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Write a short description of your company


Tip! We use present simple, present perfect, present perfect continuous to write about our

: To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging

situations, and emotions.

E.g., our company provides accounting and consultation services. (Present simple/ routines,

E.g., Our Company has a chain of 30 showrooms throughout the country. (Present simple/
routines, facts)

E.g., our firm specializes in constructing dams and hydraulic structures. (Present simple/
routines, facts)

E.g., Our Company is based in Canada. (Present simple/ routines, facts)

E.g., our turnover is around 3.5 billion dollars. (Present simple/ routines, facts)

E.g., Our Company is listed in Iran Stock Exchange.

Be careful! The simple present is not used to express actions happening now.

1. When the precise time of the action is not important or not known in the past. It is
sometimes used to talk about the track record of a company or a person.
2. When something happens in the past and continues to the present.
3. Recent actions.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 1


E.g., the company has traded for 24 years under the current name. It specializes in
pharmaceuticals. (Track record/ routines, facts)

E.g., we have imported tires to Europe and the U.S. (Track record)

E.g., we have just sent you the shipment. You can track it through this site. (Recent actions)

E.g., we have been the main internet and telecommunication provider for 10 years. Our market
share exceeds 62 per cent of total subscribers. (Something happens in the past and continues
to the present/ routines, facts)

To talk about an action that started in the past and continues in the present.

E.g., we have been internationally trading chemicals for 10 years.

E.g., I have been working as a coordinator in LG for the last 5 years/ since 2017.

Fill in the blanks with the proper words in the box. Use present simple, present perfect and
present perfect continuous where necessary.

Based subsidiary producers manufacture

provide (2) employ export develop
specialize produce representatives verb be
work cater

1) Our company is a ……………… of Universal Business Machines and we ………….. in

photocopiers and fax machines.
2) We are a co-operative wholesaler ………….in Zurich.
3) We are one of the main ……………… of industrial chemicals in Germany.
4) Our company ……….. spare parts of Mercedes.
5) We …………… the sole distributor of Toyota spare parts for last 4 years.
6) We are an Iranian steelworks and we ………….. 400 tons of steel every year. We ……….
6,500 people in total. We ………. steel, cast , and iron all over the world including Asia.
7) We …………. on oil extraction projects for more than 20 years.
8) We are a pharmaceutical company and …………….. drugs for arthritis.
9) We are a bank which ……….. to Iranian businesses since 2000.

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10) Our company is known for producing luxury vehicles. The headquarters is in Stuttgart,
Baden Wurttemberg. We also …………….. engineering services. We have ………………all
around the world.

Now try using the words you learned and write a description about your company.


What is an e-mail? Write your answers in the box.

Email (short for electronic mail) is a means of sending messages between computers.

Emails are a means of negotiation via internet meaning we need to set up a goodwill gesture to
keep the negotiation going and reach an agreement.

• Negotiation tactics via email guidelines.

• Meet upfront and write to the point.
• Build rapport
• Have a well-established goal
• Stamp out conflict

What are building blocks of an email?

1) Mechanics: Grammatical points, punctuation, cohesive devices, formatting of an email

2) Style: length of an email, register of an email, subject line
3) Tone: too direct, impolite emails, negative feel,

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 3


Take a look at this email. What is wrong with it? Chick the email and correct it from tone,
mechanics and style standpoint.

Dear Emily
I should be glad if you read the attached document. Please can you let me know if you have
any inputs, comments and concerns? I look forward to hearing from you.
If I don’t receive your answer by 5:00 PM next Wednesday, I will deem that you are ok with
the content of the attached document.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Yours sincerely


Dear Emily
I should be glad if you read the attached document. Please can you let me know if you have
any inputs, comments and concerns? I look forward to hearing from you.
If I don’t receive your answer by 5:00 PM next Wednesday, I will deem that you are ok with
the content of the attached document.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Yours sincerely


Dear Emily
I should be glad if you read the attached document. Please can you let me know if you have
any inputs, comments and concerns? I look forward to hearing from you.
If I don’t receive your answer by 5:00 PM next Wednesday, I will deem that you are ok with
the content of the attached document.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Yours sincerely

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 4



Dear Emily
I should be glad if you read the attached document. Please can you let me know if you have
any inputs, comments and concerns? I look forward to hearing from you.
If I don’t receive your answer by 5:00 PM next Wednesday, I will deem that you are ok with
the content of the attached document.
Thank you very much for your attention!
Yours sincerely

Now rewrite the email.

Below is a typical email message. Find different parts of it.

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1) Header information
2) Message text
3) Signature block

What is an email style? Is style of emails important? Write your answers in the
box below.

Email is a relatively recent development, and because it is perceived as a quick and informal
means of communication, people are often unclear about the style and conventions they
should use in business situations.

As a general rule, although email correspondence may tend towards informality, it should
follow the same principles as any other form of business correspondence.
Here are some basic tips about style:
-In general, email messages follow the style and conventions used in letters or faxes. For
example, you can use salutations such as Dear Mr. Pinto or Dear Tom, and complimentary
closes such as yours sincerely or Best wishes. However, if you know the recipient well, or if you
are exchanging a series of messages with one person, you may dispense with the salutation and
complimentary close.
-Do not confuse personal messages with business messages. In a business message the same
rules of writing apply as for a letter: write clearly carefully, and courteously, consider audience,
purpose clarity, consistency, Conciseness, and tone.
- Use correct grammar, spelling capitalization, and punctuation, as you would in any other
form of correspondence. - Do not write words in capital letters in an email message. This can be
seen as the equivalent of shouting and therefore have a negative effect. If you want to stress a
word, put asterisks on each side of it, e.g. urgent".
- Keep your email messages short and to the point. People often receive a lot of emails at
work, so conciseness is especially important.
- In general, limit yourself to one topic per message. This helps to keep the message brief and
makes it easier for the recipient to answer, file, and retrieve it later. - Check your email message
for mistakes before you send it, just as you would check a letter or a fax message.

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Is the length of a letter important? Why? Why not?

Read this email and say what wrong is it with this email.

Dear Mr Arrand
Thank you very much for your enquiry of 5 November which we received today. We often
receive enquiries from large stores: always welcome them, particularly at this time of the
year when we know that you will be buying in stock for Christmas.
We have enclosed our winter catalogue and are sure you will be extremely impressed by our
wide range of watches. You will see that they include ranges for men, women, and children,
with prices that should suit all your customers, from watches costing only a few pounds to
those in the luxury bracket priced at several hundred pounds. But whatever price bracket you
are interested in. we guarantee all our products for two years. Enclosed you will also find our
price list giving full details of prices to London (inclusive of cost, insurance, and freight) and
explaining our discounts, which we think you will find very generous and which we hope you
will take full advantage of. We are always available to offer you further information about
our products and can promise you personal attention whenever you require it. This service is
given to all our customers throughout the world, and as you probably know, we deal with
countries from the Far East to Europe and Latin America. This fact alone bears out our
reputation, which has been established for more than a hundred years and has made our
motto 'Time for everyone familiar worldwide.
Once again, may we thank you for your enquiry and say that we look forward to hearing from
you in the near future?
Yours sincerely

All correspondence should be long enough to explain exactly what the sender needs to say and
the receiver needs to know. You must decide how much information you put in the letter: you
may give too much, in which case your letter will be too long, or too little, in which case it will
be too short. Your style and the kind of language you use can also affect the length.
The following three letters are written by different people in reply to the same enquiry from a
Mr. Arrand about their company's products.

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Too long
There are a number of things wrong with this letter. Though it tries to advertise the products,
and the company itself, it is too wordy. There is no need to explain that stores are buying in
stock for Christmas-Mr Arrand is aware of this. Rather than drawing attention to certain items
he might be interested in the letter only explains what he can already see, that there is a wide
selection of watches in the catalogue covering the full range of market prices. In addition, the
writer goes on unnecessarily to explain which countries the company sells to, to give its history,
and to quote its rather unimpressive motto.

Now read this email. Is the length enough? Are there any other problems?

Dear Sir;
Thank you for your enquiry. We have a wide selection of watches which we are sure you will
like. We will be sending a catalogue soon.
Yours faithfully.

Too short

There are a number of problems with this letter:

1) It should have begun Dear Mr Arrand and ended “Yours sincerely” as the writer knew
Mr Arrand's name from his letter of enquiry.
2) Neither the date nor the reference number of the enquiry is quoted.
3) Ideally, a catalogue should be enclosed with a reply to an enquiry about a company's
products or indication of a website if the company has one.
4) When a catalogue is sent, attention should be drawn to items which might be of
particular interest to the enquirer. New products should also be pointed out.
5) A price list should be included if prices are not given in the catalogue. Any discounts
should be quoted and, if possible, delivery dates.

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The right length

Here is a more suitable letter. It is neither too short nor too long. It provides all the relevant
information Mr Arrand might need, and draws his attention to some specific products which
may be of interest to him.

How many upsides can you find in this email? What are they?

Dear Mr Arrand

Thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. We enclose our winter catalogue, and a price list
giving details of CIF London prices, discounts, and delivery dates.

Though you will see we offer a wide selection of watches, may we draw your attention to pp.
23-28, and pp. 31-36, where there are styles, we think might suit the market you describe?
On page 25 you will find our latest designs in pendant watches, which are already selling well.

All our products are fully guaranteed, and backed by our worldwide reputation If you need
any further information, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 9


Take a look at the email below what is it about? If you could apply some changes to it, what
would you amend?

Dear Sir/Madam

We are interested in your security systems. We would like to know more about the prices
and discounts you offer.
mentioned A business associate of ours, DMS (Wholesalers) Ltd, mentioned your name to us
and showed us a catalogue.
They were impressed with the security system you installed for them, so we are to you about
it. Do you give guarantees with the installations?
In your catalogue we saw the Secure 15 which looks as though it might suit our purposes.
DMS had the Secure 18 installed, but as we mentioned, they are wholesalers, while we are a
chain of stores. We would like something that can prevent robbery and shoplifting, so the
Secure 15 might suit us.
How long would it take to install a system that would serve all departments? Could you send
an inspector or adviser to see us soon?
If you can offer competitive prices and guarantees we would put your system in all our
outlets, but initially we would only install the system in our main branch.
We would like to make a decision on this soon, so we would appreciate an early reply.

Yours faithfully

Your email should make all the necessary points in a logical sequence, with each idea or piece
of information linking up with the previous one in a pattern that can be followed.

Do not make a statement, switch to other subjects, then refer back to the point you made a
few sentences or paragraphs before, as in the sample provided above.

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You can see the rectified version of that email below.

Dear Mr Jarry

We are a chain of retail stores and are looking for an efficient security system. You were
recommended to us by our associates DMS (Wholesalers) Ltd, for whom you recently
installed Secure18 alarm system.

We need a system which would give us comprehensive protection against robbery and
shoplifting throughout all departments, and the Secure 15 featured in your current catalogue
would appear to suit us. However, it would be helpful if one of your representatives could
visit us so that we can discuss details of the available systems.

Initially we would test the system we select in our main branch. and, if it proves satisfactory,
install it throughout our other branches. Our choice would, of course, be influenced by a
competitive quotation and full guarantees for maintenance and service.

Please reply as soon as possible as we would like to make a decision within the next few

Yours sincerely

The way to make sure you include the right amount of information, and in the right order, is by
planning. Ask yourself what the purpose of the letter is, and what response you would like to
receive. Note down everything you want to include before you start writing, then read your
notes to check that you have included all the necessary information, that it is relevant, and that
you have put it in the right order.
First paragraph the opening sentence or paragraph is important as it sets the tone of the letter
and creates a first impression. Generally speaking, you would thank your correspondent for
their letter (if replying to an enquiry), if necessary, introduce yourself and your company, state
the subject of the letter, and set out its purpose, here are two examples of opening paragraphs.

• Thank you for your enquiry dated 8 July in which you asked us about our range of
cosmetics. As you probably know from our advertising, we appeal to a wide age group
from the teenage market through to more mature women, and our products are
retailed in leading stores throughout the world.

• Thank you for your letter of 19 August, which I received today. We can certainly supply
you with the industrial floor coverings you asked about. Enclosed you will find a

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catalogue illustrating our wide range of products currently used in factories and offices
throughout the world.

The main part of your letter will concern the points that need to be made, answers you wish
to give, or questions you want to ask. As this depends on the type of letter that you are
writing, these topics will be dealt with in later units. In the middle paragraphs, planning is most
important to make sure your points are made clearly, fully, and in a logical sequence.

At the end of your letter, if it is a reply and you have not done so at the beginning, you should
thank your correspondent for writing. If appropriate, encourage further enquiries or
correspondence, mentioning that you look forward to hearing from him or her soon. You may
want to restate, briefly, one or two of the most important points you made in the main part of
your letter. Here are some examples of final paragraphs.

- Once again thank you for writing to us. Please contact us if you would like any further
information. To summarize: all prices are quoted cir Yokohama, delivery would be six weeks
from receipt of order, and payment should be made by bank draft. I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
-I hope I have covered all the questions you asked, but please contact me if there are any
other details you require. If you would like to place an order, may I suggest that you do so
before the end of this month so that it can be met in good time for the start of the summer
season? I hope to hear from you in the near future.

We are confident that you have made the right choice as this line is a leading seller. If there is
any advice or further information you need, we would be happy to supply it, and look forward
to hearing from you.

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Read this email and underline the parts you find problematic.

Dear Sir/Madam
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 15th inst. in connection with our not
clearing our account, which was outstanding as of the end of June.

Please accept our profuse apologies. We were unable to settle this matter due to the sudden
demise of Mr. Noel, our Accountant, and as a result were unaware of those accounts which
were to be cleared. We now, however, have managed to trace all our commitments and take
pleasure in enclosing our remittance for £2,120, which we trust will rectify matters.

We hope that this unforeseen incident did not in any way. inconvenience you, nor lead you
to believe that our not clearing our balance on the due date was an intention on our part to
delay payment.

We remain, yours, etc... "

Avoid pompous, bombastic words! It complicates the content of the message and makes it
hard for the recipient to get the gist of what you want to impart. Using these words doesn’t
show your proficiency and, in some cases, it may seem ridiculous for the reader.

Now, rectify the above-written email.


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Now compare what you have written with the below email which is the amended version of
that email.

Dear Mr Aldine

I am replying to your letter of 15 July asking us to clear our June balance.

I apologize for not settling the account sooner, but due to the unfortunate death of Mr. Noel,
our Accountant, there have been delays in settling all of our outstanding balances.

Please find enclosed our cheque for £2,120, and accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

Yours sincerely

Look at this email what is wrong with it?

Dear Mr Rohni
I've already written to you concerning your debt of £1,994. This *should have been cleared
three months ago. You seem unwilling to co-operate in paying us. We'll sue you if you do not
clear your debt. within the next ten days.

Yours, etc.

Too much simplicity, however, show lack of courtesy! To showcase a good level of politeness,
follow the points below:

1) Use complex sentences joined by cohesive devices.

2) Use passive voice frequently, but don’t go overboard.

E.g., Your account must be cleared instead of You must clear your account.

3) Use full rather than abbreviated forms except for the most known ones.
4) Use indirect language to avoid seeming impolite.

E.g., I will sue you if you don’t pay back your debt. / I shall have to consider to ask my solicitor
to take care of the problem if you don’t clear your account.

5) Avoid careless spelling mistakes

6) Check if you have enclosed the documents you have mentioned in your email.

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7) Refrain from using colloquial language.

Now amend the above email so that it sounds more courteous.


Compare your amended email and the email provided below.

Dear Mr Rohn

I refer to our previous letter sent on 10 October in which you were asked to clear the balance
of £1,994 on your account, which has been outstanding since July. As there has been no
reply, I shall have to consider handing over the matter to our solicitors.
However, I am reluctant to do this and am offering a further ten days for the account to be
Yours sincerely

* Perfect modals of advice

You may be familiar with the ordinary modals of advice, should, ought to, and had better. Look
at these sentences when they are changed to perfect modals.


Should+ have+ past participle of the verb

Use: To express regret/ To say that You think It was better to do something ,but you didn’t.

I should have called you before I left. These expresses regret that I did not call you.

They ought to have finished working by now. This is a deduction or a conclusion. It is 8:00 pm.
The workday is long over. We can also say, “They should have finished working by now.” The
two sentences have the same meaning.

He had better have paid the rent today! This is a strong statement meaning that if he did not
pay the rent today, he may lose his home.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 15


What’s the difference between “I had to go to that meeting” and “I should have gone to that

Tip: What is the difference between these two sentences?

• We have made an inventory and didn’t find any discrepancies. (present perfect)
• We made the inventory on Friday and Saturday. (past simple)

You must always use the present perfect when the time of an action is not important or not
You must always use the simple past when details about the time or place that an action
occurred are given or requested.

Fill in the blanks with past simple or present perfect.

1) We……………(reach) an agreement and we are working on the draft.

2) Who………...(take) the minute of the last meeting? I need to see some points.
3) Our company …...…… (develop) a prototype. We are taking out a patent.
4) We …………… (send) the shipment the other day. We will send you the bill of lading by
the time it is issued.
5) We…………… (receive) the shipment right after your call. We need the certificate of origin
to be able to clear it.
6) Our agent let us know that the containers ………………... (be inspected) at 2:00 and we are
doing the formalities now.
7) Our company …………… (clear) your account and we will send you the draft by tonight.
8) We ………………………. (make) arrangements with the forwarder to ship the consignment.
You can receive it within 1 week.
9) Our testing ………………. (be completed) last week. We will contact you as soon as the
units you requested are available.
10) The balance sheet……………………. (be made) and we will submit it at the next meeting.

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Look at this letter written to the CEO of a company Mat is going to do business with. Do you
like the email written? What changes would you apply?

Dear Mr. James

How have you been? According to our telephone conversation, I writing to fix an
appointment to talk about the agreement on the distributorship.

I will fly to London on Friday and will be available On Saturday. Let me know the time that
would suit you. Before I forget I have to tell you that if you want to my company’s
infrastructure, you can come to my company and visit the warehouse and machinery.

Hope to see you soon

Mat Bandos

What is the difference between formal and informal emails? Write your answers in the box.

The language used in professional emails will likely be different to that you would use in
personal communications. When using email for professional purposes, you should use formal
phrases, avoid slang, and ensure there aren’t any grammatical errors. It can be difficult to
differentiate between a professional and a more casual style of email writing, especially
when English isn’t your first language. There are some different phrases, both formal and
informal; you can learn that will help you to write the most suitable types of emails.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 17



It’s important to think about the correct way to address the person you are emailing.

The following phrases are suitable for addressing someone formally:

• Dear Sir/Madam
• Dear Mr/Ms Jones
• To whom it may concern

First names are not usually used in these kinds of emails.

And you can use the following to address someone outside of work, or even a colleague that
you know well:

• Hi Alfred
• Hello Eleanor
• Dear Jasmine

There are a lot less rules when it comes to casual greetings, so feel free to try out different


It’s important to get your message across properly. Think about your reader and how you
would like them to respond to what you are writing.

Use the following phrases to formally illustrate the reason you’re writing:

• I am writing to ask for further information about…

• I am writing regarding the meeting we have arranged…
• I am writing with regard to the complaint you made…
• With reference to our conversation this morning, I would like to let you know…

Use these informal phrases for more casual exchanges:

• Just a quick question about…

• I was wondering if…
• I wanted to let you know that…

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Most of the time, especially in a business context, you’ll need to make requests or ask for
information in your emails.

It is important to be polite when you’re emailing to ask for a request formally:

• Could you please let me know if you are available?

• I would appreciate it if you could send me the document…
• Could we arrange a meeting later?
• Please let me know if this will be possible…

If you are writing to a friend, you can use informal phrases:

• I was just wondering if you were around later…

• Would you mind coming earlier?
• Can you call me back ASAP? (As soon as possible)


To end an email properly you need to finish with the appropriate sign off.

These closing phrases are suitable for ending formal emails:

• Yours sincerely,
• Yours faithfully,
• Kind regards,
• Best wishes,

These casual phrases are suitable for ending emails with people you’re more comfortable

• Thanks,
• Take care,
• Love,

What’s the difference between “yours faithfully” and “yours sincerely”?

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 19


Take a look at the excerpts of emails below which one is formal?

a) Dear Sam,
b) Regards, Heidi
c) How are you doing?
d) Attached you will find the new price list.
e) A quick note to tell you about the postponement of our meeting.
f) Bye, Mark
g) I am writing to instruct you I cannot make the meeting then.
h) Please be advised that our next meeting agenda is as below.
i) We look forward to future business contacts with you.
j) sincerely yours
k) We are meeting at Kale venue near our company at 6:00. John is bringing the Swiss
visitors directly after the company tour. We will hold a meeting on future business
possibility and then have dinner. Is it ok?
l) I am writing to you concerning your order.
m) Thank you for your time and consideration.
n) I intend to express my deep gratitude for your cooperation.
o) I am lost for words to say thank you.
p) I would be appreciated if you could let us know the payment terms.

Tip: Academic writing has a level of formality, and it is sometimes difficult for the non-native
speaker of English to recognize the differences in register and style of the language. The section
covers some of the differences in style and register.

When discussing the register of a word, we refer to the use of language for a particular purpose
or in a particular social setting, that is, its level of formality. The English language is no
exception when it comes to language variation and style and it is important to recognize the
differences and just as important to know the differences.

Consider the table below and the grade differences ranging from formal to informal in
salutations and closures in both spoken and written discourse.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 20

please let me know when our cargo was cleared from Beijing customs.
we'd like to call the meeting off due to a force majeur.
Please fill in the blanks with the proper words and phrases. The commencement of academic year

Formal informal
To receive let somebody know get
………………… take
To inform To tell keep sb posted on
To assist To help
To contact To get in touch/
To instruct advise/ please be advised that ……………….. keep me posted on ‫ اﻃﻼع دادن‬،‫راﻫﻨﺎﻤﯾﯽ ﮐﺮدن‬
convenient ……………….. comfortable
Assistance ………………..
To reply …………………
…………………….. regret To be sorry
…………………….. To put off put forward / put back
…………………….. To call off
To enquire ………………..
To require ……………….
hello How are you doing
establish To set up
commence / start
………………….. to start off/ to kick off get the ball rolling
I am not satisfied with I am happy
……………………………. with
investigate ………………………..
look for
I am writing about… I am writing about……..
we'd like to put the meeting off until Friday due to an unexpected event.
we'd like to put the meeting forward for three days.
Exercise This position needs communication skills (require).

You work for a company. You have seen some information online
about a training course that would be useful for your work. Write a
letter to your manager. In your letter

• give details of the course

• say how the course would be useful
• explain how the company could help you do this course.

You are studying for a qualification, and you would like some time off
work to complete it. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:

• Ask for some time off to complete a qualification.

• Suggest what you will do later at work if you have time off.
• Say how the qualification helps your job or company.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 21


Four-point plan

How to form an email?

Four-point plan

The simplest framework for structuring all written messages can be as below.

Read the email and choose the right part for each arrow.

Action or response (conclusion) introduction ( background and basics)

close details (facts and figures)

Dear Suzie
Thank you for inviting me to visit your studios last week. I was most impressed by your new facilities.

I am delighted you can accept our invitation to produce a video to celebrate the company’s 25th
anniversary. This is a very special landmark in our history, and it is important that this video portrays
Action or response
our past, present and future.

close You promised to let me have a draft outlining your thoughts for this special video. I look forward to
receiving this before 30 October together with your approximate costing.

If you need any further information, please give me a call on 222222

John Wang
Marketing Manager

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 22


Introduction why are you writing?

(Back ground and basics) refer to a previous letter, contact or document
Details give information/ instructions.
(Facts and figures) ask for information. Provide all relevant details.
Separate into paragraphs. Ensure logical flow.
Response or Action action the reader should take
Conclusion action you will take.
Give a deadline if necessary
Close A clincher
(A simple one-line)

Choose the right examples for each four-point part.

a) Introduction
b) Details
c) Conclusion
d) Close

1) I look forward to seeing you at the next conference.

2) I would appreciate your prompt reply.
3) It was good to meet you at last week’s AGM.
4) Regarding our negotiation about the details of the association, we have amended some
5) If payment is not received in 5 working days, our solicitor will take legal actions.
6) We need to arrange an appointment to talk about what steps should be taken.
7) We have prepared the first draft of the contract and look forward to having a meeting with
you to finalize it.
8) Please find enclosed an agenda of the meeting.
9) Unfortunately, due to an emergency, we have to put the meeting off for three days.
10) Thank you for your letter of
11) It was good to put a face to a name.
12) Please let me have full details of the costs involved, together with some sample menus.
13) I regret to inform you that the items we received were damaged.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 23


The contents of an enquiry will depend on three things: how well you know the supplier, whether the
supplier based in your country or abroad, and the type of products and services you would like to order.
In enquiries we ask for information or express our interest in a specific product. The most important
aspect of enquiries is that we must create a basis for doing business with the supplier.

The basic format of an enquiry:

1) Subject

Don’t skip this part. A no-subject email can make the reader confused. E.g., product enquiry: Watches
models 21E, 23D.

2) Opening

The most effective enquiry is the one including Greet-Introduce-reference.

• E.g., We are an internet service provider based in London. (Introduce)

• E.g., We are one of the main manufacturers of cars in Iran having 55 per cent of the car market.
• E.g., We are given your name by HLT Hotels in New York. (reference)
• E.g., You were recommended to us by one of your regular customers. (reference)
• E.g., We were advised by K&G that you are looking for an internet provider. (reference)
• E.g., We are impressed by the range of tools shown in your catalogue. (reference)
• E.g., Our supplier speaks highly of your plastic bag printing machines, and we would like you to
provide us with more details about them. Could you send us a catalogue containing ………?


• E.g., Could you please send your current catalogue and price list for exhibition stands? We are
particularly interested in stands suitable for displaying furniture.
• E.g., We have heard about your latest equipment in laser surgery and would like more details.
Please send us any information you can supply, marking the letter 'For the Attention of
Professor Kazuhiro, Tokyo General Hospital, Kinuta-Setagayaku, Tokyo, Japan.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 24


• E.g., I am planning to come and study in London next autumn and would be grateful if you could
send me a prospectus and details of your fees. I am particularly interested in courses in
computing. ‫اطﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﯾﺷﺗر‬
• E.g., Please would you send me an up-to-date price list for your building materials.
• E.g., I am replying to your advertisement in the June edition of 'Tailor and Cutter. I would like to
know more about the steam presses which you are offering at cost price.
• E.g., I will be attending the auction to be held at Turner House on 16 February, and am
particularly interested in the job lot listed as Item No. 351
• E.g., Could you please give me more information about course BL 362, which appears in the
language learning section of your summer prospectus?
• E.g., I would appreciate more details about the 'University Communications System which you
are currently advertising on your website.
• E.g., We would also appreciate it if you could send some samples of the material so that we can
examine the texture and quality.
• E.g., Before selling toys we prefer to test them for safety. Could you therefore send us at least ·
two examples of the 'Sprite ‘range?
• E.g., I would like to discuss the problem of maintenance before deciding which model to install
in my factory. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could arrange for one of your representatives
to call on me within the next two weeks.
• E.g., Where can I see a demonstration of this system?
• E.g., We usually deal on a 30% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for
orders over 1,000 units.
• E.g., As rule, our suppliers allow us to settle by monthly statement and we can offer the usual
references if necessary.
• E.g., We would also like to point out that we usually settle our accounts on a D/A basis with
payment by 30-day bill of exchange.
• E.g., Could you let us know if you allow cash discounts?
• E.g., As we intend to place a substantial order, we would like to know what quantity discounts
you allow. pamphlet interest / The building your company built interested us
E.g., The leaflet advertising your latest hobby magazines interested us, and we would like to
stock a selection of them. However, we would only consider placing an order if it was on the
usual basis of sale or return. If this is acceptable, we will send you a firm order.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 25


• E.g., In the catalogue we received from you last week, we saw that you are introducing a new
line in synthetic furs. While we appreciate that increasing pressure from wildlife protection
societies is reducing the demand for real furs, we are not sure how our customers would react
to synthetic alternatives. However, we would like to try a selection of designs. Would it be
possible for you to supply us with a range on an approval basis to see if we can encourage a
demand? Three months would probably be enough to establish a market if there is one.
• E.g., The Irish Tourist Organization invites tenders from building contractors to erect seating for
10,000 people for the Dublin Summer Festival. Tenders should be in by 1 March 20 and will be
assessed on price and suitability of construction plans.
• E.g., We are a large chain of theatres, and would be interested in receiving estimates from
upholsterers to re-cover the seats in our two main theatres in Manchester.
• E.g., We are writing to a number of building contractors to invite estimates for the conversion of
Northborough Airfield into a sports and leisure center. The work will include erecting buildings
and providing facilities such as ski slopes and parachute jumps. The deadline for completion is
the end of December 20- If you can provide a competitive estimate, please contact us at...
• E.g., As you may be aware from recent press reports, we have taken over International Motors
plc and are in the process of automating their Hamburg factory. We are writing to several
engineering designers, including yourselves, who we think may be interested in converting the
plant to a fully automated production unit. Enclosed you will find the specifications. We would
welcome inspection of the site by your surveyors, with a view to supplying an estimate for the


• E.g., We hope to hear from you in the near future. -We would be grateful for an early reply -
Finally, we would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is essential, and hope that you
can offer us that guarantee.
• E.g., If you can agree to the concessions, we have asked for, we will place a substantial order.
Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a rapid turnover. We would therefore need
your assurance that you could meet all delivery dates. You can also indicate further business or
other lines you would be interested in.
• E.g., If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the future.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 26


• E.g., If the prices quoted are competitive and the quality up to standard, we will order on a
regular basis.
• E.g., Provided you can offer favorable quotation and guarantee delivery within four weeks from
receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you.

Find the meaning of these words and expressions

regarding the letter numbered 123 dated...

With reference to to settle an account

Regarding I am writing concerning your debt

In accordance with receipt of your remittance

I am writing to keep you posted on I am replying to your letter of 15July

This is to notify that we are pleased to receive your enquiry

Please find enclosed I regret to say that

Thank you for your enquiry about We received the bill of lading
I refer to our previous letter sent we are pleased to tell you that
You are asked to clear the balance looking forward to hearing from you soon

Best wishes sincerely yours

Please find enclosed a copy of the contract

Some samples Thank you for the receipt of your remittance

Read the samples and write what point is omitted.

send me an estimate
Sample 1: we would appreciate receiving your estimate on ...

Please quote for collection from the above address and delivery to:
Richmond Road Son LTD, 21 Maple Swan LTD
6 divans and mattresses, 700 *480 cm
7 bookcase assembly kits, packed in cardboard boxes, each measuring 1.4 cubic meters
The divans are fully protected against knocks and scratches by corrugated paper wrapping, and the
invoiced value of consignment is 5000 Euros.
I would appreciate a prompt reply, as delivery must be made before the end of this month.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 27


Sample 2:

Dear Robert
Yesterday we received the above consignment to our order No.123, but found that the CDs in boxes
2 were damaged- either scratched, split, or warped.
The goods cannot be retailed, even at a discount, and we would like to know whether you want us
to return them or hold them for inspection.

Sample 3:

Dear Sir/ Madam

We intend to ship a consignment of dinghies and their equipment to London at the beginning of
next month. The consignment consists of ten boats which have been packed into wooden crates
marked 1-10, each measuring 4*2*3 meters and weighing 90 kilos.
Could you inform us which vessels are available to reach London before the end of this month, and
let us know your freight rates?
I look forward to your reply
Reddick Kurt

Sample 4:

Dear Mr. Davis

Thank you for your inquiry of 2nd January. We enclose our Spring Catalogue and current price list
quoting CIF prices Le Havre.
We would like to draw your attention to the trade and quantity discounts we are offering in our
special purchases action on pages 23 and 24, which may be of particular interest to you.
Please contact us if we can be of any further help.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Fang

Sample 5:

Dear Mr. Robins

Thank you for your email. I regret to say that we are out of stock of Z55 and Z56 units, and do not
expect another delivery unit later this month.
We are currently testing a consignment from Taiwan, but these do not have a Belgian standards
institute stamp of approval and we would like to complete our tests before putting them on the
market. We will contact you again as soon as our testing is completed or when the units you
ordered are available, whichever date is earlier.
Diane Carter
Manager stamp ad approval

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 28



1) Write a letter of enquiry and explain how you got to know a manufacturer, and ask for
a quantity discount.
2) Write a letter of enquiry and ask for a quotation. You have to also explain how you got
to know the producer.
3) Write a letter of enquiry and reply to a person asking for a quotation of a series of
4) Write a reply to a request for a piece of machinery and tell that this piece of
machinery is out of stock. Then suggest the person buy another piece which functions
the same.
5) Write a letter of enquiry and ask for a catalogue.
6) Write a letter of enquiry and ask the seller to send you B/L and the certificate of

Tip! We use future simple to talk about future and our predictions. It can also be used to imply
snap decisions.

E.g., we will inaugurate our branch in Dubai next year.

E.g., the economy will experience a surge in next ten months.

E.g., the industry will suffer a decline in summer and many companies will downsize.

Some samples of enquiries

Sounds good / great / perfect
Sample 1:

Dear sir/ Madam

Could you please send me details of your tubeless tyres which are being advertised in garages
around the country?

I would appreciate a prompt reply quoting trade prices.

Yours faithfully trade
Brian Wymer net price
net book

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 29


Sample 2:

Dear Sir/ Madam

I would like some information about your courses in English for business Executives, beginning in
July. , and finishing in 15th July.
Please send me a prospectus, details of your fees, and information about accommodation in
London for the period July to December. If possible, I would like to stay with an English family.
Yous faithfully I came home. I saw you.
I came home, but I didn't see you.
Jeremy Wang

I came home; my car was in the parking.


Date 18th June, 2012

Name/Title Mary Roe
Address 795 E Dragram
City, State, Zip Code Tucson, AZ, 85705 In my budget beyond my budget

Subject: Inquiry regarding the purchase of real estate

Respected Mr. Lane, The price you offered is beyond my budget

This letter is in regards to inquiry about your new project in your real estate.
I am planning to buy three-bedroom apartments for investment purpose. My budget for the same
would be around $50000. I would like to know if you have any project which is in my budget. Also
please let me know any other option for investment purpose.
It would be really grateful if you can let me know the details or forward me your company
brochure. I can also meet you personally if required. You can contact me on 1234567890.
Thanking you,
Lisa Marie Presley

Send me the catalogue 1

Please send me the catalogue 2
formality Will you send me the catalogue 3
Would you send me the catalogue 4
Would you mind sending me the catalogue 4
If you sent me the catalogue, I would be so grateful 5
I would be so grateful if you sent me the catalogue

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 30


Sample 4: Knowledge, competency, skill, experience

Dear Mr. Ernest;

I am Chen Wang, having 4 years of experience in automotive industry.
I am interested to work in your car manufacturing company and I feel confident that my skills and
experience will be an asset for you company. So, I am enquiring to you for a job vacancy in this
management position in your organization. Presently I have been working for BMW for 4 years as a
line manager.
Looking forward to your response and consideration to get a chance to contribute to your
Mercedes Company. I am working in a bank.
Yours sincerely,
Philipe Carciofi I have been working in a bank for 10 years

Sample 5:

Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:

I am writing to ask you to consider an addition to your marketing team. Your organization has been
in the news as a leader in the industry. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator
with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success. I believe I would be a good fit
in your organization.
Currently, I market computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news
advertising. I have a reputation for seeing every project through to success.
Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for
excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call
you to further discuss your needs and how I could benefit your company. If you prefer, you may
reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 31


Sample 6:

Dear Mr./Ms. Contact,

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I have recently graduated from University
College, and I am currently looking for a position in the Huntington area.
I am interested in an entry-level role with ABCD Company’s Accounting department, hoping to
leverage my knowledge of corporate accounting and GAAP best practices to contribute to your
operations. I have heard that ABCD is a wonderful company to work for, and I hope that I can be
considered for the team. generally accepted accounting principles
If you have questions regarding my credentials and qualifications, please feel free to call or email
me at
Again, thank you for reviewing my resume. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Sample 7:

Dear Contact Name,

For the past ten years, I have followed your career through news events, interviews, and web
research. hone/ improve/ enhance
Your dedication to the media and your understanding of the important role journalists play in
today's fast-paced information highway, coupled with your belief in the power of the press, is
exemplary. I have had the privilege of honing my journalistic abilities on three widely different
publications. When I left college, I immediately went to work for the typical small-town newspaper
and learned all aspects of getting the paper to the people in a timely manner. I then moved to
become Regional Manager for a media corporation composed of small- to mid-sized newspapers in
the Midwest. In my current position, I am Chief Correspondent for one of the largest newspapers in
the Southwest.
I would like an opportunity to visit with you to get your insight and suggestions on where my skills
and abilities would be of the greatest value to the ABD Company, and to inquire about possible job
openings with the company.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.

in a fatherly manner This product is of high quality

The time of delivery is of importance

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 32


Sample 8:

Respected Sir/Madam
Sub: Request letter to issue a new ATM card.
I had opened an account in your [Name of the bank] a few months back. But somehow, I did not
apply for the ATM card at that time. I have been doing the withdrawal process and other
transaction processes through the bank only. Henceforth, I want to use an ATM card to debit
money as the same may save my time. So, kindly grant me a new ATM card as soon as possible. I
would be very thankful to you for this kind act.
Thanking you
Account Details:


1) Write a letter and apply for a job

2) Write a letter and ask for the price list.
3) Write a letter and ask to open an account in a foreign bank.
4) Write a letter and ask to extend your visa.
5) Write a letter and claim damages for the defected goods you have just received.
6) Write a letter to a shipping company and claim lost items.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 33



• Thank you for your enquiry of 6 June 20 in which you asked about…
• I would like to thank you for your enquiry of 10 May 20-, and am pleased to tell you that we
would be able to supply you with the ...
• We were pleased to learn from your letter of 10 December that you are impressed with our
selection of...
• Thank you for your letter, NJ 1691, which we received this morning.

Confirming that you can help:

• We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to the market you specified.
• Our factory would have no problem in: producing the 6,000 units you asked for in your
• We can supply from stock and will have no trouble in meeting your delivery date.
• I am pleased to say that we will be able to supply the transport facilities you require.
• We can offer door-to-door delivery services.
meet negotiate
set miss a deadlin
'Selling' your product extend work towards

• When you have had the opportunity to see the samples for yourself, we feel sure you will
agree that they are of the highest quality; and to see a wide selection online, go
• Once you have seen the Delta 800 in operation, we know you will be impressed by its trouble-
free performance.
• We can assure you that the Alpha 2000 is one of the most outstanding machines on the
market, and our confidence in it is supporting by our five-year guarantee.

Suggesting alternative
in action/ performance

...and while this engine has all the qualities the model you asked for, the 'PowerDrive ‘has the
added advantage of fewer moving parts: so, reducing maintenance costs. It also saves on oil as
• The model has now been improved. Its steel casing has been replaced by strong plastic, which
makes the machine much lighter and easier to handle.
• Of course, leather is an excellent upholstery material, but escalating costs have persuaded
many of our customers to look for an alternative which is more competitive in price. Tareton
Plastics have produced a high-quality substitute, 'Letherine, which has the texture, strength,

The prices are going upper escalatingly

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 34


and appearance of leather but at less than a quarter of the cost. We feel confident that the
samples enclosed will convince you...

Referring the customer to another place

• I regret to say that we no longer produce the type of stapler you refer to as there is no longer
sufficient demand for it. I am sorry we cannot help you.
• The book you mention is not published by us, but by Greenhill Education Ltd. Their address
• We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract the
upper end of the market. All our garments are now polycotton, which is stronger, needs little
ironing, and allows variations in pattern, which you can see on our website
at However, if you are only interested in pure cotton garments, we
advise you to contact Louis Fashions Ltd at...
• We manufacture the product you require, but we only deal with wholesalers, not retailers."
Therefore, I suggest you contact our agent, R. L. Depré SA, rue Montpellier 28, Paris,….
• Our agents in Italy are Intal S.p.A, Via Alberto Poerio 79, Rome, Email: <>.
They carry the full range of our products.

Sending catalogues, price list, prospectuses, and samples

• Please find enclosed our current catalogue j. and price list quoting cif prices Kobe. The units
you referred to in your letter are featured on pp. 31-34 under catalogue me numbers Y32-Y37.
When ordering could you please quote these numbers? The samples you asked for will follow
under separate cover.
• We enclose our booklet on the Omega 2000and are sure you will agree that it is one of the
finest machines of its kind. It can be adapted gi', to your specifications (see the section
Structural changes' on page 12).
• We enclose our summer catalogue, which y unfortunately is only published in English.
However, we have included a German translation for the relevant pages (41-45) and I hope
this will prove helpful.
• ... and we have enclosed our price list, but should point out that prices are subject to change
as the market for raw materials is very unstable at present.

Arranging demonstrations and visits

• We have enclosed full details of the Laren welder, but a demonstration would be
necessary to show you its full capabilities. We 12 therefore suggest that you visit our
centre in Birmingham, where the equipment is set up, so that you can see the machine in

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 35


• As the enclosed booklet cannot really show the efficiency of this system, we would be
happy to arrange for our representative to visit you and give a demonstration. If you are
interested in a visit, please fill in the enclosed a pre-paid card and return it to us.
• The enclosed catalogue will give you an idea 20 of the type of sound equipment we
produce, it but may we suggest that you also visit our agent’s showrooms in Rotterdam
where you can see a wide range of units. The address is……


Always thank the customer for contacting you. If you have not done so at the beginning of the letter
or email, you can do so at the end. You should also encourage further enquiries.

• Once again, we would like to thank you for writing. We would welcome any further questions
you might have.
• Please contact us again if you have any questions, using the above telephone number or email
• I am sorry we do not have the model you asked for, but can assure you that the alternative I
have suggested will meet your requirements. Please remember that we offer a full three-year
• We hope to hear from you again soon, and can assure you that your order will be dealt with

Sample 1:

Dear sir /Madam

I’ve seen your website and am interested in your range of pipes. Please send me a current
catalogue and price list, together with copies of any descriptive leaflets that I could pass to
prospective customers.
many thanks prospect
Elisa Marsh prospective

What are different ways to advertise our products? Write them below.


Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 36


Sample 2:

I have seen one of your brass fittings in the office of a firm and they passed on your address to me.
Please send me a copy of your current catalogue. I am particularly interested in brass piping
Thanks for your help.
Martin Johnson

Write a reply to the email above.

Dear Mr. Jonson

We are pleased to have seen you inquiry dated ...... asking for our brass fittings.
You can find enclosed a catalogue specifying the characteristics and prices of
above-mentioned products pp.23 and 24. You can also see pp.44 and 46 which we
think can be of special interest to you.
In case you need further information, you can contract us on .....

Sample 3:

Dear Mr. Johnson

Thank you for your inquiry about our fittings. Please take a look at our website www., which gives full details of the products we offer. I have also enclosed a copy of
our catalogue in this email. You will find details of our prices and terms on the inside front cover of
the catalogue.
You may particularly be interested in our newest fittings, the FSR models. They are easy to put in
and their durability is twice as long as the other models.
Perhaps you would consider placing a trial order to allow you to test their efficiency. This would
also enable you to see for yourself the high quality of material and finish put into them.
Best wishes

Sample 4:

Dear Sir/Madam
We hear from Sppet Mancienne of Rome that you are producing for export handmade gloves in a
variety of natural leathers. I saw your website giving some details.
There is a steady demand in this country for gloves of high quality, and although sales are not
particularly high, we are able to charge good prices.
Please let me know full details of the gloves you would recommend. It would also help if you can let
us have samples of the various skins in which the gloves are supplied, or samples of the actual
I hope to hear from you soon.
Faizah Abdullah Rahman

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 37


Sample 5:

Dear Mr Rahman
Thank you for your email, and I was pleased to speak to you just now about your interest in our
I am attaching a pdf of a more extensive catalogue of products, Which I know you will find
interesting. We have already arranged to courier to you samples of some of the skins we regularly
use in our products. . Unfortunately, we cannot send you immediately a full range of samples, but I
can assure you that leathers such as chamois and doeskin which we have not been able to send, are
of the same high quality.
Mr. Frank North, our European Director, will be visiting Rome early next month. I have asked him to
contact you and arrange to visit you personally. He will bring with him a wide range of our goods.
When you see them I know you will agree that the quality of materials used and the high standard
of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyer.
You also may be interested in our wide range of handmade leather handbags. They are also
illustrated in the pdf attached and are of the same high quality as our gloves. Please also follow this
link to see details online. Mr. North will be able to show you samples when he calls.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Jonathan Turner

Find the meaning of these words and sentences

1) On approval
2) This product didn’t meet our requirement.
3) Hope that our first transaction will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business
4) They are of similar quality.
5) I will return them at my expense.
6) I can’t make it then.
7) Should you need any further information, please call me.
8) Your consignment will have been cleared before 4 tomorrow.
9) I have arranged with our representative to deal with your order.
10) Please let me know about the payment terms.
11) We should like sole distribution rights in this area.
12) Please drop me a note if you need further information.
13) I am pleased to learn about the enquiries you have received for our products.
14) I will follow up with you to solve the issue that has come up in the customs.
15) Please let me have an estimate for installing central heating in my office.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 38


16) I am interested only in first-class workmanship and I want only the best quality materials to be
17) Please let me know the firm completion date.
18) We will be pleased to carry out this work for a total of 4000 pounds with a 3 per cent discount
if the payment is made within one month.
19) We do our best to keep the prices as low as possible.
20) Considering the quality of our goods, we feel the prices which we quoted are quite
21) We notice that it is some time since we last received an order from you. We hope this is no
way due to dissatisfaction with our service.


1) Write an email and reply to an enquiry asking for price list

2) Write an email and refer a customer to another place.
3) Write a letter to an enquirer and offer him an alternative to what he has asked.
4) Write an email an encourage your prospective customer to buy you products.
5) Write an email and confirm that you can help.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 39


• The net price of this article is 800000 pounds to which VAT must be added at 20 pe cent, making
a gross price of 960000.
• We can quote you a gross price, including of delivery charges, of 55 Euro per 100 items. These
goods are exempt from VAT.
• The prices quoted above are provisional, since we may be compelled by the increasing cost of
raw materials to raise them. We will inform you immediately if this happens.
• We can offer you a price of ……. Per engine, firm 21 days, after which the price will be subject to
an increase of 5 per cent.
• The price of this model is …………….. at today’s rate of exchange.
• We can quote you a price of ………. Per 100 units , though I regret that, because of fluctuating
exchange rates, we can only hold this price for four weeks from today’s date.
• The net price of …….per unit is extremely competitive.

There are a number of abbreviations that indicate which price is being quoted to the customer. These
are established by the INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (ICC) and are called INCOTERMS. They
are revised regularly, and additional terms may be added, e.g. the phrase cif Naples Incoterms 2020
landed means that a consignment is covered under an Incoterm CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) set in
the year 2020, up to the time it is landed in Naples. 1. The main Incoterms are in four groups, which are
named after the first letter in the term.

Group C

The seller covers only the costs listed to get the goods to a named destination, e.g., Freight and import
duties, but not insurance.

Group D

The seller carries all the costs and risks to get the goods to a named destination.

Group E

The buyer pays all costs once the goods have left the seller's premises.

Group F

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 40


The seller delivers the goods to a carrier who is appointed by the buyer.
Incoterms are quoted in correspondence in the following way: £30,000 C&F Hong Kong (1.e. the price
includes all delivery costs to Hong Kong, except for insurance); $35,000 FOB Rotterdam (i.e., the price
includes delivery costs to when the goods are on board ship at Rotterdam). Abbreviations for Incoterms
may also be written in lower case, e.g., c&f or fob.
Two other terms which should be noted, but which are used mainly in the UK, are: - CARRIAGE PAID
(C/P), i.e., charges will be paid by the sender, e.g. We will send replacements for the damaged goods
c/P. - CARRIAGE FORWARD (C/F), i.e., charges will be paid by the receiver, e.g. As you are responsible for
the damage, we will send replacements c/F.

Manufacturers and wholesalers sometimes allow a discount (i.e., a deduction) on the net or gross price.
These are of different kinds, e.g., a trade discount to sellers in similar trades; a quantity discount for
orders over a certain amount; a cash discount if payment is made within a certain time; a LOYALTY
DISCOUNT when companies have a long association.

• We allow a 3% cash discount for payment within one month.

• The net price of this model is £170.00, less 10% discount for quantities up to 100 and 15%
discount for quantities over 100.
• We do not normally give discounts to private customers, but because of your long association
with our company we can offer you 12% off the retail price.
• The prices quoted are CFR Yokohama, but are subject to a 20% trade discount off net price. We
can offer a further 10% discount off net prices for orders of more than 2,000 units.

When quoting terms, you may require, or suggest, any of several methods of payment, e.g. letter of
credit or bill of exchange.

• On receipt of a cheque for the amount quoted, we will send the article by registered mail.
• Payment for initial orders should be made by sight draft, payable at Den Norske Creditbank,
Kirkegaten 21, Oslo 1, cash against documents.
• We are willing to consider open account facilities if you can provide the necessary bank

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 41


... and we are pleased to say that we can deliver by November 1, so you will have stock for the
Christmas sales period.
• As there are regular sailings from Liverpool to New York, we are sure that the consignment will
reach you well within the time you specified.
• We have the materials in stock and will ship them immediately we receive your order.
• As there is a heavy demand for fans at this time of year, please allow at least six weeks for
• We would not be able to deliver within two 51 weeks of receipt of order, as we would need time
to prepare the materials. However, we could guarantee delivery within four weeks.

All list prices are quoted for Southampton and are subject to a 25% trade discount with payment by
letter of credit.
The prices quoted are exw, but we can arrange freight and insurance (CIP Hong Kong) if required.
However, unless otherwise stated, payment should be made by 30-day bill of exchange, documents
against acceptance.
We usually offer an 18% trade discount on FOB prices, and would prefer payment by irrevocable letter
of credit.

Normally we allow a 23% trade discount off net prices with payment on a document against payment
basis. Please let us know if this arrangement is satisfactory.

Companies which are asked to give an estimate for a particular job may include the estimate in
tabulated form in a letter
More often, however, they will send their official estimate form with a covering letter.

• As you know, our representative has visited your factory to discuss your proposed extension,
and I now have pleasure in enclosing our official estimate.
• The enclosed estimate covers labor and parts and carries a six-month guarantee on all work

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 42


Sample 1

Dear Sir,

Would you kindly give us detailed information about the “Nokia 2100” mobile sets recently advertised
by you in the “Daily Star.” we are impressed by the description of the respective mobile set as
advertised by you and expected to purchase if terms and conditions are found to be suitable. Our
annual requirement of such a set is around twenty-five thousand (25,000) pieces.

As we handle a lot of mobile sets each year, we hope and trust you will quote the most favorable
prices and terms.

Yours faithfully to be found to be

M. A. Karim
Purchase Manager,
Helpline Communication

Sample 2

Dear Sir

Thank you for your inquiry of 1st August, 04. We are glad to enclose the following quotations of

Set Model Battery Price per unit Warranty loyalty

quantity healthy
Nokia 2100 Hungry 5,000 1 Year
my car is working
Nokia 2100 China 5,000 1 Year intact / sound
Nokia 2100 Malaysia 5,000 1 Year
Nokia 2100 Hungry 5,000 1 Year

Our normal trade discount is 15% for ten (10) days and 5% extra if the order is made for more than
5,000 pieces at a time. We do supply to our customers’ door through our own care.

Our Mobile is originally imported with intact packing and we provide a guarantee for our mobile set
for three (3) years.

If you need any further details to meet your customers’ requirements, you should feel free to write to

Yours faithfully

Aslam Ahmed
Sales Manager,
Telecommunication Ltd

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 43


Sample 3:

Dear {recipient}:

I am {your name}, and I am a purchasing agent with {your company name}. I am writing to request a
quote on the following:

{insert your list here}

{Please provide pricing for materials and estimated shipping costs. Please also advise regarding
availability.} -OR- {Please provide pricing for all requested services and estimated time frame for
completion of the project.} I require your response by {date}.

Thank you for your time and your assistance.


{your signature}

{your name}

Sample 4

Dear Mr. Fuller:

I am Jennifer Jones, and I am a purchasing agent with Allied Aircraft Repair. I am writing to request a
quote on the following:

Carbon Fiber Composite Material DSM 3726, part number DSM 3726-5: 6,000 sq. ft., to be delivered
in two shipments of 3,000 sq. ft. each, at 3-month intervals beginning March 5, 2039.

Fiberglass Composite Material DSM 587, part number DSM 587-2: 12,000 sq. ft., to be delivered in
two shipments of 6,000 sq. ft. each, at 3-month intervals beginning March 5, 2039.

Please provide pricing for materials and estimated shipping costs. Please also advise regarding
availability. I require your response by January 8, 2039.

Thank you for your time and your assistance.


Jennifer Jones

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 44


Sample 5

[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

We'd like to request that the delivery date for the materials we ordered be moved from May 14 to
May 7. The project we have been working on has been proceeding much more quickly than expected.
We would like to avoid incurring unnecessary costs without any production taking place, which is
likely to happen if we don't get the additional supplies a week earlier than initially set. We are ready
to pay the appropriate fees for this service. Kindly let us know if this is something you can do. Thank
you very much for your consideration!


[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-

Sample 6

Dear ……….

We are writing this letter as a response to the order that we have placed with you. As you know that
the order quantity is quite huge and might take you time to organize, therefore we would like to
request the schedule for the delivery. The project has been advancing with a lot of paces which was
not expected.

It would be great if we get the delivery schedule. This way, we will be able to manage our production
and our warehouse will be spot on to chase the expected delivery and make timely payments.


Sender’s name

place / make / put / have an order

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 45


Sample 7

We would like to request you to send us the delivery schedule of all the material that we have
recently ordered from you. Although, we would like to receive the stock as soon as possible but
considering your limitations, keeping a track of deliveries from the schedule will be easy for us. We
would only be running a production cycle with the receipt of the delivery.

Another reason for requesting this delivery schedule is to avoid any unnecessary cost due to late
delivery and pending production runs. Making the payments for the stock received would also be very
easy for us


Sender’s name

Sample 8

Subject :

Dear ____,

On (date) we sent you our purchase order number (number) for (number and item). You confirmed
the requested delivery date of (Delivery date).

Due to forecasted changes in the (whatever the reason for requesting the change), the (item) will be
available (time period) earlier. We will need (number) boxed before (date) and the balance completed
by (date). Could you reschedule your production line to work in at least (amount) to meet the earlier
delivery date? I realize that your production schedules are full at this time of the year but a profitable
(time of year i.e. harvest) is dependent upon boxing the (item) as soon as theyare ripe.

We certainly appreciate your help. We do not want to split the order with another supplier. Please let
me know immediately if you can handle this for us.

Thanking you.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 46


Sample 9

Respected Sir,

Here is an estimate (inclusive of labour) of the cost of renovating your office premises.

Replacing all tile circuit Wiring

Putting in 4 new power points

It is possible that the actual cost may be slightly different from that estimated depending on the
length of wire used. If you find our estimate reasonable, we can commence work on the first week of
July and we expect to complete the work in three days.

Thank you.
commencement academic year
Yours Sincerely,

Sample 10

Dear Manson,

I’ve reviewed and carefully inspected your 1995 Cavalier and have found it to be in pretty great
condition. I would estimate the price to be around $1,500. It would be around $2,200 if you were to
replace the wheels and get a new paint job because there’s paint starting to chip off on the car. I
would recommend trying to sell it for $2,000 on social networking websites as people will try to talk
you down at first anyways.




1) Write a letter and quote delivery date

2) Write a letter for a quantity discount
3) Write a letter to give an estimate

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 47



Write an email to your coworkers and offer them some dates to have an urgent meeting about a
problem which has come up.


Sample 1:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen;

The managing director has decided to hold an ad-hoc meeting in August to discuss about the recent
report showing that our sales in summer has plummeted by 20 per cent. The available dates are:
Tuesday 15 February
Thursday 17 February go down / fall / dip / plumment / plunge / decrease
Saturday 19 February
Timings will be 1100 to 1400 or 1400 to 1700
go up / rocket / grow / increase
Please let me know which of these dates would suit you
Best wishes
this time would suit you /Are you ok with this time?

Write an email and arrange a venue for a conference your company is going to hold.
This time wouldn't suit me / I can't make it then!
Sample 2

Dear sir/ Madam

Our company will be holding a one-day conference on Friday 12 June from 800 to 1600 and we are
looking for a suitable venue for 500deligates.
our requirements are:
1) A conference room with theatre-style seating
2) A foyer for table top exhibitions to display products
3) morning refreshments at 1000 and afternoon refreshments at 1500
4) A reception area for welcoming
If you have suitable facilities available please let us know the costs involved. At the same time, please
send specimen menu for the refreshment choices.
We hope to hear from you soon.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 48


Sample 3

Dear [Recipient Name]

My name is […] and I am contacting you on behalf of [company name], which is [describe company
I appreciate if we can meet at a mutually convenient time to talk about [topic/topics].
Thank you for your consideration and your time. I am looking forward to meet you.
Best Regards meeting

Sample 4

Dear [Recipient Name]

My name is [….] and I am contacting you on behalf of [company name], which is [describe company
I would like to request for a meeting with someone from the [management/marketing
department/etc…] to discuss [topic or topics].
Anytime between [date and time 1] and [date and time 2] would be great but I am more willing to
adjust to another convenient date and time of your choice.
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards

Sample 5

Dear [Recipient Name], to seize

My name is [name] from [your company name]. I would like to grasp this opportunity to ask you to
accept my invitation to an official meeting to discuss [some topic]. There are mutual benefits for us to
meet and expand on these ideas.

If you are interested in the prospects of such a discussion, please signal your availability and I shall
make myself free. May I suggest [some date and place]?

I look forward to your affirmative response. Thank you.



1) Write an email and invite somebody to have a negotiation with you over something.
2) Write an email and arrange a meeting with your coworkers

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 49


A report is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. It
generally sets outs and analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future
action. It is a factual paper, and needs to be clear and well-structured.

Requirements for the precise form and content of a report will vary between organisation and
departments and in study between courses, from tutor to tutor, as well as between subjects, so it’s
worth finding out if there are any specific guidelines before you start.

Take a look at the report below and match the parts and titles.

State the findings in a logical order State who asked for the report and what you were asked to
do Include a reference and date Make a logical conclusion from the
List the steps taken to gather information sign the document and state your name and title
Suggest action that should be taken



report and what you were
asked to

List the I was asked to investigate the opening of a crèche at the Notting Hill branch by Mrs. Lillian Cheng. In
steps taken order to do this the following steps were taken.
to gather
information 1. I obtained a breakdown of figures showing the number of customers with young children.
2. I discussed this issue with several customers who brought children to the store.
State the
3. The accommodation, staffing and insurance issues were considered.
findings in 4. I investigated the experience of other shops that already have a crèche.
a logical

1. 7.3% of Maruman customers have at least one child under the age of 3.
2. The majority of customers interviewed said they would use a crèche if the cost was reasonable.
Some of these customers also commented that other friends who are not presently customers might
also consider using the shop if there was a crèche.
3. There are strict laws and regulations concerning accommodation and staffing of a crèche. The site
would have to be approved to run a crèche before we could start one.
4. Staff appointed to run the crèche would have to be fully qualified.
5. A suitable space would have to be found. This would require running water as well as toilets. The

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 50


crèche would have to be close to the store entrance but due to noise levels it should be
Make a kept separate from the main store.
logical 6. The company would be required to ensure adequate insurance
conclusion 7. Many rival stores in the neighborhood are offering crèche facilities.
from the

Suggest action
A crèche would be popular and well-used if we decided to go ahead with this.
that should be

sign the I suggest that the company should give further consideration to offering a crèche and investigate the
document financial aspects that would be involved.
and state
your name Sally Turner
and title Customer Services Executive
Include a
reference LC/ST
and date 20 April 201


Look at the report again. What are the most important parts of every report that cannot be omitted?



• Don’t begin and end the report like an email.

• Use formal language and avoid unnecessary jargons.
• Do use headings because this makes it easier for the reader to find the main information
• Do use numbering or bullet points.
• Do say how you collected the information.
• Don’t express recommendations or opinions until the conclusion

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 51



Photocopier Costs

Of the three types of photocopiers, Carda, KD and Sebu, the purchase price of the Carda is the lowest.
It is slightly more than $600 but its expected running cost for the first two years is the highest with its
warranty cost at the mid-level of the three photocopiers."
In comparison, the purchase price of the KD is a little more than that of the Carda which is $700;
whereas, the expected running cost of the KD is much less than that of the Carda which is $1,200.
However, the KD's warranty cost is the highest of the three at $200. In comparison the Sebu's
purchase price is the highest of the three, i.e. $1000, but it costs consumers the least in warranty and
running for the first two years.
What's more, the expected total cost of the Carda for the initial 2-year period is $1,900, more than
that of both the Sebu and KD, $1,800.
In conclusion, it would be advisable to buy the KD photocopier which is generally more advantageous
in cost than its competitors.

Allen K. Rally

Procurement department

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 52


Complaint letters


If possible, begin with a positive - you might not previous good service, for example. Describe the item
or service you bought, or the in. that happened. If appropriate, say where and when you bought their
(or when the service was carried out) and how much it cost.

Explain what is wrong, any action you have already taken, to whom you spoke and what happened. This
section must be structured logically.


You may form a conclusion here with your feelings about the situation. State what you expect to be
done to rectify the situation, for example a refund or repair, or the job done again without charge.
Alternatively, you may simply ask the recipient to investigate the matter and take the necessary action.


Close with a simple one-liner saying you hope to receive a prompt reply.

Sample 3:

Dear Mr. Howard:

Re: Account Number 1884434
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the Model X tea kettle that I bought on February 28,
2019, at your store located at 1616 Sixteen Avenue. Though the kettle looks fine, it leaks when filled
with water. When I attempted to return it to the store on March 2, 2019, the employee on duty,
George Burns, told me that he would not accept the item because he didn’t see any damage.
To resolve the issue, I would like you to refund the full amount that I paid ($29.86, including tax) to
my Frequent Customer account. I am enclosing a copy of the original receipt.
I look forward to your reply. Please contact me at the address above or by telephone at (555) 555-
5555 within the next two weeks.
Jason Brooks

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 53


Sample 4:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your Eden Hill branch on Saturday 14 January.
I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my direct supervisor, Mrs Elaine
Bingham. On this occasion there were two prescriptions: one for 10 x 50 mg Kendomol and one for 50
x 100 mg Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only one pharmacist on
duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given 500 mg tablets of Kendomol. This is ten
times stronger than the prescription called for.
If I hadn't noticed the difference between the prescription and the actual tablets, my supervisor could
have taken a dangerous overdose of Kendomol. I would be worried about getting any future
prescriptions at Eden Hill.
The pharmacist apologized and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it to your attention. I
think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty. I understand that mistakes happen
but there needs to be a minimum of two pharmacists at all times so all prescriptions can be checked.
I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again.
Yours faithfully,
Roger Bingham

Dissatisfaction and complaint samples

I am writing to complain about the poor quality The service we were offered was unsatisfactory
service that I received…… in the following ways
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction/ I need a full refund of my payment.
annoyance about……..
I have to bring this issue up. I was extremely I expect to be compensated for the inexcusable
distressed at/ by…… delay of delivery
I am not satisfied with the goods cleared from I expect to receive a compensatory payment of
the customs yesterday. When the goods arrived , 2000 dollars
I found the following defects:
I am writing to draw your attention to the We have to say your service was below my
problem of the consignment we just received. expectation.
We have no choice, but to take legal actions.
There appears to be an error on my bank I look forward to your suggestions as to how the
statement. The figures seem not to coincide with situation can be put right
my accounts.
On checking the goods, we found that several Under the terms of your guarantee you should
items on your invoice have not been included. pay off any damages occur. Would you please
send us your rectified invoice?
We are sorry to inform that your last delivery is We haven’t received what we ordered. The
not up to your usual standard following items are missing:

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 54


Dealing with dissatisfaction and orders

Write an email as a sales director and deal with a complaint you received.

Sample 1:

Dear Mr. Crane

Thank you for informing us about the damage to our consignment (NMK 123).
From our previous transactions you will realize that this sort of problem is quite unusual.
Nevertheless, we are sorry about the inconvenience it has caused you.
Please would you return the whole consignment to us, postage and packing forward, and we will ask
the shipping company to inspect the damage so that they can arrange compensation. It is unlikely
that our insurance company needs to be trouble d with this case.
If you want us to send you another shipment as per your order No.14478, please let us know. We
have the garments in stock and it would be no trouble to send them within the next fortnight.
Yours sincerely
Sarah Cunningham
Sales director

Write a letter and complain about bad workmanship.


Sample 2:

Dear Mr. Lane

I am writing with reference to the above premises which you refitted last February.
In the past few weeks a number of faults have appeared in the electrical circuits and the flooring
which have been particularly dangerous to our customers.
With regard to the electrical faults, we have found that spotlights have either failed to work or flicker
while they are on, and replacing the bulbs has not corrected the fault.
The flooring which you laid shows signs of deterioration, and some areas are worn through to the
concrete, creating a hazard to the customers.

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 55


I would be grateful if you could come and inspect the damage and arrange for repairs within the next
week. The matter is urgent as we can be sued if any of our customers are injured. I would also take
this opportunity to remind you that you have guaranteed all your fixtures and fittings for one year.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely;
Request for open account facilities

Write a letter and ask your supplier to send you a consignment on credit.

Sample 3:

Dear Richard;
I have enclosed an order, No.B122 for seven more “sleep comfy” beds which have proved to be a
popular line here, and will pay for them as usual on invoice. However, I wondered if in future you
would let me settle my accounts by monthly statement as this would be more convenient for me?
As we have been dealing with one another for some time, I hope you will agree to trade on the basis
of open account facilities. I can, of course, supply the necessary references.
Yours sincerely;
Robert Hughes

Sample 4:

Dear Herr Gerlach

I intend to place a substantial order with you in the next few weeks and wondered what sort of credit
facilities your company offered?
As you know, over the past months I have placed a number of orders with you and settled promptly,
so I hope this has established my reputation with your company. Nevertheless, if necessary, I am
willing to supply references.
I would like, if possible, to settle future accounts every three months with payments against quarterly
Yours sincerely;
Dagan Ferr

Find the meaning of these words

1) customer confidence
2) breach of confidence

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 56


3) infringe (v)
4) The infringement of somebody’s legal rights
5) on remittance
6) bank reconciliation
7) outstanding balance
8) clear somebody’s account
9) This delivery contract accounts for the delayed payment
10) bad debt
11) A company’s track record
12) As he has a record, I recommend not employ him in this department in which honesty and
reliability is of importance.
13) Your check is due tomorrow and will be likely bounced due to non-sufficient funds. Please
note that you will be charged a returned-check charge by 10 per cent.
14) Please note that the goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours.
15) We drew a sight draft for the amount of 3000 dollars.
16) bill of lading
17) Your consignment is shipped clean on board

Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 57


Hamidreza Aghaeian Business Correspondence pg. 58

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