Findings and Analysis (ARM)

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Chapter 05: Analysis and Findings

Demographic Variable Explanation

Employee Performance

Job Satisfaction Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
100 2.30 5.00 3.8760 .58225
Valid N (list wise) 100
Table: Summary of Employee Performance

Here the mean value Employee Performance has been shown. Employee Performance consists of
Management Support, Organizational Climate, Training Culture, Environmental Dynamism, Job
Environment, Job Autonomy, Proactivity, Skill Flexibility, Intrinsic Motivation, and Adaptability. The
maximum value for Employee Performance was seen 5.00 and minimum to be 2.30. The average
value was 3.8760 with std. deviation of .58225. So it can be said that employee performance as per
data is neutral to satisfactory.

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Mgt_support 100 2.00 5.00 4.1900 .83720
Org_climate 100 1.00 5.00 3.8300 1.02548
Training culture 100 1.00 5.00 3.6700 1.23954
Env_Dynamism 100 2.00 5.00 4.0300 .92611
Job-Environment 100 1.00 5.00 3.8500 1.00880
Job Autonomy 100 1.00 5.00 3.8500 1.12254
Proactivity 100 1.00 5.00 3.8400 1.02218
Skill Flexibility 100 1.00 5.00 4.0000 .99494
Intrinsic Motivation 100 1.00 5.00 3.800 1.02376
Adaptability 100 1.00 5.00 3.8200 .99879
Valid N (list wise) 100
Table: Response towards individual variables of Employee Performance

All of the above mentioned variables are collected to define Employee Performance which has been
used as dependent variable in the data set. If taken individually then we can see all the variables had
the mean value of 3 above. So, in overall in all of the questions the employees were neutral to

Hypothesis Development

Null hypothesis, Ho : there is no relation between the variables of Organizational Citizenship

Behavior and Employee Performance.

Hypothesis Test

For testing the hypothesis, a multiple regression analysis has been conducted. Here the analysis has
been conducted by considering employee performance as dependent variable and the determinants
of organizational citizenship behavior as independent variables. For running the regression, the
mean value of the determinants of employee performance has been used. The result of the analysis
is explained in the following section-

Variables of Organizational Citizenship Behavior vs Employee Performance

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Durbin-Watson
Square Estimate
1 .457a .209 .167 .53156 1.969

Predictors: (Constant), Conscientiousness, Civic virtue, Altruism, Courtesy, Sportsmanship

Dependent Variable: Employee performance
Table: Model summary of variables of OCB vs Employee Performance

Here R denotes the correlation between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee
Performance. Here the value of R is .457 which means there is a positive relation between the
dependent and independent variable. The adjusted r square value is .209 which means 20.9% of the
variation in Job Satisfaction is explained by Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The proportion is
less than half which indicates that Organizational Citizenship Behavior affects to some extent to
employee performance. Then again, the Durbin-Watson is 1.969 which indicates that there is no

Sum of
Model df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 7.002 5 1.400 4.957 .000
Residual 26.560 94 .283
Total 33.562 99
a. Dependent variable- Employee Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), OCB1, OCB2, OCB3, OCB4, OCB5
Table: ANOVA

From the above table it is clearly shown that the regression model is statistically significant as the p
value is lower than .05, thus the null hypothesis gets rejected and it can be concluded that there is a
relation between the variables of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Beta t Sig.
B Std. Error

(Constant) 2.077 .418 4.962 .000

OCB1 -.043 .065 -.071 -.661 .510
OCB2 .160 .075 .227 2.141 .035
OCB3 .105 .075 .160 1.393 .165
OCB4 .159 .061 .259 2.594 .011
OCB5 .058 .083 .072 .700 .486

Table 9: Coefficient table of the variables of OCB vs. Employee Performance

Here OCB1= Altruism, OCB2= Courtesy, OCB3= Sportsmanship, OCB4= Civic Virtue, OCB5=
Conscientiousness and OCB= Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The beta coefficients tell us how
many units or measures of Employee Performance increases for a single unit of the variables of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Here the beta coefficient value for all the variables except OCB1
is positive which means that there is a positive relationship between all the variables of OCB with
Employee Performance and only OCB1 has a negative relation with Employee Performance. So, it
can be said that increase in any of the variable except the first variable will result in increase of the
Employee Performance level. Here from the table it can also be noticed that the beta coefficient
value is statistically significant for OCB2, OCB4 as the p values for the variables are less than .05 but
for OCB1, OCB3 & OCB5 the p values are higher than .05which make the variables statistically
insignificant. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant proof that there is a relationship
between OCB and Employee Performance.

Thus, the regression equation can be mentioned as-

Employee Performance = 2.077+ .160OCB2+.105OCB3+.159OCB4+.058OC

Design and delivery 
Two critical issues that must be considered in the design of the training prior to its delivery and
are, Interference and Transfer.

The first one is interference. Here we will discuss the interference that we faced before starting
the course Strategic Human Resource Management. Interference basically occurs when prior
training, learning or established habits becomes a block or obstacle in the learning process. For
us, the first interference we faced is in the learning training or learning platform. We are
accustomed to our previous learning methods such as attending class physically and having
face to face interaction with our teachers or trainers. We were not ready for online classes that
too for a very long period. Because of this long term habit it was quite difficult for us to modify
our response. It impacted the way we respond towards the training as well as the outcome of
our learning. Then again because of the long gap in our studies for pandemic and  lockdown we
have a very obscure concept of our human resource related courses and it is very important for
learning an advanced course to have a good basic knowledge about that particular subject  and
this is another interference in learning this strategic human resource management course. 

The second critical issue that must be addressed in designing the training process is Transfer. It
means whether we can actually perform the new skill or use the new knowledge we have learnt
throughout the course. We can also say how much of our learnings we can actually transfer or
use in our practical life. In terms of our course it indicates how much we have actually learnt
from the course and how much of our learning we can use in our corporate life. Basically when
we enter our corporate life with an actual job setting, we can feel the lack of transfer. Our
courses are designed in such a way that we can not use much of our learnings in our jobs. In
corporate life we practically use our knowledge or skills, on the other hand in our academic
courses we get very little knowledge on practical learnings. Our academic courses teach us how
to gain specific knowledge or skill but do not really teach us how to use them practically. Then
again because of the current pandemic situation the training process has become very limited
as well as the focus on practical skill development has also been limited. As a result we think
that it will affect our skill and knowledge transfer process. 

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