-Government promotion, will be
carried out under this scheme. This project included extensive soil and moisture conservation
work such as brushwood and dry stone check dams, continuous live hedges, vegetative spurs,
and other masonry structures. Under this initiative, it is proposed to invest Rs. 23200 lakh on
plantations over an area of 14,000 acres from 2017 to 2029-30.

Biodiversity and Natural Conservation Project

This is a comprehensive method that takes a holistic and integrated approach to developing
appropriate policies for the protection, conservation, and development of forests, wildlife, and
other natural resources, as well as the provision of livelihoods to reduce poverty. It is proposed
to spend Rs. 231453 lakh from 2019 to 2027-28 by doing plantation over an area of 48800 ha
under this scheme.


Punjab is an agrarian economy as such the agriculture sector plays a key role in driving the
growth of other sectors. Even though the sectors are interlinked, the agriculture sector is believed
to be the driving force of Punjab’s economy. In the last 5 years, the Service sector in Punjab has
been the major contributor to the state's GVA (Gross Value Added). From 2015-2016 to 2019-
2020 service sector has contributed average of 46.5% annually whereas agriculture and industrial
sector have contributed on an average of 29.2% and 24.7% annually to state’s GSVA

Source: Punjab’s Economic Survey 2020-21

Agriculture and Allied Sector

Punjab was the forerunner in the green revolution and enjoys the title of being called “India’s
Granary”. It contributes 12.8% of rice and 18.2% of wheat production in India. Agriculture and
allied sector of Punjab contributes 28.6% in GSVA. Agricultural households have an average
monthly income of Rs. 23,133 indicating that per capita income in Punjab is high.

Since the 2000s we can see that area and yield of paddy and wheat have declined over the years
due to diminishing marginal returns in the backdrop of low investment ratio.

The future growth in the Agriculture sector is predicted to come from allied sectors such as
livestock, which has consistently grown over the years to contribute 10.5% GSVA in the year
2019-2020. Government is now focusing on various allied sub sectors to boost their growth and
in turn increasing their contribution to GSVA of Punjab along with the agriculture sector.

Industrial Sector:

Industrial sector is linked with agricultural sector in Punjab as 1 unit rise in agricultural product
leads to 1.77 unit rise in industrial output. As most industries here are agro based, a growth in
agriculture sector adds to the raw materials for industries.

Over the past 2 years, the industrial sector has seen a drop-in growth rate following the national
trend. But, the manufacturing sub-sector under the industrial sector has been the highest
contributor to GSVA of Punjab. Punjab is leading producer of apparels, woollen clothes, sports
kit. In north, Ludhiana has established itself as the largest manufacturing spot. Government is
setting up a light engineering park and textile park which will increase the growth rate of the
industrial sector in upcoming years.

From 2013-14 to 2018-19 the industrial sector had a growth rate of 6.5% GVA on average but
Punjab had an average growth rate of 5.6% of GVSA. Industrial sector contribution is expected
to grow post pandemic as the sector resumes work and high demand of agro based products in
the market.

Service Sector:

Service sector is the highest contributor to Punjab’s GSVA. It has given a consistent contribution
of 46% GVA over the past few years and has shown a growth of 6% over the span of 6 years
from 2012-13 to 2017-2018. Sub-sectors under service sector in Punjab are trade, restaurant,
transport, real estate, storage and communication of which other than financial service all other
sub-sectors have shown growth rate of over 6% since 2012-13 on an average.

“Other Service” has been the highest contributor with 9.3% over the years under the service
sector. Potential of developing the tourism service of Punjab is huge. Major tourism destination
currently is Amritsar but with more rural tourism and access to those areas, the government is on
a move to boost this sector.


According to Periodic Labour Survey of India (PLFS), Punjab’s labour force participation rate
(LFPR) of 15+ age group stood at 47.7% and worker population ratio (WPR) of 15+ age group
stood at 44.2%. Gender wise disparity is present in employment as well. Females have low
LFPR which stands at 19.1% as compared to 73.9% for male.

In Punjab, 1/4th of the labour force is employed in the agriculture sector taking it to around
24.5% as per Periodic labour survey of India. In the rural area of Punjab this sector employs
38.74% of workers. Manufacturing service engages the second highest number of worker
population in the state which is more than the average national level employment in that sector.
19% of workers are involved in the industrial sector such as in textile hubs, sports goods
manufacturing, light engineering goods. Trade and repair services employ 14% of workers. For
females, the education sector is the largest employer where approx. 24.8% of female workers
work.Within the Industrial sector, employment in the manufacturing sector has the highest share
(54%), then construction (41%) and then the electricity sector (3.9%).

Employment numbers in industrial sector fell between 2011-12 to 2015-16 but after that it
recovered by year 2019.

As per Periodic labour force survey of India (PLFS), in Punjab 40% of employment is provided
by service sector. Punjab has provided good ecosystem for IT service development as such there
are around 150 IT enterprises in Punjab.

In the services sector, trade and repair services, as well as hotels and restaurants, employ 41.3%
of the total employment. Other services, which include education, health, and entertainment, are
the second largest employer, employing 32% of the workforce. Transport and storage employs
14% of total workforce.

Multi-skill development centres have been opened across Punjab to train more than 6000
students in IT and similar fields. IT service boom is expected in Punjab in coming years to boost
employment as government is working on making condition conducive for its sustenance.


Inflation plays a critical role in any economy by impacting the real income of individuals.
Though inflation management is largely a function of the Union government, given its impact on
people’s real income, inflation is a relevant theme at the state level as well.

Inflation Measures in India

1. GDP Deflator - measure of inflation that takes into account the inflation in all the goods and
services produced in the economy.

2. Consumer Price Index - a weighted sum of prices of a standard basket of goods and services
consumed by a typical domestic consumer.

3. Wholesale Price Index - a price index of goods and services that are sold by producers.

An Overview

During the start of the decade from, it was seen, that the WPI mainly consisted the Agricultural
commodities and the effect in Inflation was mainly due to these commodities. Also the Base year
taken into considerations were really older ones ( Base 1979-80 to 1981-82=100) while at
national the base year was different (base 1993-94=100) due to which the results of inflation was
not exactly comparable and was not showing the real picture of Inflation. Even the CPI indicator
base price taken into considerations were really old and before Liberalization.

It can be observed from the results of various Y-o-Y results that inflation rates even after the
base change has not seen a linear path , but their have been an up and down in the inflation rate
over the years.

A positive result was the Food inflation which was one of the main inflation contributors in
Punjab reached to ZERO inflation in the Economic Survey 2020-21

The role of state Government is limited to achieve price stability by taking effective steps within
its control like maintaining an efficient public distribution system (PDS) and controlling
hoarding and black marketing. The economic Survey of Punjab suggests that the Government
accords priority to inflation control and the last 2-3 year data where inflation rates are hovering
around the RBI target range of 2% to 6% shows that the Government is trying to work towards

Welfare programs sponsored by the state government(is it launched by the state government or
use of a central government program)

Punjab Government launched various programs and also used central government programs for
the welfare of different segments of societies.

Swaran Jayanti Rojgar Yojana

Launched by the Government of India which had three components namely (a) Urban Self
Employment Programme (b) Urban Wage Employment Programme and (c) Development of
Women and Children in urban areas during the year 2000-01.

Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)


It was one of the significant programme which aims at ameliorating the economic condition of
the rural people living below the poverty line.

Social Security Schemes

This scheme provided support to the citizen from womb to old age State Government department
of Social Security and Women & Child Development plays a vital role in providing support to
the citizen from womb to old age. The department provides financial assistance to the elderly,
widows and destitute women, dependent children and disabled persons for their subsistence.
Various schemes are there within the Social Security Scheme-

 Old Age Pension Scheme- Financial support for the old age population of Punjab which
accounts for 10.3% of total population.
 Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension (IGNOAPS)- For financial support of
elderly who are Below poverty line.
 Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme- this scheme is for Household widows
below the poverty line within the age group of 40-59 years to provide financial support.
 Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme- this scheme is for differently abled
persons below the poverty line within the age group of 20-59 years to provide financial
 Scheme for Rights of persons with disability Act- To the maximum extent possible,
buildings/places/transportation systems for public use are be made barrier free. Barrier-
free environment enables people with disabilities to move about safely and freely, and
use the facilities within the built environment
 Ghar-Ghar Rozgar – It is a special programme of the State Government to provide
employment to unemployed youth through Mega Placement Drive/ Mega job fair. An
exclusive Ghar-Ghar Rozgar Portal ( & was launched in February 2018 by Government, where both job
seekers and job providers can register themselves on this interactive platform. From the
launch of scheme, more than 40000 jobs were provided in government as well as private
Sectors of state.
 Apni Gaddi Apna Rozgar Yojna- To provide self-employment/entrepreneurial avenues to
youth of Punjab in transport sector this was launched by State Government. Under the
scheme, taxis are provided at subsidized rates and no collateral are required for the loan
for purchasing the taxi. The government tied up with OLA and UBER to provide
employment. opportunities.
 Crop Loan Waiver Scheme- In order to minimise the high indebtedness among marginal farmers
in mind, the State government has introduced the Crop Loan Waiver Scheme in the State in 2017.
In last 2 years a total sum of Rs. 4200 cr. was given to almost 5.75 Lakhs farmers as crop loan
relief .



Gini coefficient: The Gini coefficient is a statistic that evaluates the disparity between the values
of different income levels. A Gini coefficient of zero denotes perfect equality, in which all
values are equal, i.e., everyone earns the same amount of money. A Gini coefficient of one (or
100 percent) expresses maximum inequality among values, i.e., for a large number of persons,
the Gini coefficient will be approximately one if one person has all of the income or
consumption while the others have none.

With a current gini coefficient of 0.29, Punjab has an extremely low income disparity.

Women empowerment

Punjab has made considerable progress in terms of increasing its gender ratio and educating
girls. Despite tremendous progress, women's participation in the labour force and entrepreneurial
activity remains low in the State. Nonetheless, the state has achieved great progress in Punjab in
terms of women's empowerment.

1. Punjab saw the greatest increase in the sex ratio between 2005-07 and 2017-18, rising from
837 to 890.

2. According to Census 2011, the literacy rate for females in Punjab was 70.7 percent (Rural
women: 65.8% and Urban women: 79.2%), much higher than the national average of 64.7

3, Female Population Employment Scenario Despite the fact that women outperform men in
terms of educational and learning results, this does not transfer into more job opportunities for

4, Discrimination against women in the workplace is reflected in the income disparity between
men and women, particularly among regular salaried workers in rural areas.

Year % of seats won by Ratio of female Seats hold by

women in legislative labour force women in Panchayat
assembly participation to male Raj
labour force

2018 5.13 0.16 23

2019 5.13 0.26 34.58

2020 5.13 0.26 41.39

Several government projects aimed towards empowering women include:


Many initiatives have been launched by the Punjab government to improve the social and
educational status of women, to improve the skewed sex ratio of girls, to raise awareness about
social stigma associated with the birth of a girl child, to provide financial benefits for raising a
girl child, and to reduce the school dropout rate.

 Kasturba Gandhi Mahila Yojana: It covers all women-headed households in the State,
with the goal of assisting these families in gaining easy access to all State Government
schemes. A provision of Rs 5.00 crore has been made in the budget.
 Nirbhaya Fund (Dedicated fund for safety and security of women): For ensuring safety
and security of women in the country
 Mata Tripta Mahila Yojana: The initiative will focus on delivering benefits to all eligible
women through the government's existing schemes. This aims to reach out to all of the
state's needy women and girls in order to offer them with services, benefits, and rights
 2005 Act to Protect Women from Domestic Violence: The Protection of Women from
Domestic Abuse Act of 2005 ("PWDVA") ensures that the rights of women guaranteed
by the Constitution who are victims of domestic violence of any type are better protected.

Uplifting of Marginalized Classes

Punjab has the country's highest proportion of Schedule Caste people. Punjab's Scheduled Tribes
account for nearly a third of the population (31.94 percent).

Despite having a better level of economic growth than many other states, local caste systems
nevertheless regulate social connections, leaving Dalits vulnerable to caste-based violence. As a
result, a larger proportion of Dalits in rural areas secretly suffer from upper caste supremacy and

face human rights violations. Also, The crime against SC has increased over the years

Punjabi SCs' educational and health status

The literacy rates of the scheduled castes in Punjab, as well as across the country, remain below
the national average.

While general literacy rates in Punjab are better than the national average, SCs in the state trail
behind SCs nationally. In Punjab, however, schedule Castes perform better than other castes in
terms of health and nutrition metrics, notwithstanding current trends.

Schedule Castes in Punjab do better than SC across the country on health and nutrition
parameters. Only 29.3 percent of SC children under the age of five in Punjab are stunted, 24.1
percent are underweight, and 16.9 percent are wasting. A bigger number of SC children in
Punjab receives all basic immunizations and has better access to food, which may be a
contributing factor.89.2 percent of SC children in Punjab obtained all basic vaccinations.

Initiatives of the government to help the poor and marginalized

 Through several corporations founded particularly for this purpose, the Punjab Scheduled
Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation State Government provides financial
help to marginalised sections to strengthen their economic status.
 Punjab Backward Classes Land Development and Finance Corporation
 To support self employment activities Punjab Backward Classes Land Development and
Finance Corporation provide loans to Backward Classes, Minorities and Economic
Weaker Section
 Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana
 A total of Rs. 30.00 crore has been set aside under the scheme to provide essential
amenities such as education, health, water supply, sanitation, and sludge water disposal,
as well as infrastructure upgrades in SC-concentrated areas.

Reduction in Poverty

Poverty is at the foundation of a slew of economic and social issues. Poverty is defined not only
by a lack of resources or money, but also by limited chances for growth and development.

Punjab is credited as outperforming other provinces in terms of poverty estimations. Punjab is

the state with the second-lowest poverty rate among all the states. Punjab is one of India's
wealthiest states, with poor people accounting for fewer than a tenth of the population.Punjab
has hunger index of 13.63 which is lowest among Indian states.

Punjab's poverty headcount ratio has steadily decreased over the years, from 22 percent in 1993-
94 to 20.9 percent in 2004-05 to the current 8.26 percent in 2020-2021.

The graph below depicts the decrease in the percentage of the people living in poverty. Punjab
has made significant progress in decreasing poverty.



GOALS 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable

industrialization, and foster innovation.

● Punjab has the highest storage capacity in India. As of March 2020, the storage capacity
with Food Corporation of India (FCI), Central Warehouse Corporation (CWC) and
Department of Food and Civil Supplies in Punjab was 269.44 lac metric tonnes.
● Punjab has well connected and adequate marketing infrastructure. As of 2020, there were
154 regulated agricultural markets in Punjab
● Punjab has made significant progress in providing its residents with better health
facilities. In terms of physical infrastructure, the population served per medical institution
stood at 7,909 in 2019. Similarly, the population served per bed is 1,657 in 2019, against
1,222 in 2015.
● The total road length in Punjab during 2016-17 was 72212 km. The work of 4 laning of
National Highways which consists of 620 km with total cost of Rs. 11319.00 crore is in
progress. Total route length of railway network in Punjab was 1844.649 km in 2015
against 1819.73 km in 2014

GOALS 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

● Reducing inequality is one of the Goals where states across the country are performing
poorly. Still Punjab performance is slightly better than the majority of states.
● In case of Sex ratio, there is highest improvement as it increased from 837 in 2005-07 to
886 in 2015-17.
● To generate additional employment opportunities, Government of Punjab has started a
new scheme Ghar Ghar Rozgar.

GOALS 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

● The Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation (PSCFC)-
Punjab is home to the largest proportion of Schedule Caste population in the country. As
per the Census of 2011, almost one third (31.94%) of the population in Punjab belong to
the Scheduled Caste classes, PSCFC provides loan and subsidy to poor SC Population.

● Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana- Under this scheme, financial aid is provided for
providing basic minimum services like education, health , water supply , sanitation ,
upgradation of infrastructure facilities and disposal of sludge water.

GOALS 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

● SDG 12 was not mapped for Punjab before 2019

● Punjab was given 26th position in the SDG Goal 12
● In terms of Per Capita fossil Fuel consumption, Plastic waste generation Punjab was
Front runner, while on parameters such as Quantity of hazardous waste recycled the
performance was poor


3. file:///C:/Users/AMAN%20RAJ/Downloads/Economic%20Survey%202013%20-

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