K2a - Pengurusan Kewangan

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2. Maklumat yang berikut diperoleh daripada Encik Wong.

The following information is obtained from Mr Wong

Pendapatan dan perbelanjaan / Income RM
and expenditure
Pendapatan aktif / Active income 3600
Pendapatan pasif/ Passive income 750
Perbelanjaan tetap/ Fixed expenses 2410
Perbelanjaan tidak tetap/ Variable expenses 690

Hitung aliran tunai bulanan bagi Encik Wong. Kemudian, nyatakan sama ada aliran tunai
tersebut adalah positif atau negatif. Berikan alasan anda.
Calculate Mr Wong's monthly cash flow. Then, state whether the cash flow is positive or
negative. Give your reason.
[3 markah]
[3 marks]

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